The Barracuda IM Client is a multi-platform, multi-service IM client providing connectivity
to the Barracuda IM Firewall’s IM server, as well as to major public IM networks such as
AOL, Yahoo!, and MSN. The interface features a corporate address book that simplifies
lookup of and communications with local users within your organization, and the ability to
chat with external users on several public instant messaging services -- all from a single
Getting Started
This guide provides you with setup instructions for the Barracuda IM Client. It is
recommended that you read these instructions fully before starting the setup. To
set up your Barracuda IM Client, you will need the following items:
• A computer running a Windows, Macintosh, or Linux OS
• An Internet or local network connection
• Rights to install new software on your computer
• An account on the Barracuda IM Firewall (This must be provided by
your administrator)
Downloading and Installing the Client
Your administrator will supply you with the URL to your personal login on the
Barracuda IM Firewall, as well as the username and password you will use to log
in. This is usually done via an introductory email that will also contain a link that
connects you directly to your personal download page.
Follow the installation and login instructions provided on the Web page th at is
most appropriate for your OS. Supported systems currently include:
• Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, or higher operating system
• Linux (32-bit)
• Macintosh (OS-X or higher)
NOTE: If you are using a Windows system, you MUST use the Barracuda IM
Client downloaded directly from your personal page because the installer
package will have your IM credentials already bundled into it.
Logging On
Launch the client once you have installed it. On a Windows system, if you have
selected the Run after Install option then the client will be automatically
launched for you. You should immediately see the roster, or buddy list, that was
pre-configured for you by your administrator. Click the View button right above
the roster window to select whether or not to view unavailable users.
Barracuda IM Client - Quick Start Guid
Changing Your Status
To change your presence status, click the Available button, and select your
desired status. Setting your status to Offline is the equivalent of logging off.
You can also change your status by right-clicking on the Barracuda IM icon in
your sytem tray.
Click the [ _ ] in the upper-right corner to minimize the client to your task bar.
Click the [ X ] in the upper-right corner to close the client and remove it from your
task bar, without logging out. Double-click to restore the client to the foreground.
Changing Your Password
You can change your local (specific to the Barracuda IM Firewall) password by
logging into the Web interface with the credentials supplied to you by your
administrator, and navigating to the Preferences > Password page. Or, you
can get there directly from the client by selecting Tools from the Menu bar, and
then Change Password. Once you are at this page, enter your new pass word
in the New Password and the Re-Type New Password fields, then click Save
Password. You will be instantly logged out of the Web interface, but your
Barracuda IM client will still remain connected to your server.
Managing Connections to Public IM Networks
If your administrator has enabled this abillity for you, you can use the Barracuda
IM Client to connect to external IM networks in addition to the secure internal
Barracuda IM system. To log on to a public IM network (aka, transport), you
must already have an existing and active account for that network.
1. From the Barracuda IM Client’s Menu bar, go to Settings > Public IM
Barracuda IM Client - Quick Start Guid
2. Click the checkbox associated with the IM network that you want to log into.
This will activate the username and password fields for that network.
3. Fill in your login information for that transport, and click OK to save.
You are now logged into your public IM account(s), and will be again whenever
you start up a new IM session and the connection between your Barracuda IM
Client and your corporate Barracuda IM Firewall is up. The only way to prevent
the automatic reconnection is to remove the transport(s) entirely.
The status of your transports can be found in the Agents/Transports section of
your roster. If this section is not visible, click the View button right above the
roster window to enable viewing of this section.
To log off or onto a transport for your current session only
Right-click on the transport name and select Log off or Log on. Note that this
does not prevent re-connection when you start a new IM session.
To remove a transport entirely from your Barracuda IM Client:
Right-click on the transport name and select Remove. Or, from the Barracuda
Client’s Menu bar, go to Settings > Public IM Accounts and de-select the
Adding and Removing Contacts in your Roster
When you link a public IM account to your Barracuda IM Client, the current
buddy list from that account will automatically be imported into your Roster. You
can also add individual contacts to your Barracuda IM Client roster.
1. Click the Add Contact button just under the Search field.
2. In the network selection dialog that appears, select the network for your
desired contact, and click Next. Only the networks that you have linked to
will be listed here.
3. Enter the user ID for your contact, an optional nickname, and the Group to
which your contact should be added. Click Finish to add this user to the
specified Group.
To remove a contact from your roster, right-click on that user in your roster and
select Remove. Click Yes to confirm your intention to delete the contact.
Customizing your Barracuda IM Client
You can customize various settings on your Barracuda IM client such as event
notifications and Away messages. To do so, go to Settings > Preferences to
launch the Options dialog. You can also change your avatar from the Settings
> Edit Personal Details, and click the Edit Picture button.
You are now ready to begin sending messages! Just double click on a user’s
name to launch a chat window to that person, type your message in the space
provided, and hit Enter to send your message.
Contact and Copyright Information
Barracuda Networks, Inc. 3175 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA 95008, USA • phon e: 408. 342. 540 0 • fax: 408.342.1061 •
Copyright 2008 © Barracuda Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this product and this manual is subject to license. Information in this document is subject to
change without notice. Barracuda IM Firewall is a trademark of Barracuda Networks, Inc. All other brand and product names mentioned in this document are
registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. 080701-300