Note: Optional dual polarization processing algorithms are described in Appendix B.
This chapter describes the processing algorithms implemented within the RVP8 signal processor.
The discussion is confined to the mathematical description of these algorithms. Figure 5–1
shows the overall process by which the RVP8 converts the IF signal into corrected reflectivity,
velocity, and width. Table 5–1 summarizes the quantities that are measured and computed by the
RVP8. The type of the quantity (i.e., real or complex) is also given. Subscripts are sometimes
used to denote successive samples in time from a given range bin. For example, s
“I” and “Q” time series or “video” sample from the n’th pulse from a given range bin. In cases
where it is obvious, the subscripts denoting the pulse (time) are dropped. The descriptions of all
the data processing algorithms are phrased in terms of the operations performed on data from a
single range bin- identical processing then being applied to all of the selected ranges. Thus, there
is no need to include a range subscript in this data notation.
denotes the
It is frequently convenient to combine two simultaneous samples of “I” and “Q” into a single
complex number (called a phaser) of the form:
s + I ) jQ
where “j” is the square root of –1. Most of the algorithms presented in this chapter are defined in
terms of the operations performed on the “s”’s, rather than the “I”’s and “Q”’s. The use of the
complex terms leads to a more concise mathematical expression of the signal processing
techniques being used. In actual operation, the complex arithmetic is simply broken down into
its real-valued component parts in order to be computed by the RVP8 hardware. For example,
the complex product:
s + W Y
is computed as
Real{s}+ Real{W}Real{Y}* Imag{W}Imag{Y
Imag{s}+ Real{W}Imag{Y}) Imag{W}Real{Y
where “Real{}” and “Imag{}” represent the real and imaginary parts of their complex-valued
argument. Note that all of the expanded computations are themselves real-valued.
In addition to the usual operations of addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication of
complex numbers, we employ three additional unary operators: “||”, “Arg” and “*”. Given a
number “s” in the complex plane, the magnitude (or modulus) of s is equal to the length of the
vector joining the origin with “s”, i.e. by Pythagoras:
| s | + Real{s
The signed (CCW positive) angle made between the positive real axis and the above vector is:
ë+Arg{s}+ arctan
) Imag{s
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where this angle lies between * p and ) p and the signs of Real{s} and Imag {s} determine
the proper quadrant. Note that this angle is real, and is uniquely defined as long as |s| is
non-zero. When |s| is equal to zero, Arg{s} is undefined. Finally, the “complex conjugate” of “s”
is that value obtained by negating the imaginary part of the number, i.e.,
s*+ Real{s}* jImag{s}.
Note that Arg{s*} = –Arg{s}. The reader is referred to any introductory text on complex
numbers for clarification of these points.
Table 5–1:Algebraic Quantities Within the RVP8 Processor
pInstantaneous IF-receiver data sampleReal
bInstantaneous Burst-pulse data sampleReal
Zeroth lag autocorrelation of A valuesReal
Zeroth lag autocorrelation of AȀ valuesReal
First lag autocorrelation of AȀ valuesComplex
Second lag autocorrelation of AȀ valuesComplex
SQISignal Quality IndexReal
VMean velocityReal
WSpectrum WidthReal
CCORClutter correctionReal
LOG(Signal+Noise)/Noise ratio for thresholdingReal
SIGSignal power of weatherReal
CClutter powerReal
NNoise powerReal
ZCorrected Reflectivity factorReal
TUnCorrected Reflectivity factorReal
The following sections cover the various parts of the diagram shown in Figure 5–1, i.e.,
SIF Signal Processing
SI/Q processing and clutter filtering
SRange averaging and clutter microsuppression
SMoment calculations (reflectivity, velocity, spectrum width)
SThresholding for data quality and Speckle Filtering
SReflectivity Calibration
SSpecial algorithms for ambiguity resolution (dual PRF, dual PRT, Random Phase)
SCalibration and Testing
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Figure 5–1:Flow Diagram of RVP8 Processing
Speckle Remover
Processing Algorithms
Calculate Output Data
Range Averaging
Micro Clutter Suppression
Clutter Filtering and Autocorrelation by
Time Domain or Frequency Domain Approach
R0 R1 (R2)T
36 MHz
Burst IF Input Channel
in Time
IF Signal Input Channel
(I and Q)
36 MHz
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Processing Algorithms
5.1IF Signal Processing
The starting point for all computations within the RVP8 are the instantaneous IF-receiver
samples p
available at a very high sampling rate (typically 36MHz), which makes possible the digital
implementation of functions that are traditionally performed by discrete components in an
analog receiver. The RVP8’s all-digital approach replaces a great deal of analog hardware,
avoids problems of aging and maintenance, and makes it easy to tune-up the receiver and alter
its parameters.
This section describes these IF signal processing steps. Please refer to Figure 1-3 for a block
diagram of the IF processing that is performed.
5.1.1FIR (Matched) Filter
The RVP8 implements a digital version of the “matched” filter that is found in the traditional
analog radar receiver. The equivalent Finite-Impulse-Response (FIR) filter is designed using an
interactive graphical procedure described in Section 4.4. The filter length (number of taps),
center frequency, and bandwidth are all adjustable. The design procedure computes two sets of
filter coefficients f
where N is the length of the filter. The input samples pn are centered on the range bin to which
the (I, Q) pair is assigned. Note that some of the p
i.e., the filter length may be chosen to be greater than the bin spacing. Such an overlap
introduces a slight correlation between successive bins, but the longer length allows a better
filter to be designed.
and, the instantaneous burst-pulse or COHO reference samples bn. These data are
and f
such that the instantaneous quadrature samples at a given bin are:
I +
pn,Q +
are likely to overlap among adjacent bins,
The sums above for I and Q are computed on the RVP8/Rx board using dedicated FIR chips (for
revisions A and B) that can perform up to 576 million sums of products per second. The Rev C
RVP8/Rx uses a more flexible FPGA. The p
and f
are represented as 10-bit (Rev.A/B) or 16-bit (Rev.C) signed integers. A numerical
are represented as 16-bit signed integers, and the
optimization procedure is used to quantize the ideal filter coefficients into their hardware values.
The overall spectral purity of the FIR filter will typically be greater than 66dBc (Rev.A/B) and
84dBc (Rev.C).
The reference phase for each transmitted pulse is computed using the same two FIR sums,
except with b
substituted for the pn. For a magnetron system the Nbn samples are centered
on the transmitted burst; for a Klystron system they may be obtained from the burst pulse
(recommended) or from the CW COHO. If the Klystron is phase modulated by an external
phase shifter (as opposed to the RVP8/Tx digital transmitter board), then the samples should be
from the modulated COHO.
The f
coefficients are computed as:
+ ln sin
) 2p
n *
N * 1
,n + 0 AAA N * 1
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where fIF is the radar intermediate frequency, f
frequency, and l
are the coefficients of an N-point symmetric low-pass FIR filter that is
matched to the bandwidth of the transmitted pulse. The multiplication of the l
is the RVP8/IFD crystal sampling
terms by the
sin() terms effectively converts to the low-pass filter to a band-pass filter centered at the radar IF.
The formula for the f
The phase of the sinusoid terms, and the symmetry of the l
coefficients is identical except that sin() is replaced with cos().
terms, has been carefully chosen to
have a valuable overall symmetry property when n is replaced with (N–1)–n, i.e., the sequence is
+ l
+ ln cos
) 2p
) 2p
+ f
((N * 1) * n) *
n *
N * 1
N * 1
Thus, the coefficients needed to compute I are merely the reversal of the coefficients needed to
compute Q; if you know f
, then you also know f
5.1.2RVP8/Rx Receiver Modes
The RVP8 supports six fundamental IFD and RVP8/Rx configurations which allow you to
choose the best style of IF processing for your particular site. The following table summarizes
the options where, BW is the net IF sampling rate (full 72MHz, or halfband filtered 36MHz),
DynR is the dynamic range (normal single channel, or extra wide dual channel), Pol is the
number of polarizations, Freq is the number of distinct intermediate frequencies, and IFD is the
number of IFD’s, along with their corresponding RVP8/Rx cards.
# BW DynR Filt Pol Freq IFD Description
– –––– –––– –––– ––– –––– ––– ––––––––––––––––––––––
0 Full Norm Norm 1 1 1 Standard single channel
1 Full Norm Norm 2 2 1 Dual Pol on two frequencies
2 Full Norm Norm 2 1 2 Dual Pol on separate IFDs
3 Half Norm Norm 2 1 1 Dual Pol on single IFD
4 Half Wide Norm 1 1 1 Extra wide dynamic range
5 Half Norm Long 1 1 1 Extra long/fast FIR filters
The first three modes were already supported in the previous RVP7 processor. The last three
modes are unique to the RVP8 and bring some exciting additional capabilities to the signal
processor. The six receiver modes are summarized below. Please see the Discussion of
Halfband Filtering (Section as it applies to Modes 3-5, and the Discussion of Wide
Dynamic Range (Section additional details on using Mode-4.
: Standard Single Channel This is the most common “vanilla” mode that is used by
single-polarization CW-pulsed radars whose front-end LNA has a dynamic range less than
92dB. The (I,Q) data are computed from IF samples at their full acquisition rate (32MHz for
Rev.D IFDs, and 72MHz for Rev.F), and the resulting dynamic range from 14-bit IFD samples is
well matched to the RF components.
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Mode-1: Dual-Pol On Two Frequencies This was the original dual-Pol configuration used by
the RVP7 several years ago. A single IFD A/D converter receives the “H” and “V” channels
using two distinct intermediate frequencies. Two different STALOs are required in this
configuration, making the RF/IF components a bit more expensive, but only one IFD is required.
: Dual-Pol On Separate IFDs This mode was introduced into the RVP8 in 2003, and
provides dual polarization data using two IFDs connected to two RVP8/Rx cards in the same PCI
chassis. A single intermediate frequency is used, hence only one STALO is required.
: Dual-Pol On Single IFD This is the recommended dual polarization mode for all new
RVP8 installations. The “H” and “V” channels are fed into the Primary and Secondary IFD
inputs using a single intermediate frequency. System cost and complexity are both optimized in
this design since only a single IFD, RVP8/Rx card, and STALO are required to process both
polarization channels.
: Extra Wide Dynamic Range Radars having very high performance front-end LNAs
can preserve the full benefit of that investment by running two separate IF signals into the
Primary (HiGain) and Secondary (LoGain) IFD inputs. A nominal channel separation of
25–30dB might be used to achieve an overall dynamic range of up to 110dB.
: Extra Long/Fast FIR Filters This mode is intended for pulse compression systems
that require unusually long filters (up to 80μsec), or finer range resolution in order to employ
higher compressed bandwidths without the risk of missing echoes between bins. For example, a
30μsec pulse could be processed at an incoming range resolution of 50 meters and then range
averaged down to 150meter output spacing. of Halfband Filtering Modes 3-5
Traditionally, the IFD used by the RVP7 and RVP8 has sent raw 14-bit A/D samples from
its Burst and IF inputs directly to either the RVP7/Main or RVP8/Rx cards for FIR filtering
and conversion into complex (I,Q) values. The IFD would function simply as a waveform
sampling device (hence the acronym IF
Digitizer), and all of the front-end signal processing
took place downstream of it.
This model has changed with the introduction of the Rev.F IFD which has the ability to carry
out several billion multiply-accumulate cycles per second. This means that IF samples from
multiple signals can be preprocessed entirely within the IFD and then encoded without loss
onto the fixed bandwidth of its digital downlink. The new receiver modes 3 through 5 rely
on this hardware capability and use a method known as “Halfband Filtering” to effectively
double the downlink data rate.
Section 2.2.7 of the RVP8 User’s Manual contains a detailed account of how A/D quantization noise affects the dynamic range of the IFD. Briefly, for the Rev.F A/D converter which
runs at 72MHz, the contribution of A/D quantization noise within any given 1MHz interval
is 72 times smaller than the total noise of the converter itself. This is an important property
of all wideband sampling systems: the noise floor after processing, and hence the dynamic
range, are improved by increasing the fundamental A/D sampling rate.
Normally the IFD sends 72MHz A/D samples from a single input channel directly down to
the RVP8/Rx PCI card. The samples are sent at full speed in order to realize maximum reduc-
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tion of the final (I,Q) noise floor. But suppose we wanted to send two A/D waveforms down
the same data link by interleaving the samples together. Each channel would have to be
down-sampled to 36MHz in order to fit within this format, but that would cause its (I,Q)
noise floor to increase by 3dB.
To avoid this, we do not create the 36MHz streams merely by discarding every other A/D
sample, but rather, by passing the original 72MHz data through a halfband digital filter and
then discarding every other point of this filtered A/D stream. The difference is important.
Since the halfband filter has removed all of the A/D quantization noise from half of the original Nyquist interval, there will be no increase in noise density within the passband of the
(I,Q) filter when the halfband stream is down sampled to 36MHz. Thus, the A/D noise that
would normally have folded into the (I,Q) data at 36MHz is first removed by the halfband
filter so that we’re left with a 36MHz stream having the same dynamic range of the original
72MHz samples.
The IFD halfband filter is a 49-Tap equiripple FIR filter having 40dB of stopband rejection
and 0.175dB of passband ripple. The passband extends either from 0–16.5MHz when configured as a lowpass filter, or 19.5–36MHz when configured for highpass. The RVP8 automatically selects the correct type of filter depending on the intermediate frequency specified
in the Mb menu. The halfband filter has linear phase and is therefore non-dispersive. This
means that it is totally suitable for handling compressed pulses and other wideband Tx/Rx
Processing Algorithms of Wide Dynamic Range Mode-4
When a two channel IFD is used as an extended dynamic range receiver there are some important decisions to make with respect to setting up the RF/IF levels that drive the IFD.
The first of these is the amount of signal level separation between the high gain and the low
gain IFD inputs. There is an absolute minimum and absolute maximum channel separation
that still allows the IFD to capture the full dynamic range of the receiver. If a signal level
separation is made that is outside of these absolute limits valuable receiver dynamic range
will be lost.
SThe absolute minimum separation of the channels is equal to the total dynamic
range of the receiver minus the dynamic range of a single channel of the IFD.
Generally, the total dynamic range of the receiver is set by the LNA. For
example, if we are considering a 1μsec pulse (1MHz bandwidth), the dynamic
range of the LNA may be about 105dB, and the dynamic range of a single
channel of the IFD is about 84dB (from –78dBm to +6dBm). In this case, the
minimum separation would be 21dB. At minimum separation, the overlap of the
low gain channel and the high gain channel will be maximized, and that overlap
is equal to the dynamic range of a signal channel of the IFD minus the separation.
In this case, the overlap is ( 84dB – 21dB ) = 63dB.
SThe absolute maximum separation of the channels is simply the dynamic range
of a single channel of the IFD. In the above example this would be 84dB. At
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maximum separation, the overlap of the low gain channel and the high gain
channel is zero -- we begin using one as soon as the other has begun to saturate.
We see that there can be a large difference between the absolute minimum and maximum
signal level separations; thus additional criteria must be considered to choose an optimum
value that is between these diverse limits.
Choosing a proper separation value is a tradeoff of several factors. If the separation value
is too low, the IFDs may end up operating very close to their noise floors. And if the separation is too high, then the overlap between the two channels is reduced which makes it dif ficult
for the IFD to make a smooth transition as it combines the data from both channels. Too high
a separation may also result in receiver components that are not practical to build.
As a rule of thumb, channel separations in the 22–30dB range provide a good balance of the
above criteria. In the case of a 1μsec pulse this results in an overlap interval of approximately
55-63dB, which is sufficient for good IFD transitions and also leads to receiver components
that are practical to build.
Once a separation value has been chosen, one must consider how to build the receiver to
achieve this. The basic receiver will take the form of an LNA and a mixer followed by a
splitter resulting in a low gain channel and a high gain channel. W e know the gain dif ference
in the two channels (the separation value), but we must find the actual gain to use in each
Processing Algorithms
If we consider the total system dynamic range as generally set by the LNA (105dB in the
above example), we can estimate the minimum detectable signal input to the LNA as well
as the maximum usable linear level at the IFD. If the LNA has a noise figure of 1dB and
we are using a 1μsec pulse, the minimum detectable signal at the LNA input is –113dBm,
and thus the maximum signal is 105dB above this, or –8dBm. If we add to these number
the gain of the LNA and the conversion loss of the mixer (and any other losses experienced
through the power splitter for the low gain and high gain channels), we can use this information to determine the signal values of the components in these two channels.
For example, if the LNA has a gain of 17dB, the mixer has a conversion loss of 7dB, there
is 1dB miscellaneous losses and 3dB loss in the power splitter, then the signal level at the
output of the power splitter is ( –113 + 18 – 7 – 1 – 3 ) = –106dBm for the minimum signal,
and and –1dBm for the maximum signal. In the low gain channel, we need to bring the
–1dBm up to the maximum input value of the IFD (+6dBm). To do this we need about 8dB
of amplification (7dB plus one more deciBel to account for the anti–alias filter loss of the
IFD). If we assume 25dB of channel separation, on the high gain channel we require about
+33dB of amplification. Finally , this tells us that on the low gain channel, the minimum and
maximum signals presented to the IFD are ( –106 + 8 ) = –98dBm and ( –1 + 8 ) = 7dBm.
For the high gain channel, the signal levels are ( –106 + 33 ) = –73dBm and ( –1 + 33 ) =
+32dBm. Note that as +32dBm is above the maximum input level tolerated by the IFD, the
amplifier on the high gain channel must limit its output to less than +16dBm. Thus an amplifier with an output saturation value of between +10dBm and +15dBm should be used.
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Processing Algorithms
5.1.3Automatic Frequency Control (AFC)
AFC is used on magnetron systems to tune the STALO to compensate for magnetron frequency
drift. It is not required for Klystron systems. The STALO is typically tuned 30 or 60 MHz away
from the magnetron frequency. The maximum tuning range of the AFC feedback is
approximately 7MHz on each side of the center frequency. This is limited by the analog filters
that are installed just before the signal and burst IF inputs on the IFD. It is important that the
system’s IF frequency is at least 4MHz away from any multiple of half the digital sampling
frequency, i.e., 18, 36, 54, or 72MHz.
The RVP8 analyzes the burst pulse samples from each pulse, and produces a running estimate of
the power-weighted center frequency of the transmitted waveform. This frequency estimate is
the basis of the RVP8’s AFC feedback loop, whose purpose is to maintain a fixed intermediate
frequency from the radar receiver.
The instantaneous frequency estimate is computed using four autocorrelation lags from each set
of Nb
36MHz), but becomes noisy within 10% of each end. Since the span of the burst pulse samples
is only approximately one microsecond, several hundred estimates must be averaged together to
get an estimate that is accurate to several kiloHertz. Thus, the AFC feedback loop will typically
have a time constant of several seconds or more.
samples. This estimate is valid over the entire Nyquist interval (e.g., 18MHz to
Most of the burst pulse analysis routines, including the AFC feedback loop, are inhibited from
running immediately after making a pulsewidth change. The center-of-mass calculations are
held off according to the value of Settling time (to 1%) of burst frequency estimator, and the
AFC loop is held off by the Wait time before applying AFC (Mb Section 3.2.6). This prevents
the introduction of transients into the burst analysis algorithms each time the pulsewidth
Additional information about using AFC can be found in Sections 2.2.11, 2.4, and 3.2.6.
5.1.4Burst Pulse Tracking
The RVP8 has the ability to track the power-weighted center-of-mass of the burst pulse, and to
automatically shift the trigger timing so that the pulse remains in the center of the burst analysis
window of the Pb plot. This means that external sources of drift in the timing of the transmitted
pulse (temperature, aging, etc.) will be tracked and nulled out during normal operation; so that
fixed targets will remain fixed in range, and clean Tx phase measurements will always be
available on every pulse.
The Burst Pulse Tracker feedback loop makes changes to the trigger timing in response to the
measured position of the burst. Timing changes will generally be made only when the RVP8 is
not actively acquiring data, in the same way that AFC feedback is held off for similar “quiet”
times. However, if the center-of-mass has drifted more than 1/3 the width of the burst analysis
window, then the timing adjustment will be made right away. Also, there will be an
approximately 5ms interruption in the normal trigger sequence whenever any timing changes are
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Processing Algorithms
The Burst Pulse Tracker and AFC feedback loop are each fine-tuning servos that keep the burst
pulse “centered” in time and frequency. These servos have been expanded to include a
combined “Hunt Mode” that will track down a missing burst pulse when we are uncertain of
both its time and frequency. This coarse-tuning mode is especially valuable for initializing the
two fine-tuning servos in radar systems that drift significantly with time and temperature.
When the radar transmitter is On but the burst pulse is missing, it may be because either of the
following have happened:
SIt is misplaced in time, i.e., the Tx pulse is outside of the window displayed in the Pb
plotting command. In this case, the trigger timing needs to be changed in order to bring
the center of the pulse back to the center of the window.
SIt is mistuned in frequency, i.e., the AFC feedback is incorrect and has caused the burst
frequency to fall outside of the passband of the RVP8 anti-alias filters. In this case the
AFC (or DAFC) needs to be changed so that proper tuning is restored.
The Hunt Mode performs a 2-dimensional search in time and frequency to locate the burst;
searching across a +
20msec time window, and across the entire AFC span. If a valid Tx pulse
(i.e., meeting the minimum power requirement) can be found anywhere within those intervals
then the Burst Pulse Tracker and AFC loops will be initialized with the time and frequency
values that were discovered. The fine servos then commence running with a good burst signal
starting from those initial points.
Depending on how the hunting process has been configured in the Mb menu, the whole
procedure may take several seconds to complete. The RVP8’s host computer interface remains
completely functional during this time, but any acquired data would certainly be questionable.
GPARM status bits in word #55 indicate when the hunt procedure is running, and whether it has
completed successfully. The BPHUNT (Section 6.26) opcode allows the host computer to
initiate Hunt Mode when it knows or can sense that a burst pulse should be present
5.1.5Interference Filter
The interference filter is an optional processing step that can be applied to the raw (I,Q) samples
that emerge from the FIR filter chips. The intention of the filter is to remove strong but sporadic
interfering signals that are occasionally received from nearby man-made sources. The technique
relies on the statistics of such interference being noticeably different from that of weather.
For each range bin at which (I,Q) data are available, the interference filter algorithm uses the
received power (in deciBels) from the three most recent pulses:
, P
+ 10log
If the three pulse powers have the property that:
, and P
) Q
* P
t C1 and ŤPn* P
u C2 (Alg.1)
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Processing Algorithms
then (In,Qn) is replaced by (I
). Here C1 and C2 are constants that can be tuned by
the user to match the type of interference that is anticipated, and the error rates that can be
tolerated. For certain environments it may be the case that good results can be obtained with
+ C2; but the RVP8 does not force that restriction.
This 3-pulse algorithm is only intended to remove interference that arrives on isolated pulses,
and for which there are at least two clear pulses in between. Interference that tends to arrive in
bursts will not be rejected.
Two variations on the fundamental algorithm are also defined. The CFGINTF command
(Section 6.23) allows you to choose which of these algorithms to use, and to tune the two
threshold constants. You may also do this directly from the Mp setup menu (Section 3.2.2).
* P
* P
Where LinAvg() denotes the deciBel value of the linear
t C1 and Pn* P
t C1 and Pn* LinAvg( P
u C2 (Alg.2)
, P
) u C2 (Alg.3)
average of the two deciBel powers. The
Alg.2 and Alg.3 algorithms also include the receiver noise level(s) as part of their decision
criteria. Whenever power levels are intercompared in the algorithms, any power that is less than
the noise level is first set equal to that noise level. This makes the filters much more robust and
properly tunable, so that interference is more successfully rejected on top of blank receiver
Optimum values for C
and C2 will vary from site to site, but some guidance can be obtained
using numerical simulations. The results shown below were obtained when the algorithms were
applied to realistic weather time series having a spectrum width = 0.1 (Nyquist), SNR = +10dB,
and an intermittent additive interference signal that was 16dB stronger than the weather. The
interference arrived in isolated single pulses with a probability of 2%.
Performance of the three algorithms is summarized in the first three columns of Table 5–2, for
which C
but with the value of C
and C2 have the common value shown. The fourth column also uses Algorithm #3,
raised by 2dB. The “Missed” rate is defined as the percentage of
interference points that manage to get through the filtering process without being removed. The
“False” (false alarm) rate is the percentage of non-interference points that are incorrectly
modified when they should have been left alone.
Table 5–2:Algorithm Results for +16dB Interference
It is important to minimize both types of errors. If too much interference is missed, then the
filter is not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the received signal. If the false alarm rate is
too high, then background damage is done at all times and the overall signal quality (especially
sub-clutter visibility) may be compromised. We suggest that you try to keep the false alarm rate
fairly low, perhaps below 1%; and then let the missed percentage fall where it may.
To summarize the numerical results in Table 5–2:
SThe “Missed” rates of Alg.1 and Alg.2 are identical, but the “False” rate of Alg.1 is
much higher. Alg.1 clearly does not perform as well for additive interference, but it is
included in the suite for historical reasons.
SThe “Missed” error rate for Alg.3 is nearly identical to that of Alg.2, but Alg.3 has a
significantly lower false alarm rate. This is because of the somewhat improved statistics
that result when the linear mean of P
rather than just P
by itself. We recommend that Alg.3 generally be chosen in
and P
is used in the second comparison,
preference to the other two.
SAlg.3 can be further tuned by allowing the two constants to differ. For example, by
raising C
“Missed” rate for an increase in the “False” rate. Lowering C
slightly above C2 (fourth column), we can trade off a decrease in the
would have the opposite
Keep in mind that optimum tuning will depend on the type of interference you are trying to
remove. In the previous example, where the interfering signal is only 16dB stronger than the
weather, there was a close tradeoff between the “Missed” and “False” error rates. However,
Table 5–3 shows the results that would be obtained if the interference dominates by 26db.
Table 5–3:Algorithm Results for +26dB Interference
Notice that we can now re-tune the constants and operate with C1+ 13dB and C2+ 18dB
(fourth column); which yields a low 2.8% “Missed” rate, and an extremely low 0.01% false
alarm rate. Since the false alarm rate is (approximately) independent of the interference power,
these filter settings would leave all “clean” weather virtually untouched, i.e., we would have a
very safe filter that is intended only to remove fairly strong interference. Such a filter could be
left running at all times without too much worry about side effects.
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Processing Algorithms
5.1.6Large-Signal Linearization
The RVP8 is able to recover the signal power of targets that saturate the IF-Input A/D converter
by as much as 4–6 deciBels. This is possible because an overdriven IF waveform still spends
some of its time in the valid range of the converter, and thus, it is still possible to deduce
information about the signal.
Figure 5–2 shows actual signal generator test measurements with normal A/D saturation (lower
line), and with the extrapolation algorithms turned on (upper line). The high-end linear range
begins to roll off at approximately +10dBm versus +5dBm, and thus has been extended by 5dB.
Figure 5–2:Linearization of Saturated Signals Above +4.5dBm (Rev B/C IFD)
The roll off starts at +4.5 dBm for the Rev. B&C IFD, and at +6 dBm for the Rev. D.
5.1.7Correction for Tx Power Fluctuations
The RVP8 can perform pulse-to-pulse amplitude correction of the digital (I,Q) data stream based
on the amplitude of the Burst/COHO input. The technique computes a (real valued) correction
factor at each pulse by dividing the mean amplitude of the burst by the instantaneous amplitude
of the burst. The (I,Q) data for that pulse are then multiplied by this scale factor to obtain
corrected time series. The amplitude correction is applied after the Linearized Saturation
Headroom correction.
The mean burst amplitude is computed by an exponential average whose (1/e) time constant is
selected as a number of pulses (See Section 3.2.2). A short time constant will settle faster, but
will not be as thorough in removing amplitude variations (since the mean itself will be varying).
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
Longer time constants do a better job, but will require a second or two before valid data is
available when the transmitter is first turned on. The default value of 70 will give excellent
results in almost all cases.
Whenever the RVP8 enters a new internal processing mode (time series, FFT, PPP, etc.), the
burst power estimator is reinitialized from the level of the first pulse encountered, and an
additional pipeline delay is introduced to allow the estimator to completely settle. Thus, valid
corrected data are produced even when the RVP8 is alternating rapidly between different data
acquisition tasks, e.g., in a multi-function ASCOPE display. The additional pipeline delay will
not affect the high-speed performance when the RVP8 runs continuously in any single mode.
For amplitude correction to be applied, the instantaneous Burst/COHO signal level must exceed
the minimum valid burst power specified in the “Mb” setup section. If that level is not met, e.g.,
if the transmitter is turned off, then no correction is performed. Thus, the amplitude correction
feature conveniently “gets out of the way” when receiver-only tests are being performed.
The maximum correction that will ever be applied is
5dB. If the burst power in a given pulse
is more than 5dB above the mean, or less than 5dB below it, then the correction is clamped at
those limits. The power variation of a typical transmitter will easily be contained within this
interval (it is typically less than 0.3dB).
Instantaneous amplitude correction is a unique feature of the RVP8 digital receiver. Bench tests
with a signal generator reveal that an amplitude modulated waveform having 2.0dB of
pulse-to-pulse variation is reduced to less than 0.02dB RMS of (I,Q) variation after applying the
amplitude correction.
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
5.2Time Series (“I” and “Q”) Signal Processing
5.2.1Time Series Processing Overview
This section describes the processing of the radar time series data (also called linear “video” or
“I” and “Q”) to obtain the meteorologically significant “moment” parameters: reflectivity, total
power, velocity, width, signal quality index, clutter power correction, and optional polarization
Recall that the time series synthesized by the FIR filter consist of an array of complex numbers:
where “j” is * 1
Im) jQ
. The time series, are the starting point for all calculations performed
form + 1, 2, 3, AAA, M
within the RVP8. There are several excellent references on the details of I and Q processing. The
reader is referred to Doviak and Zrnic’s text on the subject. The top part of Figure 5–3 shows I
and Q values for a simulated time series using the ascope utility.
There are two broad categories of time series signal processing:
STime Domain Processing using the I and Q samples directly to calculate
“autocorrelations” and then using the autocorrelations to compute the moments. This is
used by many systems since the algorithms are very efficient requiring minimal storage
and computational power. However, time domain algorithms are generally not adaptive
or very flexible.
SFrequency Domain Processing using the I and Q samples to calculate a Doppler power
spectrum and then applying algorithms, such as clutter filtering or 2nd trip echo
filtering/extraction, in the frequency domain. The Doppler spectrum is then inverted to
obtain the autocorrelation functions and these are used to calculate the moments. The
frequency domain is well suited to more complex adaptive algorithms, i.e., where the
processing algorithm is optimized for the data.
The RVP8 supports the concept of “major modes” or processing modes to process the time
series. Currently the following major modes are supported by SIGMET:
SDFT/FFT Mode is a frequency domain approach which is used for most operational
processing applications. There are a variety of clutter filtering options, including the
GMAP algorithms (Gaussian Model Adaptive Processing).
SPulse Pair Processing or PPP Mode is a time domain approach that is used primarily for
dual polarization applications.
SRandom Phase Mode or RPHASE is a frequency domain approach similar to the
DFT/FFT, except that filtering and extraction of both the first and second trip echoes is
SBatch Mode during which a small batch of low PRF pulses is transmitted (e.g., for 0.1
degree of scanning) followed by a large batch of higher PRF pulses (e.g., for 0.9 degrees
of scanning) to determine which ranges are likely contaminated by second trip echo. This
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
was developed to support a US WSR88D legacy requirement. It is not supported in
SIGMET’s IRIS software.
The time and frequency domain approaches are described in the sections below.
Figure 5–3:Example of time series and Doppler power spectrum
White Noise
Ground Clutter
Weather Targets
Mean Velocity
Time series of I and Q and the corresponding Doppler power spectrum obtained from the ascope utility using the
built-in simulator. The Doppler spectrum displays the radial velocity on the
X-axis over the unambiguous range or
“Nyquist” interval and the power in dB
relative to saturation on the y-axis.
Note that for illustration, this example
is based on 256 time series points (one
point per pulse) which yields 256 spectrum components. This is more than is
usually processed in actual operation.
The spectrum shows the three major
components of the Doppler spectrum:
* White noise.
* Ground clutter at zero radial velocity .
* A spectrum of the weather targets
having a Gaussian shape characterized
by the weather power, mean velocity
and width (standard deviation), i.e., the
spectrum moments.
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
5.2.2Frequency Domain Processing- Doppler Power Spectrum
The Doppler power spectrum, or simply the “Doppler spectrum”, is the easiest way to visualize
the meteorological information content of the time series. The bottom part of Figure 5–3 shows
an example of a Doppler power spectrum for the time series shown in the upper part of the
figure. The figure above shows the various components of the Doppler spectrum, i.e., typically
there is white noise, weather signal and ground clutter. Other types of targets such as sea clutter,
birds, insects, aircraft, surface traffic, second trip echo, etc. may also be present.
The “Doppler power spectrum” is obtained by taking the magnitude squared of the input time
series, i.e. for a continuous time series,
S(w) + |F{s(t)}|
Here S denotes the power spectrum as a function of frequency ω, and F denotes the Fourier
transform of the continuous complex time series s(t). The Doppler power spectrum is
real-valued since it is the magnitude squared of the complex Fourier transform of s(t).
In practice a pulsed radar operates with discrete rather than continuous time series, i.e., there is
an I and Q value for each range bin for each pulse. In this case we use the discrete Fourier
transform or DFT to calculate the discrete power spectrum. Note that in the special case when
we have 2
algorithm (FFT), so called because it is significantly faster than the full DFT.
The DFT has the form:
Typically a weighting function or “window” wm is applied to the input time series sm to mitigate
the effect of the DFT assumption of periodic time series. The RVP8 supports different windows
such as the Hamming, Blackman, Von Han, Exact Blackman and of course the rectangular
window for which all spectral components are weighted equally. The typical form of a spectrum
input time series samples (e.g., 16, 32, 64, 128, ...), we use the fast Fourier transform
Sk+ |DFT
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
window is shown in the figure below which illustrates how the edge points of the time series are
de–emphasized and the center points are over emphasized. The dashed line would correspond to
the rectangular window. Note that the “gain” of the window is set to preserve the total power.
Time/Sample Index
Figure 5–4:Typical form of a time series window
Even though the window gain can be adjusted to conserve the total power, there is an effective
reduction in the number of samples which increases the variance (or uncertainty) of the moment
estimates. For example the variance of the total power is greater when computed from a
spectrum with Blackman weighting as compared to using a rectangular window. This is because
there are effectively fewer samples because of the de-emphasis of the end points. This is a
negative side to using a window.
The DFT of the window itself is known as its impulse response which shows all of the
frequencies that are generated by the window itself. A generic example is shown in Figure 5–5
below which illustrates that these “side lobe” frequencies can have substantial power. This is not
a problem for weather signals alone, but if there is strong clutter mixed in, then the side lobe
power from the clutter can obscure the weaker weather signals. The rectangular window has the
worst sidelobes, but the narrowest window width. However, the rectangular window provides the
RVP8 User’s Manual
March 2006
Processing Algorithms
lowest variance estimates of the moment parameters (in the absence of clutter. More
“aggressive” windows have lower side lobe power at the expense of a broader impulse response
and an increased variance of the moment estimates.
Window Width
Side Lobes
Figure 5–5:Impulse response of a typical window
So in summary of the DFT approach and spectrum windows:
SWhen the clutter is strong, an aggressive spectrum window is required to contain the
clutter power so that the side lobes of the window do not mask the weather targets. The
side lobe levels of some common windows are:
Rectangular12 dB
Hamming40 dB
Blackman55 dB
SMore aggressive windows typically have a wider impulse response. This effectively
increases the spectrum width. Rectangular is narrow, Hamming intermediate and
Blackman the widest.
SWindows effectively reduce the number of samples resulting in higher variance moment
estimates. Rectangular is the best case, Hamming is intermediate and Blackman provides
the highest variance moment estimates.
These facts suggest the best approach is to use the least aggressive window possible in order to
contain the clutter power that is actually present- i.e., an adaptive approach is the best.
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