Baron Services DSSR-250C Hardware Installation

RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2. Hardware Installation
2.1 Overview and Input Power Requirements
This chapter describes how to install the RVP8 hardware. Topics include mechanical installation and siting, electrical specifications of the interface signals, system-level considerations and the standard connector panel that is provided.
There are three major modules supplied with the RVP8. These are:
IFD (IF Digitizer) Typically mounted in the radar receiver cabinet. Input Power 47–63 Hz 100–240 VAC Auto-ranging
Main Chassis Usually mounted in 19” EIA rack. Input Power 60/50 Hz 115/230 VAC Manual Switches
I/O-62 Connector Panel
Usually mounted in 19” EIA rack within 2 m of Main Chassis
Much of the RVP8 I/O is configured via software. This makes the unit very flexible. Also, since there is virtually no custom wiring, it is very easy to insert spare modules and circuit cards. The software configuration of the I/O is described in Appendix A.
This section, in conjunction with Appendix B, describes the physical installation of the hardware.
WARNING: The Main Chassis redundant power supplies are NOT auto-ranging like the IFD. These are factory configured for the expected voltage, but should be VERIFIED by the customer before power is applied to the system.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
2.2 IFD IF Digitizer Module Installation
The IFD mains power is to be permanently “hard wired” in a NEMA electrical enclosure that is accessible only to a trained technician. The ground (earth) connection should be attached directly to the IFD case mounting screw then brought to the power supply ground connection.
Disconnect the the mains power before opening the IFD for service. The IFD is best serviced by disconnecting the mains power, removing it from its mount and placing it on a bench.
2.2.1 IFD Introduction
Hardware Installation
The IFD IF digitizer is housed in an electrically sealed solid metal enclosure to achieve good immunity to external electrical noise. The internal circuitry has been designed to minimize the number of digital components, and it is carefully grounded and shielded to make the cleanest possible samples of the input IF signal. The unit is cooled by direct conduction of heat through the metal chassis; there are no openings required for airflow.
The IFD replaces all of the IF receiver components that are found in a traditional analog receiver system, i.e.,
S Band Pass Filters S LOG Receiver S AFC Circuit S AGC or IAGC circuit S Quad Phase Detector S COHO (on magnetron systems) S Line drivers for base band video
Indeed, one of the most time consuming parts of an upgrade is often the removal of old components. Many customers choose to simply bypass them and leave them in place. In some cases there will be other receiver modifications required to match the IFD signal input specifications. For example, IF attenuators or an IF amplifier are sometimes required.
If you are doing an upgrade of an older system, you might want to consider purchase of a new STALO which can make significant improvements in Doppler performance.
You should carefully document and red-line your system schematics to reflect any changes to the receiver.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.2 IFD Revision History
There have been several hardware revisions of the IFD module since its introduction initially with the RVP7. Table 2–1 summarizes the differences among all of the versions that have been manufactured so far. The remainder of this chapter covers only the 14-bit units, although the previous generation 12-bit units are compatible with the RVP8 as well.
Table 2–1: Differences Among Versions of the IFD
Rev.B Rev.C Rev.D Rev.E & Higher
A/D Chip Analog Devices AD9042, 12–Bits AD6644, 14–Bits AD6645, 14–Bits
Nominal IF
Sample Rate
IF Inputs Single IF Input Channel Dual IF Inputs
A/D Noise
Link to Rx Coax uplink, Fiber downlink Integrated CAT-5E
Upgradability FPGA chips must be manually reprogrammed ReFlashable via Rx-Link
Input Signal
Ext-Clock No Yes (shared with AFC connector)
Power Supplies +5.17V, +12V, –12V
(Table 2–7)
None. The A/D dither power must
be supplied from wideband thermal
March 1997 April 1998 December 2000 August 2004
–76dBm/MHz –82dBm/MHz –85dBm/MHz
86dB at 0.5MHz 93dB at 0.5MHz 96dB at 0.5MHz
A/D saturation at +4.5dBm A/D saturation at +6.0dBm
noise in the RF/IF chain.
None AFC/Clock I/O
36MHz 72MHz
Built-in noise source supplies A/D dither power in the
200–900KHz range.
AFC-16 &
+5.23V Primarily.
12/15V required only for
analog AFC output
AFC/Clock I/O,
Dither and Config
Supports full set of protocols defined in Section 2.5.1
AFC, Hi-DAFC or stable
VCXO (recommended).
–12/15V required only for
AFC/Clock I/O, JTAG,
DAFC/Clock and Config
+5.33V Primarily.
+12/15V required for
analog AFC output.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.3 IFD Power, Size and Mounting Considerations
The IFD is a compact sealed module with dimensions 23.6 x 10.9 x 3.0 cm. (9.3 x 4.3 x 1.2 in). The unit is designed to be mounted on edge such that the 23.6 x 3.0 cm. surface is flush on the back of the receiver cabinet with 10.9 cm. protrusion into the cabinet. The unit is typically placed where a traditional LOG receiver would be installed. The IFD is cooled by direct conduction through its metal enclosure. It should be positioned so that air can freely convect around it, or bolted to a larger surface that will conduct the heat away.
The power supply module is separate and can be mounted nearby in the radar cabinet, or it can be attached directly to the IFD using a special mounting bracket. The power supply and bracket will add 3.3 cm. (1.3 in) of overall width to the receiver module.
The power supply is a low noise, low ripple, switching unit; the input voltage range is 100–240 VAC 47–63 Hz, autoranging. The IFD has an internal 3-stage power supply input filter to minimize interference from the power cable. Nonetheless, it is still good practice to insure that the four supply wires (+5V, –12V, +12V, and Ground) be kept short and twisted together. A ferrite choke around the supply wires near the terminal strip is also recommended.
Important: The inductive filtering components inside the IFD introduce a voltage drop in the +5V supply. To produce the correct internal voltage, the supply voltage measured at the external terminal block should be 5.33V for Rev.E and later, 5.23V for Rev.D, and 5.17V for Rev.C and earlier boards.
Important: The voltage drop across the inductive filtering components causes the ground terminal of the power supply to float several tenths of a volt above chassis ground. For this reason, the IFD power supply should never be tapped to supply power to other nearby equipment.
Mounting space should also be reserved for the external analog anti-alias filters. These filters can be mounted in the radar cabinet itself, or they can be attached directly to the IFD on the opposite side of the power supply. The filters and mounting bracket will add 2.0 cm. (0.8 in) of overall width.
The 72MHz CAT-5E IFD (Rev.F) represents a factor–of–two improvement in A/D sampling rate and communications bandwidth between the IFD and RVP8/Rx card. This provides important advantages in the performance of your radar system, but it does also place greater demands on the connecting link. The CAT-5E cable carries real–time 1.080MBaud downlink serial data on three of its four twisted pairs, and uses the fourth pair for uplink communication. The data rate on each downlink pair actually exceeds the data rate for GigaBit ethernet, hence very high quality cable must be used, and maximum cable length is limited to 25-meters. There is also a minimum cable length of 2-meters.
We recommend using a shielded CAT–5E cable (certified to >= 350MHz) having shielded RJ45 plugs on each end. The Rx board provides a DC return path for the cable shield, while the IFD provides an AC GND only (isolated to 2KV). This design prevents ground loop currents from flowing between units, even when they’re plugged into different AC/Mains.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.4 IFD I/O Summary
The connectors on the IFD are labelled and described below for each hardware revision.
Table 2–2: IFD Connectors (All Revisions)
IFD I/O Summary
Style Description Reference
SMA IF signal from LNA/mixer; via an antiĆaliasing filter
centered at IF (supplied by SIGMET). 50W, + 6.5 dBm max
SMA IF Tx sample from waveguide tap and mixer; via an
antiĆaliasing filter centered at IF (supplied by SIGĆ MET). 50W, +6.5 dBm max
SMA AFC output (+-10V) or reference clock input for coĆ
herent systems (2-60 MHz -10 to 0 dBm). The funcĆ tion of the connector is controlled by jumper selecĆ tion within the IFD.
2.2.11 AFC
2.2.12 CLK
Since they share the same connector, analog AFC output and reference clock input can not be used simultaneously. However, this is a very rare requirement since an analog AFC output is used for magnetron systems and a reference clock input is typically used for fully coherent TWT and Klystron systems.
Table 2–3: IFD Connectors (Rev.A–Rev.D)
IFD I/O Summary
Style Description Reference
SMA/BNC Connects to the RVP8/Rx PCI card by 75 Ohm
shielded cable. The connector is SMA with an SMA/ BNC adapter provided.
ST 62.5/125 micron multimode optical cable terminated
in type ST connectors. IFD cam be located up to 100m from the RVP8/Rx PCI card.
Table 2–4: IFD Connectors (Rev.E & Greater)
IFD I/O Summary
Style Description Reference
SMA Synthesized legacy coax uplink stream for backward
compatibility, or Expansion Clock input or output.
RJĆ45 Connects to the RVP8/Rx PCI card via CATĆ5E cable
up to 25Ćmeters in length.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.5 IFD Adjustments and Test/Status Indicators
The IFD is packaged in a tight metal enclosure for maximum noise immunity. The only adjustments on the module are the internal gain and offset pots that adjust the AFC analog output. Two switches on the unit provide standalone test features to verify the proper functioning of the IFD and to assist with setting the voltage span of the AFC DAC.
Table 2–5: IFD Toggle Switch Settings
SW1 SW2 Function A A AFC Test Low Voltage
A B AFC Test Midpoint Voltage A C AFC Test High Voltage B A Swap Burst and IF Input Signals B B Normal Operation (also labeled as “run”) B C Reserved (downlink test pattern) C A Reserved C B Reserved (downlink test pattern) C C Reserved (downlink test pattern)
Two LEDs provide status information for the IFD itself, as well as status of the communication link(s) to the RVP8/Rx PCI card. These LEDs have the same interpretation across all revisions of the IFD. For Rev.B through Rev.D the words “uplink” and “downlink” refer to the physical coax uplink and fiber downlink cables. For Rev.E and higher, those words refer to conceptually similar uses of the four twisted pairs within the integrated CAT-5E link.
Table 2–6: IFD LED Indicator Interpretations
Red (Uplink) Green (Ready) Meaning Blink Blink Reset sequence (powerup, or from uplink)
Blink Off Uplink is dead (no uplink protocol from RVP8/Rx) On Off Uplink is alive, but downlink is dead On On Normal Operation (IFD and Main are both okay)
For IFDs at Rev.E and higher, the two LEDs on the RJ-45 connector also convey status about the CAT-5E link itself. Green indicates that valid clock and framing waveforms are present on the uplink. Yellow indicates that the RVP8/Rx card is receiving valid data from the IFD, including the IFD’s report of the uplink being okay. These LEDs show valid status at all times (not just when the RVP8 software is running) and thus, both indicators should be illuminated whenever the CAT-5E cable is connected. Moreover, the Green/Yellow interpretation is consistent at both the IFD and RVP8/Rx ends: green indicates the reception of proper low-level electrical and
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
framing protocols, and yellow indicates that the green LED is ON at the other end, i.e., that the other end is receiving our transmissions correctly and is able to communicate that information back to us.
The internal jumper settings are summarized in the following table. Please also refer to Sections
2.2.11 and 2.2.12 for more information on setting up the AFC or External Clock options.
Table 2–7: IFD Internal Jumper Settings
Rev.B Rev.C Rev.D Rev.E and Higher
AB: AFC Voltage Output
BC: External Clock Input, 50W Termination
Open: External Clock Input, No Termination
JP2 N/A Reserved (Open)
AB: Unused
BC: External Clock
Open: AFC Voltage Output
AB: Dither Applied to Burst
BC: No Dither on Burst
AB: Normal JTAG control
BC: Factory reserved
Power Supply to Oscillator
Use wirewrap, not jumper
AB: Regulated from +12V
BC: Direct from +5V
AB: Oscillator is a VCXO
BC: Oscillator is fixed XO
Reserved for factory tests
Must be left open
J4 Protocol Selector
AB: Legacy DAFC output
BC: Auxiliary CLK In/Out
J4 DAFC Output Level
AB: +5V Signaling
BC: +12V Signaling
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.6 IFD Input A/D Saturation Levels
There are two analog signals that must be supplied to the IFD:
S IF receiver signal S IF Tx Sample (Burst Pulse) for magnetron, or COHO reference for klystron.
Both of these inputs are on SMA connectors. The IF signal should be driven by the front-end mixer/LNA/IF-Amp. components, similar to the way that a LOG receiver would normally be installed. The magnetron burst pulse or klystron COHO reference is also derived in the same manner as a traditional analog receiver.
Note: Even for fully coherent Klystron and TWT systems, SIGMET recommends the use of an actual IF Tx sample. If this is not possible, then the COHO itself may be used instead. If there is phase modulation, then the phase-shifted COHO should be input.
The A/D input saturation level for both the IF-Input and Burst-Input is +6 dBm (4.5 dBm for Rev.C or earlier). In almost all installations an external anti-alias filter is installed on both of these inputs. These filters (if supplied by SIGMET) are mounted externally on one side of the IFD, and have an insertion loss of approximately 1–2dB. Thus, the input saturation level will be +8dBm measured at the filter inputs.
For the burst pulse or COHO reference it is important not to exceed the A/D saturation level. This reference signal should be strong enough so that most of the bits in the A/D converter are used effectively, but it should also allow a few deciBels below the saturation level for safety. The recommended power level is in the range –12 to +1 dBm, measured as described in section D.14. This is important for making a precise phase measurement on each pulse.
In contrast, for the IF receiver input it is permissible (in fact desirable) to occasionally exceed the A/D input saturation level at the strongest targets. The RVP8 employs a statistical linearization algorithm to derive correct power levels from targets that are as much as 6dB above saturation. The actual IF signal level should be established by weak-signal and noise considerations (see below), rather than by working backwards from the saturation level.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.7 IF Bandwidth and Dynamic Range
The RVP8 performs best with a wide bandwidth IF input signal. This is because a wideband signal can be made free of phase distortions within the (relatively narrow) matched passband of the received signal. The RVP8 uses an external analog anti-aliasing filter at each of its IF and Burst inputs. The purpose of these filters is to block frequencies that would otherwise alias into the matched filter passband. The anti-alias filters have a nominal passband width of 14 MHz centered at 30MHz, i.e. from 23MHz to 37MHz. This is the recommended operating bandwidth for the IF signal, although the RVP8 will still work successfully with lesser IF bandwidth.
At the 36MHz sampling rate the quantization noise introduced by LSB uncertainties is spread over an 18MHz bandwidth. For an ideal 14-bit A/D converter that saturates at +6dBm the effective quantization noise level would be:
)6dBm * 20log10(214) * 10log10(
) +*90dBm (at 1MHz BW)
If samples from this ideal converter were processed with a digital filter having a bandwidth of 1MHz, then an input signal at –90dBm would have a signal-to-noise ratio of 0dB. A narrower FIR passband (corresponding to a longer transmitted pulse) would decrease the quantization noise even further, so that 0dB SNR would be achieved at even lower input power.
In practice, the 14-bit A/D converter used inside the IFD does not behave quite this well. The Analog Devices AD6644 chip has been measured to have a wideband SNR of 76dB, i.e., 8dB less than the 84dB range expected for an ideal converter. The above calculation for noise density thus becomes:
)6dBm * 76dB * 10log10(
) +*82dBm (at 1MHz BW)
Indeed, the RVP8’s receiver power monitor described in Section 4.5 will show a filtered power level of approximately –82dBm when the FIR bandwidth is 1MHz and the IFD inputs are terminated in 50–Ohms.
The inverse correspondence between filter bandwidth and the 0dB SNR signal level leads to an interesting and useful property of wideband digital receivers: they can operate over a dynamic range that is much greater than the inherent SNR of their A/D converter would imply. If this particular A/D chip were performing direct conversion at “base band” it would have a dynamic range of only 76dB. However, by utilizing the extra bandwidth of the converter, the RVP8 is able to extend the dynamic range to approximately 100dB.
To understand this, begin with the 88dB interval between the converter’s +6dBm saturation level and the –82dBm 0dB SNR level at 1MHz bandwidth. Add to this:
S 6dB for the statistical linearization that is performed on signals that exceed the saturation
level. The RVP8 can recover signal power accurately even when the A/D converter is driven beyond saturation. Velocity data will also be valid, but spectral width may be overestimated.
S 4dB for usable dynamic range below the 0dB SNR level. In practice, a coherent signal at
–4dB SNR can easily be measured when 25 or more pulses are used.
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
Thus, the overall dynamic range at 1MHz bandwidth (approx. 1 msec transmit pulse) is 88+6+4 = 98dB. For a 0.5 msec pulse the dynamic range would be reduced to 95dB; but it would increase to 101dB for a 2.0 msec pulse. An actual calibration curve demonstrating this performance is shown in Figure 2–1, for which the RVP8’s digital bandwidth was set to
0.53MHz and external signal generator steps of 1dB were used over the full operating range.
Figure 2–1: Calibration Plot for a Stand-alone 14-Bit IFD
1-dB Compression Point
1-dB Detection Threshold
Overall Dynamic Range of 101dB
–100 –90 –80 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Input Power in dBm Measured at IFD IF-Input
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
2.2.8 IF Gain and System Performance
The previous discussion was concerned with measuring the dynamic range of a stand-alone IFD. We will now examine how the unit performs in the context of a complete radar receiver. We assume that an LNA/Mixer has already been selected that offers an appropriate balance between price and noise figure. Having chosen these front-end components, the only parameter that remains to be determined is the total RF/IF gain between the antenna waveguide and the IFD.
Assume that the thermal noise (kT) of the system is –114dBm/MHz, and that the noise figure of the LNA/Mixer is 2dB. We wish to bring this –112dBm/MHz noise level up into the working range of the IFD so that the received echoes can be optimally processed. However, in trying to select the required gain, we realize that we must make a tradeoff between preserving the receiver sensitivity that has been established by the LNA, and preserving the overall dynamic range of the IFD. This is the exact same tradeoff that is made in traditional multi-stage analog receiver systems that include a wide dynamic range LOG receiver.
Figure 2–2: Tradeoff Between Dynamic Range and Sensitivity
Operating Region
/ N
( N
Reduction of Receiver Sensitivity (dB)
Power Ratio R = 10log
Reduction of IFD Dynamic Range (dB)
The solid red curve in Figure 2–2 shows that these two variables interact in a symmetric manner, so that any operating point (x,y) is always matched by a dual operating point at (y,x). To understand the construction of this plot, let N
represent the stand-alone (terminated input)
RVP8 User’s Manual September 2005
Hardware Installation
noise power of the IFD over some bandwidth. Similarly, let N
represent the LNA/Mixer
thermal noise power over that same bandwidth, and after amplification by all RF and IF stages. Note that N whereas N
is primarily due to the quantization noise that is introduced by the A/D converter,
has its origins in the fundamental thermal noise of the receiving system. The
reduction of receiver sensitivity is the amount by which the LNA thermal noise is increased over the original level established by the front-end components:
DSensitivity + 10log10( N
) N
) * 10log10( N
) + 10 log
1 )
Likewise, the reduction of RVP8 dynamic range is the amount by which the IFD quantization noise is increased over its stand-alone value:
DDynamicRange + 10 log10( N
) N
) * 10log10( N
) + 10 log
1 )
Note that both of these quantities depend only on the ratio of the two powers; hence, the two equations define a parametric relationship in the dimensionless variable R + ( N
ń N
). Figure 2–2 was created by sweeping the value of R from 1/9 to 9. The solid red curve shows the locus of ( DDynamicRange, DSensitivity ) points, and the dashed green curve shows R itself (expressed in dB) as a function of DDynamicRange. For example, when the LNA noise power is equal to the IFD noise power, R is 1.0 (0dB) and there will be a 3dB reduction in both sensitivity and dynamic range.
The recommended operating region is the portion of the curve that limits the loss of sensitivity to between 1.4dB and 0.65dB. The attendant loss of dynamic range will fall between 5.5dB and
8.5dB respectively. Each axis of the plot has an important physical interpretation within the radar system.
S The horizontal axis is equivalent to the increase in the RVP8’s report of filtered power
when the IF-Input coax cable is connected versus disconnected. This is an easy quantity to measure, and thus provides a simple way to check the overall gain of the LNA/Mixer/IF components.
S The vertical axis is equivalent to a worsening of the LNA/Mixer noise figure. This can
also be interpreted as the amount of transmit power that is, in some sense, “wasted” when observing very weak echoes. If you have installed an expensive LNA with a very low noise figure, then you will want to pick an operating point that makes the most of preserving that investment.
Figure 2–2 can be used to calculate the net gain that is required by the front-end components, and to predict the final system performance:
1. Choose an operating point that balances your need for sensitivity versus dynamic range. For this example, we will allow a 1dB loss of sensitivity from the theoretical limit of the LNA/Mixer, and will assume a bandwidth of 0.5MHz.
2. For a 1dB loss of sensitivity, the DDynamicRange is first determined from the solid red curve as 7dB. The required noise ratio R is then read vertically on the dashed green curve as 6.1dB.
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