Baron Vulcan 1500, Vulcan 1600 User Manual

Side-Mount License Bracket
Page: 1BA-3173-00
Revision: 1.1 - 02/19/2010
Please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE beginning the installation
INCLUDED IN THE KIT: Chrome Side-Mount Bracket M10 chrome washer
We recommend the use of blue Loctite or other thread lock agent on all fasteners.
2. Install new Side-Mount Bracket onto stud so tab on bracket is stopped by shocks lower ring, and flange with three threaded holes faces to the left.
3. Install the supplied M10 washer first, then replace acorn nut and washer - torque to 47 ft-lbs.
4. You may now mount your Baron side mount license/taillight assembly (part number BA-3103-00) per instructions supplied with that kit.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
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5221 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (925)583-2499 - Ph. (714)901-0520 - Fax