Baron 8000 User Manual

Lay Down License Mount Assembly
Page: 1BA-3105U
Revision: 1.0 - 03/12/2010
Please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE beginning the installation.
INCLUDED IN THE KIT: 1-Rubber cushion 4-Back plate Allen screws 3mm 2-Allen mount screws 4mm
1-Chrome mounting base 1-Chrome backing plate 1-Chrome license frame
INSTRUCTIONS: We recommend you first remove the fender from the bike by removing the two bolts found under the seat,
unplugging the rear fender lights from the wire harness (found under the seat) and removing the long bolt holding the fender subframe to the main frame (also found under the seat).
Carefully remove the stock rear license plate holder and turn signal mounting hardware (mustache" turn signals). If you havent removed the fender, you should be able to work up inside the back of the fender well without removing the rear tire.
Remove the two black rubber hole insulators mounted on the fender (no longer required). Carefully note/mark the color-coded wiring for re-connection later. Push all wiring back through to the inside of the fender well. You can temporarily remove the other black fender insulator to make pushing the wiring harness through easier.
Clean and wax outside fender area.
Install supplied rubber cushion (open end toward bottom of mount base). Insert single Allen mounting bolt through the chrome-mounting base. Next install mounting base to fender area. Turn mounting base so the two holes are above the single bolt hole. Eyeball mounting base for level alignment and tighten.
Carefully install and tighten two supplied Allen bolts that secure chrome backing plate to the mounting base. While holding the actual license plate against the backing plate, place the front chrome frame in place. Start the top two Allen screws into the back of the backing plate. Insert bottom two Allen screws and tighten.
If you are doing the installation without removing the fender, lay on your back with a flash light positioned facing up into the fender well and re-connect the color-coded wires to their original configurations (if youve installed the Bullet Marker Light Kit) you will not be using the black female ground connectors on the wiring loom.
The rear fender has wire harness stay clips mounted inside on the metal surface. Bend OUT the stay clips, and reposition the extra wiring that was pushed through from the outside into these stay clips.
Be patient...make sure ALL wiring is inside clips and secured away from the rear tire.
CAUTION: If the tire rubs through the wiring protection you could be without rear lighting. Turn ignition key on, and test both turn signals and brake light for proper operation.
Our install guides provide a basic outline on the proper installation of our products. Further tuning and/or
fitment may be required. Barons bears no responsibility on installation costs associated with this product.
© 2013 Barons Custom Accessories
5221 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (925)583-2499 - Ph. (714)901-0520 - Fax