From the Diagnostic Screens, go to the CIP Diagnostic.
Leaving the CSO contact of your control wiring open (a 0
under the C), close the other control contacts. Check to
see if the digit under the appropriate letter changes as you
cycle of the contact. Generally, 1 = ON while 0 = OFF (for
the thermistor T, 0 = OK while 1 = Motor Overtemp).
Once satisfied with the operation of the T,R,J, and S
control inputs, leave R,J, and S OFF and check the C
control input for proper operation.
5. Apply Main Three Phase Power
6. Autotune the PL/X
Prior to running the motor, the current loop of the drive
must be tuned to the motor and cabling (PIN’s 93,94,& 95).
a) Ensure the drive is in a normal stop condition. The
CIP’s should match TRJSC below:
Still from Step 4 Then 4xL
b) Enable the autotune mode.
R,R,6xD,R,7xD,R – U Then 4xL
c) Start the drive by energizing the Start Input (T33).
R,D,R,4xD,R,D,D,R Then 4xL
The contactor will close and an autotune will be performed
(takes 10 - 60 seconds). When complete, the drive’s
contactor will open. Turn off the Start Input (T33).
Now, SAVE PARAMETERS as described in Step 3.
7. Motor Rotational Checks
Ideally, you would like to perform these running checks
with the motor disconnected from the gear box and the
As an additional precaution, restrict the available current to
the drive by reducing the Current Limit to just enough
current to turn the motor (usually 5 to 10%).
R,R,U,R,D,R - D
Check operation of the speed potentiometer by monitoring
the Ramp Input. Leave the reference at zero after checking
for proper operation.
L,L,D,R,5xD,R Then 4xL
Start the drive by energizing the Start Input (T33). Check
the field voltage at the F+ and F-. When the motor is cold,
you will measure somewhat less than the rated field
voltage (approximately 240 VDC for a 300 VDC rated
Confirm the field current matches the IFb nameplate data.
R,D,R,D,D,R,D,D,R Then 4xL
Increase the potentiometer setting until the motor is turning
slowly. Check motor rotation. If backwards, stop, turn off
ALL power to the drive, and swap the field leads (F+, F-).
Recheck after changes.
Now, slowly bring the motor up to full speed while checking
the voltage on the A+ and A- terminals.
If you have neither a tachometer nor encoder, skip to Step
9. If using a tachometer or encoder, check to ensure the
speed reference is positive (+).
Then, check the sign of the feedback, as follows:
Tachometer Feedback
6xD Then 4xL
If positive (+), skip to Step 8. If negative (-), stop, power off
the drive, then swap the tachometer leads on T25 and T26
and recheck.
Encoder Feedback
2xU Then 4xL
If positive (+), skip to Step 8. If negative (-), stop the drive
and invert the encoder sign and recheck.
R,R,U,R,8xD,R,3xD,R - D 5xL
8. Switching Feedback Type
Now, stop the drive and select the appropriate feedback.
Tachometer Feedback
R,R,U,R,7xD,R - U Then 4xL
Encoder Feedback
R,R,U,R,7xD,R – 2xU Then 4xL
Again, start the drive and ensure maximum speed can be
obtained and the armature voltage does not exceed the
nameplate VA.
9. Increase the Current Limit to Rated Value
At this point, the Current Limit may be returned to 150%.
R,R,U,R,D,R - U Then 4xL
Now, SAVE PARAMETERS as described in Step 3.
10. Adjusting the Speed Calibration at Base Speed
Gradually, increase your potentiometer to the maximum
position and then adjust the final speed of the motor.
Depending on the final feedback type, different parameters
(PIN’s 16, 17,& 6) are used for speed calibration.
Do NOT exceed the base speed (BS) value while adjusting
these parameters. These calibration parameters may be
adjusted while the drive is running.
Armature Voltage
R,R,U,R,5xU,R – U Then 4xL
Increase this value to reduce the armature voltage. If this
parameter does not provide enough adjustment , stop and
readjust PIN 18 - Rated Arm Volts from Step 2.
Tachometer Feedback
R,R,U,R,4xU,R – U Then 4xL
Increase this value to reduce the motor speed. If this
parameter does not provide enough adjustment, stop and
readjust PIN 8 - Analog Tacho Volts from Step 2.
Encoder Feedback
R,R,U,R,4xD,R – U/D Then 4xL
Change this value to achieve the desired motor speed.
11. Setting Up Field Weakening
When using either tachometer or encoder feedback, field
weakening may be enabled for a motor which supports an
extended speed range.
a) First, stop the drive and enable the field weakening
R,R,7xD,R,4xD,R,R - U
b) Next, set the minimum field expected (with a 10%
safety margin).
Min Field % = (Ifm ÷ Ifb) x 90
L,7xD,R – U/D Then 4xL
Finally, adjust the maximum speed as described in Step
10. Again, do NOT exceed the maximum speed (MS)
value noted on the motor nameplate.
Again, SAVE PARAMETERS as described in Step 3.
Congratulations, you have successfully commissioned
your Bardac PL/X Digital DC Drive.
If you have any questions or do not understand a portion of
this Quick Start Manual, please contact us:
Bardac Corporation
40 Log Canoe Circle
Stevensville MD 21666 USA
Phone: 888-ON-SPEED (888-667-7333)
International: 410-604-3400
FAX: 410-604-3500
HG501504; Issue 3