Bard MEGA-TEC W120AP Service Instructions Manual

Model W120AP
NOTE: LC6000 controller is required for operation when W120AP
units are used.
Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc. Bryan, Ohio 43506
Manual: 2100-671 Supersedes: NEW Date: 12-17-18
Page 1 of 44
General Information ...........................................4
Multi-Stage Cooling System ...................................4
Wall-Mount Air Conditioner Units ............................4
General ..............................................................4
Shipping Damage ..................................................4
Additional Publications ..........................................4
Using the TEC-EYETM ...........................................6
TEC-EYE Hand-Held Diagnostic Tool .......................6
TEC-EYE Menu Structure ................................7
Main Status Screen ........................................7
Quick Menu ...................................................8
Setpoints ................................................8
Information .............................................8
A/C Circuit Information ......................8
Program Version ................................9
Alarm Log ...............................................9
Menu Screens and Password Levels ..................9
Executing a Run Test ....................................10
Run Test Parameter Descriptions .............10
Reset to Factory Defaults ..............................10
Acronyms .........................................7
Operation ............................................................11
Unit On/Off ........................................................11
Alarm Adjustment ...............................................11
Acknowledging Alarms ..................................11
Clearing Alarms ............................................11
Clearing Alarm Logs and Counters ..................11
Exporting Alarm Logs ....................................11
Exporting 7 Day Logs ....................................12
Exporting Parameters ....................................12
Zone ..................................................................12
Temperature Control ............................................ 12
Temperature Control Components ................... 12
Return Air Temperature Sensor ................ 12
Return Air Temperature Alarm........... 12
Temperature Control Operation ....................... 12
Orphan Mode .........................................13
LC6000 Control .....................................13
Cooling (with Economizer).......................13
Cooling (without Economizer) ..................13
Heating .................................................13
Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) ..........................14
EEV Components ..........................................14
Electronic Expansion Valve ......................14
EEV Instructions for Vacuum,
Reclaim, Charge Unit .......................14
System Pressures ............................15
Suction Pressure Transducer ................... 15
Troubleshooting the Suction
Pressure Transducer ......................... 15
Suction Pressure Alarm ....................16
Suction Temperature Sensor .................... 16
Suction Temperature Alarm .............. 16
EEV Operation ..............................................17
EEV Superheat Control ...........................17
Additional EEV Alarms ..................................17
Low Superheat Alarm .............................17
Evaporator Freeze Condition Alarm ......
Indoor Airflow .....................................................17
Indoor Airflow Components ............................17
Blower ..................................................17
Blower Status Switch .............................18
Blower Status Alarm ........................18
Filters ...................................................18
Dirty Filter Switch ..................................18
Dirty Filter Alarm .............................18
Filter Indicator Light ..............................19
Indoor Airflow Operation ................................19
Blower Speed Control .............................19
Additional Indoor Airflow Alarms ....................19
Supply Air Temperature Alarm ................. 19
Condenser Fan ....................................................19
Condenser Fan Components...........................19
Condenser Fan .......................................19
Liquid Pressure Sensor ...........................20
Troubleshooting the Discharge/
Liquid Pressure Transducer .............. 20
Discharge/Liquid Pressure
Transducer Alarm ............................ 21
Liquid Temperature Sensor ..................... 21
Outdoor Temperature Sensor ................... 21
Condenser Fan Operation ..............................21
Condenser Fan Speed Control..................21
Compressor ........................................................21
Compressor Components ...............................21
Compressor ...........................................21
Compressor Control Module (CCM) ...........22
Delay-on-Make Timer ....................... 22
Short Cycle Protection/
Delay-on-Break ................................22
High Pressure Detection ...................22
Test Mode ....................................... 23
High Pressure Safety Switch ...................23
Refrigerant High Pressure Alarm .......23
Phase Monitor .......................................23
Compressor Operation ...................................23
Additional Compressor Alarms .......................24
Refrigerant Low Pressure Alarm ...............24
Economizer ........................................................24
Economizer Components ...............................24
Actuator ................................................24
Dust Sensor ...........................................25
Dust Sensor Failure Alarm ................25
High Dust Limit Alarm .....................25
Damper Blade ........................................26
Damper Switch ......................................26
Damper Failed to Open Alarm ...........26
Damper Failed to Close Alarm ...........26
Outdoor Temperature and Humidity
Combination Sensor ...............................26
Outdoor Temperature Sensor
Failure Alarm ..................................27
Outdoor Humidity Sensor
Failure Alarm ..................................27
Brownout Protection w/Adjustment ......
Manual 2100-671 Page 2 of 44
Mixed Air Temperature Sensor ................. 27
High Mixed Air Temperature Alarm .... 27
Low Mixed Air Temperature Alarm ..... 28
Economizer Operation ...................................28
Economizer Operation
Minimum Position ..................................29
Miscellaneous Components ..................................30
Supply Temperature Sensor ........................... 30
Emergency Cooling Mode .....................................30
Emergency Cooling − Orphan Mode ................30
Emergency Ventilation Mode ................................31
Electric Heat Option ............................................31
Electric Heat Components .............................31
Electric Heating Element ........................31
Thermal Overload ...................................31
Electric Heat Operation .................................31
Unit Disable Option .............................................31
Serial/Model Number Configuration .......................31
Supply Temperature Sensor Failure Alarm .........
Refrigerant Information ..................................34
General ..............................................................34
Topping Off System Charge .................................. 34
Safety Practices ..................................................34
Important Installer Note .......................................34
R410-A Refrigerant Charge ..................................34
Pressure Service Ports .........................................35
Maintenance .......................................................36
Standard Maintenance Procedures ........................36
Troubleshooting ................................................37
8301-089 Outdoor Temperature Temperature/
Humidity Sensor ...............................................37
8620-296 Supply Air Sensor/Return Air Sensor/
Mixed Air Sensor/Suction Sensor/Liquid Sensor ......40
8301-057 Blower Status Switch/Dirty Filter
Switch ...............................................................41
Alarm Index ........................................................42
Blower Speeds ....................................................44
Figure 1 TEC-EYE Display and Interface ................6
Figure 2 TEC-EYE Connection to Unit Control ........6
Figure 3 Quick Menu Icons ...................................7
Figure 4 Cool and Heat Setpoints .......................... 8
Figure 5 A/C Circuit Measurements .......................8
Figure 6 Program Version .....................................9
Figure 7 Executing Run Test ...............................10
Figure 8 Restoring Factory Default Settings..........10
Figure 9 Clearing All Alarms ............................... 11
Figure 10 Clearing Alarm Logs and Counters .......... 11
Figure 11 Changing Zone .....................................12
Figure 12 Adjusting Return Air Temperature
Sensor .................................................12
Figure 13 Cooling (with Economizer) .....................13
Figure 14 Cooling (without Economizer).................14
Figure 15 Heating ...............................................14
Figure 16 Overriding EEV Output ..........................14
Figure 17 Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) and
Service Tool ......................................... 15
Figure 18 Adjusting Suction Sensor/Transducer
Pressure Values ....................................15
Figure 19 Voltage to Pressure: Suction Pressure
Transducer ........................................... 16
Figure 20 Adjusting Suction Temperature Sensor
Values .................................................16
Figure 21 Adjusting Evaporator Freeze Sensor
Values .................................................17
Figure 22 Putting Blower Output into Override
Mode ...................................................17
Figure 23 Dirty Filter Switch and Blower Status
Switch .................................................18
Figure 24 Verifying Differential Airflow Status ........18
Figure 25 Dirty Filter Switch and Filter Indicator
Light ...................................................19
Figure 26 Enabling Fan Override ........................... 20
Figure 27 Adjusting Discharge/Liquid Transducer
Pressure Values ....................................20
Figure 28 Voltage to Pressure: Discharge/Liquid
Pressure Transducer .............................. 20
Figure 29 Adjusting Discharge/Liquid
Temperature Input ................................ 21
Figure 30
Figure 31 Adjusting Compressor Delays .................24
Figure 32 Damper Override ..................................24
Figure 33 Dust Sensor .........................................25
Figure 34
Figure 35 Damper Blade Position .......................... 26
Figure 36 Damper Switch ..................................... 26
Figure 37 Outdoor Temperature Sensor ..................27
Figure 38 Outdoor Humidity Sensor ......................27
Figure 39 Mixed Air Temperature Sensor ...............27
Figure 40 Economizer Setup ................................29
Figure 41 Figure 42 Figure 43
Figure 44 Supply Air Temperature Sensor ..............30
Figure 45 Emergency Cool − Orphan Mode ............30
Figure 46 Adjusting Return Air Alarm Settings .......31
Figure 47 Unit Disable Option ..............................31
Figure 48 Serial/Model Number Configuration ........32
Figure 49 MEGA-TEC Wall-Mount Unit Model
Nomenclature ......................................33
Figure 50 8301-089 Sensor DIP Switches and
Terminal Block ..................................... 37
Figure 51 8301-057 Air Differential Switch
Terminals ............................................. 41
Table 1 Unit Status Message ...............................7
Table 2
Table 3 Rated Airflow .......................................17
Table 4 Indoor Blower Performance ....................17
Table 5 Maximum ESP of Operation:
Electric Heat Only ................................18
Table 6 Economizer Default Settings ..................29
Table 7 Cooling Pressures .................................35
Table 8 8301-089 Sensor: Temperature/
Resistance ...........................................38
Table 9 8301-089 Sensor: Humidity/mA ............39
Table 10 8620-296 Sensor: Temperature/
Resistance Curve J ...............................40
Table 11 MEGA-TEC Alarm Index ........................42
Table 12 Blower Speeds .....................................44
8201-164 Compressor Control Module
Adjusting Dust Sensor Alarm Setpoint
Economizer Setup – Dry Bulb Control ......
Economizer Setup –
Economizer Setup – Enthalpy Control ........
LC6000/TEC-EYE Passwords (Defaults) .......
Control ....
29 29 29
Manual 2100-671 Page 3 of 44
Multi-Stage Cooling System
This Bard cooling system is composed of MEGA-TEC Series wall-mounted air conditioners matched with an LC6000 lead/lag controller. The wall mounts are specifically engineered for telecom/motor control center rooms.
NOTE: The LC6000 lead/lag controller and MEGA-
TEC Series wall-mount units are designed specifically to work together. The controller cannot run other brands of systems, nor can other controllers run the MEGA-TEC Series wall­mount units. They are a complete system, and must be used together.
Wall-Mount Air Conditioner Units
The wall-mount units operate on VAC power. will supply 100% of rated cooling airflow in free cooling mode with ability to exhaust the same amount through the unit itself without any additional relief openings in the shelter.
Each of these units are fully charged with refrigerant and have optional auxiliary heat.
The units
The equipment covered in this manual is to be installed by trained, experienced service and installation technicians.
The refrigerant system is completely assembled and charged. All internal wiring is complete.
The unit is designed for use without duct work. Flanges are provided for transition from unit to wall grilles.
These instructions explain the recommended method to install the air cooled self-contained unit and the electrical wiring connections to the unit.
These instructions and any instructions packaged with any separate equipment required to make up the entire air conditioning system should be carefully read before beginning the installation. Note particularly any tags and/or labels attached to the equipment.
While these instructions are intended as a general recommended guide, they do not supersede any national and/or local codes in any way. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before the installation is made. See Additional Publications for information on codes and standards.
Sizing of systems for proposed installation should be based on heat loss and heat gain calculations made according to methods of Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). The supply flange should be installed in accordance with the Standards of the National
Fire Protection Association for the Installation of Air
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems of Other Than Residence Type, NFPA No. 90A, and Residence Type Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, NFPA No. 90B. Where local regulations are at a variance with
instructions, installer should adhere to local codes.
Shipping Damage
Upon receipt of equipment, the cartons should be checked for external signs of shipping damage. If damage is found, the receiving party must contact the last carrier immediately, preferably in writing, requesting inspection by the carrier’s agent.
These units must remain in upright position at all times; do not lay on side. Do not stack units.
Additional Publications
These publications can help when installing the air conditioner. They can usually be found at the local library or purchased directly from the publisher. Be sure to consult the current edition of each standard.
National Electrical Code ...................... ANSI/NFPA 70
Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning
and Ventilating Systems ...................ANSI/NFPA 90A
Standard for Warm Air Heating
and Air Conditioning Systems ............ANSI/NFPA 90B
Load Calculation for Residential Winter
and Summer Air Conditioning ............. ACCA Manual J
For more information, contact these publishers:
Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) 1712 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20009 Telephone: (202) 483-9370 Fax: (202) 234-4721
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 11 West Street, 13th Floor New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 642-4900 Fax: (212) 302-1286
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 Telephone: (404) 636-8400 Fax: (404) 321-5478
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Batterymarch Park P. O. Box 9101 Quincy, MA 02269-9901 Telephone: (800) 344-3555 Fax: (617) 984-7057
Manual 2100-671 Page 4 of 44
ANSI Z535.5 Definitions:
DANGER: Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The signal word “DANGER” is to be limited to the most extreme situations. DANGER [signs] should not be used for property damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to these levels is also involved.
WARNING: Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. WARNING [signs] should not be used for property damage hazards unless personal injury risk appropriate to this level is also involved.
CAUTION: Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION [signs] without a safety alert symbol may be used to alert against unsafe practices that can result in property damage only.
NOTICE: [this header is] preferred to address practices not related to personal injury. The safety alert symbol shall not be used with this signal word. As an alternative to “NOTICE” the word “CAUTION” without the safety alert symbol may be used to indicate a message not related to personal injury.
Electrical shock hazard.
Have a properly trained individual perform these tasks.
Failure to do so could result in electric shock or death.
Fire hazard.
Maintain minimum 1/4" clearance between the
supply ange and combustible materials.
Failure to do so could result in re causing damage, injury or death.
Heavy item hazard.
Use more than one person to handle unit.
Failure to do so could result in unit damage or serious injury.
Cut hazard.
Wear gloves to avoid contact with sharp edges.
Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
Manual 2100-671 Page 5 of 44
TEC-EYE (Bard P/N 8301-059) Display and Interface (Status Screen Shown)
Allows viewing of active alarms Silences audible alarms Resets active alarms
Allows entry to Main Menu
Returns to previous menu level Cancels a changed entry
TEC-EYE Hand-Held Service Tool
The TEC-EYE service tool is used to communicate with the MEGA-TEC unit logic board. By connecting directly to the logic board inside the unit control panel, it is possible to perform diagnostics on the unit, adjust certain settings and verify unit and economizer operation through a run test procedure. The TEC-EYE
service tool is required for unit setup and operation.
The TEC-EYE is supplied with the LC6000 controller but can also be ordered separately (Bard P/N 8301-
The menu driven interface provides users the ability to scroll through two menu levels: Quick Menu and Main Menu. The menus permit the user to easily view, control and configure the unit. See Figure 1 for TEC­EYE display and key functions.
The controller is completely programmed at the factory; the default setpoints and their ranges are easily viewed and adjusted from the TEC-EYE display. The program and operating parameters are permanently stored on FLASH-MEMORY in case of power failure.
The TEC-EYE connects to the wall-mount unit control board via an RJ11 modular phone connector as shown in Figure 2.
Steps to next screen in the display menu Changes (increases) the value of a modifiable field
Accepts current value of a modifiable field Advances cursor
Steps back to previous screen in the display menu Changes (decreases) the value of a modifiable field
TEC-EYE Connection to Unit Control
Modular Connector for TEC-EYE Hand-Held Diagnostic Tool
When not being used, the TEC-EYE hand-held diagnostic tool should be stored inside or near the LC6000 controller. Do not let the TEC-EYE leave the shelter.
NOTE: Screenshots shown in this manual reflect
default settings (when applicable).
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TEC-EYE Menu Structure
Quick Menu Setpoints Information Alarm Log Main Menu System Configuration Advanced System Configuration I/O Configuration Digital Inputs Digital Outputs Analog Inputs Analog Outputs Fans/Blowers Manual EEV On/Off Alarm Logs Settings Date/Time Language Initialization Serial Ports Change Password Logout
In addition to the menu structure above, there are also Status and Alarm screens.
TEC-EYE Acronyms
MAT – Mixed air temperature RAT – Return air temperature SAT – Supply air temperature OAT – Outdoor air temperature OAH – Outdoor air humidity Blower – Indoor blower speed Fan – Outdoor fan speed Econ – Free cooling
NOTE: Digital refers to On/Off whereas analog is a
variable input.
Main Status Screen
The main Status screen is the default start-up screen and also the return screen after 5 minutes of no activity. The screen can be accessed at any time by pressing the ESCAPE key repeatedly.
The wall-mount unit address is displayed in the upper right corner on the main Status screen (see Figure
1). The main Status screen also shows the current date, time, mixed air temperature (MAT), return air temperature (RAT), supply air temperature (SAT), outdoor air temperature (OAT) and outdoor air humidity (OAH). Blower speed, condenser fan speed, damper position and unit status are also displayed. See Table 1 for wall-mount unit status messages.
The Quick Menu is accessible from the main Status screen. Setpoints, Information and Alarm Log are available through the Quick Menu. Pressing the UP or
Unit Status Messages
Message Description
Orphan Mode
LC Online
Cont. Blower
Freecooling Unit is actively economizing.
Optimized Cool
Cooling Unit is actively mechanical cooling.
Heating Unit is actively heating.
Passive Dehum
Self Test Unit is performing a run test.
Off by Alarm
Off by LC
Off by Keyboard
Emergency Vent
Emergency Cool
Emergency Off
PLC is on and has not started
running the application yet.
Unit is on and in orphan mode with
no calls for heating or cooling.
Unit is on and communicating with
the LC6000 with no heating or
cooling calls.
Unit is operating with continuous
blower when no heating or cooling
calls are present.
Unit is mechanical cooling while
actively economizing.
Unit is taking measures to decrease humidity without using extra energy.
Unit has major fault preventing
Unit has been turned off by the
supervisory controller.
Unit has been turned off by the
local user.
Unit is in Emergency Ventilation.
LC6000 has an active hydrogen
Unit is in Emergency Cooling.
Indoor temperatures have exceded
high temp alarms.
Unit is in Emergency Off. LC6000
has an active smoke alarm.
DOWN keys while on the main Status screen will change the Quick Menu icon displayed (see Figure 3). Press the ENTER key when the desired icon is displayed.
Quick Menu Icons
Data Log Information
Manual 2100-671 Page 7 of 44
Quick Menu
From this screen, the local unit heating and cooling setpoints, used for orphan mode only, can be changed.
Once the supervisory controller is connected, cooling and heating setpoints will be communicated and local cooling and heating setpoints will be replaced with the communicated cooling and heating setpoints.
If at any time the wall-mount unit(s) loses communication with the LC6000 controller, the wall­mount unit(s) will go into orphan mode and operate using the last communicated setpoints.
To verify or change the wall-mount unit cooling and heating setpoints in orphan mode:
1. Connect the TEC-EYE diagnostic tool to the control board located in the unit.
2. From the Status screen, press UP or DOWN key until Quick Menu displays Setpoints icon. Press ENTER key.
3. Press ENTER key to scroll to the selected choice (see Figure 4).
4. Press UP or DOWN key on desired value until value displays correctly.
5. Press ENTER key to save and scroll to next parameter.
6. Press ESCAPE key until Main Menu screen is displayed.
temperature, liquid line pressure, condensing saturated temperature, suction line temperature, suction line pressures, suction saturated temperature, super heat, sub-cooling and electronic expansion valve position.
A/C Circuit Measurements
Cool and Heat Setpoints
The information screens are used as a quick reference to show unit A/C circuit measurements and program version.
A/C Circuit Information
MEGA-TEC Series wall-mounted air conditioners have two separate refrigeration circuits: Circuit 1 is the two stage system located on the left side of the unit and circuit 2 is the single stage system on the right side.
A/C Circuit Information can be found in four screens within the information menu (see Figure 5). The information and measurements provided are liquid line
Manual 2100-671 Page 8 of 44
Program Version
The Program Version screen displays the model number of the unit as well as all program version information for the PLC (see Figure 6). This information can be used to determine whether a software update may be required based on information found in the software change log. This change log can be found at http://
Program Version
It is important to check the software version
during installation to ensure that the latest
version has been installed. Current software
versions, change log and installation
instructions are available on the Bard website at
Alarm Log
The alarm log screens show a log of each alarm. There will be a log for when alarm occurred and if the alarm auto clears, it will show when the alarm cleared. See page 11 for information on clearing alarms.
Menu Screens and Password Levels
A System Config: A1-A5 User (2000) B Adv Sys Config: B1-B4 Technician (1313) C I-O Config: Technician (1313) D On/Off: User (2000) E Alarm Logs: User (1313) F Settings
Date/Time: Technician (1313) Language: User (2000) Serial Ports: Technician (1313) Password Change Initialization Alarm Initialization: User (2000) Default Installation: Engineer (9254)
Alarm Export: User (2000) Unit of Measure: G
Logout: Used to log out of the current password level. Entering back into the menu requires password.
Parameters Import/Export: Engineer (9254)
LC6000/TEC-EYE Passwords (Defaults)
User 2000
Technician 1313
Engineer 9254
Use UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter password
The passwords listed above are the default passwords. End users can change these passwords if additional security is desired.
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Executing a Run Test
This unit has the ability to perform a run test that will operate all available unit functions in order to quickly determine unit operation. Some unit parameters are adjustable.
To execute a run test:
1. Press MENU key to access the Main Menu screen.
2. Press UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter TECHNICIAN password 1313.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Sys Config; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Run Test A9 screen.
5. Press ENTER key to scroll to Enable parameter (see Figure 7).
6. Press UP or DOWN key to change value to Yes.
7. Press ENTER key to save value.
Executing Run Test
Reset to Factory Defaults
To reset to factory default settings:
1. Press MENU key to go to the Main Menu screen.
2. Use UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter ENGINEER password 9254.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Settings; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Initialization; press ENTER key.
5. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to the Default Installation screen.
6. Press ENTER key to scroll to Wipe retain mem. (see Figure 8).
7. Press UP or DOWN key to change value to YES; press ENTER key.
8. System will restart with default values.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
Run Test Parameter Descriptions
Econ Stage Time: Amount of time (in seconds) allowed for damper blade movement in each direction.
Heat/Cool Stage Time: Amount of time (in seconds) allowed for each stage of heating or cooling.
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NOTE: Screenshots shown in this manual reflect
default settings (when applicable).
Unit On/Off
The wall-mount unit can be turned on and off from the TEC-EYE. Turning the unit off with the following instructions will disable all unit operation.
To turn the unit on or off:
1. Press MENU key to go to the Main Menu screen.
2. Press UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter USER password 2000.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to On/Off; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to change value from On to Off or from Off to On.
5. Press ESCAPE key several times to return to Main Menu screen.
The wall-mount unit may also be turned off by certain events such as the unit disable input, blower offline, fan offline, panel switch open or the return air temperature sensor failure when not connected to the LC6000.
The unit will also be turned off if the unit loses communication with the expansion board, blower motor, condenser fan motor or panel switch for blower or condenser fan compartment.
Alarm Adjustment
Acknowledging Alarms
Alarm conditions activate a red LED indicator that backlights the ALARM function key. As an option, an alarm condition may also be enunciated by an audible alarm signal. An alarm is acknowledged by pressing the ALARM key. This calls up alarm display screen(s) that provide a text message detailing the alarm condition(s).
Clearing Alarms
Alarms can only be cleared after the alarm condition has been corrected. To clear a single alarm, press and hold the ALARM key for 3 seconds while viewing a specific alarm screen. To clear all alarms, navigate to the screen at the end of the alarm list (shown in Figure
9) and press and hold the ALARM key for 3 seconds.
Clearing All Alarms
Clearing Alarm Logs and Counters
To clear the alarm log and alarm counters:
1. Press MENU key to go to the Main Menu screen.
2. Use UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter USER password 2000.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Settings; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Initialization; press ENTER key. (Alarm Management screen will be displayed.)
5. Press ENTER key to scroll to Delete alarm logs? (see Figure 10).
6. Press UP or DOWN key to change value to YES; press ENTER key.
7. Press ENTER key to scroll to Clear AutoReset counters?
8. Press UP or DOWN key to value to YES; press ENTER key.
Clearing Alarm Logs and Counters
Exporting Alarm Logs
See latest version of Supplemental Instructions manual 7960-825 for information on exporting alarm logs.
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Exporting 7 Day Logs
See latest version of Supplemental Instructions manual 7960-826 for information on exporting 7 day I/O logs.
Exporting Parameters
See latest version of Supplemental Instructions manual 7960-827 for information on exporting parameters.
When paired with a supervisory controller that uses zones to control groups of wall units, this unit uses the zone setting to relay to the supervisory controller what zone it is set to operate in. Up to three zones can be established with up to 14 units in a single zone. (The LC6000 supervisory controller can control up to a total of 14 units.)
To change the zone:
1. Press MENU key to access the Main Menu screen.
2. Press UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter TECHNICIAN password 1313.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Sys Config; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Unit Setup A1 screen.
5. Press ENTER key to scroll to Zone (see Figure 11).
6. Press UP or DOWN keys to change to the desired value (1, 2 or 3).
7. Press ENTER key to save value.
This sensor can be verified and adjusted by:
1. Press MENU key to go to the Main Menu screen.
2. Press UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter TECHNICIAN password 1313.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to I/O Config; press ENTER key.
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Analog Inputs; press ENTER key.
Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Analog Ins 1/19.
6. Verify the measurement displayed on screen is accurate (see Figure 12).
7. If the measurement needs to be adjusted, apply an offset value by pressing ENTER to scroll to Offset.
8. Press UP or DOWN keys to adjust the offset.
9. The update will not take effect until the cursor is moved out of the Offset parameter.
10. Once adjusted, press the ESCAPE key several times to return to Main Menu screen.
Adjusting Return Air Temperature Sensor
Changing Zone
Temperature Control
Temperature Control Components
Return Air Temperature Sensor
The unit is equipped with a return air temperature sensor to monitor the space temperature when the unit is in orphan mode. The return air sensor is located in the upper part of the return opening in such a way that it is exposed to the entering airstream. An alarm signal will be sent to the LC controller if the return air temperature sensor is disconnected. The temperature is measured with a 10k ohm NTC thermistor.
Return Air Temperature Alarm
When the return air temperature sensor value is out of range (-41.0 to 303.0°F), the controller will generate a sensor failure alarm to indicate the sensor is not working properly.
This alarm is fixed and cannot be adjusted.
Temperature Control Operation
The unit utilizes differentials while in orphan mode to control the space temperature. The differential values all reference the setpoint therefore allowing the control band to be easily changed using the setpoint. To change specific staging characteristics, each differential can be modified individually. There are separate setpoints and differentials for cooling and heating. Specific to the cooling differentials, the economizer will always be utilized first on a cooling call unless outdoor conditions are not acceptable for free cooling. In this case, the compressor will be activated at stage 1 in place of the economizer. All remaining stages will be shifted until the economizer becomes available again.
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To change or view the unit setpoint:
1. From the Status screen, press UP or DOWN key until Quick Menu displays Setpoints icon ( ). Press ENTER key.
2. Press ENTER key to scroll to Cool Setpoint or Heat Setpoint (see Figure 4 on page 8).
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to change the value to desired heating and/or cooling setpoint.
Orphan Mode
MEGA-TEC Series wall-mount units have the capability to run without the LC6000 controller attached—this feature is called orphan mode. This keeps the shelter between 60°F and 77°F (factory default settings) by the use of the factory-installed return air sensor in each wall-mount unit. In orphan mode, no auxiliary temperature measurement devices are required for operation. The wall-mount unit automatically uses a continuous blower setting to circulate room air into the return air inlet and uses the return air temperature sensor to control room temperature.
If at any time the wall-mount unit(s) loses communication with the LC6000 controller, the wall­mount unit(s) will go into orphan mode and operate using the last communicated setpoints.
To change default setpoints, refer to Setpoints on page 8.
During installation, the ability to run in orphan mode allows deactivation of one of the existing, older wall­mount units, while keeping the shelter cool with the other unit still operating. Once the first of the Bard wall-mount units is installed and powered on, it will
operate in orphan mode—keeping the climate inside the shelter stable and the installers comfortable while the remainder of the older equipment is removed and the remaining Bard wall-mount units and LC6000 controller are installed.
Additionally, should any or all of the MEGA-TEC Series wall-mount units lose communication with the LC6000 controller (such as during maintenance), they will continue to serve the shelter’s needs until a repair can be made.
LC6000 Control
When the unit is connected to a LC6000 supervisory controller, the cooling and heating stages will be controlled by the LC6000. For more information on LC6000 staging, see latest version of LC6000 Service Instructions 2100-669.
Cooling (with Economizer)
If equipped with an economizer, the unit is equipped with 1 stage of free cooling and 3 stages of mechanical cooling for a total of 4 cooling stages (see Figure 13).
Cooling (without Economizer)
In a situation where the unit is either not equipped with an economizer or is equipped with an economizer but the outdoor conditions are not favorable for economizer operation, the staging will use Stage 1, 2 or 3 differentials (see Figure 14 on page 14).
The unit can be equipped with 0, 1 or 2 stages of electric heat (see Figure 15 on page 14).
Compressor 1 Stage 2
Compressor 2
Compressor 1 Stage 1
Free Cooling
Cooling (with Economizer)
75.0°F 75.5°F 76.0°F 76.5°F 77.0°F 77.5°F 78.0°F 78.5°F 79.0°F 79.5°F 80.0°F 80.5°F 81.0°F
Cooling Deadband
Manual 2100-671 Page 13 of 44
Compressor 1 Stage 2
Compressor 2
Compressor 1 Stage 1
Cooling (without Economizer)
75.0°F 75.5°F 76.0°F 76.5°F 77.0°F 77.5°F 78.0°F 78.5°F 79.0°F 79.5°F 80.0°F 80.5°F 81.0°F
Electric Heater 2
Electric Heater 1
58.0°F 58.5°F 59.0°F 59.5°F 60.0°F 60.5°F 61.0°F 61.5°F 62.0°F
Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV)
EEV Components
Electronic Expansion Valve
The electronic expansion valve is a stepper motor that is controlled with a step output from the controller. The valve is capable of 480 steps represented by a 0-100% signal on the controller. The motor drives a needle valve that regulates the flow of refrigerant.
EEV Instructions for Vacuum, Reclaim, Charge Unit
The electronic expansion valve moves to the 20% open position when the unit is not actively cooling. The valve may need to be manually positioned for service or troubleshooting. The valve can be positioned by using a menu override.
To manually override the valve:
NOTE: The unit must be off to perform this override.
1. Press MENU key to go to the Main Menu screen.
2. Press UP or DOWN keys and ENTER key to enter TECHNICIAN password 1313.
3. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to I/O Config; press ENTER key.
Cooling Deadband
Heating Deadband
4. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to Manual EEV; press ENTER key.
5. Press UP or DOWN keys to scroll to EEV Circuit 1 or EEV Circuit 2.
6. Press ENTER key to scroll to Service Pos Figure 16)
7. Press UP or DOWN keys to adjust to the desired value.
Press ENTER key to scroll to Enable.
9. Press UP or DOWN key to change Off to On.
10. Press ENTER key to save.
Overriding EEV Output
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