*INSTALL NOTE: For optimum temperature sensor performance, the Bard CompleteStatTM must be mounted on an
interior wall and away from any heat sources, sunlight, windows, air vents, air circulation obstructions, and/or any other
cause of erratic or false temperature sensing.
Controller Installation: Mounting Controller
1. Complete rough-in wiring using a minimum 18 AWG solid-conductor control wiring, see Low Voltage Wiring
Diagrams in this Manual for exact number of conductors.
2. Turn the hex screws in the bottom and top of the controller clockwise (inward) until they clear the cover.
Remove base plate from controller.
3. Route completed wiring through base plate.
4. With the embossed “UP” arrows of the base plate pointing in the appropriate direction, fasten the base plate to
the desired wall location. A vertical/horizontal 2x4 wall handybox can be used for CO2-Sensing CompleteStat™,
and a vertical-only 2x4 wall handybox can be used for Non-CO2-Sensing CompleteStat™.
5. Make appropriate control wire connections (see Low-Voltage Wiring Manual) to terminal blocks.
6. Replace controller over base plate, being careful not to pinch/dislodge connections.
7. Turn hex screws in bottom/top of controller counter-clockwise (outward) to secure cover.
Controller Connections: Terminal legend
Terminal Function Type Form
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Basic Operation: Home, Main Menu, and Override Screens
Navigate the menus & change settings by pressing a combination of various arrow buttons/the Enter button. Push the:
Enter button to select and/or exit value editing
Up or Down button to move among entries2
Right or Left button to move among value fields
Left button to return to the home screen
NOTE2: Although cooling/heating setpoints can be accessed by simply pressing the arrow keys during normal operation,
any changes made in this fashion will be for a specific length-of-time as an “override” feature only. This temperature
change will not be permanent. See the Temperature Setpoints for further information.
Quick Start Programming: System Selection, System Enable, Aux. Heat, and Temperature Setpoints.
System Selection – to select A/C or HP, stages of heating and cooling, and with/without economizer, press:
1. Right button to access the Main Menu screen
2. Down button through entries to highlight Advanced
3. Enter button to select Advanced and enter Advanced Screen
4. Enter button again to select/enter Applications Screen
5. Controller will ask for Admin Level Password
Factory Default Admin Level Password: BARD
Press Enter
6. Enter button to choose Degrees Scale (IF NECESSARY)1
*NOTE1: On changing temperature scale, the APP category must be set to
“NOT CONFIGURED” before the controller will allow you to change scale
7. Up/Down buttons to choose °Fahrenheit or °Celsius
8. Enter button to save selection of scale. See Note A.
9. Down button to highlight App
10. Enter button to highlight current selection
11. Up/Down buttons to choose from available System types:
12. Enter button to select/save appropriate model
13. Down button to highlight Opt
14. Enter button to highlight current selection
15. Up/Down buttons to choose from available System Stages:
AC HP Note A. The change from "F" to "C"
1H/1C • 1 Stage will not take effect on the Home Screen
2H/2C • 2 Stage until the 24VAC power is cycled off and
1H/2C back on.
16. Enter button to select/save appropriate model stage
17. Down button to highlight Additional Setup
18. Enter button to select/enter Additional Setup Screen
19. Down button to highlight Damper, press Enter button to select
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20. Enter button to highlight current economizer selection
21. Up/Down buttons to choose from available Economizer options:
None = No Economizer, or Standard Vent. Pkg. (ERV/CRV/MFAD)
En/Dis (Engage/Disengage) = Economizer in system
22. Enter button to select/save appropriate economizer options
23. Left arrow back to additional setup
24. Down button to locate & highlight Valve (if HP was chosen)
25. Enter button to select/enter Valve (if HP was chosen)
26. Right button to highlight Valve options (if HP was chosen)
27. Up/Down buttons to choose from Valve options: (if HP was chosen)
28. Enter button to save Valve option choice (if HP was chosen)
29. Left button (6x) to navigate back to home page
Auxiliary Heat/Electric Heat Setup – If a heat pump is chosen, then the
electric heat strips must be configured. These steps do not apply to air
conditioners or other types of conventional heating. To configure the
auxiliary heat from the home screen, press:
1. Right button to access the Main Menu screen
2. Down button through entries to highlight Advanced
3. Enter button to select Advanced and enter Advanced Screen
4. Enter button again to select/enter Applications Screen
5. Controller will ask for Admin Level Password
Factory Default Admin Level Password: BARD
Press Enter
6. Down button through entries to highlight Additional Setup
7. Enter button to select/enter Additional Setup Screen
8. Enter button again to select/enter Aux Heat
9. Enter button again to highlight Aux Heat choices
10. Up/Down buttons to toggle through available choices…W/O Lockout – Auxiliary heat will activate regardless of compressor operation or outdoor air temperature (factory default)
- If W/O Lockout is chosen, proceed to set delay-on time
Comp Lockout – Compressor locks out below the selected Outdoor Air Temperature. (Requires optional 8301-
061 Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor.)
None – no auxiliary strip heat, controller will not energize W2
- If None is chosen, Left button (5x) to return to home screen
11. Down button to highlight Delay (mins)
12. Enter button to highlight default Delay minutes
13. Up/Down buttons to select the amount of minutes you would like to delay the electric heat before activation.
14. Enter button to save choice.
15. Left button (5x) to return to home screen.
Compressor Lockout Temperature – If you have chosen auxiliary heat strip configuration “Comp Lockout,” an
optional outdoor air temperature sensor will have to be installed/configured to specifically set the temperature at
which the compressor will no longer be allowed to operate. To install the 8301-061 Outdoor Air Temperature
Sensor, attach the leads to terminals “OAT” and “GND.” To set the compressor outdoor air temperature from the home screen, press…
1. Right button to access the Main Menu screen
2. Down button through entries to highlight Advanced
3. Enter button to select Advanced and enter Advanced Screen
4. Down button through entries to highlight Limits
5. Enter button to select Limits and enter Limits Screen
6. Down through entries to highlight Comp OAT Low
7. Enter button to select current Comp OAT Low setting
8. Up/Down button to desired outdoor air temperature for compressor lockout
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9. Enter button to save choice
8301-014 Leaving Air
Temperature Sensor
8301-061 Outdoor Air
Temperature Sensor
8301-062 Indoor Remote
Air Temperature Sensor
Remote Occupancy Sensor
BACnet Commercial
Controls Platform
10. Left button (3x) to home screen.
System Enable – to enable heating / cooling from home screen, press:
1. Right button to access the Main Menu Screen
2. Down button through entries to highlight System
3. Enter button to select System and enter System Screen
4. Enter button again to highlight current System Enable choice
5. Up/Down buttons to choose from available System Enable options
Auto: System is in “Auto-Changeover” mode. HVAC system will cycle heating and cooling automatically to
stay within preset heating and cooling setpoints.
Heating: System is in “Heating-Only” mode. HVAC system will cycle heating in reference to Heating
Setpoint only. Unit will not activate cooling sequence.
Cooling: System is in “Cooling-Only” mode. HVAC system will cycle cooling in reference to Cooling Setpoint
only. Unit will not activate heating sequence.
Emer HT: HP mode only.
Off: HVAC system is inactive.
6. Enter button to select/save appropriate mode selection
7. Left button (2x) to navigate back to home page.
Temperature Setpoints – to access temperature setpoints from the home screen, press:
1. Right button to access the Main Menu Screen
2. Down button through entries to highlight Setpoints
3. Enter button to select Setpoints and enter Setpoints Screen
4. Enter button to select Cool Setpt3
5. Up/Down buttons to enter appropriate cooling setpoint
6. Enter button to save new Cool Setpt4
7. Down button to highlight Heat Setpt
8. Enter button to select Heat Setpt
9. Up/Down buttons to enter appropriate heating setpoint
10. Enter button to save new Heat Setpt
12. Left button (2x) to navigate back to home page
NOTE3: The controller will not allow heating/cooling setpoints to contradict one another, or to be within a degree of
conflicting operation.
NOTE4: Any system start-up with indoor ambient temperatures lower than 56° F., or above 86° F. will experience an
internal Low-Temperature or High-Temperature alarm. This will not affect normal operation, and can be cleared easily.
Terminal Descriptors – Optional Inputs
NOTE: Use twisted shielded pair for optional outdoor and indoor air sensors. Connect shield (drain) to 24V common.
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