Specifications for the 3000 Piezo Buffer Preamp with EQ
Input (EQ Flat)
Input Interface = RCA unbalanced
Input Impedance = 2.2 Meg Ohms
Maximum Input Level = 2.0 vrms
Output (EQ Flat, Volume Max)
Output Interface = 1/4" unbalanced
Output Impedance = 2K Ohms
THD = .008% @ 1kHz
Noise = -92dBu
S/N = 100dBu
Bass = +/- 12dB @ 50Hz
Treble = +/- 12dB @ 10kHz
Frequency Response = 5Hz - 30kHz (+/- 1dB)
Power Supply
Power Source = 9 Volts @ 380 Microamps
Battery Life = Approximately 1,000 hours
P.O. Box 63366
N. Charleston, SC 29419-3366
Made In The U.S.A.
This Barcus-Berry product is designed
to satisfy the most rigorous demands of
the professional musician and the
precision manufacturing techniques
employed provide assurance of
long-continued, trouble-free service.
For outstanding performance and
dependability, you can always rely upon
BARCUS-BERRY— the world’s leading
name in musical instrument transducers,
pickups and microphones.
Limited Warranty
This Barcus-Berry product is warranted for a period
of one (1) year from the date of purchase against
defects in workmanship and parts.
Strings Systems
InstallatIon InstructIons
c e l l o a n d u p r I g h t b a s s t r a n s d u c e r s Y s t e M s
model no.

Congratulations on your purchase of the Barcus-Berry Strings System
for 3125 (Cello) or B3150 (Upright Bass)
Barcus Berry string instrument transducers have long been the preferred choice of leading professionals throughout the world.
The Model 3125 for cello and B3150 for upright bass continue this tradition of excellence by incorporating some of the most
advanced transducer design technology available. These transducers can be quickly and easily attached to or removed from any
standard-type bridge. They have wideband frequency response, essentially unlimited dynamic range and excellent string balance. In addition, they offer a high degree of feedback rejection and outstanding signal isolation. These characteristics, coupled
with unexcelled reliability, make the 3125 and B3150 ideal for virtually all sound reinforcement and studio applications. These
transducers can be employed with all types of instrument setup; plain or wrapped gut, nylon-core or steel-core strings can all be
used in any desired combination.
Before you begin, please check within the box to insure that it contains the following items:
(A) • One (1) Barcus-Berry clip-on transducer for either 3125 (Cello)
or B3150 (Upright Bass).
(B) • One (1) Barcus-Berry 3000 Piezo Buffer Preamp with EQ.
• One set of rubber feet (four each).
• Attachable belt clip with one set of “dual lock” attachment strips.
• Barcus Berry velcro strap.
• Black metal strap-mounting bracket with one set of adhesives.
• Installation Instructions for Model 3125 or B3150.
Each transducer is furnished with two nylon thumbscrews which are employed to secure the transducer to th e b r idg e of th e
in str u men t. Back these sc rews out unt il th e tra nsd ucer can b e fit ted ove r the edge of the brid ge on the E- str i ng
si de ( Upri ght Bass ) or C-string (Ce llo). W hen corr ectly fi tted, the up per sect ion of the transducer (from which th e
co rd emerge s) will embrace the leg of the br idge, tig hte n both t humb scr ews u ntil t hey enga ge the r ear face of the
br idge an d exer t en oug h press ure to securel y clamp the transducer in p lace.
Co nne ct the transducer t o th e 30 00 by pluggi ng into the input jack. Th en conn ect the out put of the unit t o your
am pli fier o r mixing con sol e. The 300 0 is powered by a 9-volt batt ery and ha s volume, tre ble a nd bass control s.
To replace th e batt ery, re move the si de scr ews an d slid e t he cover of f the cha ssis. Remove th e exp ended battery
an d re plac e wi th a f resh cel l. Be sure to ob ser ve the ind icated p olar ity markings when ins er tin g the battery i nto
th e h older. Replac e the c over on the chassis and re secure wit h the s ide scr ews.
If any of these items are found to be damaged or missing, immediately contact
the Barcus-Berry dealer from whom the unit was purchased.