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Software Licence Agreement
User agreement for XLite ToolSet Software
IMPORTANT: This Software Agreement is a legal agreement between the end user and the producer of the software product identified above, which includes computer software and associated media and printed materials,
and includes “online” or electronic documentation. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other
intellectual property laws and treaties.
Systems Software - You may install and use this SOFTWARE PRODUCT only in conjunction with other Barco
products where it is made for.
If you have acquired this software with the purchase of a product you may make a number of additional copies
of the computer software portion of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT only for authorized training off line for a Barco
RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE
NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in
no event shall the manufacturer or it’s suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential
damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption,
loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software
product, even if the manufacturer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or translated. It shall not otherwise
be recorded, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system without the prior
written consent of BARCO.
Brand and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks, registered trademarks or copyrights
of their respective holders. All brand and product names mentioned in this manual serve as comments or
examples and are not to be understood as advertising for the products or their manufactures.
24.5.4 AEC Light History ...................................................................................... 295
Index ...................................................................................................297
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Table of contents
8R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
1. Introduction
1.1General introduction
The display and configuration ‘’Xlite ToolSet Software’’ is designed preliminary as a user interface (GUI).
This software works in combination with the existing :
•Barco Digitizers D310
•Barco Digitizers D320 series
•Barco DLite, ILite and SLite Displays
•Barco MiPix Displays
•Barco projectors (D320PL)
Windows is the operating environment (Windows NT/2000) for the software.
The "Xlite ToolSet Software" is a DHTML based application and runs out of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.
or later. The software is divided in six main work sections, after logging on.
The Control Software can be used to control and configure of Barco ILite Systems, SLite Systems, DLite
Systems or MiPix systems, either locally or via a network. (LAN, WAN or internet).
Connection Configurations
When connected through a serial RS232 connection.
Image 1-1
Configuration with client & server on one PC
Connection configurations can be achieved directly from a PC to a Digitizer or via a PC connected to an
local Server on a local area network (LAN). With the Digitizer connected to the local server.
D/ILite Display
Client +
WebServer +
Local Server
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
1. Introduction
Image 1-2
Configuration with client & server on a different PC.
Web Server +
Local Server
D/ILite Display
10R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
2. Installation
•General Requirements
•Software installation
•Troubleshooting Guide
•Updating XLite ToolSet
•Uninstalling XLite ToolSet
2.1General Requirements
Before you begin
It assumes you are familiar with the Windows operating system at your site.
The CD-ROM in your package contains a Windows-based installation program. You can install the software from the CD-ROM.
System requirements
A minimum configuration of a Pentium II processor, 160 MHz and 128 MB of RAM.
At least 50 MB of disk space. A CD-ROM drive.
The operating system required is a 32 bit Windows version:
•Windows NT 4.0. with service pack 4.0
•Windows 2000
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
The screen resolution of the software is 1024*768 for a good working environment.
2.2Software installation
To install
The process of installing your software involves the following basic steps:
1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Is the AutoPlay active on your PC.
If yes, continue with step 7.
If no, from within the Windows environment go to the Start Menu. Choose Run... from the menu and
proceed with the next steps.
3. Open windows explorer.
4. Select the CD-ROM Drive.
5. Double click ‘setup.exe’ file.
6. Press ‘OK’ to run the installation.
7. For a new installation select ’Typical’.
With ’Typical’, everything necessary to run the program will be installed (Tomcat webserver, Java environment variables and plug ins for the applets).
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
2. Installation
With ’Custom’ you have the choice to install only the Xlite part or only the Java part.
8. Press ‘Enter’ to execute the installation program.
9. Complete installation is automatic.
’XLite ToolSet’ item will be added to the program list.
Some settings of the PC must be checked before launching the software:
1. Check if the Java Virtual machine (VM) is enabled on the PC.
2. Open your Internet Explorer.
Select Tools → Internet Options → Temporary Internet Files → Settings.
3. Check ’Every visit to the page’ and press OK. (image 2-1)
Image 2-1
Internet options Settings
2.3Starting up
Start up
To start up the XLite ToolSet software, the following steps are involved:
1. Go to the Start menu, select Programs.
2. Drag your mouse to the right and select XLite ToolSet v2. Drag further to the right and select XLiteToolSet.(image2-2)
This action starts first the service launcher whic
- Tomcat Webserver
- Admin engine
- sysid
And it start then XLite ToolSet itself.
Image 2-2
Start up of XLite ToolSet
h contains the following processes :
12R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
2. Installation
2.4Troubleshooting Guide
A troubleshooting guide with the most frequently discovered problems is online available on the CD-ROM.
2.5Updating XLite ToolSet
From time to time, updates or new versions of the XLite ToolSet are released in the PartnerZone on the
As a registered partner, you can download these updates.
If you are not yet a partner, you can register yourself as a new partner. For more information, surf to
ttp:// and follow the link Services -> Secure Zone.
Once you have access to the Partner Zone, download the latest version of the XLite ToolSet and save it
to your local hard disk. The file is a self-extracting zip file.
How to update
1. Browse in Windows Explorer to the directory where the zip file was saved.
2. Extract the zip file in the desired directory.
3. Go to the directory in which the zip file is extracted and double click on setup.exe.
The setup file will automatically update the current version of the XLite ToolS
If you have already installed the update, a notice will be shown asking you if you want to uninstall the
update. Uninstalling the update will make the current installation corrupt.
You cannot uninstall an update to return to the previous version. If you uninstall an
update, the files are removed and the XLite ToolSet will no longer work properly.
If you want to go back to an older version, re-install the original versi
CD, delivered with the digitizer), and install the updated version over it.
2.6Uninstalling XLite ToolSet
If youhave also installed an update for XLiteToolSet,this should be removed first before
uninstalling XLite ToolSet itself.
on (the one on the
How to uninstall
1. Open the Control Panel of your windows (Start → Settings → Control Panel).
2. Select XLite ToolSet from the list and click on the Change/Remove button.
The uninstall procedure for XLite ToolSet will start.
3. The uninstall wizard asks for confirmation. (image 2-3)
4. Click No to remove completely.
5. Do you want to remove the data files too? Data files are the user files, preset files, configuration, etc.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
2. Installation
If yes, click on Yes. Every thing will be deleted. (image 2-4)
If no, click on No. XLite ToolSet will be able to work on the same configuration when reinstalled later.
Image 2-3
Uninstall confirmation
Image 2-4
Data files removal during uninstall
14R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
•Log on page
3.1Log on page
•User Log on
•Add user
3.1.1User Log on
3. Logging On
The login page is the first page of the GUI after starting up the software.
Image 3-1
Log on page
There are 3 actions you can do on this page:
This specified with the 3 radio buttons (right corner of the login screen).
When user name and password are filled in, w
1. Check the check radio button. (image 3-2)
2. Fill in a user name and password.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
3. Logging On
3. Click on submit to login.
The software validates the entry.
Image 3-2
3.1.2Add user
1. Enter a specific user name and password.
2. Check the add radio button. (image 3-3)
3. Click on submit to add the new user.
A confirmation screen will be displayed. (image 3-4)
4. Click on Clickheretoreturntothelogonpageto return to the logon page.
Image 3-3
Image 3-4
3.1.3Delete user
1. Enter the user name and password.
2. Check the delete radio button. (image 3-5)
3. Click on submit to delete the user.
A confirmation screen will be displayed. (image 3-6)
4. Click on Clickheretoreturntothelogonpageto return to the logon page.
Image 3-5
Image 3-6
16R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
3.2Start up Page
Start up menu
When correctly logged on, the following start up menu will be displayed.
1. When a no configuration is detected, the software starts up with the Autodetect window.
3. Logging On
Image 3-7
Autodetect start up page
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/200517
3. Logging On
2. When the configuration is known, but no wall positioning is already entered, the software starts up
with the Wall Positioning window.
Image 3-8
Wall positioning start up page
18R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
3. Logging On
3. When everything is already configured (e.g. for an existing installation), the software starts up with
the System Config window.
Image 3-9
Menu Structure Overview
The basic menus are built up in 4 frames:
•Top Frame for navigating the software.
•Main Frame for the application windows.
•Overview Frame for displaying the connected devices.
•Status Bar.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
3. Logging On
Image 3-10
Menu structure overview page
20R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
•Autodetect page startup
•RS232 Communication Settings
•Start Autodectection
•Reload parameters from devices
•Serial Numbers
4.1Autodetect page startup
Start up
1. Click on Autodetect.
Note: Autodetection must be done on each occasion after logging on.
This window is used for the primary detection of devices connected to the local PC.
4. Autodetect Page
During autodetection, all devices will be addressed in the order in which they are detected in the data
link. (image 4-1)
Image 4-1
Autodetect start up page
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/200521
4. Autodetect Page
The status bar can have 3 states :
•Busy : searching for devices or busy with calculating
•Loading : retrieving device information
•Ready : everything is loaded
Detected d evices
Detected devices will be visible in the ‘overview’ frame.
Icons of detected devices will appear if connected within the system configuration.
The following icons are possible:
Image 4-2Image 4-3
Image 4-10
Image 4-11
Image 4-4
Image 4-12
Image 4-5
Image 4-13
Image 4-6
Image 4-14
Image 4-7Image 4-8
Image 4-15
4.2RS232 Communication Settings
Start up
1. Clickto reveal the RS232 parameter box. (image 4-16)
Image 4-9
Image 4-16
RS232 Communication settings
ameter values
Adjust the parameter values to suit the serial RS232 communication values between the local PC and
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
4. Autodetect Page
Default values will already be filled in.
Communication portChange the Communication port to the serial port as used for connecting
the PC to the Digitizer.
ParityRead only value. Parity is set to none. No parity check is used.
StopbitsRead only value. Stopbits is set to 1.
StatusThis setting is very important as it indicates as to whether the software
When the Status is set to ’off-line’, during some adjustments in system configuration a message will appear
to asked if you want to stay working offline.(image 4-17)
Image 4-17
To stay working off line, click on OK. To return to online, click Cancel.
To finish the Communication settings:
•When the values are entered, click on
•Click on
Read only value. Set up on 19200.
Read only value. Set to 8.
commands have effect on the system being talked to by the XLite ToolSet
software. When online all commands are sent and acted on, when off-line
all commands are not sent to the system devices.
to update any changes made
to exit without updating any changes and leaving the existing values unchanged.
Quick Status Change
Click on the non selected square of the RS232 window to change the status.
Image 4-18
Status change RS232
When a green square is visible : online
When a red square is visible : offline
of RS232
4.3Start Autodectection
What will be executed?
Depending on the download mode the following will be executed during an autodetection:
Normal download mode (by default):
•Detection of all devices
•Addressing of all devices
•Downloading of device parameters
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
4. Autodetect Page
Simple download mode:
•Detection of all devices
•Addressing of all devices
Status info will be given in the Log Info View field during the downloading procedure.
Image 4-19
Wait until the status bar indicates ‘Ready’ before proceeding with further operations. Continuing with
further operations could result in the program locking due to conflicts in communication sending and receiving.
Check in the ‘Log Info View’ that detection has finished successfully, if so: continue and go to chapter
“Wall Positioning Page”, if not : check the system devices and the c
Also check all device have been switched on and are in full operational mode.
Repeat theprocedure once again if a rectified problem prevented
successful detection originally.
abling connections between them.
The start address can be filled out by entering with the digit keys. Default = 1.
Set up the download mode
1. Click on the + button just below Start address.(image4-20)
The download options become available. (image 4-21)
2. Click on the desired radio button to select the download mode.
Default selected.
Devices will be detected, addressed and all necessary parameters will be
downloaded during an auto-detection.
Devices will be detected, addressed and only the basic parameters will be
downloaded from these devices. This option is fa
values for certain settings.
Practical use : hot swap of a tile. Tile can be detected and addressed. Then
tile can be first calibrated etc. and then a download parameters of all devices
can be executed.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
ster, but may result in undefined
Image 4-20
Select download options
4. Autodetect Page
Image 4-21
Download options
Start up the Autodetection
1. Click onto initiate the detection process.
Detected devices will be visible in the ’overview’ frame.
Available icons
The following icons of detected devices will appear if connected within the system configuration.
Digitizer D310
Digitizer D320
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
4. Autodetect Page
Digitizer D320L
Digitizer D320Lite
Digitizer D320PL
DLite Display
ILite Display
Slite Display
MD Display
OLite Display
MiPix Display
FiberLink 2
26R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005
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