Barco nv Avionics and Simulation Division
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Printed in Belgium

Table of contents
1. Safety................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Safety guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Recycling guidelines.................................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction ............. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ............ 5
2.1 Kit description......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Lamp replacement procedure.................................................................................... 7
3.1 Reset lamp runtime................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Removing the rear cover............................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Removing the lamp................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Installing the lamp ...................................................................................................................10
3.5 Installing the rear cover .............................................................................................................12
Index................. ................ ................ ................ .................. ................ ................ ...13
List of images........ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ...15
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Table of contents
2 R59770361 SIM 5W LAMP KIT 28/11/2008

1.1 Safety guidelines
WARNING: Hot Surface and Risk of Explosion:Switch the projector to stand by and let it cool down for at least
15 minutes . These lamps consist of a quartz arc tube operating at very high temperature and high pressure
which may explode suddenly. There is a risk of personal injury and property damage from hot quartz arc tube
particles if hand led incorrectly.
WARNING: Risk of Electrical Shock: Power down the projector and unplug the power cord from the wall
outlet. Once the projector is cooled down and the power is off, c ontinue with the procedure.
WARNING: Lamp Runtime Warning: Do not exceed the indicated maximum total lifetime of the lamp for safe
operation in normal power mode. Do not use it longer ! Always replace the lamp with the BA RCO lamp kit.
WARNING: UV Rad iation Exposu re : Never light the lamp if the rear cover (lamp cover) of the projector is
removed, unless you wear UV radiation eye and skin protection.
1. Safety
WARNING: : Do not operate the projector longer than o ne minute with the rear cover removed.
CAUTION: : Never operate the projector with only one lamp installed.
1.2 Recycling guidelines
WARNING: Do not break or crush lamps because this may pose health and environmental risks when mercury
vapors are released.
CAUTION: To avoid b reaking the lamp s, repack carefully when storing and transporting them.
R59770361 SIM 5W LAMP KIT 28/11/2008 3

1. Safety
CAUTION: Lamps may not be disposed as normal household trash.
Contact your local waste disposal facility for information on the recycling program for HID (High Intensity
Discharge ) lamps in y our area.
Image 1-1
Disposal options for mercury-containing lamps
• Recycle through a municipal or solid waste district household hazardous waste collecti
• Direct shipment to lamp recycler
• Shipment through a hazardous waste transporter
on program in acco rdance with local
4 R59770361 SIM 5W LAMP KIT 28/11/2008