Small Fry manual
Start with the Small Fry volume at 12:00 o clock, set your tone to around 3:00 o clock, now we can
dive a little deeper Try these settings for different textures:
1. blackface drive- turn the burn control to about 12 o clock and the dynamics control to 5 o clock (full
on) adjust burn to taste.
2. Tweed tone- set the burn control to 7 o clock (all the way down) and then set the dynamics control at 7
o clock (all the way down), adjust burn to taste.
3. British drive-set dynamics to 5 o clock (all the way up) and set the burn control to 5 o clock (all the
way up)
4. Warm clean boost- set dynamics control to 5 o clock (all the way up)and set the burn control to 7 o
clock (all the way down) then adjust volume and tone to taste.
5. Black magic tone-set tone to 1:30 o clock then set dynamics control to 2 o clock finally set the burn
control to 1 o clock, adjust for guitar if necessary.
6. The $20,000 collector amp tone-Set the dynamics control to 7 o clock (all the way down) then set the
burn control to 5 o clock (all the way up) enjoy…
1. The Volume control adjust overall level of the Small Fry.
2. Tone adjusts brightness of the Small Fry and usually sounds best between 12-5 o clock.
3. Dynamics adjusts the dynamics and compression characteristics the Small Fry.
4. The Burn control adjust sustain, drive and harmonic ratio.
5. Mini toggle-in the far “left position” you have stock Burn Unit style sounds, in the “middle position
you have a very dynamic and sweet vintage drive with a little less gain, this simulated asymmetric
preamp drive as well, to the far right you a a new “asymmetric “power tubes” version of the dynamic
control, this is less asymmetric at the low setting of the dynamics control and the most asymmetric at
the highest settings of the dynamics control.
6. Internal trim adjustments, There are four internal adjustments in the Small Fry. The four trims are as
follows left to right labeled note shape, bass, midrange and presence.. These are pre adjusted for a
good starting place, but you should try finding your perfect match to your amp and guitars response.
Use a small flathead screwdriver or thin pick to adjust them. Midrange usually sounds best set between
9 o clock and 2 o clock, presence and Bass have a wide range that works well. If you get lost return
all the internal pointers to 12 o clock.
Power supply should be 9 DC volt negative tip (power supply not included)
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Thank you for purchasing the Small Fry.