alphaDUR mini
Version 1.2
1 Introduction................................................................................................5
2 Manual.......................................................................................................6
2.1 Lettering..............................................................................................6
2.2 Text boxes........................................................................................... 6
3 The test probes..........................................................................................7
3.1 Probe selection...................................................................................7
3.2 Probe handling.................................................................................... 7
4 General working instructions.....................................................................9
4.1 Key functions.......................................................................................9
4.2 Status bar............................................................................................10
4.3 The menus..........................................................................................10
4.4 Text entry............................................................................................. 10
4.5 The number field.................................................................................12
5 Measurement.............................................................................................13
5.1 Specimen requirements......................................................................13
5.2 Measuring parameter..........................................................................14
5.3 Measuring procedure..........................................................................15
5.4 Measuring window..............................................................................15
5.4.1 Key assignment of the measuring window...................................16
5.5 Statistics..............................................................................................17
5.5.1 Display of statistics.......................................................................17
5.6 Instant printout....................................................................................19
6 Measuring parameter................................................................................20
6.1 Description..........................................................................................20
6.2 Managing sets of measuring parameter..............................................21
6.2.1 Editing measuring parameter........................................................21
6.2.2 Saving measuring parameter........................................................21
6.2.3 Loading measuring parameter......................................................22
6.2.4 Deleting a set of measuring parameter.........................................22
7 Hardness conversion................................................................................. 23
8 Material calibration....................................................................................23
9 Memory functions......................................................................................26
9.1 Creating a new series.........................................................................27
9.2 Continuation of a series......................................................................27
9.3 Deleting a series.................................................................................27
9.4 Displaying a series..............................................................................27
9.5 Optional: Copying of series to an USB flash drive..............................27
10 System settings.......................................................................................28
10.1 Language..........................................................................................28
10.2 Time..................................................................................................28
10.3 Date...................................................................................................28
10.4 Configuration..................................................................................... 28
10.4.1 Date format................................................................................. 28
10.4.2 Key SCALE.................................................................................28
10.4.3 Key MAT..................................................................................... 29
10.4.4 Query whether series should be saved......................................29
10.4.5 Query whether values should be printed....................................29
10.4.6 Tensile strength unit....................................................................30
10.5 Factory defaults.................................................................................30
10.6 System information...........................................................................30
10.7 Unlock options...................................................................................30
11 Maintenance and inspection....................................................................30
12 The UCI method......................................................................................31
13 Proper disposal........................................................................................33
13.1 Deutsch............................................................................................. 33
13.2 Français............................................................................................33
13.3 Italiano...............................................................................................33
13.4 Español.............................................................................................34
14 Technical Data......................................................................................... 35
15 Option: Copying of series to an USB flash drive.....................................37
15.1 Transfer Data....................................................................................37
15.2 Unlock options...................................................................................37
Appendix 1: License information...................................................................38
1 Introduction
The alphaDUR mini is a portable hardness tester. Vickers hardness is
measured according to the UCI (Ultrasonic Contact Impedance) method.
The measured Vickers hardness can be converted to Brinell hardness (HB),
Rockwell hardness (HRC or HRB) or tensile strength (N/mm2) according to DIN
standard 50150.
Up to 100 000 readings including hardness, date, time and measuring
parameter can be stored to the internal memory of the alphaDUR mini.
The memory can be divided into sections for use by different users or projects.
Saved series of measurements, including statistics, can be readily displayed or
printed. The program alphaSOFT (not included with the alphaDUR mini) is
used to transfer the series to a PC.
In addition to the permanent storage, the readings can be temporarily saved so
that statistics can be computed even if the readings are not permanently saved.
Furthermore, the alphaDUR mini provides a so called 'instant printout' function.
The readings will be instantly printed after measurement. No statistics will be
2 Manual
2.1 Lettering
Operating elements
KEY Keys
Standard text Descriptions and explanations in text form
Important notes Important notes and remarks
Operating elements
2.2 Text boxes
Operating elements
Entry fields
Important notes
Explanations of functions and operating
elements are framed in blue.
Green fields describe user inputs and
Information and notes are provided with yellow
Important notes and warnings are represented
in red boxes
Oscillating rod with
Vickers diamond
3 The test probes
3.1 Probe selection
alphaDUR UCI test probes are available with test loads of 10, 20, 30,
49, and 98 N. This corresponds to HV1, HV2, HV3, HV5 and HV10 (1, 2,
3, 5 and 10 kg).
So the optimal load for a particular test task can be chosen. Two criteria
are crucial for the selection of the appropriate test load: surface of the
specimen and handling. For rough surfaces, high test loads are recom-
mended, which leads to greater indentations. But it ought be considered,
that it may be necessary to apply a
load of up to 10 kg manually. This is
not a problem if the probe is fixed in a
stand. But it could be difficult to apply
the test load steadily and vertically if
many consecutive measurements
must be done.
Fig. 1
3.2 Probe handling
The protective sleeve serves 2 pur-
It protects the UCI rod against dam-
ages (as distortion).
It serves as a mechanical stop for the
deflection of the rod during measure-
To conduct a measurement, the probe
must be held perpendicular to the
specimen surface. (The alphaDUR
mini has to be calibrated to the mater-
ial and must be in measuring mode.) The Vickers diamond may touch the
surface slightly, but not for too long (otherwise an error occurs). Then the
probe is pressed to the specimen until the protective sleeve hits the sur-
face. An acoustic signal indicates the completion of the measurement. To
achieve an accurate measurement, the probe must be pressed steadily
and vertically onto the specimen.
To facilitate the measurement procedure, probe supports can be at-
tached to the probe in place of the protective sleeve. These probe sup-
ports are obtainable for flat and convex surfaces.
A high precision stand is available, which eases load application, particu-
larly when a large number of measurements has to be taken or in case of
a high test load.
4 General working instructions
4.1 Key functions
Switching on/off the device.
Changes the hardness scale.
Changes the material.
Delete last measurement point
Display statistics
Into the main menu
Cursor keys
With these keys, menu items are selected and the re-
quired values in input fields fields are set.
With this key, the current function is exited. The higher-
level menu item is accessed.
The processing is completed with this key in a field, or a
menu item is selected.
4.2 Status bar
The rechargeable battery status and the time are displayed in the status bar at
the top of the window.
4.3 The menus
A menu consists of a list of available menu items and a bar which identifies the
active menu item. This bar can be displaced in
the menu with the aid of the cursor keys ▲ and
▼. As a result of pressing ENTER the marked
menu item is selected. Either a window or a
submenu are opened by that.
With ESC, a return is made to the former menu.
Particular attention has been paid to ease the
operation by avoiding deeply nested menus.
Fig. 2: Main menu
4.4 Text entry
In case of saving measuring data and measuring parameters, inputs are
possible in plain text. In these cases, the text entry window is opened.
Fig. 3 : Text entry
In the upper field (designated as text field in the following) the entered text is
displayed, in the rows below are represented the characters which can be
selected. The blank is identified with [ ].
Below the characters is located a strip with command buttons for control. These
command buttons are allocated as follows:
Switching between upper case and lower case
Accepting text and closing text entry window
Closing text entry window without accepting the text
The field on which the focus is placed is identified by a yellow background. With
the keys ▲ and▼ the focus is set on the line above or below the current line.
The allocation of the keys is different, depending on which field has the focus at
the time.
Action Key/s
Focus on text field
Shift input mark ◄ and►
Deletion of the character in front of the input mark DEL
Accepting text and closing text entry window ENTER
Closing text entry windows and asking whether the text
should be accepted.
Focus on character area
Selection of the character to the left or right of the current
◄ and►
Entering character in the text field ENTER
Deletion of the last entered character DEL
Closing text entry windows and asking whether the text
should be accepted.
Focus on command button
Implement action ENTER
Selection of the command button to the left or right of the
◄ and►
current one
Deletion of the last entered character DEL
Closing text entry windows and asking whether the text
should be accepted.
4.5 The number field
A number field is used for the input of numbers. It consists of mostly several
digits which can be changed separately, and a marker (cursor) which can be
displaced with the cursor keys ◄ and ► within the number field. The Item on
which the cursor is at this time can be modified through pressing the cursor
keys ▲ and ▼
A further, leading digit for the input of larger numerical values can be generated
by cursor ◄.
The input is saved and concluded with ENTER. With ESC, the entry field is
closed without saving.
Action Key/s
Displace marker ◄ und ►
Increase digit ▲
Decrease digit ▼
Generating a further, leading digit if the marker is placed on
the first digit.
Accepting input and closing number field ENTER
Closing number field and discard input. ESC