Extreme Temperature RTD Sensors
BA/1x[1,2,3] Temperature Sensor
Installation & Operating Instructions
The Extreme Temperature Sensor is made for thermowell mounting, direct insertion or remote probe mounting. The probe is made
of Stainless Steel and made in different lengths for a custom t. The RTD’s are available in 100Ω or 1KΩ 385 curve as shown in the
specications. The enclosures come in plastic or metal for both NEMA 3R and NEMA 4 applications and are all plenum rated.
Fig. 4: Extreme Temp Immersion
with Weatherproof (WP) Enclosure,
Fig. 1: Extreme Temp Immersion Sensor
Fig. 3: Extreme
Temp Immersion
with Weatherproof
(WP) Enclosure,
Standard Mount
Outside Mount
rev. 07/07/16
Fig. 2: Extreme Temp Remote Probe
Fig. 5:
Temp Remote
Sensor with
Fig. 6: Extreme Temp Remote
Sensor with BAPI-Box (BB)
Fig. 7: Extreme Temp Remote Sensor
with BAPI-Box 2 (BB2) Enclosure
Fig. 8: Extreme
Temp Remote Sensor
with BAPI-Box 4
(BB4) Enclosure
(A Pierceable
Knockout Plug
is available from
BAPI for the open
port in the BB4.
Part #BA/PKP-100)
Fig. 9: Extreme
Temp Remote Sensor
with Weather Tight
(EU) Enclosure
Specications subject to change without notice.
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Extreme Temperature RTD Sensors
BA/1x[1,2,3] Temperature Sensor
Installation & Operating Instructions
Application: Figure 9 shows a typical four-inch thermowell and four-inch immersion probe installed into an eight inch pipe. In a
properly insulated pipe with liquid or steam, the temperature is essentially the same across the entire cross section of the pipe. Usually
thermowells are sized to extend to the center of the pipe; however, shorter thermowells will give proper temperature readings if properly
insulated. The shorter thermowells are used in pipes with high ow velocities. See Application notes “Thermowells Explained” on our
website at www.bapihvac.com
Thermowell Installer: Typically a Pipe Fitter drills a ¾-inch hole into the pipe where the thermowell is needed. A customer provided
tting, called a Threadolet or Weldolet, is welded to the pipe over the hole. The Threadolet has a ½” NPT thread in the center. Thread
sealant such as Teon tape or pipe dope is applied to the ½” NPT threads of the thermowell. The thermowell is then inserted into the
Threadolet and tightened. Estimates on insertion depths can be seen in our Application note “Thermowells Explained” on our website
at www.bapihvac.com
Sensor Installation: Insert the immersion sensor into the well with the stainless steel screw tting into the opening on the well. Hand
tighten the immersion sensor snugly without too much torque. Make sure that the tip of the immersion sensor is inserted as close
to the well bottom as possible. The well is close tting to the sensor and will offer an accurate reading without the need for thermal
rev. 07/07/16
Fig. 13: Extreme Temp Remote Sensor
in a strap-on application
Fig. 10: Extreme Temp
Probe with ange mount
Fig. 14:
Temp Remote
Sensor with
Fig. 11: Extreme Temp Immersion with
Weatherproof Enclosure
Fig. 12: Remote Sensor mounting using the scored break off
of the Flexible Probe Bracket (FPB) which is shown at left.
Fig. 15: Extreme Temp
Remote Sensor with
Fig. 16: Remote Sensor
with BAPI-Box 2 (BB2)
Specications subject to change without notice.
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