Replaceable Sensor Probes
BA/#-P-x, BA/#xP, BA/HxS
Installation & Operations
• The BA/#-P-x is a Stainless Steel Replacement probe for use with any BAPI Immersion, or Duct temperature
sensor. They come in a variety of lengths and with TFE insulated plenum cable. The BA/#-P-x sensor is
available in multiple types of thermistor’s or RTD temperature sensors as shown in the specifications. The
probe comes without a box and is made to insert into an existing duct or immersion box fitting as a replacement. It is ideal to replace a damaged probe or to change the length of an existing probe installation.
• The BA/#-HxP is a Humidity Replacement probe w/sintered filter for use with any BAPI Duct or OSA RH
transmitter. They come pre-calibrated and ready to install and use. The BA/#-HxP probe is available with
multiple types of thermistor’s or RTD temperature sensors as shown in the specifications. The replacement
probe comes without a box and is made to thread into an existing duct or OSA enclosure. It is ideal to
replace a damaged probe or worn-out sensor in an existing installation. Replacement 100 micron SS
sintered filters as well as wash down caps are also available. No field calibration is required.
• The BA/#-HxS is a Humidity Sensor Replacement for BAPI room RH transmitters. They come pre-cali-
brated and ready to install and use. No field calibration is required.
10/1/09 rev.
Per OrderPer Order
Fig 1: SS Replacement Sensor Probe (BA/#-P-X)
Fig 2: Replacement RH Probe (BA/#-HxP)
Fig 3: Replacement Sintered Filter & Washdown Cap
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Fig 4: Replacement Room RH Sensor (BA/#-HxS)
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Replaceable Sensor Probes
BA/#-P-x, BA/#xP, BA/HxS
Installation & Operations
10/1/09 rev.
Fig 5: Typical Temperature Sensor probe replacement
1. Open the box and disconnect the wires.
2. Push the old probe into the box and out through the plastic fitting.
3. Push the new probe into the box and into the plastic fitting all the
way to the flared end.
4. Pull the probe to full extension and re-connect per termination
Fig 6: Typical Humidity Transmitter Probe Replacement
1. Un-install the box and disconnect the wires from the transmitter.
Note color code.
2. Un-screw (CCW) the old 1/2” NPT probe from the back of the box.
3. Screw in (CW) the new 1/2” NPT probe into the back of the box.
4. Install and re-connect the wires per the color code and termination
NOTE: No callibration is needed.
Fig 7: Typical Humidity Probe Filter Replacement
1. Un-screw (CCW) the old 1/2” stainless steel filter.
2. Fully screw in (CW) the new 1/2” stainless steel filter.
NOTE: The old filter can be cleaned for future use with
soap & water and then rinse thoroughly.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Fig 8: Typical Room RH Sensor Replacement
1. Take the sensor cover off using a 1/16” Allen wrench.
2. Un-screw terminals J1 and remove the old blue RH sensor.
3. Install new sensor leads in the terminals with vents facing up.
4. Install the sensor cover.
NOTE: No calibration is required.
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