Non-Room Thermistors and RTDs
2.2KΩ Brown/White 1KΩ Orange/Orange
3.25KΩ Brown/Green 1KΩ Green/Green
10K-3(11K)Ω Yellow/Blue 100Ω Red/Red/Black*
20KΩ White/White 1KΩ Orange/Orange/Black*
Table 3: Temperature Sensor Lead Wire Colors
Additional sensors are available so your sensor may not be listed on this table.
Installation & Operations
BAPI recommends using twisted pair of at least 22AWG and sealant lled connectors for all wire connections. Larger
gauge wire may be required for long runs. All wiring must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and local
codes. Do NOT run this device’s wiring in the same conduit as AC power wiring of NEC class1 or NEC class 2, NEC
class 3 or with wiring used to supply highly inductive loads such as motors, contactors and relays.
BAPI’s tests show that uctuating and inaccurate signal levels are possible when AC power wiring is present in
the same conduit as the signal lines. If you are experiencing any of these difculties, please contact your BAPI
rev. 10/12/15
BAPI does not
recommend wiring the
sensor with power
Thermistors Platinum RTDs - 2 Wire
1.8KΩ Orange/Red 100Ω Red/Red
applied as accidental arcing
may damage the product and
will void the warranty.
10K-2Ω Yellow/Yellow 2KΩ Brown/Blue
50KΩ White/Blue
100KΩ Yellow/White
Junction Box (JB) and No Box (NB) Mounting Indoors
The junction box mount is intended for indoor mounting in
equipment rooms, plenums or occupied spaces. The gures
below show a typical junction box mounting in an air duct.
BAPI recommends using #8 sheet metal screws that need 1/8inch pilot holes to attach the sensor to the duct.
After placing the sensing element in the duct, secure the
mounting ange to the duct; center the plastic tting holding
the probe in the mounting hole. Make sure that the foam seals
the hole; do not over tighten the screws. No box units use the
same mounting holes as Junction Box units.
Nickel RTD
Silicon RTD
Platinum RTDs - 3 Wire
*In the 3-Wire RTD sensors listed above,
the two wires of similar color are
connected together.
Fig. 1: Junction Box (JB) or No Box (NB)
mounting holes
Fig. 3: No Box (NB)
Specications subject to change without notice.
Fig. 2: Junction
Box (JB) duct
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Non-Room Thermistors and RTDs
Installation & Operations
BAPI-Box (BB) Mounting Indoors
The BAPI-Box Enclosure is watertight and carries an IP66 rating which is similar to a NEMA 4X rating when the
included 6-32 screws are fastened on either side of the latch. The BAPI-Box Enclosure is made of high impact, UV
resistant polycarbonate and features a gasketed cover for a waterproof seal, a hinged cover to simplify installation,
horizontal or vertical mounting with multiple knockouts and a window in the cover for an LCD display.
Enclosure is available for the full line of BAPI duct, immersion, outside air and pressure sensors.
Mount the unit to its mounting surface with four #10 scres through the holes in the mounting feet. #10 sheet metal
screws require 5/32” (4mm) pilot holes. For concrete or cinder block, drill four 5/32” (4mm) holes, 1-3/4 inch (45mm)
deep. Make sure that all screws are started in their holes before tightening evenly. If unit has a foam gasket, only
squeeze to about 1/2 of its original thickness.
Be sure to seal conduit connector threads and holes in mounting surface to maintain the integrity of the box.
Fig 4: BAPI-Box (BB)
enclosure mounting
holes, rotate 90° for
horizontal mounting
The BAPI-Box
rev. 10/12/15
Fig. 5: BAPI-Box (BB) duct installation
Weatherproof (WP) Enclosure Mounting Indoors
The weatherproof box is intended for outdoor or equipment room mounting. Use the mounting tabs provided to
mount the weatherproof box as shown in the gure below. DO NOT drill screw holes through the back wall of the
box, this destroys the integrity of the box and may void the warranty.
The gures below show a typical weatherproof box mounting in an air duct. BAPI recommends using #8 sheet
metal screws that need 1/8-inch pilot holes to attach the sensor to the duct. After placing the sensing element in
the duct, secure the mounting tabs to the duct; center the plastic tting holding the probe in the mounting hole. Be
sure that the foam seals the hole; do not over tighten the screws. Place the foam gasket between the cover and the
box before securing the cover in place with the screws provided. T
threads of the box plugs or conduit connectors with caulk before screwing them into the waterproof box.
o keep water out of the box, be sure to coat the
Fig. 6:
Weatherproof (WP)
enclosure mounting tabs
Fig. 7:
Weatherproof (WP)
enclosure mounting holes
Specications subject to change without notice.
Fig. 8:
Weatherproof (WP) enclosure
duct installation
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