Double Threaded Immersion Units with Stainless Steel Fittings
BA/#-Ix-SS Temperature Sensor
Installation & Operations
The BA/#-Ix-SS Double Threaded Stainless Steel (SS) Immersion Sensor is made for thermowell mounting and
temperature measurement in water pipes, water tanks or cooling tower sump applications. Direct probe insertion into
a Threadolet is possible without a thermowell. However, this is not recommended as it cannot be removed after the
pipe is pressurized. The rigid probe and threads are made of Stainless Steel and made in different lengths for a custom
thermowell t. The BA/#-Ix-SS is available with multiple thermistor’s or RTD’s as shown in the specications. Enclosure
mounting styles come in plastic or metal for both NEMA 1 and NEMA 4 applications and are all plenum rated.
rev. 06/29/15
Fig 1: BAPI-Box (BB) Standard Mount
Fig 4: BAPI-Box (BB) Outside Mount Fig 5: BAPI-Box 2 (BB2) Outside Mount Fig 6: Weatherproof (WP) Outside Mount
Fig 2: BAPI-Box 2 (BB2) Standard Mount
Fig 3: Weatherproof (WP) Standard Mount
Fig 7: No Box (NB) Units
Fig 8: Machined Bar Stock Thermowell
Specications subject to change without notice.
Fig 9: Two Part Welded Thermowell
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Double Threaded Immersion Units with Stainless Steel Fittings
BA/#-Ix-SS Temperature Sensor
Installation & Operations
rev. 06/29/15
T-Pipe Fitting
Fig 10: Typical T-Mount
1/2 Inch NPT
Hand Tighten Into Well
Fig 12: Typical Sensor Inserted
1/2 Inch NPT
Fig 11: Typical Corner Mount
1. Insert
2. Hand Tighten
Fig 13: BAPI-Box (BB) Sensor Before Insertion
T-Pipe Fitting
1. Insert
2. Hand Tighten
Fig 14: BAPI-Box 2 (BB2) Sensor Before Insertion
1. Insert
2. Hand Tighten
Fig 16: Standard J-Box Before Insertion
Fig 15: Weatherproof (WP) Sensor Before Insertion
Fig 17: Weather Tight (EU) Sensor Before Insertion
Specications subject to change without notice.
1. Insert
2. Hand Tighten
1. Insert
2. Hand Tighten
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