BAPI BAPI-Stat 4 “X-Combo” Room Unit Catalog Page

BAPI-Stat 4 “X-Combo” Room Unit
Humidity or Combination Temp/Humidity Sensors
Temperature & Humidity Setpoint
Features & Options
Large Easy-to-Read Display, °F or °C
Fully Compensated 2% RH Sensor
Temperature and Humidity Setpoint Adjustment
Adjustable Toggle Rate Between Temp and Humidity
Switch and Communication Jack
Two Year Warranty
The BAPI-Stat 4 “X-Combo” Room Unit features local indication of both temperature and humidity with optional Temperature Setpoint, Humidity Setpoint and Local Occupancy Override. The optional LCD shows temperature in °C or °F and humidity in %RH. In addition, the unit has adjustable offsets for both temperature and humidity and the transmitter ranges are fi eld confi gurable.
The unit has 4 output channels. Channel 1 and 2 can be ordered as voltage or current, channel 3 as voltage or resistance and channel 4 as a passive temperature sensor.
For detailed specs on the individual Sensors
& Transmitters, turn to the Sensors section.
Rev. 10/09/16
BAPI-Stat 4 “X-Combo” Units with
Warm White and Gray Logo Plate
• Prevents Tampering
• Exceptional Airfl ow
• Two Sizes
(See Accessories)
Specifi cations
Supply Voltage:
DC Power: ................ 16 to 30VDC
AC Power:.................. 18 to 30VAC*
Power Consumption: 50mA max. DC, 1.5VA max. AC
Temp Sensor: Semiconductor Band Gap, ±0.5ºC
RH Sensor: 2% Accuracy, Capacitive
Available Outputs: 3 Confi gurable, 1 Passive Sensor
Channels 1 & 2 .......... Voltage or Current
Channel 3 .................. Voltage or Resistance
Channel 4 .................. Passive Sensor
Output Signals:
Voltage, VDC ............. 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V,
2 to 10V, Impedance>10KΩ
Current (Sourcing) ..... 4 to 20mA, 500Ω@11.5VDC
Resistance (Setpoint) Passive Sensor (Ch. 4)
Input (Digital):
Termination: 8 Terminals, 16 to 22 AWG**
*AC power requires a separate pair of shielded wires. **BAPI recommends that you do not run wiring for the room units
in the same conduit as line voltage wiring or with wiring used to supply highly inductive loads such as motors, generators and coils.
1 (lights BAPI-Man Occupancy ind.)
. Available on Ch. 3 Only . Thermistor, RTD or Solid State
Enclosure Material: ABS Plastic, UL94V-0 Ambient (Enclosure): 32 to 122ºF (0 to 50ºC)
Agency: RoHS
Standard 2x4” J-Box or
Drywall, screws provided
0 to 95%RH, Non-Cond.
BAPI-Stat 4 “X-Combo” Room Unit
Rev. 10/09/16
Ordering Information:
X-Combo in a BAPI-Stat 4 Enclosure (required)
mple Part Number:
Your Part Number: Sh
* This sensor is not loop powered. The output sources the 4-20mA output. The sensor will always require external power. ** Common Ground only, for voltage, current, and resistive outputs. *** An override adds one button on the sensor. Selecting temperature a ^ Front button if setpoints are used or side button if override only. Not intended to switch a load. (0.5A MAX @24V) ^ ^ This is for the passive sensor only. Active Test & Balance is through the sensor Mode select ^ ^ ^ The option adds setpoint buttons. This sensor can only have 2 setpoint buttons. The override button is used to toggle between Temperature and Humidity setpoints Call BAPI if you have questions about the above ordering grid or the configuration of the product you are ordering.
I-Stat 4 w/ Optional (Rm. Temp., Rm. RH, Temp. Setpoint, Humidity Setpoint, Override and/or Display) $165 $______
Display Mode (required) - °F or °C display can be changed in the field
-F Temperature factory displayed in ˚F.
-C T
emperature factory displayed in ˚C.
-X No Display Option (Setpoint options require a display) -
idity Sensor Accuracy (required)
2 -10C00 -20M10 -35C80 -CH4 -CG -WMW
aded cells are optional selections
umidity Sensor
2% H ** Channel 1 Output (optional) - replace "D" & "R" with codes from Table D & R or from App notes (p. I2 & I3)
-10 D R
-15 D R
Setpoint Temperature or Setpoint Humidity ^^^ ** Channel 2 Output (r
Humidity output
-20 D R
-25 D R
point Temperature or Setpoint Humidity ^^^
** Channel 3 Output ^^^ (o
-35 D R S
Humidity or Combination Temp/Humidity Sensors
Not available with resistance outputs
equired) - replace "D" & "R" with codes from Table D & R or from App notes (p. I2 & I3)
Not available with resistance outputs
etpoint Temperature or Setpoint Humidity (Not available with R=16, 4-20mA)
***Override Button Configuration (r
ptional) - replace "D" & "R" with codes from Table D & R or from App notes (p. I2 & I3)
rride in Parallel (//) with Channel 1 (0V, 1V, 2V or 4mA) Override in Parallel (//) with Channel 2 (0V, 1V, 2V or 4mA) Override in Parallel (//) with Channel 3 (0V, 1V, 2V or Low ohms) Dry Contact Override in Parallel (//) with Channel 4 (<1 ohm) ^ (Not available for solid state sensors) N
Override. (No override button unless two setpoint channels are selected above )
Channel 4 (optional) - Passive 2-wire Sensor Selection, "Temp + to Temp -"
Platinum RTD, 1,000 Ω @ 0 °C, 3.75 Ω/°C temp. coeff.
Platinum RTD, 1,000 Ω @ 0 °C, 3.85 Ω/°C temp. coeff.
Silicon RTD, 2,000 Ω @ 20 °C, 8 Ω/°C temp. coeff.
Ω Nickel @ 21°C, 5 Ω/°C temp. coeff.
K Thermistor, 1,800 Ω @ 25 °C
Thermistor, 3,000 Ω @ 25 °C
3.3K Thermistor, 3,300 Ω @ 25 °C
-102 10K-2 Thermistor, 10,000 Ω @ 25 °C 3
10K-3 Thermistor, 10,000 Ω @ 25 °C
-10311 10K-3(11K) Therm., 5,238 Ω @ 25 °C, 11kΩ shunt resistor 0 20K Thermistor, 20,000 Ω @ 25 °C
0K Thermistor, 50,000 Ω @ 25 °C
-50 5
00 100K Thermistor, 100,000 Ω @ 25 °C 92 AD592 Solid State Semiconduc tor, 273 μA @ 0 °C, 2 wire only
34 Solid State Semiconductor 2 wire only
Communication Jack (optional) - Mounted in unit's base
-C11L RJ11 (4 pin) Style Jack with Leads
11LT RJ11 (4 pin) Style Jack with Leads and Terminal Block
-C35L 3
35LT 3.5 mm Phono Style Jack with Leads and Terminal Block
22L RJ22 (4 pin) Style Jack with Leads Attached
humidity setpoints adds a mode button. The override and mode button are the same single button.
.5 mm Phono Jack w/ Leads Attache d
2 (4 pin) Style Jack with Leads and Terminal Block
RJ2 Test and Balance Switch ^^ (optional)
hree Position Switch - "Low & High" values vary by sensor type, Normal is
live passive sensor value.
Connection Configuration (Only required if Channel 4 sensor is used)
-CG Common Ground for - TEMP sensor terminal F + and - TEMP sensor terminals are isolated
Logo Plate Color (required)
MW Warm White
= BA/BS4XC-F-2-10C00-20M10-35C80-CH4-CG-WMW
List Your
Price Ord
$80 $_______
$50 $______
____Total =