Escort Memory Systems warrants that all products of its own manufacture conform to Escort Memory Systems specifications and are free from defects in material and workmanship when used under normal operating conditions and within the service conditions for which they were furnished. The obligation of Escort
Memory Sys tems hereunder shall expire one (1) year after delivery, unles s o ther wise s pec ified, and is lim it ed
to repairing, or at its option, replacing without charge, any such product which in Escort Memory System's
sole opinion prov es to be defec tive w it hin t he s cope of this Warrant y. In the event Es c ort Me mo ry System s i s
not able to repair or replace defective products or components within a reasonable time after receipt thereof,
Buyers shall be credited for their value at the original purchase price. Escort Memory Systems must be notified in writing of the defect or nonconformity within the warranty period and the affected product returned to
Escort Memory Systems factory or to an authorized service center within thirty (30) days after discovery of
such defect or nonconformity. Shipment shall not be made without prior authorization by Escort Memory
This is Escort Memory Systems' sole warranty with respect to the products delivered hereunder. No statement, representation, agreement or understanding oral or written, made by an agent, distributor, representative, or employee of Escort Memory Systems which is not contained in this warranty, will be binding upon
Escort Memory Systems, unless made in writing and executed by an authorized Escort Memory Systems
employee. Escort Memory Systems makes no other warranty of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied,
and all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use which exceed the aforestated
obligation are hereby disclaimed by Escort Memory Systems and excluded from this agreement. Under no
circumsta nc es shall Es c ort Memory Sy stem s be liable t o Buy er , in co ntr act or in to rt, for any spec ial, indirect ,
incidental, or consequential damages, expenses, losses or delay however caused.
Equipment or parts which have been subject to abuse, misuse, accident, alteration, neglect, unauthorized
repair or ins t allat ion are not c ov ered by warranty . Es co rt Mem ory Systems shall mak e t he final determination
as to the existence and cause of any alleged defect. No liability is assumed for expendable items such as
lamps and fuses. No warranty is made with respect to custom equipment or products produced to Buyer's
specification s exc ept as specific ally stated in w riti ng by Esc ort Memory Sy stem s in the contra ct for suc h custom equipment.
This warranty is the only warranty made by Escort Memory Systems with respect to the goods delivered
hereunder, and may be modified or amended only by a written instr um ent signed by a duly author ize d of ficer
of Escort Memory Systems and ac cep ted by the Buye r .
Extended warranties of up to four years are available for purchase for most EMS products. Contact EMS or
your distributor for more inform at ion.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. The
information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissio ns . S pecifications are subject to chan ge wi tho ut notic e.
Escort Memory Systems' passive read/write system is a complete
family of fiel d-proven read/write Radio-Fr equency Identification
The system consists of RFID tags, reader/writers, antennas,
controllers, bus interfaces, and ancillary equipment. Tags can be
attached to a pr oduct or its carrier and act as an el ectronic identifier,
job sheet, por table database, or manifest. Tags are read and upda ted
via an Escort Memory Systems Reader/Writer, through any nonconducting material, while moving or st anding still.
Escort Memory Systems' LRP-Series long range passive RFID
system is the latest in our line of high performance, industrial RFID
equipment. The pas sive de sign of th e LRP read/ write system us es t he
RF field from the antenna to power the tag, eliminating t he need for
tag batter ies. The LRP passive read/write system is designed to
provide cost ef fective RFID data collection and control solutions to
automation and material handling applicat ions.
The LRP system uses the inter nation ally r ecog nized IS M frequency of
13.56 MHZ to both power the tag, and to establish a radio li nk to
transfer the information. LRP-Series passive tags provide 48 bytes of
reprogrammable memory.
Getting Started
The LRP76 is encased in a NEMA2 enclos ure. The LRP76 is
equipped with an internal antenna that has a range of 8 inches .
The LRP76 has one serial port that supports RS232 or RS422 serial
communications. The serial port is used to rece ive commands and
software from the host and to send the data back.
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer1
Getting Started
1.2Unpacking and Inspection
When you unpack the LRP76, retain the original shipping carton and
packing mate rial in case any item has to be returned to Escort
Memory Systems. Inspect each item carefully for evidence of
damage. If any item appe ars to be damaged, notify your Escort
Memory Systems repr esentative immediately.
The following components are required for configuring a complete
• LRP-Series Passi ve Read/Write Tags
• LRP76-to-host cable (user-supplied)
• RS232/RS422 host
• 24 Vdc ±10%, 5 W power supply
1.3FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limi ts
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limit s are designed to provide reasona ble protection against
harmful inte rf erence in a residential installation. This equi pm ent
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the ins tr u ctions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interfer ence to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encou raged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following meas ures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circui t different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the deal er or an experienced radio/TV techni cian for help.
1.4Chang es and Modification s
Any changes or modifi cations to the LRP76 not expressly approved
by Escort Memo ry Systems, could vo id the user's author it y to operate
the equipment.
2LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
Figure 2-1 shows the dimensions and mounti ng hole locations for the
LRP76 Reader/Writer.
Mechanical Specifications
Figure 2-1. LRP76 dimensions and m ounting hole locations
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer3
Mechanical Spec ifications
2.2Mounting Options
The LRP76 can be mounted with scr ews or an adhesive bac king such
as Velcro.
2.3RF Range and Orientation
The following information should be considered when positioning the
LRP76. The path of the tags through the RF field should be within the
guaranteed reading/writing range unless sufficient site testing has
been performed to assure consistent RF communicat ions.
Figure 2-2. LRP76 reading range
2.4Locating the LRP76
The reading range of the LRP76 i s pri m ari ly affected by two
environmental variables. The first, and most influential of th ese
variables, is the presenc e of metal or a ny other electric ally conductive
material withi n the range of the antenna. The reader can be safel y
mounted to a metal sur face without compromising t he reading range;
however, any conducti ve m aterial within the area in front of and to the
sides of the reader - anywhere a tag can be read - will affect t he
reading range to some extent. The most reliable method for
determining the ef fect s of met al on t he re ading r ange is t o p erform s ite
Electromagnetic radiation is the second environmental variable that
affects the reading range and overall pe rf ormance of the LRP76. The
reader should not be located close to any sources of electromagnetic
radiation. Do not mount a LRP76 closer than two meters from another
LRP76, and a greater dista nce from longer- range readers, such as th e
EMS LRP820. Again, si te t esting will provide the most rel iable means
to determine the read ra nge in a given environment.
4LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
2.4.1 Guidelines
• Isolate the LRP76 from electromagnetic radiation.
• Avoid surrounding the LRP76 with metal.
• Maintain at least two meters spacing between adjacent LRP76s.
• St ay within the guaranteed range of t he tag you are using.
• Conform with EIA RS232 and RS422 standards.
Mechanical Specifications
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer5
Mechanical Spec ifications
This page lef t bl ank intentionally.
6LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
Power and Electrical Interface
3.1In ter n al Junction Blocks
The LRP76 is connected to external power and communications
cabling th rough an internal terminal strip s. The terminal accepts AWG
22-14 wires.
Ground Sc rew
J1 Terminal Block
Figure 3-1. Internal junction block
3.2.1 Requirement
The LRP76 power supply requirements are:
• 24 Vdc +/- 10%
• 5 Watts maximum consumption
The maximum current consumption at 24 Vdc is 200 mA.
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer7
Power and Electrical Interface
3.2.2 Connections
Connection to DC power is through pins 1 and 2 of the internal J1
terminal bl ock.
T able 3-1: J1 Power Connection
2Power G round
3.3Serial Communications
The LRP76 offers either RS232 or RS422 communications. The
RS422 option provides the superior reliabil ity over longer distances or
in noisy environm ents. Communication parameters, such as baud
rate, are set by the configuration program.
CAUTION:Do not bundle communications wiring with high current
power lines. This wi ll cause communications errors.
3.4RS 23 2/RS 4 22 Int er fa ce
The LRP76 is set to automatically enter run mode seven second s
after power-on the device. This allows you to enter the configuration
program by entering a <control D> after power-on. If no com mands
are received by the reader/writer during the sev en seconds, the
LRP76 enters run mode with existing operating parameters. For more
information on the Configuration Menu refer to Chapter 4.
To communicate with the device via RS232, set the serial
communications parameters of the host as foll ows:
Baud rate9600
Data bits8
St op bit1
NOTE:The LRP76 automatically resets to 9600, N, 8,1 for seven
seconds whe never the power is cycled, after which it will apply
the setting made in the configuration menu.
8LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
3.5Serial Connections
The LRP76 can be wired to communicate with th e host either through
an RS232 or RS422 interface. Connection to the serial interface is
through the J1 terminal shown in Figure 3-1 on page 7. Connect the
signal ground to terminal 4 on the J1 terminal.
Table 3-2 gives the communication pins for the J1 terminal block .
NOTE:In order to configure the unit for RS422, you must first
establish communications through RS232 and update the
communications parameters.
The signals and electrical loads should conform to the electrical
specifications of EIA Standar d for RS232 or RS422. The maximum
cable length spe cif ied for RS232 is 50 feet. Use the RS422 interface
for longer communications links. Use high qual ity shielded cable for
these connections.
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer9
Power and Electrical Interface
3.5.1 RS232 and Power Cable
Figure 3-2 shows how to construct a demonstrat ion cable with power
and RS232 serial communications to a PC host with a DE9 serial port
Figure 3-2. LRP76 to PC host demo cable
3.5.2 Wiring
Use shielded cable only. Connec t shi eld drain of the power and data
cabling to either ground on the J1 connector (terminal 2 or 4).
• Recommended cable f or RS422 i s Belden 3107A, 3108A or
• Recommended cable f or RS232 i s Belden 9941or compatible.
To fully comply with FCC and CE Regulations, wind the power and
data cabling around a type 43 ferrite toroid such as Fairrite™ part
number 2643803802 or Amidon™ part number FT- 240-43. Install the
toroid as close as possible to the LRP76’s gland nut. You must
connect the internal ground screw, shown in Figure 3-1 on page 7, to
the nearest earth ground outside the unit.
To make the ground conn ection, first terminate a length of 1/8-inch
copper braid with a ring terminal such as Panduit™ part number P18-
45. Fasten the ring terminal to the ground screw. For a tight seal,
chase the braid through the gland nut against the data and power
10LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
To connect your cabl e to the LRP76:
1. Remove the cover of the antenna by loosening the four captive
2. Loosen the cord grip, feed the cable through the cord grip and
attach the wires to the terminal screws. Tighten the cord grip to
seal the cable. Use a cable of sufficient diameter to properly seal
with the cord grip. The recommended minimum O.D. is .125
inches (3.2 mm).
NOTE:Due to the small size of the LRP76 enclosure and gland nut,
you may have dif ficul ty seal ing th e power and communi cati ons
wires pass ing th roug h the gl and nut . Olflex
91 1285 is readily available and will satisfy the requirements of
most applicat ions.
3. Re-assemble the enclosure and secure the screws.
3.6LED Ind ic ato r
The LRP76 has one bi-color LED indicating power on and activity on
the serial port. Table 3-3 shows the LED activi ty and meaning.
Table 3-3: LRP76 LED Indicator
LED Action LRP76 stateDescription
Power and Electri c al Interf ace
cable part number
Slow RED
Fast RED
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer11
Power-up or
IdleThe unit is ready for an ABx command.
The LED wi ll fla sh R ED slow l y for ab ou t
seven seconds following power-up
during which time the user may send a
<Ctrl> D to enter configuration mode.
If the LRP76 receives a <Ctrl> D duri ng
the init ia l s ev en sec on d per i od , th e LE D
will flash at a faster rate until
configuration mode has been exited.
A steady GREEN LED indicates that the
seven second period has elapsed
with ou t entering co nf ig ur a tio n mode, or
configuration has been compl eted.
While d ownloading a new , or custom,
program to the LRP76, the LED will
blink GREEN.
Power and Electrical Interface
Table 3-3: LRP76 LED Indicator
LED Action LRP76 stateDescription
Short RED/
RED and
1.When Software Handshaking is enabled, and the host has sent
Block Read
the LRP 7 6 an X O FF , the RED LED w il l b e on wh ile t he LRP76
transm it buffe r fills. The L ED wi ll rema in RE D until an XON is
received and the LRP buffer is emptied.
While the reader/writer is occupied with
a command , the LED will be flashing
flash indicates a tag is being searched
for, and the co mmand is being
The LED will be both RED and GREEN
(orange) indicates the LRP76 is in
continuous mode. There is shor t RED
flash when data sen t to the host .
12LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
The LRP76 contain s a confi gurati on progr am in EEPROM memory for
defining the dat a format an d serial prot ocol. Af ter the LRP76 has been
powered, it pa uses for seven seconds waiting fo r the command to
enter the configuration program. The communication parameters
during this se ven second period are:
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits
•No parity
• 1 stop bit
Use a terminal emulation program (such as EC or HyperTermin al) to
send a <control D> within this seven second period to initialize the
Configuration Menu. If the LRP76 does not receive a <contr ol D>, it
will go "online" wi th th e existing user-defined set ti ngs.
4.1.1 Using the EC Program
The terminal emulati on program, EC.EXE, is recommended for
LRP76/Host communications. It can be downloaded from Escort
Memory Systems Web site ( Unlike many other
terminal emulati on programs, EC.EXE can transfer binar y data in
ASCII hex-based format, as required by the LRP76 commands.
The.HEX file downloads to the LRP are in Intel Hex for m at.
Configuration Menu
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer13
Configuratio n Menu
4.2Configuration Menu
The Configuration Menu will display the current state of the operating
parameters. To cha nge a paramet er, enter the decimal number shown
in the menu for the option you want. An invalid entry will return you to
the Main Menu.
The Main Board Configuration menu displays the current main board
software version number together with the RFID firmwar e version.
******** LRP75/76 Standard Program V1.3E ********
RF module:4.01J
Serial Port COM1:RS232, 9600, N, 8, 1 No Handshake
Operating Mode:ABx Standard
Tag Type:Phillips I-CODE 1
[1] Set COM1 Parameters
[2] Set Operating Mode
[3] Set Tag Type
[4] Restore Factory Defaults
[5] Download New Program
[6] Download RFID Firmware
[7] Exit to Operating Mode
Enter Selection:
4.2.1 Set COM1 Parameters
The Set COM1 Parameters menu is given bel ow.
*** Set COM1 Parameters **
Operating mode? [0] RS232 [1] RS422
Baud Rate? [0] 1200 [1] 2400 [2] 4800 [3] 9600 [4] 19200
Data size? [0 ] 7bit [1] 8bit
Parity? [0 ] No ne [1 ] E ven [2 ] O d d
Handsh a ke [0 ] N o ne [1 ] X on / X off
Save Changes to EEPROM? [0] No [1] Yes
Enter the number corresponding to the parameter you wish to enable.
4.2.2 Set Operating Mode
The Set Operating Mode menu is given below.
*** Set Operating Mode ***
Commands Prot ocol? [0] ABx Standard [1] ABx Fast
Checksum? [ 0] Disabled [1] Enabled
Power up perfo r ming C ont inuous Read?
[0] NO
[1] Continuo us Block Read (0DH) active
[2] Continuo us Read SN and Data (0FH) active
-> 1
Start Address (0 to 47)
Length (1 to 48)
Delay Between Duplicate Decodes (0 to 60)
Raw Read Response? [0] NO [1] CR terminate [2] CR/LF terminate
Save Changes to EEPROM? [0] No [1] Yes
14LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
Configuration Menu
The LRP76 supports ABx Standard and ABx Fast RFID comm and
protocols. Select your comman d protoco l from th is menu. I f you sele ct
ABx fast, you can select an optional checksum. For data delivery
verifica ti on to the host, it is recommended to have the checksum
You can also select from three Run Mode types. The options are:
[0] NO
LRP76 will wait for an ABx command af ter reset. If you choose 0
(NO), then the LRP76 con figur ation is compl et e and you are giv en the
optio n to save the se ttings.
[1] Continuous Block Read (0DH) active
After reset, the LRP76 will be in Continuous Block Read Mode just as
if you had issued a Continuous Block Read (0DH) to the LRP76. You
must enter the t ag start address, read leng th, and the delay between
identical decodes values.
[2] Continuous Read SN and Data (0F H) active
After reset, the LRP76 will be performing Continuous Read SN Data.
This is the same as if the 0FH command had been issued to the
LRP76. You must enter the tag start address, read length, and the
delay between identical decodes values.
Raw Read Response
It is possible to set the LRP76 to only send raw tag data to the host .
The raw read data does not contain a header, length, command
number , or t erminat or. If the data on the ta g is all pri ntabl e ASCII, then
the entire pa cket can be printed on any terminal emulat or or EC.
To receive a raw read response, the LRP76 must be set to use ABx
Fast, and to sta rt in Continuous Block Read Run Mode.
Raw Read Res ponse? [0] NO [1] CR terminate [2] CR/LF terminate
If you choose the raw response option 0 (NO), then standa rd ABx
response packets are returned when a tag i s read. If you choose
option 1 or 2 (CR or CR/LF terminate) , t hen the entire header and
footer are remov ed from the response.
If you choose CR or CR/LF, then a carriage return (0DH) or carriage
return line feed (0DH, 0AH) is append to the raw string of data from
the tag. There is no header, length, com m and echo, footer, or
checksum in this r esponse string. Raw Read Response does not
allow any delivery or data verification.
LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer15
Configuratio n Menu
4.2.3 Download Softwar e Up dat es
The mircocontroller software can be updated by entering the
'Download New Program' mode and sending an Intel Hex file.
Also, the RF firmwar e can be up dated, by means of the 'D ownload RF
firmware' mode. Use the HFD.EXE Windows application on the PC.
Detailed download instructions are supplied with any custom or
upgrade software.
16LRP76 Long Range Passive Reader/Writer
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