Baldor MotiFlex e100 Installation Manual

Contents i
1 General Information 1-1.................................
2 Introduction 2-1........................................
2.1 MotiFlex e100 features 2-1..................................
2.2.1 Identifying the catalog number 2-2....................................
2.3 Units and abbreviations 2-3..................................
2.4 Standards 2-4..............................................
2.4.1 Design and test standards 2-4.......................................
2.4.2 Environmental test standards: 2-4....................................
2.4.3 Marks 2-4........................................................
3 Basic Installation 3-1....................................
3.1 Introduction 3-1............................................
3.1.1 Power sources 3-1................................................
3.1.2 Hardware requirements 3-1.........................................
3.1.3 Tools and miscellaneous hardware 3-2................................
3.1.4 Other information needed for installation 3-2...........................
3.2 Mechanical installation 3-3...................................
3.2.1 Dimensions - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models 3-4................................
3.2.2 Dimensions - 21 A ~ 33.5 A models 3-5...............................
3.2.3 Dimensions - 48 A ~ 65 A models 3-6.................................
3.2.4 Mounting the MotiFlex e100 3-7......................................
3.2.5 Overtemperature trips and intelligent fan control 3-10.....................
3.3 Connector locations 3-11.....................................
3.3.1 Front panel connectors 3-11..........................................
3.3.2 Top panel connectors 3-12...........................................
3.3.3 Bottom panel connectors 3-13........................................
3.4 AC power connections 3-14...................................
3.4.1 Earthing / grounding 3-14............................................
3.4.2 AC input and regeneration resistor output wiring 3-15.....................
3.4.3 Earth leakage 3-16.................................................
3.4.4 AC power connections 3-17..........................................
3.4.5 AC power cycling 3-18..............................................
3.4.6 Inrush current 3-18.................................................
3.4.7 Phase loss detection 3-18............................................
3.4.8 Drive overload protection 3-18........................................
3.4.9 Input power conditioning 3-19.........................................
3.4.10 Power supply filters 3-20.............................................
3.4.11 Power disconnect and protection devices 3-21..........................
3.4.12 Recommended wire sizes 3-22.......................................
ii Contents
3.5 Sharing the DC bus 3-23.....................................
3.5.1 DC busbar connection 3-23..........................................
3.5.2 ‘Power ready’ input / output 3-24......................................
3.5.3 Line reactors 3-25..................................................
3.6 18 VDC out / 24 VDC in control circuit backup supply 3-26........
3.6.1 24 VDC backup supply 3-26..........................................
3.6.2 24 VDC control circuit backup supply wiring 3-27........................
3.7 Motor connections 3-28......................................
3.7.1 Motor cable shielding 3-30...........................................
3.7.2 Motor circuit contactor 3-31..........................................
3.7.3 Sinusoidal filter 3-31................................................
3.7.4 Motor power cable pin configuration - Baldor BSM rotary motors 3-32.......
3.7.5 Motor cable pin configuration - Baldor linear motors 3-33..................
3.7.6 Motor brake connection 3-34.........................................
3.7.7 Motor overtemperature input 3-35.....................................
3.7.8 Bottom panel wiring 3-35.............................................
3.8 Regeneration resistor (Dynamic Brake resistor) 3-36.............
3.8.1 Regeneration capacity 3-37..........................................
3.9 Regeneration resistor selection 3-38...........................
3.9.1 Required information 3-38............................................
3.9.2 Regenerative energy 3-39...........................................
3.9.3 Regenerative power and average power 3-39...........................
3.9.4 Resistor choice 3-40................................................
3.9.5 Resistor temperature derating 3-41....................................
3.9.6 Resistor pulse load rating 3-42........................................
3.9.7 Duty cycle 3-43....................................................
4 Feedback 4-1..........................................
4.1 Introduction 4-1............................................
4.1.1 Incremental encoder interface 4-2....................................
4.1.2 BiSS interface 4-7.................................................
4.1.3 SSI interface 4-9..................................................
4.1.4 SinCos interface 4-11...............................................
4.1.5 EnDat interface 4-13................................................
5 Input / Output 5-1......................................
5.1 Introduction 5-1............................................
5.2 Analog I/O 5-2.............................................
5.2.1 Analog input - X3 (demand) 5-2......................................
5.3 Digital I/O 5-4..............................................
5.3.1 Drive enable input 5-5..............................................
5.3.2 General purpose digital input DIN0 5-7................................
5.3.3 General purpose digital inputs DIN1 & DIN2 5-9........................
5.3.4 Special functions on inputs DIN1 & DIN2 5-10...........................
5.3.5 Motor overtemperature input 5-12.....................................
Contents iii
5.3.6 General purpose / status digital output DOUT0 5-14......................
5.3.7 General purpose digital output DOUT1 5-16.............................
5.4 USB interface 5-17..........................................
5.4.1 USB 5-17.........................................................
5.5 RS485 interface 5-18........................................
5.5.1 RS485 (2-wire) 5-18................................................
5.6 Ethernet interface 5-19.......................................
5.6.1 TCP/IP 5-19.......................................................
5.6.2 Ethernet POWERLINK 5-20..........................................
5.6.3 Ethernet connectors 5-21............................................
5.7 CAN interface 5-22..........................................
5.7.1 CAN connector 5-22................................................
5.7.2 CAN wiring 5-22....................................................
5.7.3 CANopen 5-24.....................................................
5.8 Other I/O 5-25..............................................
5.8.1 Node ID selector switches 5-25.......................................
6 Configuration 6-1.......................................
6.1 Introduction 6-1............................................
6.1.1 Connecting the MotiFlex e100 to the PC 6-1...........................
6.1.2 Installing Mint Machine Center and Mint WorkBench 6-1.................
6.2 Starting the MotiFlex e100 6-2...............................
6.2.1 Preliminary checks 6-2.............................................
6.2.2 Power on checks 6-2...............................................
6.2.3 Installing the USB driver 6-3.........................................
6.2.4 Configuring the TCP/IP connection (optional) 6-4.......................
6.3 Mint Machine Center 6-5....................................
6.3.1 Starting MMC 6-7..................................................
6.4 Mint WorkBench 6-8........................................
6.4.1 Help file 6-9......................................................
6.4.2 Starting Mint WorkBench 6-10........................................
6.4.3 Commissioning Wizard 6-12..........................................
6.4.4 Using the Commissioning Wizard 6-13.................................
6.4.5 Autotune Wizard 6-15...............................................
6.4.6 Further tuning - no load attached 6-16..................................
6.4.7 Further tuning - with load attached 6-18................................
6.4.8 Optimizing the velocity response 6-19..................................
6.4.9 Performing test moves - continuous jog 6-22............................
6.4.10 Performing test moves - relative positional move 6-23....................
6.5 Further configuration 6-24....................................
6.5.1 Parameters tool 6-24................................................
6.5.2 Spy window 6-25...................................................
6.5.3 Other tools and windows 6-26........................................
iv Contents
7 Troubleshooting 7-1....................................
7.1 Introduction 7-1............................................
7.1.1 Problem diagnosis 7-1..............................................
7.1.2 SupportMe feature 7-1.............................................
7.1.3 Power-cycling the MotiFlex e100 7-1..................................
7.2 MotiFlex e100 indicators 7-2.................................
7.2.1 STATUS LED 7-2..................................................
7.2.2 CAN LEDs 7-3....................................................
7.2.3 ETHERNET LEDs 7-4..............................................
7.2.4 Communication 7-5................................................
7.2.5 Power on 7-5.....................................................
7.2.6 Mint WorkBench 7-5...............................................
7.2.7 Tuning 7-6........................................................
7.2.8 Ethernet 7-6......................................................
7.2.9 CANopen 7-6.....................................................
8 Specifications 8-1......................................
8.1 Introduction 8-1............................................
8.2 AC input 8-1...............................................
8.2.1 AC input voltage (X1) - all models 8-1.................................
8.2.2 AC input current (X1), DC bus not shared - all models 8-2................
8.2.3 AC input current (X1), DC bus sharing - all models 8-4...................
8.2.4 Recommended fuses and circuit breakers when sharing the DC bus 8-8....
8.2.5 Power, power factor and crest factor - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models 8-9............
8.2.6 Power, power factor and crest factor - 21 A model 8-12...................
8.2.7 Power, power factor and crest factor - 26 A & 33.5 A models 8-13..........
8.2.8 Power, power factor and crest factor - 48 A & 65 A models 8-14............
8.3 Motor output 8-15...........................................
8.3.1 Motor output power (X1) - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models 8-15......................
8.3.2 Motor output power (X1) - 21A ~ 33.5 A models 8-15.....................
8.3.3 Motor output power (X1) - 48 A ~ 65 A models 8-16......................
8.3.4 Motor output uprating and derating 8-17................................
8.3.5 Motor output rating adjustment - 1.5 A model 8-17........................
8.3.6 Motor output rating adjustment - 3 A model 8-18.........................
8.3.7 Motor output rating adjustment - 6 A model 8-19.........................
8.3.8 Motor output rating adjustment - 10.5 A model 8-20.......................
8.3.9 Motor output rating adjustment - 16 A model 8-21........................
8.3.10 Motor output rating adjustment - 21 A model 8-22........................
8.3.11 Motor output rating adjustment - 26 A model 8-23........................
8.3.12 Motor output rating adjustment - 33.5 A model 8-24.......................
8.3.13 Motor output rating adjustment - 48 A model 8-25........................
8.3.14 Motor output rating adjustment - 65 A model 8-26........................
8.4 Regeneration 8-27...........................................
8.4.1 Regeneration (X1) - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models 8-27...........................
8.4.2 Regeneration (X1) - 21 A ~ 33.5 A models 8-27..........................
8.4.3 Regeneration (X1) - 48 A ~ 65 A models 8-28...........................
Contents v
8.5 18 VDC output / 24 VDC input 8-29............................
8.5.1 18 VDC output / 24 VDC control circuit backup supply input (X2) 8-29.......
8.5.2 Option card power supply 8-29.......................................
8.6 Input / output 8-31...........................................
8.6.1 Analog input - AIN0 (X3) 8-31.........................................
8.6.2 Digital inputs - drive enable and DIN0 general purpose (X3) 8-31...........
8.6.3 Digital inputs DIN1, DIN2 - high speed general purpose (X3) 8-31..........
8.6.4 Digital outputs DOUT0, DOUT1 - status and general purpose (X3) 8-32.....
8.6.5 Incremental encoder interface (X8) 8-32................................
8.6.6 SSI interface (X8) 8-32..............................................
8.6.7 BiSS interface (X8) 8-32.............................................
8.6.8 SinCos / EnDat interface (X8) 8-33....................................
8.6.9 Ethernet interface 8-33..............................................
8.6.10 CAN interface 8-33.................................................
8.6.11 RS485 interface (X6) 8-34...........................................
8.7 Weights and dimensions 8-34.................................
8.7.1 Weights and dimensions - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models 8-34......................
8.7.2 Weights and dimensions - 21 A ~ 33.5 A models 8-34.....................
8.7.3 Weights and dimensions - 48 A ~ 65 A models 8-34......................
8.8 Environmental 8-35..........................................
A Accessories A-1........................................
A.1 Introduction A-1............................................
A.1.1 Busbars for DC bus sharing A-2......................................
A.1.2 AC supply (EMC) filters A-3.........................................
A.1.3 AC line reactors A-4................................................
A.1.4 Regeneration resistors A-5..........................................
A.1.5 Motor / power cable management bracket A-7..........................
A.1.6 Signal cable management bracket A-8................................
A.2 Cables A-9................................................
A.2.1 Motor power cables A-9.............................................
A.2.2 Feedback cable part numbers A-10....................................
A.2.3 Ethernet cables A-10................................................
B Control System B-1.....................................
B.1 Introduction B-1............................................
B.1.1 Servo configuration B-2.............................................
B.1.2 Torque servo configuration B-4.......................................
vi Contents
C Mint Keyword Summary C-1.............................
C.1 Introduction C-1............................................
C.1.1 Keyword listing C-1................................................
D CE&UL D-1...........................................
D.1 Introduction D-1............................................
D.1.1 CE marking D-1...................................................
D.1.2 Declaration of conformity D-2........................................
D.1.3 Use of CE compliant components D-3.................................
D.1.4 EMC wiring technique D-3...........................................
D.1.5 EMC installation suggestions D-4.....................................
D.1.6 Wiring of shielded (screened) cables D-5..............................
D.2 UL file numbers D-6.........................................
General Information 1-1MN1943
LT0279A03 Copyright Baldor (c) 2011. All rights reserved.
This manual is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. This document or attached software may not, in whole or in part, be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Baldor. Baldor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Baldor assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Mintt and MotiFlex® are registered trademarks of Baldor. Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. UL and cUL are registered trademarks of Underwriters Laboratories.
MotiFlex e100 is UL listed; file NMMS.E128059.
Limited Warranty For a period of two (2) years from the date of original purchase, Baldor will repair or replace without charge controls and accessories that our examination proves to be defective in material or workmanship. This warranty is valid if the unit has not been tampered with by unauthorized persons, misused, abused, or improperly installed and has been used in accordance with the instructions and/or ratings supplied. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty or guarantee expressed or implied. Baldor shall not be held responsible for any expense (including installation and removal), inconvenience, or consequential damage, including injury to any person or property caused by items of our manufacture or sale. (Some countries and U.S. states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply.) In any event, Baldor’s total liability, under all circumstances, shall not exceed the full purchase price of the control. Claims for purchase price refunds, repairs, or replacements must be referred to Baldor with all pertinent data as to the defect, the date purchased, the task performed by the control, and the problem encountered. No liability is assumed for expendable items such as fuses. Goods may be returned only with written notification including a Baldor Return Authorization Number and any return shipments must be prepaid.
Baldor UK Ltd Mint Motion Centre 6 Bristol Distribution Park Hawkley Drive Bristol, BS32 0BF Telephone: +44 (0) 1454 850000 Fax: +44 (0) 1454 859001 E-mail: Web site:
See rear cover for other international offices.
1 General Information
1-2 General Information MN1943
Product notice
Only qualified personnel should attempt the start-up procedure or troubleshoot this equipment. This equipment may be connected to other machines that have rotating parts or parts that are controlled by this equipment. Improper use can cause serious or fatal injury.
Safety Notice
Intended use: These drives are intended for use in stationary ground based applications in industrial power installations according to the standards EN60204 and VDE0160. They are designed for machine applications that require variable speed controlled three-phase brushless AC motors. These drives are not intended for use in applications such as:
H Home appliances
H Medical instrumentation
H Mobile vehicles
H Ships
H Airplanes.
Unless otherwise specified, this equipment is intended for installation in a suitable enclosure. The enclosure must protect the equipment from exposure to excessive or corrosive moisture, dust and dirt or abnormal ambient temperatures. The exact operating specifications are found in section 3 and section 8 of this manual. The installation, connection and control of drives is a skilled operation. This equipment contains no user-serviceable parts; disassembly or repair must not be attempted. In the event that the equipment fails to operate correctly, contact the place of purchase for return instructions.
Do not touch any circuit board, power device or electrical connection before you first ensure that no high voltage is present at this equipment or other equipment to which it is connected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt to start-up, program or troubleshoot this equipment.
The motor circuit might have high voltages present whenever AC power is applied, even when the motor is not moving. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury.
After AC power has been removed from the MotiFlex e100, high voltages (greater than
50 VDC) can remain on power connections for up to 5 minutes, while the DC bus circuitry discharges. Do not touch the DC bus, regeneration resistor, or other power connections during this period.
If a motor is driven mechanically, it might generate hazardous voltages that are conducted to its power terminals. The enclosure must be earthed/grounded to prevent possible shock hazard.
Be sure the system is properly earthed/grounded before applying power. Do not apply AC power before you ensure that earths/grounds are connected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury.
Be sure that you are completely familiar with the safe operation and programming of this equipment. This equipment may be connected to other machines that have rotating parts or parts that are controlled by this equipment. Improper use can cause serious or fatal injury.
General Information 1-3MN1943
MEDICAL DEVICE / PACEMAKER DANGER: Magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of current carrying conductors and industrial motors can result in a serious health hazard to persons with cardiac pacemakers, internal cardiac defibrillators, neurostimulators, metal implants, cochlear implants, hearing aids, and other medical devices. To avoid risk, stay away from the area surrounding a motor and its current carrying conductors.
Be sure all wiring complies with the National Electrical Code and all regional and local codes. Improper wiring may result in unsafe conditions.
The stop input to this equipment should not be used as the single means of achieving a safety critical stop. Drive disable, motor disconnect, motor brake and other means should be used as appropriate.
Improper operation or programming of the drive may cause violent motion of the motor and driven equipment. Be certain that unexpected motor movement will not cause injury to personnel or damage to equipment. Peak torque of several times the rated motor torque can occur during control failure.
If the drive enable signal is already present when power is applied to the MotiFlex e100, the
motor could begin to move immediately.
The metal heatsink on the left side of the MotiFlex e100 can become very hot during
normal operation.
The metal part of the MotiFlex e100 case incorporates prominent edges and corners that
may cause minor injury if the drive is handled without proper care and attention.
Take care when lifting. The 48 A and 65 A models weigh 12.45 kg (27.4 lb). Seek assistance if necessary. When carrying, do not suspend the unit from the removable front panels as they could detach and cause the unit to be dropped.
When operating a rotary motor with no load coupled to its shaft, remove the shaft key to prevent it flying out when the shaft rotates.
A regeneration resistor may generate enough heat to ignite combustible materials. To avoid fire hazard, keep all combustible materials and flammable vapors away from the brake resistors.
To prevent equipment damage, be certain that the input power has correctly sized protective devices installed.
To prevent equipment damage, be certain that input and output signals are powered and referenced correctly.
To ensure reliable performance of this equipment be certain that all signals to/from the drive are shielded correctly.
Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than the RMS symmetrical short circuit amperes listed here, at the rated maximum voltage (480 VAC): Horsepower
RMS Symmetrical Amperes
1-50 5,000
1-4 General Information MN1943
Avoid locating the drive immediately above or beside heat generating equipment, or directly below water or steam pipes.
Avoid locating the drive in the vicinity of corrosive substances or vapors, metal particles and dust.
Do not connect AC power to the drive terminals U, V and W. Connecting AC power to these terminals may result in damage to the drive.
Baldor does not recommend using “Grounded Leg Delta” transformer power leads that may create earth/ground loops and degrade system performance. Instead, we recommend using a four wire Wye.
Drives are intended to be connected to a permanent main power source, not a portable power source. Suitable fusing and circuit protection devices are required.
The safe integration of the drive into a machine system is the responsibility of the machine designer. Be sure to comply with the local safety requirements at the place where the machine is to be used. In Europe these are the Machinery Directive, the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Directive and the Low Voltage Directive. In the United States this is the National Electrical code and local codes.
Drives must be installed inside an electrical cabinet that provides environmental control and protection. Installation information for the drive is provided in this manual. Motors and controlling devices that connect to the drive should have specifications compatible to the drive. If not installed in an electrical cabinet, barriers around the equipment are required.
Failure to meet cooling air flow requirements will result in reduced product lifetime and/or drive overtemperature trips.
Violent jamming (stopping) of the motor during operation may damage the motor and drive.
Operating the MotiFlex e100 in Torque mode with no load attached to the motor can cause
the motor to accelerate rapidly to excessive speed.
Do not tin (solder) exposed wires. Solder contracts over time and may cause loose connections. Use crimp connections where possible.
Electrical components can be damaged by static electricity. Use ESD (electrostatic discharge) procedures when handling this drive.
If the drive is subjected to high potential (‘hipot’) testing, only DC voltages may be applied. AC voltage hipot tests could damage the drive. For further information please contact your local Baldor representative.
Ensure that encoder wires are properly connected. Incorrect installation may result in improper movement.
Removing the cover will invalidate UL certification.
Introduction 2-1MN1943
2.1 Mo t iFlex e100 features
The MotiFlex e100 is a versatile brushless servo drive, providing a flexible and powerful motion
control solution for rotary and linear motors. Standard features include:
H Single axis AC brushless drive.
H Range of models with continuous current ratings of:
1.5 A, 3 A, 6 A, 10.5 A, 16 A, 21 A, 26 A, 33.5 A, 48 A and 65 A.
H Direct connection to 230 - 480 VAC three-phase supplies.
H Ability to provide power to, or derive power from, a DC busbar
connection shared with neighboring drives.
H Universal feedback interface supporting incremental encoder, BiSS,
EnDat, SSI or SinCos feedback.
H Position, velocity and current control.
H Auto-tuning wizard (including position loop) and software oscilloscope
facilities provided by Mint WorkBench v5.5 configuration software (supplied).
H 3 optically isolated general purpose digital inputs. Two inputs have
‘fast input’ capability, providing real-time position capture.
H 1 optically isolated drive enable input.
H 1 optically isolated general purpose digital output.
H 1 optically isolated digital output to indicate error conditions.
H 1 motor temperature switch input.
H 1 general purpose ±10 V analog input.
H USB 1.1 serial interface (compatible with USB 2.0).
H CANopen protocol for communication with Mint controllers and other
third party CANopen devices.
H Ethernet POWERLINK & TCP/IP support: Twin Ethernet ports with
integrated hub for communication with host PC or other Ethernet POWERLINK devices.
H Programmable in Mint.
MotiFlex e100 can operate a large range of brushless rotary and linear servo motors. It can also
operate induction motors using closed-loop vector control. For information on selecting Baldor motors, please see the sales brochure BR1202 available from your local Baldor representative.
This manual is intended to guide you through the installation of MotiFlex e100. The sections
should be read in sequence.
The Basic Installation section describes the mechanical installation of the MotiFlex e100, the
power supply connections and motor connections. The other sections require knowledge of the low level input/output requirements of the installation and an understanding of computer software installation. If you are not qualified in these areas you should seek assistance before proceeding.
2 Introduction
2-2 Introduction MN1943
2.2 Receiving and inspection
When you receive your MotiFlex e100, there are several things you should do immediately:
1. Check the condition of the shipping container and report any damage immediately to the
carrier that delivered your MotiFlex e100.
2. Remove the MotiFlex e100 from the shipping container and remove all packing material. The
container and packing materials may be retained for future shipment.
3. Verify that the catalog number of the MotiFlex e100 you received is the same as the catalog
number listed on your purchase order. The catalog number is described in the next section.
4. Inspect the MotiFlex e100 for external damage during shipment and report any damage to the carrier that delivered your MotiFlex e100.
5. If MotiFlex e100 is to be stored for several weeks before use, be sure that it is stored in a
location that conforms to the storage humidity and temperature specifications shown in section 8.8.
Note: The 48 A and 65 A MotiFlex e100 have a recess at the rear of the product which is
filled with a block of packaging foam. Remove this foam before mounting the drive.
2.2.1 Identifying the catalog number
The MotiFlex e100 is available with different current ratings. The catalog number is marked on
the side of the unit. It is a good idea to look for the catalog number (sometimes shown as ID/No:) and write it in the space provided here:
Catalog number:
Installed at: ________________________
Date: ______
A description of a catalog number is shown here, using the example MFE460A003x:
Meaning Alternatives
MFE MotiFlex e100 family -
460 Requires an AC supply voltage of 230 - 480 Volts, 3Φ -
A003 Continuous current rating of 3 A
A001=1.5 A; A006=6 A; A010=10.5 A; A016=16 A; A021=21 A; A026=26 A; A033=33.5 A; A048=48 A; A065=65 A
x A letter indicating the hardware revision. This does not
affect the capabilities of the MotiFlex e100 unless
otherwise stated.
Introduction 2-3MN1943
2.3 Units and abbreviations
The following units and abbreviations may appear in this manual:
V Volt (also VAC and VDC)...............
A Ampere...............
μF microfarad..............
pF picofarad..............
mH millihenry.............
Φ phase...............
ms millisecond..............
μs microsecond..............
ns nanosecond..............
mm millimeter.............
m meter...............
in inch...............
ft feet...............
lbf-in pound force inch (torque)............
N·m Newton meter (torque).............
ADC Analog to Digital Converter............
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange...........
AWG American Wire Gauge............
CAL CAN Application Layer............
CAN Controller Area Network............
CDROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory.........
CiA CAN in Automation International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V..............
CTRL+E on the PC keyboard, press Ctrl then E at the same time..........
DAC Digital to Analog Converter............
DS301 CiA CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile..........
DS401 CiA Device Profile for Generic I/O Devices..........
DS402 CiA Device Profile for Drives and Motion Control..........
DS403 CiA Device Profile for HMIs..........
EDS Electronic Data Sheet............
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility............
EPL Ethernet POWERLINK............
HMI Human Machine Interface.............
ISO International Standards Organization.............
Kbit/s kilobits per second...........
LCD Liquid Crystal Display............
Mbit/s megabits per second...........
MB megabytes.............
MMC Mint Machine Center............
(NC) Not Connected............
RF Radio Frequency..............
SSI Synchronous Serial Interface.............
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol..........
UDP User Datagram Protocol............
2-4 Introduction MN1943
2.4 Standards
The MotiFlex e100 has been designed and tested to comply with the following standards.
2.4.1 Design and test standards
H UL508C: Power Conversion Equipment.
H UL840: Insulation coordination including clearance and creepage distances for
electrical equipment.
H EN61800-5-1: Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Safety requirements.
Electrical, thermal and energy.
H EN50178: Electronic equipment for use in power installations.
H EN60529: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures.
H EN61800-3: When installed as directed in this manual, MotiFlex e100 conforms to the
category C3 emission limits and the ‘second environment’ immunity requirements defined by this standard.
See also the CE certificate on page D-2.
2.4.2 Environmental test standards:
H EN60068-1: Environmental testing, general and guidance.
H EN60068-2-32: Environmental testing, Test Ed. Free Fall.
H EN60068-2-2: Environmental testing, Test B. Dry heat.
H EN60068-2-78: Environmental testing, Test cab. Damp heat, steady state.
2.4.3 Marks
See also Appendix D for general recommendations for CE compliance.
Basic Installation 3-1MN1943
3.1 Introduction
You should read all the sections in Basic Installation to ensure safe installation.
This section describes the mechanical and electrical installation of the MotiFlex e100 in the
following stages:
H Location considerations.
H Mounting the MotiFlex e100.
H Connecting the AC power supply.
H Connecting the optional 24 VDC control circuit backup supply.
H Connecting the motor.
H Installing a regeneration resistor (Dynamic Brake).
3.1.1 Power sources
A 230 - 480 VAC 3-phase power source (IEC1010 over-voltage category III or less) in the installation area is required. An AC power filter is required to comply with the CE directive for
which the MotiFlex e100 was tested (see section 3.4.10).
The optional 24 VDC control circuit backup supply must be a regulated power supply with a continuous current supply capability of up to 1.5 A, dependent on the number of option cards fitted. See section 3.6 for details.
3.1.2 Hardware requirements
The components you will need to complete the basic installation are:
H AC power supply filter (for CE compliance).
H The motor that will be connected to the MotiFlex e100.
H A motor power cable.
H An incremental encoder feedback cable, SSI cable, or BiSS / EnDat / SinCos cable.
A separate Hall cable might also be required for linear motors.
H A USB cable.
H (Optional) 24 VDC control circuit backup power supply.
H (Optional) A regeneration resistor (Dynamic Brake) might be required, depending on the
application. Without the regeneration resistor, the drive may produce an overvoltage fault. All
MotiFlex e100 models have overvoltage sensing circuitry. Regeneration resistors may be
purchased separately - see section 3.8 and appendix A.
3 Basic Installation
3-2 Basic Installation MN1943
H A PC with the following minimum specification:
Minimum specification Recommended specification
Processor 32-bit Intel / AMD processor,
500 MHz
32-bit or 64-bit Intel / AMD dual­core processor, 2 GHz or faster
RAM 256 MB 1GB
Hard disk space 100 MB 100 MB
Communication USB port (USB 1.1 full-speed), or
Ethernet port (100 Mbit/s, independent of office network)*
Screen 1024 x 768, 16-bit color 1280 x 1024, 16-bit color
Mouse A mouse or similar pointing device.
(Mint WorkBench does not support touch)
Windows XP Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
* The Ethernet configuration used by a normal office PC is not suitable for direct
communication with the MotiFlex e100. It is recommended to install a separate dedicated Ethernet adapter in the PC, which can be configured for use with the MotiFlex e100. See
section 6.2.4.
3.1.3 Tools and miscellaneous hardware
H Your PC operating system user manual might be useful if you are not familiar with Windows.
H Small screwdriver(s) with a blade width of 2.5 mm (1/10 in) or less for connector X3.
H M5 screws or bolts for mounting the MotiFlex e100.
3.1.4 Other information needed for installation
This information is useful (but not essential) to complete the installation:
H The data sheet or manual provided with your motor, describing the wiring information of the
motor cables/connectors.
H Knowledge of whether the digital input signals will be ‘Active Low’ or ‘Active High’.
Basic Installation 3-3MN1943
3.2 Mech an ical installation
It is essential that you read and understand this section before beginning the installation
Take care when lifting. The 48 A and 65 A models weigh 12.45 kg (27.4 lb). Seek assistance if necessary. When carrying, do not suspend the unit from the removable front panels as they could detach and cause the unit to be dropped.
Avoid locating the MotiFlex e100 immediately above or beside heat generating
equipment, or directly below water steam pipes.
Avoid locating the MotiFlex e100 in the vicinity of corrosive substances or vapors,
metal particles and dust.
Failure to meet cooling air flow requirements will result in reduced product lifetime and/or drive overtemperature trips.
The safe operation of this equipment depends upon its use in the appropriate environment. The following points must be considered:
H The MotiFlex e100 must be installed indoors, permanently fixed and located so that it can
only be accessed by service personnel using tools. When installed in a cabinet, the cabinet must have a volume of at least 0.19 m
(6.84 cu.ft). If not installed in a cabinet, barriers
around the equipment are required.
H The maximum suggested operating altitude is 1000 m (3300 ft).
H The MotiFlex e100 must be installed where the pollution degree according to EN61800-5-1
shall not exceed 2.
H The optional 24 VDC control circuit backup supply must be installed so that the 24 VDC
supplied to the unit is isolated from the AC supply either by using double or reinforced insulation, or by using basic insulation with a protective earth.
H The input of the control circuit must be limited to Extra Low Voltage circuits.
H Both the AC supply and the optional 24 VDC control circuit backup supply must be fused.
H The atmosphere must not contain flammable gases or vapors.
H There must not be abnormal levels of nuclear radiation or X-rays.
H To comply with CE directive 2004/108/EC an appropriate AC filter must be installed.
H The MotiFlex e100 must be secured by the slots in the metal mounting flanges. The
protective earth/ground (the threaded studs on the top and bottom mounting flanges) must be bonded to a safety earth/ground using either a 25 A conductor or a conductor of three times the peak current rating - whichever is the greater.
H The metal tab at the bottom of the case is used for attaching a cable clamp (section A.1.6).
H The D-type connectors on the top and bottom panels of the MotiFlex e100 are secured using
two hexagonal jack screws (sometimes known as “screwlocks”). If a jack screw is removed accidentally or lost it must be replaced with a #4-40 UNC jack screw with an external male threaded section no longer than 10 mm (0.4 in).
H The 48 A and 65 A MotiFlex e100 have a recess at the rear of the product which is filled
with a block of packaging foam. Remove this foam before mounting the drive.
3-4 Basic Installation MN1943
3.2.1 Dimensions - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models
Mounting hole and s lot detail
Dimensions shown as: mm (inches ). Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in)
Weight: 1.5 A: 1.90 kg (4.2 lb)
3A: 1.90kg(4.2 lb) 6A: 1.90kg(4.2 lb)
10.5A: 4.80kg(10.6 lb) 16 A: 5.80 kg (12.8 lb)
A 6mm B 12 mm C 12.7 mm D 6mm E 6mm
Note: The case is 76 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider thanthe mountingplate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives side-by-side for DC bus s haring, it is adv isable to use the method described in section to avoid errors when marking hole positions.
Figure 1 - Mounting and overall dimensions - 1.5 A ~ 16 A models
Basic Installation 3-5MN1943
3.2.2 Dimensions - 21 A ~ 33.5 A models
Mounting hole and s lot detail
Dimensions shown as: mm (inches ). Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in)
Weight: 21 A: 5.85 kg (12.9 lb)
26 A: 6.35 kg (14.0 lb)
33.5 A: 6.35 kg (14.0 lb)
A 6mm B 12 mm C 12.7 mm D 6mm E 6mm
Note: The case is 128 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider than the mounting plate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives side-by-side for DC bus s haring, it is adv isable to use the method described in section to avoid errors when marking hole positions.
Figure 2 - Mounting and overall dimensions - 21 A ~ 33.5 A models
3-6 Basic Installation MN1943
3.2.3 Dimensions - 48 A ~ 65 A models
Mounting hole and s lot detail
Dimensions shown as: mm (inches
Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in) Weight: 48 A: 12.45 kg (27.4 lb)
65 A: 12.45 kg (27.4 lb)
A 6mm B 12 mm C 12.7 mm D 6mm E 6mm
Note: The c ase is 213 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider than the mounting plate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives side-by-side for DC bus sharing, i t is advisable to use the method described in section to avoid errors when marking hole positions.
Figure 3 - Mounting and overall dimensions - 48 A ~ 65 A models
Basic Installation 3-7MN1943
3.2.4 Mounting the MotiFlex e100
Ensure you have read and understood the Mechanical installation and location requirements in section 3.2. Mount the MotiFlex e100 vertically on its rear side, the side opposite the front panel. M5 bolts or screws should be used to mount the MotiFlex e100. Detailed dimensions are shown
in section 3.2.1.
Note: The 48 A and 65 A MotiFlex e100 have a recess at the rear of the product which is
filled with a block of packaging foam. Remove this foam before mounting the drive.
For effective cooling, the MotiFlex e100 must be mounted upright on a smooth vertical metal surface. The MotiFlex e100 is designed to operate in an ambient temperature of 0 °C to 45 °C
(32 °F to 1 13 °F). Output current must be derated between 45 °C (1 13 °F) and the absolute maximum ambient temperature of 55 °C (131 °F). All models incorporate cooling fans and are designed to operate without any additional cooling methods.
Temperature derating characteristics are shown in sections 8.3.5 to 8.3.14. Mounting multiple drives for DC bus sharing
The MotiFlex e100 is designed to be mounted in close contact with other MotiFlex e100s, to allow
the optional DC busbar kits (Baldor parts OPT-MF-DC-A, -B, -C or -D) to be connected across the top of the drives. Each busbar kit contains two busbars and the necessary screws. When mounting drives for DC bus sharing it is essential that they are accurately positioned in contact with the neighboring drive, otherwise the busbars will not fit.
Mount the rightmost drive first, but do not fully tighten the top left screw. Take the next drive and hold it against the left side of the first drive. Slide it downwards until the alignment tab (see Figure
4) on the side of the mounting flange fits behind the matching cutout on the first drive’s mounting flange. Tighten the first drive’s top left screw. Holding the second drive in place, mark its mounting holes. Remove the second drive, finish the mounting holes and then remount the drive. Use the same procedure to mount further drives to the left of the second drive.
Alignment tab
1. Mount rightmost drive first, leaving top left screw slightly loose.
2. Press second drive against the first drive...
3. ...and slide down until alignment
tab engages behind fi rst drive.
Figure 4 - Mounting MotiFlex e100s for DC bus sharing
3-8 Basic Installation MN1943 Attaching the busbars for DC bus sharing
Busbars are supplied in kits, comprising a pair of busbars and all screws and washers required for fitting. There are 4 different busbar sizes, allowing any combination of narrow bodied
MotiFlex e100 (1.5 A ~ 16 A models), wide bodied MotiFlex e100 (21 A ~ 33.5 A models) or extended bodied MotiFlex e100 (48 A ~ 65 A models) to be connected, as shown in Figure 6. Size
3 and size 4 busbars have an insulating sleeve, since parts of them are exposed when fitted. See also section 3.5 for details about sharing the DC bus.
Hazardous voltages exist underneath the drive’s hinged top cover! Before lifting the cover ensure that AC power has been removed from the source drive and at least 5 minutes have elapsed to allow the DC bus output capacitors to discharge. Use only original Baldor busbar kits, parts
Always observe the correct polarity. The busbar nearest the front of the
MotiFlex e100 is positive. The busbar at the rear is negative, as shown in Figure 5.
1. Loosen the busbar c over retaining screw to reveal the busbar mounting pads.
2. Attach the busbars using the supplied screws and washers. Tighten screws to approximately 2 N·m (17.7 lb-in).
3. Close the busbar cover and tighten the retaining screw to approximately 1 N·m (8.9 lb-in). Do not exceed 2 N·m (17.7 lb-in).
Figure 5 - Connecting busbars for DC bus sharing
Basic Installation 3-9MN1943
55 mm
Size 1 busbar - kit OPT-MF-DC-A
Size 2 busbar - kit OPT-MF-DC-B
107 mm
Size 3 busbar - kit OPT-MF-DC-C
140.4 mm
Size 4 busbar - kit OPT-MF-DC-D
192 mm
1.5 - 16 A
21 - 33.5 A
48 - 65 A
1.5 - 16 A
21 - 33.5 A
48 - 65 A
Busbar selection:
1) From the LEFT column, select the drive that will be on the left.
2) From the RIGHT row, select the drive that will be on the right.
3) The intersecting letter indicates the busbar required to connect the selected drives.
For example, B indicates that OPT-MF-DC-B is required.
Figure 6 - Busbar requirements according to drive combinations
3-10 Basic Installation MN1943
3.2.5 Overtemperature trips and intelligent fan control
The MotiFlex e100 contains internal temperature sensors that will cause it to trip and disable if
the control card or output power module temperatures exceed preset values. These values are listed in the following table, and can also be read using the TEMPERATURELIMITFATAL keyword - see the Mint help file for details.
MotiFlex e100
catalog number
Maximum control card
Maximum power module (PIM)
105 °C
221 °F
73 °C
163.4 °F
115 ° C
(239 °F)
62 °C
143.6 °F
115 ° C
239 °F
62 °C 115 ° C
(143.6 °F)
(239 °F)
Ta ble 1 - Maximum internal trip temperatures
The MotiFlex e100 can detect problems with its cooling fan, such as disconnection (fan loss) or
overcurrent caused by stalling. The 10.5 A and 16 A models incorporate two cooling fans; one fan operates continuously, but to increase overall lifetime and efficiency the second fan operates only when necessary. Also, if a fault is detected on the first fan, the other one will turn on. The 48 A and 65 A models incorporate four cooling fans; none of the fans are required in normal conditions, but all four will operate when necessary. Effects of mounting surface and proximity
If the MotiFlex e100 is mounted above or below another MotiFlex e100 (or other obstruction),
there should be a minimum space of 90 mm to maintain effective cooling. Remember that when
a MotiFlex e100 is mounted above another MotiFlex e100 or heat source, it will be receiving air
that has been already heated by the device(s) below it.
Basic Installation 3-11MN1943
3.3 Connecto r locatio n s
3.3.1 Front panel connectors
13 Status+ 14 DGND 15 DOUT1+ 16 DIN2+ 17 DGND 18 DIN1+ 19 DIN0+ 20 DGND 21 Drive enable+ 22 Shield 23 A GND 24 A IN0+
1 (NC)
2 Data­3 Data+ 4GND
X3 Input / Output
1 Status­2DGND 3DOUT1­4DIN2­5DGND 6DIN1­7DIN0­8DGND 9 Driv e enable­10 Shield 11 AGN D 12 AIN0-
Node ID
These switches set the MotiFlex e100’s
node ID for Ethernet POWERLINK, and the final value of the IP address when using TCP/IP. See sections 5.8.1 and 6.2.4.
The STATUS, CAN and ETHERNET LEDs are described i n section 7.2.1.
Tightening torque for terminal block connections (X2 & X3) is 0.5-0.6 N·m (4.4-5.3 lb-in). Tightening torque for option slot 1/2 retaining screws is 0.7 N·m (6.2 lb-in). Maximum wire / ferrule size (X2): 2.5 mm2(14 AWG). Maximumwiresize(X3):0.5mm2(20 AWG). Connector X 3 is designed to accept bare wires only; do not use bootlace ferrules.
(NC) = Not Connected. Do not mak e a c onnection to this pin.
18 V out / 24 V in 0V
X2 18 VDC output / 24 VDC backup input
Option slot 1 retaining screw.
Option slot 2 retaining screw.
Toremovethetop cover,pushonthe center of the bottom edge, then pull thetopedge forwards.To refit,locate thecover overits intended position and then push on until it snaps into place.
To remove the bottom cover, push on the oval indentation and slide the cover downwards.To refit, insert thetwotabs, protrudingfromthe cover’s topedge,intothemainbody. Push ontheBaldorlabel tosnap intoplace.
1TXA 2TXB 3GND 4 +7V out
5 (NC) 6 (NC)
X6 RS485 (2-wire)
3-12 Basic Installation MN1943
3.3.2 Top panel connectors
4 (NC)
5 S hield 6CANGND 7CAN+
8 (NC)
9 CAN V+
1TX+ 2TX­3RX+
4 (NC) 5 (NC)
7 (NC)
8 S hield
Both connectors have identical pinouts.
X1 AC power & regen (1.5A~16Amodels)
L1 AC Phase 1
L2 AC Phase 2
L3 AC Phase 3
Option slot 1 cover
Busbar cover retaining screw. Tightening torque i s 1 N·m (8.9 lb-in).
Tightening torque:
0.5-0.6 N·m (4.4-5.3 lb-in) Maximum wire / ferrule size: X1: 4 mm2(11 AWG).
Regeneration resistor
X1 AC power & regen (21A~65Amodels)
Tightening torque: L1/L2/L3: 1.7 N·m (15 l b-in) R1/R2: 1.7 N·m (15 l b-in) Maximum wire / ferrule size: L1/L2/L3: 16 mm2(5 AWG). R1/R2: 16 mm2(5 AWG).
L1 AC Phase 1
L2 AC Phase 2
L3 AC Phase 3
Regeneration resistor
Basic Installation 3-13MN1943
3.3.3 Bottom panel connectors
X8 Feedback In
Pin Inc remental SinCos BiSS / SSI EnDat
1 CHA+ (NC) Data+ Data+ 2 CHB+ (NC) Clock+ Clock+ 3 CHZ+ (NC) (NC) (NC)
4 Sense Sense Sense Sense
5HallU-Sin- (NC) Sin-* 6HallU+Sin+ (NC) Sin+* 7 Hall V- Cos- (NC) Cos-* 8 Hall V+ Cos+ (NC) Cos+* 9 CHA- (NC) Data- Data­10 CHB- (NC) Clock- Clock­11 CHZ- (NC) (NC) (NC)
12 +5V out +5V out +5V out +5V out 13 DGND DGND DGND DGND
14 Hall W- (NC) (NC) (NC) 15 Hall W+ (NC) (NC) (NC)
Shell Shield Shield Shield Shield
* EnDat v2.1 only. EnDat v2.2 does not use the Sin and Cos signals.
X16 Motor temperature switch
X17 Motor power out (1.5A~16Amodels)
U Motor U out
V Motor V out
W Motor W out
Option slot 2 cover
Tightening torque:
0.5-0.6 N·m (4.4-5.3 lb-in). Maximum wi re size: 4mm2(11 AWG).
Cooling fan air inl et slots. Ensure these slots remain free of obstructions at all times.
X17 Motor power out (21A~65Amodels)
Tightening torque: 0.5-0.6 N·m (4.4-5.3 lb-in). Maximum wire size: 2.5 mm2(14 AWG).
Tightening torque:
1.7 N·m (15 lb-in). Maximum wi re size: 16 mm2(5 AWG).
U Motor U out
V Motor V out
W Motor W out
Motor power cables must be correctly bonded to earth.
See section 3.7.1 for details.
3-14 Basic Installation MN1943
3.4 AC power connections
This section provides instructions for connecting the AC power supply. For full specifications, see section 8.
The installer of this equipment is responsible for complying with NEC (National Electric Code) guidelines or CE (Conformite Europeene) directives and application codes that govern wiring protection, earthing/grounding, disconnects and other current protection.
Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Do not touch any power device or electrical connection before you first ensure that power has been disconnected and there is no high voltage present from this equipment or other equipment to which it is connected.
To prevent equipment damage, be certain that the input power has correctly rated protective devices installed.
To prevent equipment damage, be certain that input and output signals are powered and referenced correctly.
To ensure reliable performance of this equipment be certain that all signals to/from
the MotiFlex e100 are shielded correctly.
MotiFlex e100 drives are designed to be powered from standard three-phase lines that are
electrically symmetrical with respect to earth/ground. The power supply module within all
MotiFlex e100 models provides rectification, smoothing and current surge protection. Fuses or
circuit breakers are required in the input lines for cable protection.
Note: A Residual Current Device (RCD) must not be used for fusing the drive.
An appropriate type of circuit breaker or fuse must be used.
All interconnection wires should be in metal conduits between the MotiFlex e100, AC power
source, motor, host controller and any operator interface stations.
3.4.1 Earthing / grounding
Permanent earth/ground bonding points are provided on the mounting flanges, which must be used as the protective earth. They are labeled with the protective earth symbol and do not form any other mechanical function. Earthing methods are shown in section 3.4.4.
These protective earth/ground points prevent exposed metal parts of the MicroFlex e100 from
becoming live in the event of a wiring error or other failure. Connecting these points to earth does not provide protection against electromagnetic contamination received or emitted by the drive and its associated wiring. For example, the motor power output cable supplies a high frequency high current waveform to the motor, so the cable’s shielding must be separately bonded to a functional earth point to prevent the cable radiating electromagnetic contamination into the surrounding area. Such contamination can cause spurious errors in apparently unrelated parts of the installation, such as low voltage communication cables. See sections 3.4.2 and 3.7.1 for detailed installation instructions that will help reduce electromagnetic contamination.
Note: When using unearthed/ungrounded distribution systems, an isolation transformer
with an earthed/grounded secondary is recommended. This provides three-phase AC power that is symmetrical with respect to earth/ground and can prevent equipment damage.
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