Balanced Audio Techn. VK-500 Brochure

Elegant simplicity
Balanced Audio Technology
Effortless power
Dual-mono construction
Musical revelation
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but it is lightning that does the work. —Mark Twain
Power Amplifier
The Balanced Audio Technology VK-500 sets a bold new standard for solid-state power amplifiers. The VK-500 combines the benefits of high-power fully balanced operation with a simple, direct signal path to yield a level of musicality traditionally reserved for the world’s finest tube amplifiers. Yet it offers a dynamic ease that few designs—tube or solid-state—can match.
Elegant simplicity
The solid-state virtues of extended frequency response and the power to drive inefficient speakers are often purchased at the price of a clinical or fatiguing presentation of the music. The problem lies more in the complexity of most solid­state circuits than in the devices themselves. A typical solid-state amplifier will have four or five gain stages, with a feedback loop traversing these same stages to correct the signal. The VK-500 uses only two gain stages—without global feedback. Unusually direct for any amplifier, this purist signal path is even more surprising in a design of such high power. The ingenuity of the signal path is complemented by a unique single-ended bridge topology that allows the use of superior N-channel MOSFETs in both driver and output stages. The result is a clear, open sound that breathes life into music.
VK-500 Specifications
Output power:
250 W per channel into 8 450 W per channel into 4 (both at less than 1% THD)
Frequency response @ -3 dB:
2 Hz to 300 kHz
Slew rate:
300 V/µS
Input impedance:
100 keach phase
Input signal for maximum output power:
1.6 V
Output impedance:
Power supply energy storage:
350 joules standard 1100 joules with optional BAT-PAK
30 dB
Power consumption:
400 VA maximum at idle 2000 VA maximum at full power
19” W x 9.5” H x 23” D (48 cm W x 24 cm H x 58 cm D)
105 lb. (48 kg) unpackaged
Measurements reflect typical performance in balanced mode.
Effortless power
The VK-500 delivers 250 watts per channel of effortless power. It can also be ordered with an optional BAT-PAKTMjoule multiplier. The BAT-PAKTMprovides an internally installed capacitor bank that triples the energy storage of the VK-500. In addition, the VK-500 can be converted at the factory to Balanced Audio Technology’s VK-1000 monoblock, providing an upgrade path to even greater power.
Dual-mono construction
The VK-500 is constructed as two individual amplifiers on one frame to capture many of the benefits of monoblock construction while maintaining the conve­nience of a single chassis. This dual-mono construction extends to separate power cords, power switches, transformers, and circuit modules. The VK-500 could be cut down the middle with an acetylene torch and both halves would still play.
Musical revelation
The performance of Balanced Audio Technology’s VK-500 transcends the limitations of traditional solid-state designs. It couples effortless power with a supremely natural portrayal of musical color and texture. We invite you to visit your BAT audio specialist to experience this revelation for yourself.
26 Beethoven Drive 800.255.4228 Wilmington DE 19807 302.999.8855
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