Wireless Charger Manual
Ple ase rea d the man ual car efull y befor e using
Speci fi cat io ns :
Type : Wirel ess Cha rger
Mod el No. : WD -213- 5100Q I
Mat erial : PC(Fi repro of)
Col or: Bla ck/Wh ite/G rey/G old
Siz e: L*W* H=108 *108* 7 MM
Inp ut: DC 5V 2 A; 9V 1.6 7A
Cer tific ate: QI ,FCC, R oHS, CE
Str uc tu re Di ag ra m:
Wel come to u se Brig htway w irele ss charg er. It is s uitab le for of fice/ home/ trave l and oth er
occ asion s, with n ewly ch argin g exper ience .
108 mm
108 mm
Ind icati on LED
Pow er inpu t
Quick Wirel ess Charger
Model No.: WD -213-5100 Q1
5.0V 2.0A
9.0V 1.67A
Cha rger Ant i-Sli p Mat
Fea tu re s:
1. Su per-t hin, su itabl e for hom e, offi ce, tra vel, on t he go, wi th high e fficie ncy, rel iabil ity;
wit h sever al prot ectio ns, mee t Qi stan dard.
2. Ch arge ef ficie ncy: Ma ximum c onver sion ra te 85%
3. Wo rking c ondit ion: Tempe ratur e from -1 0 to 40, hum idity 0 %-90% RH, sea l evel
bel ow 2000 m eters .
4. St orage c ondit ion: Temp eratu re from - 40 to 70, hu midit y 0%-90 %RH, se a level
bel ow 5000 m eters .
5. Sh ort cir cuit pr otect ion: Ou tput ci rcuit c an be cut o ff imme diate ly unde r the con ditio n of
no- load, w ith loa d ( full- load) a nd reco vered t o work af ter rem oval of s hort ci rcuit f ault.
6. Ov er-lo ad ( curr ent) pr otect ion: wi th over -load p rotec tion, c an be rec overe d to work
aft er remo val of fa ult, ov er-cu rrent v alue ra nge: 1. 2-1.5 A.
7. Lo w- volt age pro tecti on: can a utoma tical ly lowe r outpu t power w hen inp ut volt age is
low er than 4 .5 V+-0 .3, and w ill shu t off out put to pr otect m ain cir cuit if w orse.
8. Ov er- vol tage pr otect ion: ap plyin g forci bly pro tecti on, can a utoma tical ly dama ge
pro tecti on comp onent s when th e input v oltag e is high er than 1 0V, to prot ect mai n
cir cuit. ( p lease a pply su itabl e adapt er).
9. Ov er-te mpera ture pr otect ionwil l enter i nto pro tecti on dire ctly wh en temp eratu re is
det ected t o reach o ver 60℃ an d can be re cover ed to wor k norma lly whe n tempe ratur e
is do wn.
Cauti on s:
1. Pl ease pl ace you r charg e devic e on the su itabl e posit ion ( ref erenc e on the la st page );
2. Pl ease us e suita ble pow er adap ter or it w ill aff ect wir eless c hargi ng effic iency.
3. Ca n use dry c loth to w ipe and c lean th e charg er hous ing, ch emica l clean ers ban ned.
4. Pl ease do n’t put b us card , bank ca rd, ID ca rd or any c ard wit h magne tic on th e side of
cha rger du ring us age of ch arger , or it may l ose sto rage in forma tion.
5. Avo id of usi ng unde r the con ditio ns of low t emper ature , wet, du st, str ong sun shine , high
tem perat ure, cr ash, ex posur e of ligh t, etc.
6. Di sasse mble ho using i s not all owed.
Usage :
Put y our cel lphon e on the ch argin g pad and c onnec t suita ble ada pter to t he
wir eless c harge r.
2.D uring c hargi ng,4 LE D indic ators w ill ful ly brig ht when c ellph one com plete ly
sta ys on the i nduct ion are a.
Not e: if no in ducti on chip i n your ce llpho ne, ple ase mat ch and we ar
a sui table i nduct ion cov er on you r cellp hone, t hen it ca n be char ged.
Phone and wir eless char ger base matching diagr am
Whe n phone a lign wi th char ger bas e induc tion ar ea, 4 ind icati on led li ght up.
Char ger Area .1
Phon e Area.2
Blac k is wir eless t ransm ittin g Area.1dott ed line
Bes t match ing con ditio n
in in ducti on area
Whit e is pho ne rece ving Are a.2dott ed line
Indi catio n ledArea .1 Area .2
FCC Caution.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.