11. Wiring And Terminal Diagram (How To Wire)…………………………….. 14
12. Manifold Example Installation………………………………………………. 15
4050 Multi-Input Linear Flow Computer
Designed to meet the ever-changing requirements of flow metering, the Multi-flow computer can be tailored to
virtually any flow applicati on. It is desi gned to accept up to 3 meters and correct for temperatur e changes and
produce a usable output in whatever flow units you require. The 4050 is designed to work with manifold
systems and switches relays that are adjustable at which point they trigger. This output (dry) can be used to
change valve states and switch which meter measures the flow.
Each 4050 is programmed to your own individual requirements, software is written for each unit as and when
required. Each 4050 comes standard with a frequency input card, an analogue input card , a relay card and a
communication card. Other cards are optional, please call for additional options.
Frequency Input Card
32 point Linearization curve for the derivation of flow and a programmable factor for unit conversion.
Programmable cut-off points enable displays of both frequency and flow to be inhibited below pre-set values.
The update is programmable from 0.02 seconds up to virtual infinity. (Standard)
Up to three freq uenc y inp uts ca n be ac ce pted fr om fl ow sen so rs; eac h inpu t wit h a
Analogue Input Card16 bit Resolution Up to six analogue process inputs 0-10V or 4 to 20mA, are
available for use with sensors of temperat ure; flow; dens ity; vis cosity; pressures - absolute, bar ometric, ga uge
or differenti al, and other fact ors requiring compens ation. Each input has a five point Linearization curve. For
conversion to alternative mass units a programmable mass factor can be used.
Analogue Output Card16 bit Resolution Up to three analogue outputs 0-10V or 4 to 20mA,
proportional to any desired parameter, are available for connection to remote facilities such as alarms,
indicators, chart recorders, PLCs and the like. The analogue output reference parameter may be configured by
the user.
Pulse Outputs Three TTL o r op en c olle ct or o utpu ts are av ai labl e fo r ret rans mi ss ion of rat e, or f or out put of
pulses per unit volume of total. These outputs, too, may be connected to remote indicators, totalizers or PLCs.
Relay Card
purposes. If the process includes a batching unit or controller, the relays can be used to control valves
solenoids or pump starters
The Multi-flow can accommodate up to three volt-free relays which can be deployed for alarm
Communications To monitor paramet ers or pro gram c al ibrat ion dat a RS23 2, RS 485 and in terf ac es c an be
incorporated. For connection to panel or desk mounted printers either a serial or parallel port can be
incorporated, with the option of time and date indication.
The Main Display The standard display is alphanumeric with red dot matrix characters, 152mm wide and
18mm high, which give an exceptionally wide viewing angle. The display itself comprises three fields: on the
left, a maximum of five characters may be used to give the parameter i dentity; i n the centre is the read-out of
the quantity being measured; and to the right are the characters defining the units of measurement. These can
be changed by the end user. User test routines, and buzzer.
Data Entry All calibration data are entered by means of a hand-held infra-red keypad following a successful
pass-code entry.
To prevent incorrect data entry, when two Multiflow units are positioned in close proximity, the reception of the
unit that is not being addressed can be inhibited by a sequence of keystrokes on the front panel keyboard of
that unit.
4050 Multi-Input Linear Flow Computer
(gallons, litres; etc) by interpolation between points and, by extrapolation, from the first and last two points of
the curve. An engineering factor is included for the conversion of units.
Frequency range:
The default range is 0.5hertz to 65kHz with accuracy +/- 0.002Hz +/- least significant digit. A low cut off can be
programmed by the end user, which will allow the computer to measure frequency down to 0.01 of a Hz.
Signal conditioning:
By Special request the COX 4050 can take signals from contact closure (reed switch): sine wave; low level
input to base of PNP transistor and two wire modulated curren t frequency inputs. The default is a st andard TTL
type signal input or voltage pulse.
Sensor Excitation Voltage
An adjustable 1.5 to 24-volt dc output. Default is 12volts. Can be adjusted by the end user, it does involve
adjusting a pot entiometer.
Please call the factory for details. (215) 639-0900 ext. 316
32 point Linearization curve of frequency/viscosity versus counts per units measured
Analogue Inputs
Resolution: 16 bit
Accuracy: +/- 0.001% of full scale
5 point Linearization, can be either 4 - 20mA or 0 - 10V dc.
Analogue Outputs: Either 4 - 20mA or 0 - 10V dc.
Resolution: 16 bit
+/- 0.001% of full scale +/- least significant digit.
Pulse Outputs:
TTL or Open Collector outputs with a range of 1 hertz to 1 kHz
Relays: Rating: 0.25A at 240Vac 9( Dry relay) .
Power supply: A mains input or dc inpu t can be used to supply the COX. The 110/240Vac is selec table
on a switch inside the Flow computer..
220 to 240Vac 50-60Hz will draw approx mA (this depends on options fitted)
110 to 120Vac 50 -60Hz will draw approx mA (this depends on options fitted)
12V dc will draw approx mA (this depends on options fitted)
24V dc will draw approx mA (this depends on options fitted)
Users are advised that although the equipment has protection and conforms to CE approvals, for trouble free
operation the Multiflow system should be connected to a clean power supply; i.e. free of noise and not in the same
phase as heavy machinery.
Any machinery using heavy contacts in the immediate proximity of Multiflow should be suitably suppressed.
Inductive loads switched by the volt-free relay contacts should be fitted with suitable snubber networks.
4050 Multi-Input Linear Flow Computer
Working Displays (when COX 4050 is powered on)
Refer to programming helper for additional assistance.
When the unit is powered up the serial number is displayed for approximately 5 seconds then t he first display
line is shown. The left direction key (Å)
Primary Disp lays (see table below) and the Seconda ry Displays (see t able below). A mess age is momentaril y
displayed indicating which section is selected. Use the ÇÈ direction keys to select a display. The same keys
on the hand held remote control would perform the same function.
Press right or left arrow keys to display primary or secondary displays.
Use the up (Ç)
The same keys on the hand held remote control would perform the same function.
key or the down (È) key to scroll t hrough th e resultan t displ ays see t able below.
or the right (Æ) can be used to toggle between the
Default Primary-
Tables used to input data.
Primary Display
Shows basic values: Visc. Sg, RT (rate), Mas (mass), Tv(total Volume), Tm( total mass),
Description of resultant displays
ident result units
Default Secondary Displays
Manifold (on/off), Volume (on/off), Raw data: (F) requency1, 2,3, Ros, STr, K factor, A1 temp, Date.
Refer to special settings section for changing settings.
Tables used to input data.
Secondary Display
Description of resultant displays
ident result units
To Change idents and units see section titled DISPLAY IDENTS AND UNITS
4050 Multi-Input Linear Flow Computer
Entering The Programming Mode
Press the right arrow key until Secondary is displayed. Press the alter key and.’CODE ****’ will be displayed. A
four-digit code can now be entered (serial number). On each press of a key the
sequence from left to right. When all four
shows ‘WRONG CODE’ then try again making sure that you are entering the correct code, as each instrument
has a different code setting. If a mistake is made during setting, then use the CLEAR key and try again.
If you are sure that the code is correct and the instrument still shows WRONG CODE then it is probable that
the batteries need changing in the hand held remote control.
If you press t he A LTE R key b y mi stak e th e dis play wil l reve rt to normal after approx. 20 seco nds. Pres sing the
ÅÆ keys will have the same effect. Pressing any other key will reset the timer allowing sufficient time to enter
each digit of code.
Exit program mode by pressing clear.
will change to
have been set the code is automatically checked. If the display
The Code Number
The code number for each instrument is taken from the last 4 digits of the serial number. The serial number can
be found on the front page of this manual, on the rear of the instrument, and is also displayed when the
instrument is first powered up, and finally by entering the Front panel Test routine.
For complete security it is recommended that the remote controller should be kept in a safe and secure place.
Unable To Enter A Code?
1) Enabling and disabling the Infrared hand held keypad.
The infra-red keypad will work with any COX unit and therefore it may be necessary to disable this function on
one unit where they are in close proximity. To LOCK OUT the infrared keyboard you must enter the Front Panel
Test Routine and select N for the ENABLE IR control. Once locked out, the infrared keypad is totally inactive on
that particular unit and the lock LED will be lit in the lower square panel. With the REMOTE OFF the displays
may still be viewed by means of the front panel keys. To restore operation of the infra-red keyboard use the
Front Panel Test Routine and select Y to the ENABLE IR menu.
2) Automatic LOCK OUT
In some cases the instrument itself will inhibit the ALTER key as it may be performing a sequence of events
that can not be interrupted, i.e. BATCHING. Please see the special instructions if applicable.
Unable To Use The Keys Or Key Bounce
If you are exper ienc ing key bounce or you are un abl e to us e the keys then there is probably interference with
the infra-red remote control. Problems may occur when trying to operate the unit in
sodium lights etc. If there are problems then please contact your supplier.
direct sunlight;
or using
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