Bachmann CONFERENCE Mounting Instructions

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CONFERENCE without frame Mounting instructions REV03 | Article no. 050.0211 | B0570303BA67 | 18.07.2017 | Page 1/2+drawing
Bachmann GmbH | Ernsthaldenstr. 33 | 70565 Stuttgart | Germany |
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, Änderungen vorbehalten. / Subject to change without notice.
DE Montageanleitung EN Mounting instructions FR Instructions de montage
ES Instrucciones de montaje RO Instructiuni de montare IT Istruzioni per l'installazione
3. 4.
CONFERENCE without frame Mounting instructions REV03 | Article no. 050.0211 | B0570303BA67 | 18.07.2017 | Page 2/2+drawing
Bachmann GmbH | Ernsthaldenstr. 33 | 70565 Stuttgart | Germany |
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, Änderungen vorbehalten. / Subject to change without notice.
Plattenstärke /
Plate thickness
G W X Plattenstärke /
Plate thickness
11mm 1 6 II 26mm 2 3 I
12mm 1 6 I 29mm 2 3 II
15mm 1 5 II 30mm 2 3 I
16mm 1 5 I 31mm 1 1 II
17mm 2 6 II 32mm 1 1 I
18mm 2 6 I 33mm 2 2 II
19mm 2 4 II 34mm 2 2 I
20mm 1 4 I 35mm 3 3 II
21mm 2 5 II 36mm 3 3 I
22mm 2 5 I 37mm 2 1 II
23mm 1 3 II 38mm 2 1 I
24mm 1 3 I 39mm 3 2 II
25mm 2 4 II 40mm 3 2 I
26mm 2 4 I 43mm 3 1 II
27mm 1 2 II 44mm 3 1 I
Ausschnittmaße Unterseite Tischplatte Cut out underside of the tabletop
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