Bürkert 8643 PA Operating Instruction

Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Instructions de Service
Type 8643 PA
Power I/O-Box
with PROFIBUS PA profile 3.0 mit PROFIBUS PA Profil 3.0 avec PROFIBUS PA profil 3.0
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© Bürker t Werke GmbH & Co. KG, 200- 2017
Operating Instructions 1706/0_EU-EN_0080 / Original DE
1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................................................5
2 AUTHORIZED USE .............................................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Restrictions ...............................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Explosion protection approval ........................................................................................................................................6
3 BASIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................7
4 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Contact Addresses ................................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Warranty ......................................................................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Information on the Internet ...............................................................................................................................................9
4.4 Trademarks ...............................................................................................................................................................................9
5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................................10
5.1 General Description ...........................................................................................................................................................10
5.1.1 Advantages and technical features ................................................................................................ 10
5.1.2 Application area ..................................................................................................................................11
5.1.3 Identification ........................................................................................................................................11
5.1.4 Cable connections on the body ......................................................................................................12
5.1.5 LED display ..........................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Technical Data ......................................................................................................................................................................13
5.3 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................................15
6 INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................................................................16
6.1 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................................................16
6.2 Installation instructions ...................................................................................................................................................17
6.3 Cable glands ..........................................................................................................................................................................18
6.4 Electrical Connections .....................................................................................................................................................19
6.4.1 Safety instructions ..............................................................................................................................19
6.4.2 Overview of the terminals and outputs ..........................................................................................19
Type 8643 with PROFIBUS PA Profile 3.0
Type 8643 PA
6.4.3 Supply connection ............................................................................................................................. 20
6.4.4 Connection of the SHIELD terminal ...............................................................................................21
6.4.5 Actuator terminals ..............................................................................................................................22
6.4.6 Sensor terminals .................................................................................................................................22
7 SETTING THE STATION ADDRESSES ..................................................................................................................................23
7.1 LED display .............................................................................................................................................................................23
7.2 Watchdog ................................................................................................................................................................................23
8 CONFIGURING THE NETWORK ................................................................................................................................................24
8.1 Storage allocation for user data transfer ...............................................................................................................24
8.2 System parameters ...........................................................................................................................................................24
8.2.1 Physical block......................................................................................................................................24
8.2.2 Transducer Block ................................................................................................................................32
8.2.3 Function block .....................................................................................................................................39
9 MALFUNCTIONS ...............................................................................................................................................................................45
10 PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT ...............................................................................................................................................46
11 STORAGE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................46
12 DISPOSAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................46
Type 8643 PA
Operating Instructions
The operating instructions describe the entire life cycle of the device. Keep these instructions in a location which is easily accessible to every user and make these instructions available to every new owner of the device.
The operating instructions contain important safety information!
Failure to observe these instructions may result in hazardous situations.
▶ The operating instructions must be read and understood.
1.1 Symbols
Warns of an immediate danger!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in a fatal or serious injury.
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or death.
Warns of a possible danger!
▶ Failure to observe this warning may result in a medium or minor injury.
Warns of damage to property!
• Failure to observe the warning may result in damage to the device or the equipment.
indicates important additional information, tips and recommendations.
refers to information in these operating instructions or in other documentation.
→ designates a procedure which you must carry out.
Type 8643 PA
Authorized use
Unauthorized use of the Power I/O Box Type 8643 with PROFIBUS PA connection can be dangerous to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
▶ The device is designed as a valve and sensor connection. Only sensors and valves may be connected which
comply with the technical specifications.
▶ During use observe the authorized data, the operating conditions and conditions of use specified in the con-
tract documents and operating instructions, as indicated in the EC-Type Examination Certificate.
▶ The device may be used only in conjunction with third-party devices and components recommended and
authorized by Bürkert.
▶ Correct transportation, correct storage and installation and careful use and maintenance are essential for reli-
able and faultless operation.
▶ Do not subject the body of the Power I/O Box Type 8643 to mechanical loads (e.g. by placing objects on it or
standing on it).
▶ Use the device only as intended.
2.1 Restrictions
If exporting the system, observe any existing restrictions.
2.2 Explosion protection approval
Any unauthorized changes to the Power I/O Box Type 8643 with PROFIBUS PA connection or to components invalidate the explosion protection approval.
Type 8643 PA
Basic Safety Instructions
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any
• contingencies and events which may arise during the installation, operation and maintenance of the devices.
• local safety regulations – the operator is responsible for observing these regulations, also with reference to the installation personnel.
Hazardous if used in explosion-risk area
Risk of explosion from electrical voltage!
The Power I/O Box Type 8643 is designed as ignition protection type Ex-e (increased safety).
▶ Before working on non-intrinsically safe circuits of the Power I/O Box Type 8643, always switch off the oper-
ating voltage of the system!
Danger of explosion due to internal charging of the Power I/O Box Type 8643!
When the power supply to the Power I/O Box Type 8643 is switched off, the internally stored charge will not be completely dissipated for 4 minutes. To prevent an explosion, switch off the power supply before connecting or disconnecting Ex-e terminals.
▶ Do not remove the cover from the connection terminals for Ex-e switching circuits until the connected Ex-e
circuits have been disconnected from the power supply for longer than 4 minutes.
Danger of explosion if the allowable ambient temperature ranges are exceeded!
▶ Observe the respective ambient temperature range which is based on the type designation (e.g. 8643-4-AL-
KS-F-I/O), according to the table in the EC-Type Examination Certificate.
Danger of explosion due to unauthorized combination of the ignition protection types!
Due to unauthorized combination of the ignition protection types, the device is not suitable for use in the explosion-risk area. If the device is nevertheless used in this area, there is a danger of explosion!
▶ If the bus supply of the device was operated once in ignition protection type of increased safety (e), the bus
supply may no longer be intrinsically safe in the ignition protection type (i).
General hazardous situations.
To prevent injury, ensure that:
▶ That the system cannot be activated unintentionally.
▶ Installation and repair work may be carried out by authorized technicians only and with the appropriate tools.
▶ After an interruption in the power supply or pneumatic supply, ensure that the process is restarted in a
defined or controlled manner.
▶ The device may be operated only when in perfect condition and in consideration of the operating instructions.
▶ The general rules of technology apply to application planning and operation of the device.
Type 8643 PA
Basic Safety Instructions
Electrostatic sensitive components / modules!
The device contains electronic components which react sensitively to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Contact with electrostatically charged persons or objects is hazardous to these components. In the worst case scenario, they will be destroyed immediately or will fail after start-up.
• Observe the requirements in accordance with EN 61340-5-1 and 5-2 to minimise or avoid the possibility of damage caused by sudden electrostatic discharge!
• Also ensure that you do not touch electronic components when the power supply voltage is present!
The Power I/O Box Type 8643 was developed with due consideration given to the accepted safety rules and is state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, dangerous situations may occur.
Operate the Power I/O Box Type 8643 only when it is in perfect condition and in accordance with the operating instructions.
The explosion protection approval is only valid if you use the Power I/O Box Type 8643 as indicated. If you make any unauthorized changes, the explosion protection approval will be invalidated!
Information on the PROFIBUS PA
Detailed information on the start-up of a PROFIBUS PA line can be found in the PROFIBUS PA User and Installation Guideline.
Internet: www.profibus.de
Type 8643 PA
General Information
4.1 Contact Addresses
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Chr.-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
Contact addresses can be found on the final pages of these printed operating instructions.
And also on the internet at: www.burkert.com
4.2 Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the Power I/O Box Type 8643 is used as intended in accordance with the specified application conditions.
4.3 Information on the Internet
Operating instructions and data sheet for the Power I/O Box Type 8643 with PA connection can be found on the Internet at: www.burkert.com
4.4 Trademarks
Association of Users of Automation Technology in the Process Industry
Type 8643 PA
System Description
5.1 General Description
The Power I/O Box Type 8643 with PROFIBUS PA connection (stated below as the Power I/O Box Type 8643) is used to connect binary signals to the PROFIBUS PA.
It is suitable for use in areas where there is a risk of explosion, authorized according to ATEX and IECEx for use in Zone 1 and 21.
The device is available either in an aluminium or polyester body belonging to protection class IP65.
All cable glands are situated on the underside. There are two versions of the different bus concepts:
The device is supplied for the Ex-i bus (FISCO) via a voltage source, as the usable energy from the bus line is severely restricted. However, the connection to an Ex-e bus is also possible.
5.1.1 Advantages and technical features
Advantages of the Power I/O Box
• Simple and safe installation.
• Reliable galvanic isolation between power supply, bus connection and the inputs or outputs.
• Reliable IP protection.
Technical features of the Power I/O Box
• Body: Polyester, powder-coated aluminium.
• Protection class: IP65 (as electronic module IP20/IP30)
• Temperature range from –20 to +55 °C (see table in the EC-Type Examination Certificate)
• Interfaces: PROFIBUS PA
• Outputs: 4x Ex-i DO; inputs: 8x Ex-i DI
• Approval according to ATEX: II 2 (1) G Ex e mb [ia IIC Ga] IIC T4 Gb II 2 (1) D Ex tb [ia IIIC Da] IIIC T65 °C Db IP65
• Approval according to IECEx: Ex e mb [ia IIC Ga] IIC T4 Gb
Ex tb [ia IIIC Da] IIIC T65 °C Db IP65
Type 8643 PA
System Description
5.1.2 Application area
The Power I/O Box Type 8643 is designed for remote use in an industrial environment, particularly in the areas of the pharmaceutical industry, petrochemistry and fine chemistry.
It satisfies the conditions for protection class IP65 (in aluminium or polyester body).
Risk of explosion from electrical voltage!
The Power I/O Box Type 8643 is designed as ignition protection type Ex-e (increased safety).
▶ Before working on non-intrinsically safe circuits of the Power I/O Box Type 8643, always switch off the oper-
ating voltage of the system!
If using the Power I/O Box Type 8643 in a control cabinet, ensure that
• the control cabinet is also authorized for use in an environment where there is a risk of explosion,
• the control cabinet is large enough for the lost heat to be discharged to the exterior in a suitable manner,
• the internal temperature of the control cabinet does not exceed the allowable operating temperature of the Power I/O Box Type 8643!
5.1.3 Identification
Profibus PA Interface: Digital I/O
Type label
Fig. 1: Location of the type label
Type 8643 PA
System Description
5.1.4 Cable connections on the body
Profibus PA Interface: Digital I/O
No. Designation
Cable glands for intrinsically safe circuits (8 screw joints, blue)
Cable glands for bus and power supply (4 screw joints, black)
Fig. 2: Location of the cable connections on the aluminium body of the device
Profibus PA Interface: Digital I/O
No. Designation
Cable glands for intrinsically safe circuits (8 screw joints, blue)
Cable glands for bus and power supply (4 screw joints, black)
Cable gland for earth cable PA (potential equalisation)
Fig. 3: Location of the cable connections on the plastic body of the device
When delivered, the cable glands are covered with protective caps. These protective caps must remain on the cable glands until the cables are connected to keep out dirt.
Type 8643 PA
System Description
5.1.5 LED display
LED 1 green
LED 2 green
Fig. 4: Location of the LED display
LED 1 is lit when voltage is applied to the bus supply. LED 2 is lit if the device is using cyclic data transfer. LED 3 is lit if the device is not using cyclic data transfer
(only after Power on or if the Watchdog is active).
If neither LED 2 nor LED 3 is lit, check power supply!
5.2 Technical Data
Designation Values
Body material Polyester, aluminium
Colour black
Ambient temperature -20 ... +60 °C
Cable entry Polyamide cable glands
Protection class IP 65 (DIN EN 60529)
Protection class 3 (DIN EN 61140 (vDE 0140-1))
Ignition protection identification (complete device) ATEX:
II 2 (1) G Ex e mb [ia IIC Ga] IIC T4 Gb II 2 (1) D Ex tb [ia IIIC Da] IIIC T65 °C Db IP65
IECEx: Ex e mb [ia IIC Ga] IIC T4 Gb Ex tb [ia IIIC Da] IIIC T65 °C Db IP65
Power supply voltage 4-wire version
Auxiliary supply 24 V
17 ... 32 V DC
Type 8643 PA
System Description
Designation Values
Max. power requirement
Bus voltage
Power consumption of bus
200 mA (17 V) 140 mA (24 V) 110 mA (32 V)
9 ... 32 V DC
12 mA /17 mA FDE
8, intrinsically safe, NAMUR (in accordance with EN 60947-5-6)
Outputs for pilot valves min. switching current min. holding current Internal resistance Off-load voltage
4, intrinsically safe
30 mA
15 mA 330 ohm 24 V
Power reduction to holding current after minimum 50 ms.
Designation Values
Electrical connections for inputs and outputs Screw terminals (up to 2.5 mm²)
Field bus interface
Ignition protection type Electrical connection
Communication in accordance with IEC 1158-2
in accordance with FISCO EEx i 4 screw terminals bus (up to 2.5 mm²) 3 screw terminals shield (1x directly and 2x capacitively earthed)
Auxiliary supply
Ignition protection type Electrical connection
Increased safety EEX e 4 screw terminals (up to 2.5 mm²)
Device key (see type label)
polyester body aluminium body
8643-4-PO-XX-X-XXX 8643-4-AL-XX-X-XXX
• The cable resistance to the sensors and actuators may be max. 20 Ω.
• The Power I/O Box Type 8643 may be supplied with low safety voltage in accordance with VDE 0631 only.
• The Power I/O Box Type 8643 satisfies the conditions of the EMC Law. EN61000-6-2 Interference Resistance, EN61000-6-4 Interference Emission
• The safety-related maximum values for operation in explosion-risk area can be found in the Type Examination Certificate in the Appendix.
Type 8643 PA
System Description
5.3 Dimensions
Fig. 5: Dimensions Type 8643
Type 8643 PA
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