TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteenntts
CChhaapptteerr 11 –– IInnttrroodduuccttiioon
Section Sub-section Page
1.1 Mainboard Layout……………………………………………………. 1-1
1.1.1 Mainboard Dimension………………………………………….…… 1-1
1.1.2 Environment Limitation……………………………………..……… 1-2
1.2 ATX Form Factor……………………………………………………… 1-2
1.3 Features and Specifications………………………………………. 1-2
1.4 System Health Monitoring Function…………………………… 1-2
1.4.1 Hardware Monitoring System Utility…………………………… 1-4
1.4.2 Installation of HMSU………………………………………………… 1-5
1.5 Intelligence…………………………………………………………….. 1-5
Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation
Section Sub-section Page
2.1 Mainboard Setting………………………………………………. 2-1
2.2 Installation of Processor………………………………………. 2-2
2.3 Installation of DIMM Memory……………………………….. 2-3
2.4 Internal Connectors…………………………………………….. 2-3
2.4.1 PCI Slot/ISA Slot…………………………………………………. 2-3
2.4.2 AMR Slot……………………………………………………………. 2-4
2.4.3 Floppy Disk Drive Connectors………………………………. 2-4
2.4.4 Primary and Secondary IDE Connectors………………… 2-4
2.4.5 Standard Infrared (SIR) Connector……………………….. 2-5
2.4.6 Cooling and Chassis Fan Power Connectors……………… 2-5
2.4.7 ATX Power Connector…………………………………………. 2-6
2.4.8 WOL (Wake on LAN) Connector……………………………. 2-6
2.4.9 CD Audio-in Connector………………………………………… 2-7
2.4.10 USB (Universal Serial Bus)………………………………….. 2-7
2.4.11 System Panel Buttons and LED Connectors……………. 2-8
2.4.12 Speaker and Power LED………………………………………. 2-9
2.5 External Connector…………………………………………….. 2-9
2.5.1 PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Connectors…………………. 2-10
2.5.2 Serial Port Com 1 and 2 Connectors…………………….. 2-10
2.5.3 Parallel Port Connector……………………………………….. 2-10
2.5.4 USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port 1 and 2………………… 2-10
2.5.5 Audio/Game Port Connectors……………………………….. 2-11