AzureWave Technologies GD200 User Manual

Linux Driver Installation & User Guide
Version: 1.1
Version Date Description
1.0 2005/08/01 First Edition
1.1 2005/10/20 Add iwconfig user command
Table of Contents
AW-GD200 Installation and User Guide ………………………………………… 1 History ………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Table of Contents …………………………….…………………………………… 2 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 Installation ………………………………………………… ………………… 3
1.1.1 Adapter Linux Driver …………………………………………….………... 3
1.1.2 Installation and Configuring the Linux Source Tree ………………. 3
1.1.3 Compile the Driver ………………………………………………………… 3
1.1.4 Install the Driver …………………………………………………………… 4
1.1.5 Overall Installation Procedure …………………………………………… 4
2.0 Configure a wireless network interface ……………………………………….. 5
2.1 iwconfig ………………………………………………………………………… 5
This guide explains how to install the following software on a Linux based desktop or laptop computer:
- AW-GD200 Driver for Linux system This adapter can be used in a non-PC device to easily enable Wireless connectivity.
1.1 Installation
The installation procedure includes two main steps:
1. Compile the Driver
2. Install the Driver
1.1.1 Adapter Linux Driver
The driver is distributed in source-code format. In order to compile the driver, you need to have the Linux source tree installed in your desktop/laptop computers, preferably in the /usr/src/linux directory. This driver has been tested with Linux version 2.4.22 and compiled with gcc 3.2.2. The host Linux system that was used to compile and test the driver is based on Slackware 9.1 distribution.
1.1.2 Installation and Configuring the Linux Source Tree
The requirements for the environment to install and configure the Linux source tree are:
- Linux kernel source v2.4.22
- GCC v3.2.2
- Wireless Tools version 26 Then you have to follow the steps below to complete the installation an d configuration process.
1. Download the Linux kernel file from
2. Untar the source in the /usr/src directory.
3. Create a symbolic link to the Linux source tree to a directory called "linux".
4. Run "make menuconfig" in the Linux directory and then enable the Wireless LAN under "Network Device Support"/"Wireless LAN (Non Hamradio).
5. Configure any other options as required.
6. Exit and save the configuration. The Linux kernel does not to be compiled when you compile the driver. However, you must install the same version of the kernel which the driver is compiled against to run the driver.
1.1.3 Compile the Driver
If the Linux source tree is not presented in the default Linux directory, you can modify the KERNELDIR parameter in the Makefile to direct to the location of the kernel source. Then you can follow the steps below to compile the Linux driver: a) Type “make clean”. Verify that there is no legacy file in the target directory. b) Type "make". Verify that the file “deep31.o” is built and placed in the target directory. c) The deep31.o is the driver compiled as a module for the current kernel. The Makefile also tries to copy the driver to the /lib/modules/2.4.22/pcmcia directory so that the driver can be easily loaded at boot time. If you want to remove debug options -DDEBUG and –DDBG, they can be removed from Makefile CFLAGS variable.
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