AzureWave Technologies CB178NF User Manual

Wireless LAN & Bluetooth Module IC
Version 0.1
Date Modification Initials Approved
Ver. 0.1 2014/09/22 Initial version Terry Chu
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1. AW-CB178NF WLAN & Bluetooth MFG Tool Command User Guide
z When you test AW-CB178NF, please insert AW-CB178NF into connector J2 in the first. And you
need to take a screw column with H1 hole to make AW-CB178NF combined with carrier board.
1.1 Environment set up and Bridge Mode Tool
(1) The “Manufacturing Bridge” refers to the application that allows a user to send commands between
Target platform and Windows XP platform. The environment enables the user to test performance of the AW-CB178NF.
Manufacturing Bridge mode
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(2) bin Folder Contents Download the latest MFG release from the Marvell Extranet and unzip it. The bin folder should look
similar to the figure shown below. The release contains three folders: bridge, FwImage, and internal.
(3) Bridge Folder Within the bridge folder are two .tgz files.
a. File bridge_linux_0.1.0.29-fc13-bin contains the following files.
b. File bridge_linux_0.1.0.22-src.tgz contains the source files for the bridge.
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(4)FwImage Folder Within the FwImage folder are 15 .bin files.
a. The corresponding Firmware should be placed in the /lib/Firmware/mrvl folder
(5)Internal Folder Within the internal folder is the labtool and labtool_src folder. For this document’s purpose, only the details of the labtool folder will be discussed.
The contents of the labtool folder is shown below.
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The Labtool executable is labeled (DutApiMimoBtFmBridgeEth.exe)
1.2 Using the Contents of the MFG Release Package
(1) For the Bridge Utility that runs on the target platform, go to the folder shown below.
Obtain the bridge_linux_x.x.x.x_src.tgz file. The source files include a makefile for standard Linux distribution and Android. The same bridge tool can be compiled and run on an Android platform.
After successful compilation, an “mfgbridge” executable will be produced and will run on the target platform. In the same folder, make sure to include the bridge_init.conf file from the bridge source code.
On the given Host Linux system, the following files have to be transferred & reside on the system. (Transfer the files over via flash memory or tftp over the host.) Place the firmware in /lib/firmware/mrvl/ pcie8897_usb_combo.bin
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The user must compile the driver per your specific Linux OS and Kernel. This is due to that the driver is dependent on the actual OS and kernel version. This next section will describe the steps needed to be done before you can install the driver and run it.
Please download the production driver package from the extranet at the below location: My Products/ Wireless/ 88W8897/ Software
Unzip these three zipped files: a. XXX-8897-FC13-X86-X.X.X.X _X-app-src.tgz
b. XXX-8897-FC13-X86-X.X.X.X_X-GPL-src.tgz c. XXX-8897-FC13-X86-X.X.X.X_X-mlan-src.tgz From the unzipped files, go to the subdirectory wlan_src *Make sure to have kernel headers and kernel libs before executing the “make” commands below. make clean make build
Go up one folder to copy both *.ko files to your directory in where you have the other files in where you want to run the insmod command.
Here is the sample list of files (as a minimum) at 1 location: bridge_init.conf mfgbridge mlan.ko pcie8897.ko
Now you can run the following commands to install the driver and firmware and start the Manufacturing bridge application with the following commands.
On the target platform, use the following commands to put the 88W8897 in MFG mode:
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