AzureWave Technologies 800BT User Manual

AW-GA800BT 802.11 b/g USB Wireless Module
User Guide
AzureWave provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. AzureWave may make improvements and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
AzureWave is a trademark of AzureWave Technologies, Inc. Other names mentioned in this document are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This document provides detailed user guidelines to provide AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module operation and setting-up. Though every effort has been made to assure that this document is current and accurate, more information may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide. In that event, please contact your AzureWave representative for additional information that may help in the development process.
Safety statements...........................................................................................................2-1
About this guide..............................................................................................................2-1
AW-GA800BT 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module specification summary..................................2-2
Chapter 1 Product Information.......................................................................................2-2
1.1 Product overview................................................................................................2-2
1.2 Features.............................................................................................................2-2
1.3 LED and antenna port............................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
1.4 Supported network setup....................................................................................2-3
1.4.1 Ad-Hoc mode............................................................................................2-3
1.4.2 Infrastructure mode..................................................................................2-4
1.4.3 Software access point (Soft AP).................................................................2-5
Chapter 2 Installation....................................................................................................2-1
2.1 System requirements..........................................................................................2-1
2.2 Hardware Installation..........................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 Wi-Set Wizard...............................................................................................3-2
3.1 Launch Wi-Set Wizard.........................................................................................3-2
3.2 Wi-Setup Wizard Steps........................................................................................3-4
3.3 Station Mode Configuration.................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Configure Infrastructure type network........................................................3-5
3.3.2 Build Ad-Hoc networking mode network.....................................................3-6
3.4 Build Soft AP network.........................................................................................3-8
3.4.1 Normal User..............................................................................................3-8
3.4.2 Advanced User.........................................................................................3-11
Chapter 4 RtWLAN: Wireless LAN Management GUI........................................................4-1
4.1 How to Launch RtWLAN......................................................................................4-2
4.2 Introduction of Main Window...............................................................................4-2
4.3 Station mode......................................................................................................4-6
4.3.1 Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc.........................................................................4-6
4.4 AP mode...........................................................................................................4-11
4.5 Windows Zero Configuration...............................................................................4-14
4.5.1 Swap from RtWLAN to Windows Zero Configuration...................................4-14
4.5.2 Rollback from Windows Zero Configuration to RtWLAN...............................4-15
Appendix A: Mapping of country and channel plan........................................................4-1
Appendix B: Q&A........................................................................................................4-4
Appendix C: Release History........................................................................................4-5
Safety statements
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
About this guide
The user guide contains the information you need to install and configure your AzureWave
802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module.
Guide organization
This guide contains the following chapters:
l Chapter 1: Product Information
This chapter describes the general functionality, features and configuration modes of AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module.
l Chapter 2: Installation
It is recommended that users should read this chapter before installing both AzureWave
802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module hardware and software. This chapter presents the systematic installation of AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module and antenna, utilities and driver on the support CD.
l Chapter 3: W-Set Wizard
This chapter shows you the setup of wireless network in your office or home. Follow The step-by-step direction, provided by Wi-Set wizard, you can have your own wireless local area network up and running very quickly.
l Chapter 4: Management GUI
This chapter teaches you the proper operations of selected mode from W-Set Wizard. The GUI display network status, connection profiles and network traffic to help you monitor and manage the network configuration.
AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module specification summary
Host system connections
Interface Fully complies with USB 2.0 or 1.1 USB date transfer rate USB high speed (480Mbps), and full speed (12Mbps)
Chapter 1 Product Information
1.1 Product overview
Thank you for choosing AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module. The AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module is an easy-to-use wireless local area network
(WLAN) adapter which is designed for home or office use. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Complementary Code Keying (CCK), and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) base band processing are implemented to support all IEEE 802.11b, and 802.11g data rates. Differential phase shift keying modulation schemes, DBPSK and DQPSK with data scrambling capability, are available, along with complementary code keying to provide data rates of 1, 2, 5.5, and 11Mbps, with long or short preamble. A high-speed Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) combined with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM modulation of the individual sub-carriers provides data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54Mbps, with rate-compatible punctured convolution coding with a coding rate of 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4.
The AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module also supports Wake-On-LAN (WOL) function and remote wake-up giving you the convenience to remote log in from other places to this system.
To provide efficient security to your wireless communication, the hardware-based IEEE 802.11i encryption/decryption engine, including 64-bit/128-bit WEP, TKIP, and AES, supports Wi-Fi alliance WPA and WPA2 security.
With these features and many more, AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module is ready to connect you to the world of wireless communication.
1.2 Features
System requirements
The AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module is an on-board component on ASUS motherboard requiring manual installation. Make sure that your system meets the following requirements.
l ASUS motherboard with AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module on-board solution l Minimum 64MB system memory l Operating system
Station mode : Windows® 2000/XP/Server 2003, Windows XP/Server 2003 x64 AP/wireless bridge mode : Windows® 2000/XP/Server 2003
l Optical drive for utilities and driver installation
Easy hardware installation
Because the AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module comes embedded in motherboard, no hardware installation is necessary. Just connect the antenna, install the driver and utilities from the motherboard support CD and start wireless communication immediately.
54Mbps speed wireless travel
The AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module provides up to five times more data transmission than IEEE 802.11b standards, and breaks the wireless transmission barrier to speed up the internet connection.
Wi-Set Wizard
Easy-use wireless LAN setup wizard helps you to connect with present wireless network. The step-by-step wizard provides a convenient way to facilitate the complex wireless LAN setup process.
Automatic wireless establishment
The utility application of AzureWaveRTL8187 Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Adapter automatically searches and reports the hot spots around it and the wireless signal quality and WEP capability associated with each hot spot. Then you could connect to the most suitable wireless node
1.3 Supported network setup
You can use AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module in various wireless network configurations. We recommend you to select the most appropriate configuration for your home or office network before setting it up.
1.3.1 Ad-Hoc mode
Ad-Hoc wireless networks bring together workstations and computers to act as servers to all other users on the network without complex infrastructure, setup or administration. Users on the network can share files, printers. When in ad hoc mode, the AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module connects to another wireless device within its effective range and communicates with each other in the same LAN workgroup. Select this configuration when no access point is present in your wireless network.
Mobil station 2
ADSL Modem
RealTek RTL8187L
Mobil station 1
Infrastructure mode
Mobil station 1
The biggest difference between infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode is
ADSL Modem
that it includes an access point. In infrastructure mode, an access point establishes the network that provides wireless links in the validating range for clients to communicate with each other or with a wired network to the internet. On an
Access Point
RealTek RTL8187L
infrastructure network, the access point may manage the bandwidth to maximize utilization. Infrastructure networking has the following advantages over ad-hoc networking:
l Range Extension
Each wireless LAN enabled computer within the range of the access point can communicate with other wireless LAN enabled computers within the valid range of signal from the access point.
l Roaming
A wireless LAN enabled computer can physically move from the operating range of one access point to another without losing connection to the LAN. A quick association hand-shake is made between the new access point and the wireless device as the computer traverses from the coverage of one access point to another.
l Wired to wireless LAN connectivity
Access point establishes the bridge between wireless LAN and other wired counterparts.
1.3.3 Software access point (Soft AP)
You could configure AzureWave 802.11
ADSL Modem
b/g USB WLAN Module as a software access point (soft AP). In this mode, the
RealTek RTL8187L
AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module acts as the access point that provides wireless links in the validating range to client stations to the internet.
Your system should satisfy the following two requirements to apply this mode:
l The system you use already connects
Mobil station 1
Mobil station 2Access Point
to the internet or intranet through another one Ethernet adapter.
l You are using Windows® 2000, XP or Server2003 operation system
Notice: Windows XP/Server2003 x64 platforms are not supported to have software access point capability.
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 System requirements
Before installing the AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module, driver and utilities, make sure your system satisfy the following requirements
l ASUS motherboard with AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module specific slot l Intel® Pentium 4 l Minimum 64MB system memory l Windows® Operation System
Ad-Hoc and infrastructure mode: Windows® 2000, XP and Server 2003 Software AP and Wireless Bridge: Windows® XP and Server 2003
l Optical drive for driver and utilities installation
Hardware Installation
To complete the hardware installation of AzureWave 802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module, you only need to install the moveable dipolar antenna at the rear of motherboard.
Installing the antenna:
l Locate the wireless LAN antenna port on the motherboard
rear panel.
l Connect the antenna twist-on connector (female) to the
wireless LAN antenna port (male)
l Place the antenna at an elevated location to enhance your
wireless LAN valid coverage.
Chapter 3 Wi-Set Wizard
3.1 Launch Wi-Set Wizard
In this section, you will obtain detail instruction in setting wireless configuration by following
Wi-Set Wizard. Please refer to Chapter 1.4 to understand the network types the AzureWave
802.11 b/g USB WLAN Module supports.
In the first time installation, Wi-Set Wizard is executed immediately after installation to help you set the proper wireless configuration.
In addition, you could launch it from either program menu
or Wireless LAN Management GUI.
In the following sections, we represent the steps, the convenient and easy wireless set up, in
Wi-Set Wizard.
3.2 Wi-Setup Wizard Steps
Whatever which wireless configuration you would set up, the first scene of Wi-Set Wizard is Select Operation Mode” dialog that shows as right picture. You could select either station or AP mode from the first step.
For Ad-hoc and infrastructure type configuration, you should select Station mode. The software access point configuration could be archived by select AP mode.
l Station
Set the operation mode to be Station”. Follow steps in section 4.3.
l AP
Set the operation mode to be Access Point. Follow steps in section 4.4.
l Next
Go to next step of selected mode.
l Cancel
Give up Wi-Set Wizard. The default wireless configuration will be automatically applied as Infrastructure type of Station mode if user wont set it up here.
3.3 Station Mode Configuration
Two types, infrastructure and ad-hoc types, of station mode are provided here.
l Infrastructure
Configure the wireless as infrastructure type network. Follow steps in 4.3.1 Build Infrastructure type network.
l Ad-Hoc
Configure the wireless as Ad-Hoc type network. Follow steps in 4.3.2 Build Ad-Hoc networking mode network
l Back
Go back to previous step – Select Operation Mode.
l Next
Go to next steps of selected type.
l Cancel
Give up Wi-Set Wizard and keep the last configuration.
3.3.1 Configure Infrastructure type network
It is easy to build up infrastructure type network with Wi-Set Wizard. The next step after select infrastructure type network is to select the desired connection.
Select the BSS connection list
Select valid wireless BSS, Infrastructure Basic Service Set, connection nearby your system for connecting. The listed BSS are touchable access point around you. You have to pick one from the list and go to next.
l SSID list box
Four fields are shown in the list box to provide access point status.
n SSID: the name of access point n Security: the security status of access point. None means security/password is not necessary. WEP
means the access point acquire security/password to log in.
n Channel: the channel this access point applies. n Signal: The signal strength; higher mean better.
l Refresh
Rescan the IBSS list.
l Back
Go back to previous step ~ Select Station Type.
l Next
Go to next step of infrastructure type configuration. It is relative the security status of selected access point.
n None: Setup TCP/IP. n WEP: A WEP dialog is pope dup before Setup TCP/IP as below picture. You have to input the
password/network key to join this access point before setup TCP/IP. The password/network key is defined by the administrator of access point. The invalid network key will stop going to next step.
l Cancel
Give up Wi-Set Wizard and keep the last configuration.
Setup TCP/IP
You have to setup the TCP/IP by following the configuration of connect access point. The following setting should match the configuration of access point you join. Please check the setting of it.
l Back
Go back to previous step ~ Select the IBSS connection list
l Finish
All settings of infrastructure are finished.
Build Ad-Hoc networking mode network
It is easy to build up Ad-Hoc type network with Wi-Set Wizard. The next step after select
Ad-Hoc type network is to select the desired connection.
Select The IBSS Connection List
In this step, you could select the present Ad-Hoc station to join. In addition, you could create another Ad-Hoc station by press New IBSS” button.
l SSID list box
Display all present Ad-Hoc station around this system.
l New IBSS
Create a new Ad-Hoc station by the shown-up dialog instead of joining with a present Ad-Hoc node. In this dialog, you could configure network name, applied channel, authentication and encryption rule on this Ad-Hoc node. After creating a new Ad-Hoc node, the steps of build Ad-Hoc network connection is finished.
l Refresh
Rescan the Ad-Hoc stations nearby this system.
l Back
Go back to previous step ~ Select Station Type.
l Next
The wizard will show up the contents of profile. You should set it up to match the security configuration with selected Ad-Hoc station. Then the steps are finished.
l Cancel
Give up Wi-Set Wizard and keep the last configuration.
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