Axxess ASWC Installation Manual
460 Walker Street • Holly Hill, FL 32117-2699
Axxess Steering Wheel Control Interface
Installation Manual
The ASWC is a universal steering wheel control interface that can be used
The ASWC is also updatable using the Axxess website (www.axxessinter­ and the USB-CAB update cable. If there is an update made to the ASWC there is no need to send inventory back, or ask for the latest version, you can update it yourself and save time and money.
US Pat. No. 8014920
What’s included in the package?
A) ASWC Interface
B) 12 pin harness with male 3.5mm
C) Female 3.5mm connector with Brown and
Brown/White wires
What you need to know before you begin:
1) Make sure you know the correct year, make, and model of your vehicle.
2) Make sure the radio you are installing is compatible with a steering wheel control interface (Check in owners manual).
3) Go to the Axxess website ( for a detailed information sheet on what color(s) the steering wheel control wires will be in your vehicle, the location, what wire(s) to use on the ASWC, and what, if any, programming is required. Print or write the information down so you have it in the vehicle during the install.
Note: Though we have done extensive research and testing verifying the steering wheel control wire colors of the vehicle we list are correct, it is still your responsibility to verify the steering wheel control wires with a multimeter. If you nd a discrepancy please notify our Tech Department at 1-800-253-TECH.
A brief overview of the ASWC interface and wire harness:
On the top of the ASWC interface there are three points of interest:
1) The Programming led – this will  ash rapidly when in auto detect mode,  ashes slowly in manual programming mode.
2) The Reset button – Hold down button more then 2 seconds but less then 10 seconds to start auto detect mode; hold down longer then 10 seconds to start manual programming mode.
3) The slide cover for the USB update port – open this up to reveal the USB update port. Using the USB-CAB update cable and the Axxess website you can make sure you always have the latest, updated inventory.
Below are the wire colors of the ASWC. Please go to the Axxess website ( for detailed information on your specic vehicle and what color wire(s) to use on the ASWC.
Pin 1 – Pink Pin 2 – White/Green Pin 3 – Orange/Green Pin 4 – Green/Orange Pin 5 – Gray/Red Pin 6 – Black Pin 7 – Blue/Pink Pin 8 – Black/Green Pin 9 – Red (Tip of 3.5mm connector) Pin 10 – Whie (Ring of 3.5mm connector) Pin 11 – Gray/Blue Pin 12 – Red
The Installation
Once you have collected the information or printed out the information sheet on your particular vehicle from the Axxess website (www.axxessinter­ you’re ready to install the ASWC.
So here we go:
1) Connect the Black wire of the ASWC (pin 6) to ground. You may use the same grounding point as the aftermarket radio.
2) Connect the Red wire of the ASWC (pin 12) to a 12 volt accessory wire, one that turns on and off with the ignition key.
3) Locate the correct SWC wire(s) in the vehicles radio or secondary
harness as described in the vehicle information sheet found in the
Axxess website. Connect the correct wire color(s) from the ASWC to the vehicles steering wheel control wire(s) in the vehicle.
We recommend that the wires are soldered for the best and most secure
connection. T-Taps are not recommended due to the higher chance of an
intermitted connection.
4) If you are using an Eclipse or Kenwood radio, plug the female 3.5mm connector with the Brown and Brown/White wires into the male 3.5mm
connector of the ASWC harness.
* For Kenwood/JVC’s with Blue/Yellow Wire radios:
Connect the Kenwood/JVC SWC wire (normally Blue/Yellow) to the Brown wire of the ASWC. Isolate and tape the Brown/White wire, it will not be used.
* For Eclipse radios:
Connect the Eclipse SWC wires (Normally Brown and Brown/Black) to the
Brown and Brown/White wires of the ASWC. Brown goes to Brown and
Brown/White goes to Brown/Black.
5) For all other radios, plug in the male 3.5mm connector of the ASWC into the back of the aftermarket radio, designated for an external SWC control interface. Please refer to the aftermarket radios manual if you are in doubt where the 3.5mm connector of the ASWC goes.
Once all connections have been made, plug in the aftermarket radio if not done already.
Programming the ASWC
The ASWC can be programmed in two ways; it can do it by itself in Auto Detect Mode or it can be manually programmed. We will start with the Auto Detect Mode rst:
Auto Detect Mode:
The ASWC has the ability to auto detect certain vehicles and to know what
aftermarket radio it is connected to. The vehicle info sheet from the Axxess
website ( will show if your vehicle would be auto detected and what action, if any, is required by you for this process to take place.
For the Auto Detect feature to work there are 3 possible actions, however only one action will be required by you depending on your vehicle:
1) Turn the ignition on and no other action is required.
2) Turn the ignition on, press and hold down the Volume Up button on the
steering wheel.
3) Turn the ignition on, press and release the Volume Up button repeatedly
on the steering wheel.
Like we said before, only one of these actions will need to be done depend­ing on your vehicle for the auto detect feature to work. Please refer to the
vehicle info sheet in the Axxess website.
These are the steps for the Auto Detect Mode:
1) Complete connections to the vehicle and the aftermarket radio.
* If this is the rst time the ASWC is being installed in a vehicle:
2) Turn the ignition on; the led will start ashing rapidly which means the
ASWC is looking for the vehicle and the radio.
3) Perform action required for your particular vehicle as noted in the vehicle
info sheet.
4) After a couple of seconds the led should stop ashing and not light up for 2 seconds.
At this point do not push any buttons.
5) After the 2 seconds there will be a series of 7 ashes, some short and some long. Make a note of which ashes were long for this may be
needed later.
6) The led will pause for another 2 seconds then ash up to 10 times. Again make a note of how many ashes.
7) This is the end of the auto detection stage. If the ASWC detected the vehicle and the radio successfully the led will light up solid red.
8) Make sure the steering wheel control buttons function correctly in the vehicle and enjoy your radio.
So what if the led does not light up solid red? Check out troubleshooting
section below.
* If the ASWC was installed in a vehicle before:
2) Turn the ignition on, the led will ash slowly.
3) Hold down the reset button for more then 2 seconds but less then 10 seconds, the led will start ashing rapidly.
4) Perform action required for your particular vehicle as noted in the vehicle
info sheet.
5) After a couple of seconds the led should stop ashing and not light up for 2 seconds.
At this point do not push any buttons.
6) After the 2 seconds there will be a series of 7 ashes, some short and
some long.
7) The led will pause another 2 seconds then a series of 10 ashes.
8) This is the end of the auto detection stage. If the ASWC detected the
vehicle and the radio successfully the led will light up solid red.
9) Make sure the steering wheel control buttons function correctly in the vehicle and enjoy your radio.
So what if the led does not light up solid red or the steering wheel controls is not working correctly with the aftermarket radio?
Check out troubleshooting section right below.
Troubleshooting the Auto Detect Mode
So you tried the auto detect feature and at the end the led did not stay on solid red, it started ashing. That means the ASWC did not detect the vehicle. Follow these couple steps to determine what happened:
First some basic steps:
1) Verify that you have 12 volt accessory and a good ground to the ASWC.
2) Verify with the vehicle information sheet on the Axxess website that you
connected the correct steering wheel control wires in the vehicle to the
correct wire(s) on the ASWC.
3) Verify that the 3.5mm connector is connected to your radio securely and
in the correct location.
4) If using the female 3.5mm connector on an Eclipse or Kenwood radio, verify that the radio’s SWC wire is connected to the correct wire on the
Once all the information above has been veried and correct, refer back to the 2 sets of led ashes during the auto detect sequence. Here is what the ashes stand for:
LED Feedback
The 1st series of led ashes represent the wire(s) that are connected to the
vehicle from the ASWC.
Short ashes represent the steering wheel control wire(s) that are not con-
nected to the vehicle from the ASWC.
Long ashes represent the wire(s) that are connected to the vehicle.
1st led ash is pin #2 (White/Green) on the ASWC
2nd led ash is pin #3 (Orange/Green) on the ASWC
3rd led ash is pin #4 (Green/Orange) on the ASWC
4th led ash is pin #5 (Gray/Red) on the ASWC
5th led ash is pin #8 (Black/Green) on the ASWC
6th led ash is pin #11 (Gray/Blue) on the ASWC
7th led ash is pin #1 (Pink) on the ASWC
If during the auto detect sequence there was no long led ash, just short ones, the ASWC was not connected to the correct wire in the vehicle or the incorrect wire was used on the ASWC. Double check connections and the vehicle information sheet to verify that you have the correct wires con-
The 2nd set of led ashes represents what brand radio the ASWC believes it is connected to. Each ash is for a different radio manufacturer.
1st led ash is for Eclipse 2nd led ash is for Kenwood 3rd led ash is for Clarion 4th led ash is for Sony and Dual 5th led ash is for JVC 6th led ash is for Pioneer and Jensen 7th led ash is for Alpine* 8th led ash is for Visteon 9th led ash is for Valor 10th led ash is for Clarion 5V
* Note: If the ASWC ashes 7 times and you do not have an Alpine radio connected to it that means that the ASWC did not see any radio connected. Verify the 3.5mm connector is connected to the SWC input on the radio.
Manual Programming/SWC Button Reassignment:
If your vehicle is not listed for auto detection by the ASWC on the Axxess website most vehicles can still be manually programmed to the ASWC by following these steps:
* Note: Not every radio will have all the possible swc commands on the steering wheel. Aftermarket radios that do not have Bluetooth will not rec­ognize the PTT (Push To Talk) or On Hook / Off Hook commands, however those buttons can be manually programmed to do other commands. Please refer to the radios owners’ manual or wireless remote for specic com-
mands the radio will recognize.
1) Complete connections to the vehicle and the aftermarket radio, making sure the 3.5mm connector is connected.
* If this is the rst time the ASWC is being installed in a vehicle:
2) Turn the ignition on; the led will start ashing rapidly.
3) After 10 seconds the ASWC will go into the LED feedback mode. After the series of led ashes the led will stay in a slow constant ash state.
* If the ASWC has been in a vehicle before:
2) Press and hold the reset button down for more then 10 seconds.
3) After the 10 seconds the led will begin a slow constant ash.
4) At this point press and hold the Volume Up button on the steering wheel for 7 seconds until the led goes solid red. Now release the Volume Up button and the led goes off. Volume Up has now been programmed.
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