Axis 0333-011 Product Data Sheet

AXIS Cross Line Detection
General purpose tripwire application
> Reliable indoor and
outdoor detection
> Easy conguration
> Congurable object
AXIS Cross Line Detection is an application especially suitable for general entrance and exit detection in low­trac areas. It detects objects such as persons and ve­hicles that cross a dened virtual line.
The application will work in most indoor and outdoor in­stallations and in variable lighting conditions. It is well suited for many situations, including video monitoring of building entrances, loading docks, and parking lots.
AXIS Cross Line Detection is easy to congure. A virtual line is positioned in the camera’s live view and the de­tection direction is set. Once placed in the image there is no need for further adjustments.
The real time visual conrmation validates in an easy way that the application detects objects correctly. AXIS Cross Line Detection integrates with the camera’s internal event manager enabling various system notications.
Technical specications – AXIS Cross Line Detection
Compatible products
Models Axis fixed network cameras and video encoders that suppor t
Setup and configuration
Setup Web interface camera/encoder Configuration Web interface camera/encoder*
Application settings
Line setup Virtual line setup with one or two segments Object direction One-way or two-way
Verification of setup
Typi cal applications
Limitations Weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow may affect
System setup
AXIS Camera Application Platform Complete list at
*Requires Windows and Internet Explorer
Visual confirmation
General low-traffic areas such as building entrances, loading docks, parking lots
detection accuracy
Camera considerations
Lighting conditions
Camera placement
System integration
Camera Integrates with camera event management system to enable
Application Programming Interface
Language English Licenses Cross Line Detection licenses for 1, 10 or 50 cameras
More information is available at
Dependent on camera light sensitivity
45 - 90° angle to object direction
event streaming to Video Management Software and camera actions such as I/O control, notification, edge storage, etc.
Open API for software integration, including the ONVIF specification available at, as well as VAPIX® from Axis Communications, specifications available at
Event stream
I/O Control
Typical application areas
Entrances Parking lots Building sites
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