AXIOMTEK IFO2225-873 User Manual

IFO2225-873 Series
22” TFT Fanless Touch Panel Computer with Intel
CoreTM i7/i5/i3
Processors User’s Manual
This manual has been carefully checked and believed to contain accurate information. Axiomtek Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any infringements of patents or an y third party’s rights, and any liability arising from such use.
Axiomtek does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information in this document. Axiomtek does not make any commitment to update the information in this manual.
Axiomtek reserves the right to change or revise this document and/or product at any time without notice.
No part of this docum ent may be reproduced, stor ed in a retrieval system , or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Axiomtek Co., Ltd.
Copyright 2014 Axiomtek Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved June 2014, Version A1 Printed in Taiwan
Safety Approvals
CE Marking FCC Class B
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested in compliance with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are meant to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. If not installed and used in accordance with proper instructio ns, th is equipm ent m ight gener ate or radia te ra dio f requenc y energ y and cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or m ore of the following methods:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment to another outlet of a circuit that doesn’t connect with the receiver.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.
Safety Precautions
Before getting started, please read the following important saf et y precautions.
1. The IFO2225-873 Series does not come equipped with an operating system. An operating system must be loaded first before installing any software into the computer.
2. Be sure to ground yourself to prevent static charge when installing the internal components. Use a grounding wrist strap and place all electronic components in an y static-shielded devices. Most electronic components are sensitive to static electrical charge.
3. Disconnect the power c ord f rom the IFO2225-873 Series bef ore m ak ing an y installat ion. Be sure both the system and externa l devices are tur ned O FF. A sudden surg e of po wer could ruin sensitive components. Make sure the IFO2225-873 Series is properly grounded.
4. Make sure the voltage of the power source is correct before connecting the equipment to the power outlet.
5. The brightness of the flat panel display will be getting weaker as a result of frequent usage. However, the operating period varies depending on the application environment.
6. Turn OFF the system power before cleaning. Clean the system using a cloth only. Do not spray any liquid clean er directly onto the screen. The IFO2225-873 Series may come with or w/o a touchscreen. Although the touchscreen is chemical resistant, it is recommended that you spr a y the liquid c lea ner on a c loth f irst b efor e wiping th e sc reen. In case your system comes without the touchscreen, you must follow the same procedure and not spray any cleaner on the flat panel directly.
7. Avoid using sharp objects to operate the touchscreen. Scratches on the touchscreen may cause malfunction or internal failure to the touchscreen.
8. The flat panel display is not susceptible to shock or vibration. When assembling the IFO2225-873 Series, make sure it is securely installed.
9. Do not leave this equipment in an uncontrolled environment where the storage temperature is below -20°C or above 60°C. It may damage the equipment.
10. External equipment int ended for c onnection to sig nal input/out or other connec tors shall comply with relevant UL/IEC standard.
11. Do not open the s ystem’s back cover. If opening the cover for m aintenance is a must , only a trained techn ician is allowed to do so. I ntegrated c ircuits on com puter b oards ar e sensitive to static electricity. To avoid damaging chips from electrostatic discharge, observe the following precautions:
Before handling a board or integrated circuit, touch an unpainted portion of the
system unit chassis for a few seconds. This will help to discharge any static electricity on your body.
When handling boards and components, wear a wrist-grounding strap, available
from most electronic component stores.
1. Degree of production against electric shock: Not classified.
2. Degree of protection against the ingress of water: IPX1.
3. Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.
4. Mode of operation: Continuous.
5. Type of protection against electric shock: Class I equipment.
General Cleaning Tips
You may need the followin g precautions before you b egin to clean the computer . When you clean any single part or com ponent for the com puter, please read and und erstand the det ails below fully.
1. When you need to clean the device, please rub it with a piece of dry cloth.
2. Be cautious of the tiny removable components when you use a vacuum cleaner to absorb the dirt on the floor.
3. Turn the system off before you start to clean up the component or computer.
4. Never drop the components inside the computer or get circuit board damp or wet.
5. Be cautious of all kinds of cleanin g s ol vents or chemicals when you use it f or the s ake of cleaning. Some individuals may be allergic to the ingredients.
6. Try not to put any food, drink or cigarette around the computer.
Cleaning Tools
Although many companies have created products to help improve the process of cleaning your computer and peripherals , users can also use househ old items to clean their com puters and peripherals. Below is a listing of items you may need or want to use while cleaning your computer or computer peripherals.
Keep in mind that some components in your computer may only be able to be cleaned using a product designed for cleaning that component , if this is the case it will be mentioned in the cleaning.
Cloth: A piece of cloth is t he best tool to use when rubbing up a com ponent. Although
paper towels or tis sues can be used on m ost hard ware as w ell, we s till rec omm end you to rub it with a piece of cloth.
Water or rubbing alc ohol: You may moisten a piece of cloth a bit with some water or
rubbing alcohol and rub it on the computer. Unknown solvents m ay be harmful to the plastics parts.
Vacuum cleaner: Absorb th e dust, d irt, ha ir, cig arette p artic les, and ot her p articles out of
a computer can be one of the best methods of cleaning a computer. Over t ime these items can restrict the airflow in a computer and cause circuitry to corrode.
Cotton swabs: Cott on sw aps m oistened with r ubbing al cohol or water are exc ellen t tools
for wiping hard to reach areas in your keyboard, mouse, and other locations.
Foam swabs: Whenever possible it is better to use lint free swabs such as foam swabs.
We strongly recommen d tha t you sho u ld shut down the system before you start to clean any single components.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Close all application programs.
2. Close operating software.
3. Turn off power switch.
4. Remove all devices.
5. Pull out power cable.
Scrap Computer Recycling
If the computer equipments need the maintenance or are beyond repair, we strongly recommend that you should inform your Axiomtek distributor as soon as possible for the suitable solution. For the computers that are no longer useful or no longer working well, please contact your Axiomtek distributor for recycling and we will make the proper arrangement.
Trademarks Acknowledgments
Axiomtek is a trademark of Axiomtek Co., Ltd. AMI is trademark of American Megatrend Inc. IBM, PC/AT, PS/2, VGA are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel
and Pentium
Other brand names and trademarks are the properties and registered brands of their respective owners.
are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Table of Contents
Disclaimers ..................................................................................................... ii
Safety A pprov als ........................................................................................... iii
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................ iv
Classification .................................................................................................. v
General Cleaning Tips ................................................................................... v
Cleaning Tools .............................................................................................. vi
Scrap Computer Recycling ......................................................................... vii
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................. 1
1.1 Features ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Specifications ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Dimensions .......................................................................................... 4
1.4 I/O Outlets ............................................................................................ 6
1.5 Package Checklist ............................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation ............................. 9
2.1 Installing CPU and DRAM ................................................................... 9
2.2 Installing Hard Disk Drive ................................................................. 13
2.3 Serial Port I n terfaces ........................................................................ 17
2.4 Installing PCI-Express Mini Card ..................................................... 17
2.5 Installing Add-on Card (Optional) .................................................... 21
2.6 Mounting ............................................................................................ 24
2.6.1 Wall Mounting ............................................................................................ 24
2.6.2 VESA-Arm Mounting ................................................................................. 25
2.6.3 Desktop Stand Mounting (Optional) .......................................................... 25
Chapter 3 AMI BIOS Setup Utility .......................... 29
3.1 Starting ............................................................................................... 29
3.2 Navigation Keys ................................................................................ 29
3.3 Main Menu .......................................................................................... 30
3.4 Advanced Menu ................................................................................. 31
3.5 Chipset Menu ..................................................................................... 41
3.6 Boot Menu .......................................................................................... 46
3.7 Security Menu .................................................................................... 47
3.8 Save & Exit Menu .............................................................................. 48
Chapter 4 Drivers Installation ................................ 51
4.1 System Drivers .................................................................................. 51
4.2 Touch Screen ..................................................................................... 52
4.2.1 Specifications ............................................................................................ 52
4.2.2 Installing T ouch Screen ............................................................................. 52
4.3 OSD Sync Service ............................................................................. 55
4.3.1 Installing OSD Sync .................................................................................. 55
4.3.2 OSD Function Keys ................................................................................... 56
4.3.3 OSD Notification Bar ................................................................................. 57
4.3.4 Uninstalling OSD Sync .............................................................................. 58
Appendix A Watchdog Timer ................................... 61
A.1 About Watchdog Timer ..................................................................... 61
A.2 How to Use Watchdog Timer ............................................................ 61
Appendix B Digital I/O ............................................. 63
B.1 Digital I/O Software Programming ................................................... 63
Appendix C iAMT Settings ...................................... 65
C.1 Entering MEBx ................................................................................... 65
C.2 Set and Change Password ............................................................... 66
C.3 Intel® iAMT Web Console .................................................................. 68
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IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Introduction 1
Chapter 1
The IFO2225-873 is an ultra slim panel computer equip ped with 22-inch 250nits bright ness WSXGA+ LCD disp lay and supports superior 2
and 3rd Generation Intel® CoreTM i7/ i5/ i3/
/ Celeron® processors up to 35W and up to 16G of dual-channel DDR3 system
memory. Powered by Intel
mobile QM77 express chipset, it offer s excellent 3D g raphics a nd dual-view capabil ity. The fanless design and water proof enclosure a llow it to operate re liably and quietly as it applied in any infotainment environments.
The panel also supports dual view and multiple I/O options. Furthermore, the IFO2225-873 supports a PCI or PCI-Express interface for flexibility and an internal antenna for wireless expansion. With a b u ilt -in 5 mega pixels camera and speakers , this dur abl e pane l c omputer is also the best solutio ns for VoIP and remote monitoring. This saf e, reliable and user -friendly panel computer can ensure customer’s project success and best suited for infotainment, advertising messaging, and other digital signage applications.
1.1 Features
22”(250nits) WSXGA+ TFT LCD, resolution: 1680x1050 Fanless 2
and 3rd Generation Intel® CoreTM i7/ i5/ i3/ Pentium®/ Celeron
Spill and dust resistant design (front panel: IP65, whole enclosure: IPX1)
1 PCI or PCI-Express x4 expansion slot (Optional) Supports USB3.0 Built-in 5 mega pixels camera WiFi/ Bluetooth/ HSDPA/ LTE communication module (Optional)
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
2 Introduction
1.2 Specifications
Front Bezel
Plastic ABS.
LCD Panel
Display Type: 22” WSXGA TFT. Brightness (Cd/M
Resolution: 1680x1050.
): 250nits.
Viewing Angle(H/V): 178º/178º.
Main System
Fanless socket rPGA98 8B 2
and 3rd Ge neration Intel® CoreTM i7/ i5/ i3/ Pentium®/
processors, TDP is up to 35W.
System Memory:
Two 204-pin DDR3 SO-DIMM with maximum up to 16GB memory capacity.
Support one 2.5” SATA HDD. Support one mSATA SSD.
Optical Drive:
One Super Multi DVD (Optional)
Watchdog Timer:
1~255 seconds or minutes; up to 255 levels.
I/O Connectors
One RS-232/422/485 (COM1). Two RS-232 (COM2/3). Two 1000/100/10Mbps Ethernet Two USB 2.0 (isolated 4KV). Two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0. Audio: one MIC-in and on e lin e -out. One dual-mode DisplayPort. One +24V DC-in power connector.
Expansion Interface
One PCI or PCI-Express x4 slot (Optional). One full-size PCI-Express Mini Card socket with mSATA support. One half-size PCI -Express Mini Card socket with SIM card slot.
Two 2W internal speakers.
One 5 mega pixels camera.
Touch Screen
5-wire resistive type. Light Transmission: 80%. Touch Lifetime: 35 million touches.
OSD Function Key
LCD brightness up/down, audio volume up/down, and touch on/off.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Introduction 3
Power Supply
100~240V AC-DC Adapter.
573.5mm(22.57")(W) x 75.9mm(2.98")(D) x 398.9mm(15.7")(H).
9.4kg (20.72lb).
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32°F~104°F). Storage Temperature: -20°C~60°C (-4°F~140°F). Relative Humidity: 10%~95%, non-condensing.
CE class B.
1. All specifications and images are subject to change without notice.
2. If you choose to use 45W Core
3. Isolation two USB ports share 0.5A together.
i7 processor, the operation temperature of
IFO2225-873 is 0ºC~35ºC.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
4 Introduction
1.3 Dimensions
The following diagram shows dimensions and outlines of the IFO2225-873 Series.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Introduction 5
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
6 Introduction
1.4 I/O Outlets
The following figures show locations of the IFO2225-873 Series I/O outlets
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Introduction 7
No. Description
1 Brightness Adjustment Buttons 2 Volume Adjustment Buttons 3 Power LED Indicator 4 MIC 5 Power Button 6 Speaker (R) 7 COM2 (RS-232) Connector 8 COM1 (RS-232/422/485) Connector 9 Two Isolated Giga LAN Ports 10 Two Isolated USB 2.0 Ports 11 Two USB 3.0 Ports 12 Audio Jack (Line-out / MIC-in) 13 DisplayPort 14 Power Connector 15 Power Switch 16 PCI or PCI-Express Slot 17 Two USB 2.0 Ports 18 COM3 (RS-232) Connector 19 Speaker (L)
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
8 Introduction
1.5 Package Checklist
The package bundled with your IFO2225-873 Series should contain the following items :
IFO2225-873 Series unit x1 100~240V AC-DC Adapter x 1 Driver/utility disc x1 containing driver and user’s manual Super Multi DVD cover x2 (for Super Multi DVD version) Wall-mount bracket x1
If you can not find this package or any it ems ar e missing, please contact Axiomtek distributors immediately.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Hardware Installation 9
Chapter 2
Hardware Installation
The IFO2225-873 Series is convenient and easy to maintain for your various hardware configurations, such as CPU (Central Processing Unit) and HDD (Hard Disk Drive). This chapter will show you how to install the hardware.
2.1 Installing CPU and DRAM
The IFO2225-873 provides sock et r PGA9 88 B f or proc e s s or and t w o 2 04-pin DDR3 SO-DIMM sockets that support syste m memory up to 16GB. To install memory modules, please fol low the steps below.
Step 1. Turn off the system, and unplug the power cord. Step 2. Locate and release these screws to open the back cover.
Step 3. Please open the back cover by lifting the joint part as marked.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
10 Hardware Installation
Step 4. Open the back cover an d you can see the mainboard. Then locate the SO -DIMM
socket and CPU cooler.
Step 5-1. Release these screws as marked.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Hardware Installation 11
Step 5-2. Align pins of the CPU with pin holes of the socket. Be careful of the CPU’s
orientation, you must align the arro w mark on the CPU with the arrow k ey on the socket. Place the C PU into the socket, and us e a screwdriver to lock it onto the socket as marked.
Step 5-3. Place the heat sink on the CPU, and lock it down as marked.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
12 Hardware Installation
Step 6-1. Push down latches on both sides of the SO-DIMM socket.
Step 6-2. Ins tall the memory module into the socket and push it firmly down until it is f ully
seated. The socket latches ar e levere d up wards and c lipped o nto t he edges of the SO-DIMM.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
Hardware Installation 13
2.2 Installing Hard Disk Drive
The IFO2225-873 Series offers a convenient dri ve bay module for users to ins tall HDD. The system offers users one 2.5” Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for installation. Please follow these steps:
Step 1. Turn off the system, and unplug the power cord. Step 2. Locate and release these screws to open the back cover.
Step 3. Please open the back cover by lifting the joint part as marked.
IFO2225-873 Series User’s Manual
14 Hardware Installation
Step 4. You can find the HDD bracket in accessory package. Locate the HDD sock et on
mainboard as marked.
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