Axiom Technologies LLC
Telephone: 281 931 0907
255 Pennbright Dr., Suite 220 Fax: 281 231 6562
Houston, Texas 77090 www.axiomsafety.com

Axiom Technologies LLC XH5D User’s Manual
255 Pennbright Dr., Suite 220, Houston, Texas 77090 Phone 281 931 0907
The XH5D self-contained system is a device designed and built for protecting oil and gas
production wells. It includes a switch-gage to detect high and low pressures as well as hydraulic
interface for fire detection and manual ESD.
The XH5D is self-sufficient and doesn’t need external sources of energy or supply pressure for
keeping a wellhead open and protected. It uses hydraulic fluid for driving the surface and subsurface valves and it has two separate hand pumps and dump valves for independent control of
the SSV and SCSSV
The detection of High and Low pressures is done by a switch-gage with adjustable contacts for
detecting when the monitored pressure is out of acceptable limits. The switch-gage connects to
an electronic module that indicates High and Low pressure conditions as well as initiates the
shutdown when a pressure alarm is detected. The electronic circuits are fed by a battery module
capable of keeping the system operating for five (5) years.
The XH5D is built to operate exposed to the elements as all hydraulic components are enclosed
in a stainless steel box while the electronic circuits and battery module are enclosed in a separate
compartment inside the stainless steel box. The front of the panel includes the gages and
controls as shown in Fig.1 while the inside components are shown in Fig. 2. The –HE version
also includes additional sealing and a chemical seal to protect the sensing gauge from process
“Reset” – “Test”
Flow Pressure w/
High and Low
Pressure Alarm
LED Indicators:
-High Press. Alarm
-Low Press. Alarm
-Low Battery Alarm
-Auxiliary Alarm
-Telemetry Stdn
-“Heart Beat”
(System OK)
Hydraulic Pump
Hydraulic Pump
“SSV – Pilot”
Fig. 1 XH5 Interface & Controls
“Pilot” Pressure
SSV Actuator
SCSSSV Pressure
“SSV – Pilot”
Pumping Selector
“In Service – ESD”
Selector Valve
(Manual Shutdown)
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Axiom Technologies LLC XH5D User’s Manual
255 Pennbright Dr., Suite 220, Houston, Texas 77090 Phone 281 931 0907
Electronic Compartment
Flow Control Valve (SCSSV Closing Delay Adjustment)
Diaphragm Accumulator
(Pilot Pressure)
Solenoid Valve
Piston Accumulator (SSV)
SSV Dump Valve (SCSSV
Dump Valve directly behind)
Hydraulic Reservoir
Dual Hydraulic Hand Pump
Hydraulic Level Indicator
Pilot Pressure Relief Valve
Hydraulic Filter
Fig. 2 – XH5D-HE Enclosure’s Interior
The XH5D is typically sent with the battery module mounted backwards or in a separate package
for preventing the system from operating while in transit. Also, as needed for meeting shipping
regulations, the device is typically shipped without hydraulic fluid in the reservoir and without
Nitrogen pre-charge in the SSV hydraulic piston accumulator. (The pilot pressure accumulator
uses only 60 psi of Nitrogen pre-charge and considered safe for air transport.)
Before installing, the system is to be inspected to confirm that there is no external damage or
indication of rough handling during shipment.
In case of overseas shipments it is recommended that the XH5D-HE is tested in a work shop near
the final destination to facilitate the commissioning and allow the operators to become familiar
with the unit.
It is recommended that the operator becomes familiar with the Hydraulic Schematic
(Appendix “B”) and have a copy handy during the tests described below to better
understand the system’s behavior.
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Axiom Technologies LLC XH5D User’s Manual
255 Pennbright Dr., Suite 220, Houston, Texas 77090 Phone 281 931 0907
To commission the system follow with the steps listed below:
i. Pre-charge 16 CU IN piston accumulator with about 1,000 psi of Nitrogen
ii. Confirm the pre-charge of about with 60 psi of Nitrogen on the 20 CU IN
diaphragm accumulator.
iii. Add hydraulic fluid to the reservoir. Filling is to exceed over 75% full using the
high level mark on the level indicator as 100% reference. (In factory the units are
tested with “Megaflow” ™ AW Hydraulic Oil 32, however, any quality hydraulic
fluid with an AW32 viscocity will operate well.)
iv. Open Electronic Compartment inside the stainless steel box and install battery
module as shown in Appendix “A”. By doing this the electronic circuit becomes
energized and the green LED blinks every second (Heartbeat) to indicate the
electronic circuit is operating without problem.
v. Before pressurizing the hydraulic circuits is recommended that hydraulic fluid is
circulated throughout the system to flush any particle and contaminants that could
be present within the hydraulic lines. With this purpose proceed as follows:
a) Set valve “In Service – ESD” to “ESD”.
b) Set valve “SSV - Pilot” to “Pilot”
c) Pump “Pilot/ SSV” (right side pump) in a fast mode for approximately one
minute while observing the “Pilot” pressure gage (right side of the panel).
This gauge should display “0” psi but the needle oscillates with each pump
d) Set valve “SSV – Pilot” to “SSV”
e) Again, pump “Pilot/ SSV” (right side pump) in a fast mode for
approximately one minute while observing the “SSV” pressure gauge
(center of the panel). This gauge should stay in “0” psi
f) Pump “SCSSV” (left side pump) in a fast mode for approximately one
minute while observing the “SCSSV” pressure gage (left side of the
panel). This gauge should stay in “0” psi.
vi. Confirm that the plugs on the bulkhead connectors are tight before proceeding
with the following steps.
vii. Set valve “In Service – ESD” to “In Service”.
viii. Set valve “SSV - Pilot” to “Pilot”
ix. Press “Reset” on switch “Test – Reset”.
x. Pump “Pilot/ SSV” (right side pump) while observing the “Pilot” pressure gauge.
Pump until reaching 100 psi. Inspect hydraulic lines to confirm that there is no
xi. Pump “SCSSV” pump (left side pump) while observing the “SCSSV” pressure
gauge. Pump until reaching about 10,000 psi. Inspect hydraulic lines to confirm
that there is no leakage. As this test is being done with the SCSSV output
blocked the pressure will rise quickly and the pressure will decrease in about 20 to
30% in a few seconds after the pumping stops. However, after the initial pressure
decrease the pressure should remain stable except for the effects of temperature
xii. Set valve “SSV - Pilot” into “SSV”
xiii. Pump “SSV - Pilot” pump (right side pump) while observing the “SSV” pressure
gauge. Pump until reaching 3,000 psi. Inspect hydraulic lines to confirm that
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Axiom Technologies LLC XH5D User’s Manual
255 Pennbright Dr., Suite 220, Houston, Texas 77090 Phone 281 931 0907
there is no leakage. It is normal for the pressure to fall about 15% after finishing
the pumping.
xiv. Set valve “In Service – ESD” to “ESD” to return all pressures to zero before
moving the XH5D to the field for installation.
Typically the XH5D is mounted on one or two poles made of 3” pipe. Using two poles is
preferred as it would insure safe mounting even if one of the pipe brackets used for fastening the
panel to the poles would fail. The two poles should have a separation of 10” to 15” (25cm to
38cm) center to center. The pipe brackets connect to the strut channel mounted on the left side
of the panel
Pipe Brackets
Strut Channel
Fig. 3 – XH5D Mounting
With the panel firmly mounted, proceed to connect the field devices as shown on Fig. 4.
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