Axiom SW215FA User Manual

ac ve subwoofer
• Very High Output • Manifolded Transmission Line confi gura on for very fast transient response
• Compact size for a very good output-to-weight ra o • 96KHz / 40 bit fl oa ng point CORE processing with PRONET remote control
• Digitally controlled Class D amplifi er module with SMPS • Flying ver cal arrayable version
The SW215FA subwoofer is designed to deliver high quality low frequency reproduc on where very high output is a key requirement, together with well defi ned deep bass response and fast transient response. Its compact size and light weight make it suitable for several diff erent uses, ranging from touring applica ons to fi xed installa ons and high-level dance clubs. The SW215FA is a very high quality powered subwoofer system featuring some of the most advanced technologies for low frequency reproduc on. Its unique and innova ve design is based on a confi gura on that can be defi ned as Manifolded Transmission Line. It uses manifolding of the front side of the cones to maximize the mutual coupling between the two drivers, while loading the back of the cone with a large-size transmission line that has the func on to create a transmission path from the back of the transducers to the front. The SW215FA subwoofer system is equipped with two high power 15” (380mm) transducers capable of long excursion (up to 33mm peak-to-peak), controlled by high sff ness Double Silicon Spider as centering suspension and by heavy duty surround. The motor structure features high strength (BL²/Re) with op mized symmetry and excursion controlled by Aluminium Demodula ng Ring. The robust copper 75mm (3”) voice coil is wounded in two diff erent layers both outside and inside the coil support, then doubling the coil surface exposed to air cooling and consequently improving the long term thermal capacity of the loudspeaker. Cones are made of very high-sff ness reinforced paper, featuring also invisible water repellent treatment. The SW215FA is processed by 40bit, 96kHz fl oa ng point CORE DSP and powered by DA SERIES digital power modules, a new genera on of CLASS D power amplifi er with digitally-controlled SMPS. The DA module employed for powering the SW215FA delivers in an ultra-compact package a maximum power of 2000W.
AcousƟ cal
Amplifi er Type
Class D with Variable Switching Frequency and SMPS
System type Manifolded Band Pass
Two 15” (380 mm), 3” (75 mm) VC, High sff ness water repellent reinforced cone, Flux Demodula ng Ring VC, Double Centering Spider Suspension
Mains Voltage Range (Vac) 230 V~ ±15% or 115 V~ ±15% 50/60 Hz
Mains Connector PowerCon® (NAC3MPA + NAC3MPB)
Consump on* 700 W (nominal) 1700 W (max) IN / OUT Connectors Neutrik XLR-M / XLR-F IN / OUT Network Connectors ETHERCON® (NE8FAV)
Frequency response (±3 dB) 39 Hz – 100 Hz (Processed) Mechanical
Maximum Peak SPL @ 1m 139 dB Width 571 mm (22.48”) Electrical Height 800 mm (31.50”) Input Impedance 20 kΩ balanced Depth 582 mm (22.91”) Input Sensi vity +4 dBu / 1.25 V Depth Including Wheels 710 mm (27.95”)
Signal Processing
CORE processing, 96kHz / 40bit fl oa ng point SHARC DSP, 24 bit AD/DA converters
Construc on 15 mm, reinforced Phenolic Birch
Paint High resistance, water based paint
Direct access Controls
4 Presets: Standard, InfraSub, Cardioid, User. Network Termina on, GND Link
Wheels 4 heavy-load 100 mm ø Transport 4 handles
Remote Controls PRONET control so ware Side Suspension High Strength Steel with ¼ Fast Pin
Network protocol CANBUS Back Suspension High Strength Steel with ¼ Fast Pin Output Power 1000 W + 1000 W Net Weight
68.5 Kg (151 lb)
* Nominal consump on is measured with pink noise with a crest factor of 12 dB, this can be considered a standard music program.
NAC3FCA Neutrik Powercon® BLUE PLUG USB2CAN PRONET network converter
NAC3FCB Neutrik Powercon® WHITE PLUG KPTSW215 Fly bar for Axiom AX2065 and SW215 Loudspeakers
NE8MCB Neutrik Ethercon PLUG DHSS10M20 Sub-Speaker ø35mm Pole with M20 screw
NC3MXXBAG Neutrik XLR-M RAINCOV215 Rain cover for input sockets
NC3FXXBAG Neutrik XLR-F AXFEETKIT Kit made of 6pcs BOARDACF01 foot
AX2065A Ac ve ver cal array loudspeaker
see hƩ p:// for detailed descrip on and other available accessories.
AC103GS 100 mm Swivel castor without brake
AC115DN Black steel handle
98AXM215SW8 15’’ woofer - 3” VC - 8 ohm
NAC3MPA Neutrik Powercon® BLUE SOCKET
91AMDSW215 Ampli er module assembly
94SPI2265 Locking Pin for AX2265
80 cm
57.1 cm
58.2 cm
71.0 cm
F = ying points
P = M20 insert for DHSS10M20 pole adaptor for convenƟonal SUB-SAT system.
MAINS IN - Powercon® NAC3FCA power input connector (blue). To switch the ampli er on, insert the Powercon®
connector and turn it clockwise into the ON posi on. To switch the amplifi er off , pull back the switch on the connector and turn it counter-clockwise into the POWER OFF posi on.
WARNING! In the case of product failure or fuse replacement, disconnect the unit completely from the mains power. The power cable must only be connected to a socket corresponding to the specifi ca ons indicated on the amplifi er unit. The power supply must be protected by a suitably rated thermo-magne c breaker. Preferably use a suitable switch to power on the whole audio system leaving the Powercon® always connected to each speaker, this simple trick extend the life of the Powercon® connectors.
MAINS OUT - Powercon® NAC3FCB power output connector (grey). This is connected in parallel with the MAINS ~ / IN. The maximum load applicable depends on the mains voltage. With 230V~ we suggest to link a maximum of 4 SW215FA loudspeakers, with 120V~ we suggest to link at maximum of 2 SW215FA loudspeaker.
ON - This LED indicates power on status. PROT - This red LED lights when the ampli er module is
in protect mode for an internal fault and, consequently, the amplifi er is muted. SIGN LIMIT - This LED lights in green to indicate the presence of the signal and lights in red when an internal limiter reduces the input level. INPUT - Audio signal input with locking XLR connector. It has a fully electronically balanced circuitry including AD conversion for the best S/N ra o and input headroom. LINK - A direct connec on from the input connector to link other speakers with same audio signal. GND LIFT - This switch li the ground of the balanced audio inputs from the earth-ground of the amplifier module.
PRESET BUTTON - This bu on has two func on:
1) Pressing it while powering on the unit:
ID ASSIGN the internal DSP assigns a new ID
to the unit for the PRONET remote control opera on. Each loudspeaker must have a unique ID to be visible in the PRONET network. When you assign a new ID, all the other loudspeakers with the ID already assigned must be ON and connected to the network.
2) Pressing it with the unit ON you can select the DSP PRESET. The selected PRESET is indicated by the corresponding LED:
STANDARD This PRESET is suitable for any applica on where low frequency reinforcement is required. It features a 90Hz cut o frequency
and it can be used in almost any environment in combina on with any ver cal arrays.
INFRA This PRESET can be used when a deeper bass response is required (Note that when this preset is used the sound pressure level
of the system is slightly reduced). NOTE: INFRA and STANDARD PRESET must NOT be used together in close units.
CARDIOID This special PRESET, combined with the STANDARD PRESET, gives the advantage to reduce the low frequencies at the back of
an array of three subs, in order to obtain a more comfortable level for the performers on the stage without losing level for the the audience in front of the array. The cardioid confi gura on is also useful in situa on where you want to reduce the bass frequency feedback due to many microphones on stage, for example for acous c and jazz ensemble, classic orchestra, musicals. Further in this manual you can fi nd some example how to set up a cardioid array.
USER This LED lights when the USER PRESET is loaded. This preset corresponds to USER MEMORY no. 1 of the DSP and, as a factory
se ng, it’s the same to STANDARD. If you want to modify it, you have to connect the unit to a PC, edit the parameters with PRONET so ware and save the PRESET into USER MEMORY no. 1.
NETWORK IN/OUT - These are a standard RJ45 CAT5 connectors (with op onal NEUTRIK NE8MC RJ45 cable connector carrier), used for PRONET network transmission of remote control data over long distance or mul ple unit applica ons. TERMINATE - In a PRONET network the last loudspeaker device must be terminated (with an inner load resistance) especially in a long run cabling: press this switch if you want to terminate the unit.
The SW215FA is powered by DA SERIES digital power modules, a new genera on of CLASS D power amplifi er with digitally-controlled SMPS. The innova ve technology used for these amplifi ers (including also the use of a variable switching frequency) off ers performances at the top of the range, such as a superior sound defi ni on at any audio frequency, very high dynamics also for low level signals and very low distor on even at the maximum power The superior sound quality can be compared with top-of-the-range AB-class analog systems, while the DA modules feature a higher dynamics, very compact size and light weight and effi ciency above 90%. The two DA modules employed for powering the SW215FA deliver in an ultra-compact package a maximum power of 2000W.
The system processing is based on the CORE DSP pla orm, which has been designed by the PROEL R&D Laboratories using one of the most advanced SHARC DSP for audio applica on. It features 40bit, 96kHz fl oa ng point resolu on and high quality 24bit AD/DA converters, for a perfect signal integrity, a dynamic range in excess of 110dB and a superior sonic performance. Thanks to its massive processing power, the CORE pla orm is capable of providing the most sophis cated algorithms for speaker processing, together with remote control and networking capability. The PRONET control so ware, working on a solid and reliable CANBUS based network protocol, provides an intui ve interface for the remote control of the whole system, with the possibility of eqing, delaying, increasing the protec ons and monitoring the status of the amplifi er.
PRONET so ware has been developed in collabora on with sound engineers and sound designers, in order to off er an “easy-to-use” tool to setup and manage your audio system. With PRONET you can visualize signal levels, monitor internal status and edit all the parameters of each connected device.
Download the PRONET app from the AXIOM website at hƩ p:// clicking on downloads secƟ on of the product.
The AXIOM ac ve loudspeaker devices can be connected using the network connec on, in this case the PROEL USB2CAN converter op onal accessory is needed. The fi rst  me you connect a device with the USB2CAN converter, Windows O.S. will ask you to install the driver fi les, which you can fi nd in the Driver folder within the Pronet applica on folder (by default is C:\Program Files\Proel\Pronet\Driver, or if you changed it <your path>\Driver). Please refer also to “Installa on” and “Drivers” paragraphs in the Pronet documenta on. The PRONET NETWORK is based on a robust, reliable and fast communica on protocol called CANBUS. The devices in a PRONET NETWORK are connected together with a “linear bus topology”. The USB2CAN converter must be connected to the network input of the fi rst device, the network output of the fi rst device is connected to the input of the second and so on. For the network connec ons simple RJ45 cat.5 or cat.6 ethernet cables can be used (please don’t confuse a ethernet network with a PRONET network these are completely diff erent and must be fully separated also both use the same kind of cable). The beginning and the end of a PRONET NETWORK must be terminated. One side is terminated by the USB2CAN converter, the other side must be terminated pressing the TERMINATE switch on the last device. All devices between these two points must have the TERMINATE switch li ed.
Assign the ID number
To work properly in a PRONET network each connected device must have a unique idenfi er number, called ID. By default the USB2CAN PC controller has ID=0 and there can be only one PC controller. Every other device connected must have its own unique ID equal or greater than 1: in the network cannot exist two devices with the same ID. An ID number is assigned automa cally to each devices when they are turned on for the fi rst  me connected to a network. In order to correctly assign a new available ID to each device for working properly in a Pronet network, follow these instruc ons:
1. Switch o all the devices.
2. Connect them correctly to the network cables.
3. “TERMINATE” the latest device in the network connec on.
4. Switch on the rst device keep pressed “PRESET” bu on on the control panel.
5. Leaving the previous device switched on, repeat the previous opera on on the next device, un l the latest device is turned on.
The “Assign ID” procedure for a device makes the internal network controller to perform two opera
ons: reset the current ID; search the fi rst free ID in the network, star ng from ID=1. If no other devices are connected (and powered on), the controller assume ID=1, that is the fi rst free ID, otherwise it searches the next one le free. These opera ons ensure that every device has it’s own unique ID, if you need to add a new device to the network you simply repeat the opera on of step 4. Every device maintains its ID also when it is turned-off , because the idenfi er is stored in the internal memory and it is cleared only by another “Assign ID” step, as explained above. This means that if your network is made always of the same devices the assigning ID procedure must be executed only the fi rst  me the system is turned on.
For more detailed instrucƟ on about PRONET see the PRONET USER’S MANUAL included with the soŌ ware.
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