Axiom STAR Operation Manual

When loading your houseboat be sure to follow these guidelines for proper floatation.
Boat must sit level front to back.
Boat must sit level side to side.
Note the red lines on the aft port and
starboard hull of the boat.
While the boat is sitting still, water
must not be touching either of these
If water is at or above these lines, re-
adjust the load.
If water is at or above these lines
and the boat is not level from front to
rear, the boat is overloaded –
contact boat rentals for assistance.
Safe Loading
Marine Radio
Your Houseboat has come equipped Say “ (the name of the with a VHF Marine Band Radio. It is located
at the helm, to the left of the steering wheel.
Turn the volume Knob in a clockwise
direction to turn on the radio.
Channel 16
Use Channel 16 for hailing and
emergencies only. Never use
Channel 16 for routine
In case of an emergency, hail the
National Park Service on channel 16.
They monitor this channel 24 hours a
To hail Boat Rentals, turn radio ON
and to Channel 16, depress button
on side of handheld microphone to
talk, and release the button when
you are finished talking. The Boat
Rentals Office monitors this channel
during regular business hours.
marina RENTALS
are calling)
houseboat # ” (number of your houseboat). For example: “Bullfrog Boat Rentals, this is houseboat # S11.”
When communication is established,
we will direct you to another channel. Commonly used channels are 10, 12, 68 and 72. Be sure to acknowledge that channel, before you change to the channel. Then turn to that channel, and we will continue the conversation.
Information you will need when you call us:
1. Your boat number.
2. Your exact location, if known.
3. Description of the problem.
4. Any details on the trouble-
shooting you have already tried.
If you need assistance we will
attempt to help you troubleshoot a problem over the radio. If we are not successful, we will dispatch a technician out to help you.
For safety, our technicians can
only be dispatched if they can fix the problem and return to our docks before dark. If we receive your call late in the day, we will gladly respond first thing the next morning.
Possible Causes
Not transmitting
Low house battery
Charge house battery
Marine Radio
W/X button or Channel 1 on your
marine radio is the weather channel.
This channel is updated periodically
by the National Weather Service.
Be sure to check this channel
regularly during your trip to keep apprised of the changing weather conditions here at Lake Powell.
Request for Assistance Card
If for some reason you cannot reach
us by Marine Radio, fill out your Request for Assistance Card located in your manual.
Flag down a boat passing by and
ask them to take it to the nearest marina for assistance.
We will dispatch a technician out to
your boat as soon as we can safely do so.
Other Information
Do NOT use VHF antenna as a flag
pole or hang anything on the antenna.
Channel 26 is the Marine Operator.
Marine Radios transmit line-of-sight.
So if you are back in a canyon, you may have to ask assistance from another boater with a radio to help contact us if you cannot get through directly.
Profanity over the public airways is a
federal crime.
Reminder: Your Marine Radio is not
a toy and should be operated only by a responsible adult.
A VHF marine radio is not the same
as a Citizen’s Band Radio. CB lingo and 10-codes are not used.
or receiving
Radio not set on USA Radio blocked by
canyon walls
Set on 1 watt mode Antenna has fallen
Push USA/Int button Move the houseboat to
open water
Push 1/25 button to
change to 25 watt Raise antenna
Engine Management Screen
Steering Position Screen
For greater maneuverability and
To provide you with a spare in case
of engine failure.
Your engines are well maintained, but occasional breakdowns can occur. The spare is to ensure your safety and save you inconvenience. Don't let the loss of one engine delay your vacation. Proceed on your planned itinerary with the good engine and we will catch up to you as soon as possible and make necessary repairs.
GAUGE – Vessel View
Your Axio m St ar Housebo at featur es a simple to use Vessel View Ga uge Packag e . The Vessel View Gaug e i s located at both helms
Screen Options:
Push Pr opeller Button on D isplay Includes Time, Prop rotation, Depth,
Engine RPM, Engine Temperature, Engine Battery Voltage & PSI
Key must be turned to ON position
for VesselView gauge to work.
Push Ship Button on Display Includes Depth, Prop rotation,
Steering Position, Depth Finder
Fuel Tank Screen
and Time
Vessel Status Screen
Halon System
LPMR to inspect the system.
Push Ship butto n to Display
(Toggle R to L)
Includes Fuel Tank Status, Depth
Push Ship butto n to Display
(Toggle R to L)
Includes MPH, Time, Engine
Hour, Fuel Level & Fuel
Monitors the engine revolutions. Wide-Open Throttle (WOT) should
be 4400 RPM’s.
The most efficient cruising RPM
will be 3200 RPM
NAUTICAL NOTE: When leaving a dock, signal with the horn 1 long blast (4 seconds) and 3 short blasts (1 second each).
Halon System is an automatic fire
suppression system located in the engine compartment
Keys are turned ON LED light turns on and s hould be
green. If no light, please contact
Setting Neutral Throttle for Starting
Confirm that the throttle is in neutral
Turn the key to second click –
Beep will sound. VesselView will power up.
Everything is re a dy to start .
Turn key to start then release k ey.
If the engine fails to start on its own, wait 30 seconds and try again.
Insure throttle only indicator
is solid red, then control will engage. If blinking, press to throttle only button to make solid light.
From Neutral Throttle
Red light on controls will be
Push t hrottle lever forward to go
forward or pull back for reverse.
Advance throttle to increase
Always pause in neutral before
changing gears.
Shut Down
Return throttles to neutral position. Turn engine keys to off the engine
will no longer be running.
Operation from Upper Deck
To get power to the upper deck controls:
Helm Transfer – WARNING:
Avoid s erious inj ur y or death fro m l oss
of boat control. The boat operator should never leave the active station while engine is in gear. Helm transfer should only be attempted while the engine is in neutral and both stations are manned.
NOTE: Neutral position is preferred
when doing a station transfer. If conditions do not allow the remote control to be placed in the neutral position, a helm transfer can be done while in gear. The helm transfer function allows the boat operator to select which helm is in control of engine operation. Pressing the "TRANSFER" button two times allows engine control to be transferred to a new helm. When a helm transfer is initiated, the control will automatically start adjusting engine RPM and gear position to match the control handle setting at the new helm. Adjust the contr ol handles to the desired throttle and gear.
Possible Causes
Engine doesn’t turn over
Is the throttle in neutral
Put throttle in neutral
Engine turns over but
Out of Fuel
Check VesselView fuel
Once the "TRANSFER" button
is pressed, the transfer LED will light up and one beep will sound. Press the "TRANSFER" button again to complete the helm transformation. When helm transformation is complete, another beep will sound and the transfer LED will turn off.
NOTE: There is a 10 second
time frame to complete a helm transfer. If the helm transfer is not completed, the action will be cancelled and a double beep will sound. Pressing the "TRANSFER" button again will re-initiat e a h elm trans fer.
Synchronizing Engines
The auto synchronizing feature,
when engaged, will automatically adjust all engine speeds to match the speed of the starboard engine. Press the "SYNC" button on the CAN trackpad to turn auto synchro ni z ation on or o f f. When the sync LED is yellow, the
"SYNC" button has been pressed, but the conditions are not right for auto synchronization to engage. When the sync LED turns red, engine synchronization has been engaged. The engines will remain synchronized as long as engine speed is over 900 RPM for two seconds, remote control handles are positioned within 10% o f e ach other, and the engines are below 95% throttle opening. To disengage t he auto synchronization feature, press
the "SYNC" button.
Don’t Drive From The Upper Deck:
In any wakeless area, including the
marina. When approaching a dock. When approaching a beach. In narrow channels. In any situation that requires
maneuvering your vessel, always pilot
from the main helm.
Note: Do not try to start the engines from the upper helm
won't start
gauge for fuel level.
The Generator is located between the engines at the rear deck of your houseboat.
Starting/ Warm Up
Turn on the blower switch at the
Lower Helm
The remote start is located on the
lower right of the Main Control Panel
Confirm that the Main Breaker and
Rotary Swit ch are OFF.
Press Start/Stop and release. Once
generator is running, switch will turn green
If generator fails to start, it will
automatically try restarting again.
NOTE: Do not start generator with an AC Load. Be sure Rotary switch is off.
Allow the engine to warm up for 5
Switch the Main Breaker ON and
switch the Rotary Switch to Generator.
You may now turn on individual
breakers to provide power to your houseboat.
Whenever you have your generator
running, always switch on the inverter breaker and battery charger breaker.
AC Breaker Panel- Non-Inverted
**These breakers will only work when Generator is running and the Rotary switch is turned to generator
AC Unit Range/Microwave Bath 1 & 2 Outlets Battery Charger Inverter Water Heater Spa Dish/Disposal
To Shut Down Generator
Turn Main AC breaker and Rotary
Switch OFF.
Wait 5 minutes to allow generator
to run with no load.
Push START/STOP butto n.
Turn off blower.
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