Axiom M5HP v4 Quick Start Manual

M5HP v4 Bookshelf
Every member of our Axiom team is pleased that you have decided to purchase one of our products. We have all worked hard to bring the highest level of satisfaction to your audio experience.
Axiom is deeply commied to ongoing audio research. It began in the early 1980s when I was involved with the world-class psycho­acoustical research that was being conducted at the National Research Council in Oawa, Canada. Since that time we have built one of the nest acoustical laboratories in the world at our facility in Dwight, Canada where we continue this research allowing Axiom to provide the world’s most realistic-sounding loudspeakers.
At Axiom our goal is to provide you with a truly exciting and emotional experience every time you listen to your audio system. We want you to feel part of our Axiom family and as such we stand at the ready to deliver personal, expert advice on any of your audio needs.
Ian Colquhoun President and Founder Axiom Audio
e location of your new Axiom bookshelf speakers will signicantly aect the sound quality you experience in your particular room. Try and position them in an upright position on either speaker stands (if you purchased accessory stands) or on a shelf so that the tweeters are roughly at ear level when you are seated. is is only a guideline—they do not have to be exactly at ear level. Up to 12 inches higher or lower is certainly acceptable. Do not put bookshelf speakers on the oor and avoid “burying” them inside an entertainment center or other enclosed cabinets. Speakers sound their best in free space. If you use them on a shelf in an entertainment center, have the front edge of the speaker protrude from the shelf by a half-inch to avoid reections from the surrounding cabinetry. If circumstances force you to use the speakers on their sides, you may do so, but there may be slight dierences in the stereo imaging. Place them so the tweeters are towards the inner center line.
For a well integrated stereo or home theater soundstage, separate the front le and right speakers by 6 feet or more, up to 10 feet apart, or by at least half the distance you sit from the speakers, e.g. if you sit 12 feet away from the speakers, separate them by at least 6 feet. If you are using the bookshelf speakers as your main speakers in a home theater, place them to each side of the video display roughly even with the TV screen, so the stereo sound will be integrated with the TV image. Avoid corner locations of your bookshelf speakers as corners may result in exaggerated bass and colored sound. If you place your speakers on a shelf or stands against the wall behind them, leave 2 inches behind the speakers for the bass ports to breathe.
If you purchased Axiom’s Full Metal Bracket to wall-mount your bookshelf speakers, the bolt to secure the speakers to the bracket is already included on the back panel of the speaker. Just unscrew it and put it through the appropriate hole in the bracket and tighten it to secure the speaker to the bracket. If the speakers are mounted higher up, try angling the speakers down towards the listening area for the best treble clarity.
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