Table 4: User Option Connections............................................................................................17
January 18, 2007AInitial Release.
1) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be used when handling this
product. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item.
2) Axiom Manufacturing does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent
rights or the rights of others.
3) EMC Information on the M52221DEMO board:
a) This product, as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables,
has been verified to meet with FCC requirements as a CLASS A product.
b) This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardware
or software in an educational or professional laboratory.
c) In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the
user may be required to take adequate prevention measures.
d) Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the product operation from the
factory default as shipped may effect its performance and cause interference with other
apparatus in the immediate vicinity. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating
measures should be taken.
This development board uses option selection jumpers. A jumper is a plastic shunt that connects 2 terminals electrically. Terminology for application of the option jumpers is as follows:
Jumper on, in, or installed - jumper is installed such that 2 pins are connected together.
Jumper off, out, or idle - jumper is installed on 1 pin only. It is recommended that jumpers be
idled by installing on 1 pin so they will not be lost.
Cut-Trace – a circuit trace connection between component pads. The circuit trace may be cut
using a knife to break the default connection. To reconnect the circuit, simply install a suitably
sized 0-ohm resistor or attach a wire across the pads.
Signal names in this document that are followed by an asterisk (*) denotes active-low signals.
The M52221DEMO is a low-cost development board for the Freescale MCF52221 ColdFire
microcontroller. Application development is quick and easy with the included DB9 serial cable,
integrated BDM, and USB cable. A 128 MB flash-drive and 6-in-1 USB cable provide support
for the integrated USB PHY. CodeWarrior Development Tools provide application development and debug support. The integrated BDM allows easy application development and debugging. An optional BDM port compatible with standard ColdFire BDM / JTAG interface cables and hosting software is also provided but not installed.
• MCF52221 CPU, 80 LQFP
• 128 Byte Flash
• 16K Byte Ram
• USB On-The-Go (OTG) Phy
• 4ch, DMA Controller w/ Timers
• 2ea. Programmable Interrupt Timer
• 4 GPT Timers
• 8ch, 12b ADC
• UART Serial Ports with DMA capability
• QSPI and IIC Ports
• 3.3V operation
• Integrated USB BDM
• 48 MHz XTAL
• 40 pin I/O port
• miniUSB Port
• BDM / JTAG Port (not installed)
• RS-232 Serial Port w/ DB9-S Connector
• ON/OFF Power Switch w/ LED indicator
• RESET switch w/ indicator
• Power Input Selection Jumper
• Power Input from USB BDM
• Power Input from on-board regulator
• Power Input from terminal block
• Power from connector J1
• Optional Power output through connector J1
• User Features
• 3-axis Accelerometer
• 4 User LED’s w/ enable
• 2 User Push Switches
• 5k ohm POT w/ enable
• Option Jumpers
• Power Input Select
• Optional Power Output Enable
• Connectors
• RJ-45 Ethernet Connector
• Type B USB connector
• DB9 Serial Connector
• 2.0mm Barrel Power Input
• 2pos, screw type, terminal block
• Supplied with DB9 Serial Cable, USB cable, Ethernet Cable, Support CD, and CodeWarrior Development
Studio CD
Board Size 3.0” x 4.0”
Power Input: +5 to +16 VDC, 9VDC typical
Reference documents are provided on the support CD in Acrobat Reader format.
M52221DEMO_UG.pdfM52221DEMO User Guide (this document)
M52221DEMO_SCH_C.pdfM52221DEMO Schematic, Rev C
M52221DEMO_Silk_C.pdfM52221DEMO Top Silkscreen, Rev C
M52221DEMO_Assy_C.pdfM52221DEMO Default Shunt Placement
CFPRM.pdf ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual
USB_20_05122006.zipUSB2.0 Specification and OTG Supplement
with errata
The target MCU features an on-board USB On-the-Go (OTG) physical layer (Phy). The OTG
Phy may be configured for either Host or Peripheral mode depending on the target application.
The OTG protocol also allows mode switching under software control. Access to the OTG Phy
is gained through the mini-AB (MAB) connector at J2. The OTG connection may be configured
as either a standard USB bus connection or an OTG USB bus connection.
The MAB USB port connector at J2 should not be confused with the integrated USB BDM circuit. These are 2 separate circuits and do not interact in any way. The USB port provides access to the OTG Phy on the target MCU. The USB BDM allows the user to communicate with
the target MCU using either CodeWarrior or P&E Microcomputer Systems debugger tools and
a USB2.0 cable. This distinction must be understood and comprehended while reading this
The M52221DEMO board utilizes 2 separate voltage rails. The regulator at VR1 energizes the
+3.3V rail for use by the target MCU and on-board logic. The regulator at VR2 energizes the
+5Vrail for use by the OTG USB port. A charge-pump at U6 energizes the OTG USB rail when
the board is powered from the USB BDM.
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