Figure 6: COM Connector ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: LIN Connector.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 4: COM Connections..................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 6: User I/O ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 7: USER Option Header................................................................................................................................ 17
Revision History
March 24, 2005AInitial Release
March 31, 2005BAdded corrections noted in “Out-of-Box” review. Removed reference
to serial cable, Demo program and Troubleshooting section.
May 9, 2005CRemoved Motorola reference in document
August 15, 2005DCorrected SCI0 and SCI1 assignments in COM section.
July 18, 2008EUpdated cover page, removed Appendix B, minor text and formatting
DEMO9S12XDT512JULY 18, 2008
1) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be used when handling this
product. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item.
2) Axiom Manufacturing does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent
rights or the rights of others.
3) EMC Information on the DEMO9S12XDT512 board:
a) This product as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables,
has been verified to meet with requirements of CE and the FCC as a CLASS A product.
b) This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardware
or software in an educational or professional laboratory.
c) In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the
user may be required to take adequate prevention measures.
d) Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the products operation from the
factory default as shipped may effect its performance and cause interference with
nearby electronic equipment. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken.
This development module utilizes option select jumpers to configure default board operation.
Terminology for application of the option jumpers is as follows:
Jumper – a plastic shunt that connects 2 terminals electrically
Jumper on, in, or installed - jumper is installed such that 2 pins are connected together
Jumper off, out, or idle - jumper is installed on 1 pin only. It is recommended that jumpers
be idled by installing on 1 pin so they will not be lost.
Cut-Trace – a circuit trace connection between component pads. The circuit trace may be
cut using a knife to break the default connection. To reconnect the circuit, simply install a
suitably sized 0-ohm resistor or attach a wire across the pads.
Signal names followed by an asterisk (*) denote active-low signals.
DEMO9S12XDT512JULY 18, 2008
The DEMO9S12XDT512 is an evaluation or demonstration board for the Freescale
MC9S12XDT512 MCU. Development of applications is quick and easy with the integrated
USB-Multilink BDM, sample software tools, and examples. A standard BDM debug port is also
provided, but not populated, to allow use of an external BDM pod. Two 40-pin connectors allow the demonstration board to be connected to an expanded evaluation environment or to
external test equipment.
♦ MC9S12XDT512 MCU, 80 LQFP
♦ X-GATE Co-Processor
♦ 512 KB Flash EEPROM
♦ 32 KB SRAM
♦ 59 GPIO lines
♦ Enhanced Capture Timer/PWM
♦ SCI and SPI Communications Ports
♦ Key Wake-up Port
♦ Single Wire BDM Interface
♦ CAN 2.0 A/B Module
♦ Analog to Digital Converter
♦ 80 MHz Bus Operation using internal PLL
♦ Integrated USB-Multilink BDM for DEBUG access
♦ Optional power from USB bus through USB-Multilink BDM
♦ Optional on-board, regulated +5V power supply for stand-
alone operation
♦ Optional power through MCU I/O connector
♦ Power Input Selection
♦ USB Connector
♦ 2.0mm barrel connector
♦ MCU I/O Connector
♦ On-Chip Voltage Regulator with low-voltage detect (LVD)
and low-voltage interrupt (LVI)
♦ 4 MHz crystal oscillator in low-power Pierce configuration
♦ Socket for optional full- or half-can clock oscillator
♦ RS-232 serial port w/ DB9 connector
♦ 8-Ch, 10-bit, ATD with external trigger capability
♦ 16-Ch, 10-bit, ATD with external trigger capability
♦ Enhanced Capture Timer with IC, OC, PWM and Pulse Accumulate capabilities
♦ User Components Provided
♦ 4 Position DIP Switch
♦ 3 Push Button Switches: 2 User, RESET
♦ 7 LED Indicators: 4 User, 2 USB, +5V
♦ Jumpers
♦ Enable/Disable User functions
DEMO9S12XDT512JULY 18, 2008
♦ Connectors
♦ Two 40-pin, pass-thru type, MCU I/O Connectors, providing access to most MCU IO signals
♦ 2.0mm barrel connector power input
♦ USB Type-B connector
♦ 6-pin BDM interface connector (not installed)
♦ DB9 COM connector
♦ 2 4-pos LIN connectors
♦ 3-pos CAN connector
♦ Supplied with LIN Cable, USB Cable, Documentation (CD), and Manual
Module Size 4.0” x 3.1”
Power Input: +6VDC to +18VDC
NOTE: LIN functionality supported when powered from PWR connector only
Reference documents are provided on the support CD in Acrobat Reader format.
DEMO9S12XDT512_UG_A.pdfDEMO9S12XDT512 User Guide (this document)
DEMO9S12XDT512QSG.pdfDEMO9S12XDT512 Quick Start Guide
DEMO9S12XDT512 _SCH_D.pdfDEMO9S12XDT512 Schematic Rev. D
9S12XDP512V2_ZIP.zipDEMO9S12XDT512 Device User Guide
AN2546.pdfS12X Load RAM and Execute (LRAE) Program Appli-
cation Note
AN2615.pdfHCS12 and S12X Family Compatibility
AN2685.pdfHow to Configure and Use the XGATE on S12X De-
AN2708.pdfAn Introduction to the External Bus Interface on the
To get started quickly, please refer to the DEMO9S12XDT512 Quick Start Guide. This quick
start will show the user how to connect the board to the PC, run a LED test program, install the
correct version of CodeWarrior Development Studio, and load an Analog to Digital (ATD) test
program using CodeWarrior.
The DEMO9S12XDT512 board operates in two operating modes: Run Mode, or Debug Mode.
Run Mode allows user application operation from Power-On or Reset. Debug Mode supports
the development and debug of applications. See the related sections below for quickly starting
the board in the desired operation mode.
The board has been preloaded with a demonstration program. The demo program operates in
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