A connection is “active” when data transmission is occurring. If data transmission
stops for a period of time (determined by the network), the con nection becomes
“dormant.” For more information, see pa ge 26.
VoIP Calling
Your Modem (MV500V series) features a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
function that allows you to make voice calls over a VoIP network by simply
connecting a wired, landline phone to your network-connected Modem.
The basic operating principles behind VoIP: the Modem receives an analog voice
signal from your wired phone, converts the anal og signal into a digital signal,
compresses the digital signal into IP packets, and then transmit s th e IP packets
over the internet. This process is reversed at the receiving end.
Your Modem meets standard VoIP protocol, SIP 2.0, and provides a single RJ-11
port for single-line use. Once your Modem is activated and SIP accounts have
been set on your service provider’s network, you can start making VoIP calls.
Your Modem was factory-set for compatibility with a particular service provider.
Thus, your Modem operates on radio channels and enables servi ce s specific to
your network service provider. Once your Modem has been activated on your
service provider’s network, you can connect to the Internet. (Activation is the
process of setting up an account with a service provider and configuring the
Modem to work on that provider’s network.)
After your Modem is activated, connect it to your computer using the provided
Ethernet (RJ-45) cable. You are now ready to use the Internet.
Works With PCs and Mac® Computers
Your Modem supports a variety of networking environments includi ng Mac OS®
9.x, X v10.x, AppleTalk®, Linux®, Windows® NT®, 2000, XP, and others. You will
also need an Internet browser and a network adapter that supports TCP/IP (the
standard language of the Internet).