The information related to firmware 0521c in this document is subject to change
without notice. AXEL assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear
in this document.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective
a) The 'Secondary Host' Parameter.................................................... 256
b) The 'TCP port' Parameter ...............................................................257
c) The 'mss' and 'Window' Parameters...............................................257
d) The 'Time to Live' Parameter..........................................................257
e) The 'TCP port Assignment' Parameter ...........................................257
f) The 'Nagle's Algorithm' Parameter ..................................................258
g) The 'Keepalive' Parameter..............................................................258
h) The 'Telnet Break Code' Parameter ...............................................259
i) The 'Telnet NAWS' Parameter.........................................................259
A.10 - HARDWARE AND FIRMWARE INFORMATION............................259
A.10.1 - Hardware Information ...............................................................259
A.10.2 - Firmware Information ................................................................260
a) General Firmware Information........................................................260
b) Available Functionalities ................................................................. 261
AX3000 - User's Manual 1
This manual provides details on terminal operation, maintenance and set-up.
The manual is organized into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1: Introduction to the AX3000
Introduction to the AX3000’s main features.
Chapter 2: First Boot Time
When the terminal is powered-up for the first time, the Quick Set-Up
provides a fast and easy method to configure the AX3000. In addition the
Auto-Configuration service is started.
Chapter 3: Interactive set-up
This is used to set up the terminal’s more advanced features. (Multiple
sessions, printers, etc)
Chapter 4: Using the AX3000
How to use the multi-session feature and how to shutdown the AX3000.
Chapter 5: Installing under Unix/Linux
Description of Unix/Linux specific features (tty server, multi-shell, VNC
Chapter 6: Installing under OS/400
Description of 5250 specific features.
Chapter 7: Installing under OS/390
Description of 3270 specific features.
2 AX3000 - User's Manual
Chapter 8: Installing under Windows
Description of Windows specific features.
Chapter 9: Tools and Statistics
Description of the embedded AX3000 tools (ping, statistics, etc).
Chapter 10: Remote set-up
Description of configuring terminals remotely via ‘telnet’
Description of remotely sending a configuration text file to one or multiple
Chapter 11: Firmware downloading
How to download the AX3000 firmware by using the tftp and bootp protocols.
Chapter 12: TCP/IP or serial operating mode
How to select the operating mode
The following appendices give more detailed information:
A.1 - Using the AX3000 interactive set-up
A.2 - Network overview (Ethernet address, IP address and routers)
A.3 - DHCP protocol
A.4 - DNS protocol
A.5 - Remote set-up configuration file format
A.6 - Axel DHCP Option
A.7 - Setting the IP address by a ping command
A.8 - Administration command list
A.9 - Going further...
A.10 - Hardware and firmware information
AX3000 - User's Manual 3
A Look at the AX3000
AX3000 - User's Manual 5
A Look at the AX3000
This chapter introduces the main features of the AXEL TCP/IP terminal.
The manual describes the configuration and the use of all the Axel terminal
models. The following table lists the main differences between each models
For example, with model 65C the chapters about USB and graphical mode are
not relevant.
1.2.1 - Network Function
The Axel terminal supports the following network functions:
- DHCP: obtaining an IP address and other parameters
- DNS: publishing the terminal name and resolving host names
- routing: WAN connection
6 AX3000 - User's Manual
A Look at the AX3000
1.2.2 - Terminal Function
Each TCP/IP AXEL terminal can support up to six concurrent and
independent sessions.
This multi-session capability provides multiple connections across a network.
Each session can:
- connect to any TCP/IP networked host,
- use different protocols (ica, vnc, rdp, telnet, ssh and tty),
- have independent parameters (resolution, emulation, function keys,
colour video attributes, etc).
Programmable keystrokes are used to open or hotkey between sessions.
The maximum number of sessions per AX3000 is 6. This can be limited to fewer
sessions. (Minimum 1.)
Note: the AX3000’s operating mode (serial or TCP/IP) can be selected through
the Set-Up menu. The AX3000 can act as a serial terminal or a TCP/IP
1.2.3 - Print and Terminal Server
The AX3000 auxiliary ports can be managed either:
- by a network service: LPD and PRT5250 for printers, TELNET CLIENT
for serial terminals and TTY for other peripherals.
- by escape sequences: compatible with serial terminals.
1.2.4 - Tools and Statistics
Embedded AX3000 tools provide the following features:
- ping,
- remote set-up,
- statistical environment,
- firmware downloading.
AX3000 - User's Manual 7
Initial Power-On
AX3000 - User's Manual 9
Initial Power-On
This chapter describes the 'Quick Set-Up' feature and the 'Auto-Configuration'
When the terminal is switched on up for the very first time two configuration
methods are available:
- Quick Set-Up: a dialog box allows the terminal to be set-up in few
seconds for typical use.
- Auto-Configuration: used in conjunction with AxRM, this function allows
the terminal to automatically receive new firmware and/or a configuration.
This feature is automatically run when the AX3000 is powered up for the first
time or can be accessed at any time from the interactive set-up, by pressing
The quick set-up is designed for a typical simple environment of:
- one host
- an optional router
- all sessions set identically
- an optional printer.
Note: After the ’Quick set-up’ is run all other parameters within the terminal are
reset to their factory default values.
10 AX3000 - User's Manual
Initial Power-On
Example of the quick set-up menu:
Quick set-up parameters:
- Keyboard: keyboard nationality. The value given is immediately enabled.
- Screen Type: possible values are CRT Monitor or TFT Flat Screen.
- Session Type: possible values are "Text Emulations", "IBM5250",
"IBM3270", "RDP 5", "ICA", "CITRIX Desktop" or "VNC".
- Emulation: only available if "Text Emulations" is selected.
- Enable DHCP: two possible values:
- yes: the DHCP protocol is run when the set-up is exited. The
DHCP function is automatically set to obtain the AX3000 IP
address and various other required DHCP options (netmask,
default router, etc).
- no: IP parameters must be manually entered.
- AX3000 IP address: mandatory if DHCP is disabled.
- Default router: optional router IP address.
- 1st DNS Server IP Address: optional DNS server IP address
- AX3000 Name (FQDN): this optional parameter (see appendix A.4)
allows the AX3000 to be identified by this name but only if both a DHCP
server and a Dynamic DNS server are available. (The default value is AX
followed by the last 3 bytes of the MAC address).
- Host Name: if the IP address of the host is not given, this name is
resolved by DNS (if a DNS server is given).
AX3000 - User's Manual 11
Initial Power-On
- Host IP address: if this field is left blank, DNS will be used to resolve the
- Enable: This parameter selects the printing method and is dependent on
the ‘Session Type’ selected above.
If ‘Session Type’ is set to 5250 and a hostname is defined, PRT5250
(telnet printing) is automatically selected. For all other cases LPD is the
default printing system. This setting can easily be changed through
interactive set-up.
- Printer Name (accessible only if "Enable" is set): this is the printer name
at the operating system level.
- Manufacturer Type and Model (accessible only with Prt5250): printer
type and model.
For more information about DHCP and DNS, please refer to appendices A.3
and A.4.
The Auto-Configuration feature allows a brand new ‘out of the box’ terminal to
be sent a specific firmware and/or configuration file without any human
intervention. There are also options to specify various terminal specific
parameters, for example an IP address, terminal name etc. Auto-configuration
is supported by the M65c and all M75 based products.
Note: the auto-configuration mechanism requires the following minimum
firmware and AxRM levels:
- M65c firmware version 0521c-06041 or later
- M75 firmware version 0521c-06041 or later
- AxRM version 2.0.2 or later (available free from
For more information on AxRM’s involvement in the auto-configuration process,
see the manual "Axel Remote Management - Version 2", available from
The auto-configuration process is automatically initiated when power is applied
to a brand new terminal, or if the terminal is reset to factory defaults - see A.9.1
12 AX3000 - User's Manual
Initial Power-On
The stages are:
- checking the network (link)
- DHCP request sent to obtain an IP address (and other parameters)
- Terminal contacts the AxRM server
- Firmware file sent (if required), followed by a reboot
- Configuration file sent, followed by a reboot
2.2.1 - Stage 1: Checking the Network
When the terminal is powered up the network connection is tested. The terminal
displays ‘Checking Network Link’. If a network connection is detected, a
message ' Auto-Conf' is shown. The terminal passes to stage 2.
2.2.2 - Stage 2: Sending DHCP requests
To obtain an IP address (and possibly of other parameters) a DHCP request is
sent. If a DHCP server is available its IP address is shown in the status line:
Auto-conf. / DHCP: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd /
The terminal passes to stage 3
2.2.3 - Stage 3: Sending requests to AxRM
After obtaining an IP address via DHCP negotiation the terminal must start
communicating with the AxRM server.
This presents a challenge because the terminal must determine both the IP
address and the TCP port of the AxRM server.
The preferred way is to set the DHCP server to send this information in addition
to the AX3000 IP address. This information (IP address and port) can easily be
entered into the DHCP server by using "Axel DHCP option".
For more information about "Axel DHCP option" please consult the Appendix
AX3000 - User's Manual 13
Initial Power-On
a) Determination of the TCP port
If DHCP sends a port number this is the TCP port used.
If no value is received a default value of port 80 is used.
b) Determination of IP address
Method 1:
If the IP address or DNS name is given by the DHCP server (through
Axel DHCP option) then this is the information the terminal uses to locate
the AxRM server.
Method 2:
If DHCP does not supply these values the terminal will try to resolve a
‘hardwired’ DNS name "axrmserv".
If the name is resolved the terminal can find the AxRM server. The name
axrmserv must be configured within DNS to resolve to the IP address of
the AxRM server. A DNS alias can be used to allow the AxRM server to
have two names, i.e. its original name AND axrmserv.
Method 3:
If "axrmserv" cannot be resolved, as a final attempt the terminal assumes
AxRM resides on the same PC as the DHCP server.
The IP address of the AxRM server and the location method used is shown on
the status line:
The terminal sends an 'auto-configuration' request to AxRM every 5 seconds. If
no response is received after 10 attempts the terminal starts the mechanism
again, i.e. from stage 1.
This loop stops when either AxRM responds or if a user presses any key on the
keyboard, causing the normal interactive quick setup to run.
14 AX3000 - User's Manual
Initial Power-On
2.2.4 - Stage 4: Receiving the firmware download
A dialog box on the terminal screen provides the status. From this stage the
mechanism can not be aborted.
Note that firmware downloading may not have been specified by AxRM, in
which case the procedure passes directly to stage 5.
The dialog box is as shown:
Network detection...................100BT-FD
IP Address..........................a.b.c.d
DHCP Server.........................e.f.g.h
AxRM Server.........................i.j.k.l:n
Firmware progress
Config update.......................
After having received the firmware the terminal reboots automatically and reruns stages 1, 2 and 3 before passing on to stage 5.
2.2.5 - Stage 5: Receiving the configuration file.
This is the dialog box shown when receiving the configuration file:
This chapter describes AX3000 installation using the interactive set-up
The following can be used to enter the AX3000 interactive set-up:
- Using <Ctrl><Alt><Esc> from the terminal
- Using Telnet from another terminal/PC. (see Chapter 10.1)
Note: the set-up can be password-protected, in which case the password must
be entered to access the quick set-up dialog box. For more information, see
Chapter 3.7.
Appendix A.1 explains how to use the interactive set-up.
This chapter covers the AX3000 configuration for DHCP or/and DNS protocols.
The topics described are:
- AX3000 interface (DHCP, IP address and netmask),
- DNS protocol,
- host table,
- router table.
Note: more information and explanations are given in the following appendices:
- Appendix A.2: Ethernet addresses, IP addresses, net masks and routers,
- Appendix A.3: DHCP protocol,
- Appendix A.4: DNS protocol.
18 AX3000 - User's Manual
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