This screen is shown when the vehicle is
stopped and no driver is signed in to the
logging device. Tap on the line that says
Enter Driver ID, then use the on-screen
keyboard to enter the Driver ID and password
provided to you by your motor carrier. Then
tap the Enter or Return arrow on the
Tip: Wherever an underlined text field appears on the screen, tap once above the line
to show the keyboard. Tap the Enter button when you have finished typing to close the
Q: What if I was not provided with a password?
A: If your motor carrier did not provide you with a password and you have not
previously signed in to the Driver Portal (website), leave the password field blank.
You can set your password when you sign in to the Driver Portal.
Every time you sign in, the logging device will request your electronic
records of duty status (daily logs) from the web server.
When you receive a message that logs are received or up to date, click
OK to view your last recorded duty status and current driving time left.
If you entered the wrong sign in information or don’t yet have enough
time available, tap Cancel to return to the Sign In screen. Re-enter the
correct information or wait until you have hours available, and try again.
Q: What is Gain time at?
A: This is the date (month/day/year) and time at which your Available Drive Time will increase, presuming that you don’t change duty statuses before then. See Driver
Overview for more information.
Q: I’ve been waiting a long time, but still haven’t received my logs. What should I do?
A: The system will try to reach the server for 60 seconds. If the server cannot be reached,
you will receive an error message and must reestablish communications before signing in.
If you have recently signed in to this device, a Stop button will appear after 60 seconds,
allowing you to continue signing in without reaching the server.
Q: I received a message that there are proposed edits and/or uncertified logs
that need to be reviewed on the eFleetSuite website. What do I do?
A: You will need to sign in to the Driver Portal to complete these actions, as they are
required on logs older than can be accessed on the device.
If you are configured to operate commercial vehicles in both the United
States and Canada, you may preview your driving time left for either
country before completing the sign in process. Tap the flag icon to
select your country setting. All screens, including Driver O verview,
View Logs, and Vehicle Motion, will update to show your hours of
service information for the selected country.
After previewing availability, tap Status and
then choose the button that best represents
your initial duty status. See the Change
Status section for a complete list of buttons
and corresponding duty statuses.
You will be required to enter an annotation
(comment) when selecting Yard Moves (ON YM) or Personal
Conveyance (OFF PC). See Change Status for more information
about these options.
If you are the first driver to sign in during your work shift, the device will
prompt you to confirm the vehicle ID. If the vehicle ID has changed or is
not correct, tap the pencil icon and enter or update the vehicle ID. If the
vehicle ID displayed is correct, or you are finished entering the ID, tap
OK. Please take caution when updating your vehicle ID to validate that
the vehicle ID matches that used by your carrier.
You may be prompted to enter your location if GPS data is not
available. See Location Data Entry.
Q: I don’t see a Driving button. How do I record when I am driving the
Driver is prompted
On Duty
A: When you tap ON Driver, you are indicating that you are on duty and preparing to
operate the vehicle. The logging device will detect when the vehicle is moving and
record the correct duty status for you based on the movement of the vehicle. See the
details below.
ON Driver
Driver’s duty status is
recorded as Driving
(Line 3)
Q: I don’t have a co-driver. Do I still need to tap the On Duty (Driver) button before I
operate the vehicle?
A: Yes. The logging device uses this information not only to maintain accurate driver
logs but also for other recordkeeping, such as determining when driver vehicle
inspection reports need to be created or reviewed. See Driver Vehicle Inspection.
stops for 5
whether to remain
Driving or change to
ON Driver
If you are the first driver to sign in during your work shift, you may be
asked to review the trailers and shipments added by a previous driver,
and remove or add new resources.
Tap Remove to remove the selected resource shown on the left
without recording it on your log. To add a shipment, enter the ID in the
Shipment ID field on the right and then tap Add. You may also add or
remove resources after you are signed in. See Resources.
Tap Next to keep all resources shown. This will record these
resources, if any, on your current driver log.
If the DVIR feature is enabled and you are the driver of the vehicle, you
will be prompted to review the most recent driver vehicle inspection
report for each resource in the current vehicle combination. If a trailer
was removed during sign in, you will be prompted to create a driver
vehicle inspection report for each trailer removed. See Driver Vehicle Inspection.
The Driver Overview screen will be shown when the sign in process is
complete. Always review your logs before operating the vehicle to ensure that all information is true and correct. You are responsible
for ensuring that all records required to be in your possession
available in electronic and/or paper format.
Tip: Tap Back to go back and change a response without
startin g over. Tap Cancel to discard all previous responses and
start the sign in process from the beginning.
See US 49 CFR §395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 §84
Q: I performed some work after signing out of the logging device but before signing in
again. Can I record that activity now?
A: Yes, but only if the activity you wish to add was On Duty, not Driving. After
completing the sign in process, go to Options to add Pre Shift time (time worked just
before signing in to the logging device) and/or Post Shift time (time worked just after
signing out of the logging device). Your driving time left will be recalculated
accordingly. Optionally, you are able to use the Driver Portal to make edits to your log.
This is the main screen of the application, showing the driver’s name,
current duty status, and hours and minutes of driving time left.
Tap + Driver to allow a co-driver to sign in.
Tap on any driver’s card on the left to see
the Driver Overview screen for a co-driver
who has already signed in.
Available Drive Time is shown in the large colored gauge. The color
reflects the approximate driving time left:
8:00 Green – more than 3 hours left
1:01 Yellow – between 1 and 3 hours left
00:00 Red – less than 1 hour left
Tap th e circled arrow below Gain Tim e At
to display Driving Time Details (the time
remaining under each applicable hours of
service rule). You may need to swipe up
and down to view more detail if it does not
all fit on the screen.
If you have uncertified logs or proposed edits
that require review, you will notice an orange
flag over the Options button and three
orange lines in t h e up p er lef t corner. See
Options and View Logs for more
information. A red flag indicates missing
data. See Driver Opti ons.
Q: What is Available Drive Time, and how is it calculated?
days (Cycle 2)
A: Available Drive Time is the maximum time in hours and minutes (hh:mm) that a
driver legally may continue to operate a commercial vehicle without rest. The logging
device calculates the time rem aini n g un ti l eac h applicable hours of service limit will be
reached. The lowest of these is displayed as Available Drive Time.
Cycle Duty
Off Duty
US property-
carrying limits
11 hours 10 hours 13 hours
8 hours Not applicable Not applicable
14 hours 15 hours 14 hours
Not applicable Not applicable 13 hours
Not applicable Not applicable 14 hours
Not applicable Not applicable 14 hours
60 hours in 7 days
70 hours in 8 days
US passenger-
carrying limits2
60 hours in 7 days
70 hours in 8 days
Canada south of
60°N limits3
70 hours in 7 days
(Cycle 1) or
120 hours in 14
See US 49 CFR §395.3 2See US 49 CFR §395.5 3See CA SOR-2005-313 §12-29
Q: What is the difference between Work Shift rules and Daily rules?
A: Work Shift rules restrict the on duty time that a driver may accumulate from the moment
the driver reports to duty to the moment he or she is released from duty. Work Shift
calculations do not reset until the driver has accumulated the minimum consecutive off duty
time required by the applicable US or Canadian hours of service regulations.
Canada has additional rules, called Daily rules, which restrict the on duty time a dr iv er may
accumulate from the start of one 24-hour log period to the start of the next and establish
mandatory minimums for the total off duty time a driver must accumulate within a log period.
Daily calculations automatically reset at the beginning of each log day.
Choose this if you are moving your vehicle inside y our carrier ’ s y ard.
This will record your activity as “Yard Moves (YM)” (ON, Line 4).
A: N/A means that the logging device cannot ca lcu late Available Drive Time due to
insufficient data. Review all records of duty status, including paper logs, to
determine your actual driving time left.
Q: Why do my driving time details sometimes show “Salesperson” instead of “Cycle
A: If you are operating in the US as a driver salesperson1, the typical cycle duty limit
does not apply toward your driving time left so long as you do not exceed 40 hours
Driving in any period of 7 consecutive days
you may continue to drive under this driver salesperson exception.
See US 49 CFR §395.2 2See US 49 CFR §395.1(c)
. The Salesperson value shows how long
Starting from the Driver Overview screen, tap Status and then choose
the option that best describes your current activity.
These options are available for all drivers:
Choose this when you are on duty and taking control of the vehicle.
The logging device will detect when the vehicle is moving and
ON Driver
ON Not
automatically record your activity as D (Line 3) when the vehicle is
moving and ON (Line 4) when the vehicle is stopped. No other
driver may take control of the vehicle until you choose a
different status, start a Rest Break, or sign out.
Choose this if you are on duty but not in control of t he v ehicle. T his
will record your activity as ON (Line 4). If no one has taken control
of the vehicle, the automatic motion detection system will
continue to track vehicle movements and report them as
Sign Out
Choose this when you are beginning a period of rest in the
vehicle’s sleeper berth. This will record your activity as SB (Line 2).
Choose this when you are relieved of duty and are signing out of
the logging device. This will record your activity as OFF (Line 1).
To record your status as off duty without signing out of the logging
device, see Rest Break.
These additional options may be available if enabled by your carrier:
Choose this if you are relieved from all responsibility for performing
work and taking control of the vehicle for your own personal use.
This will record your activity as “Authorized Personal Use of CMV
(PC)” (OFF, Line 1).
The Rest Break feature is used for recording off duty activity during the
work shift . Drivers who use this feature remain signed in to the
application, thereby avoiding the screen prompts associated with
signing out of a logging device and signing back in again.
Drivers should only use this feature if they will return to duty in
the same vehicle before the end of the work shift.
To begi n a rest break, tap the Rest Break
button in the upper right of the driver
overview screen and confirm that you want
to start a break now. This will record your
activity as Off Duty (Line 1) without signing
you out of the application.
The application will determine the minimum rest necessary to improve
driving time, and show this value as Gain Time At . When the required
rest break time is fulfilled, Gain Time At and Available Drive Time will
be recalculated.
To end a rest break, tap the red Stop Break
button in the upper right to display the Status
Choose ON Driver if you are returning to
duty and will be operating the vehicle or ON
Not Driver if you are the co-driver. Choose
SB if you will continue resting in the vehicle’s sleeper berth before
returning to duty. Choosing any button other than OFF Sign Out will
return to the Driver Overview screen and cause Gain Time At and Available Drive Time to be recalculated.
When you are finished using the vehicle, don’t use the Rest Break
feature. Instead, choose OFF Sign Out from the Status screen. This
will begin the sign out process and trigger a post-trip driver vehicle
inspection (if applicable).
After choosing the ON Driver button or adding a trailer to the vehicle
combination, verify the ID of the resource that you are using, and then
tap Request DVIR.
The logging device will request the most
recent driver vehicle inspection report and
refresh this screen when a response is
received. Fill in any empty boxes and tap
Q: I’ve been waiting a long time without receiving the most recent report. What should I
A: If you have waited at least 60 seconds, tap Stop to continue the inspection process
without a response from the web server. If a previous un-reviewed report is already
stored on the logging device, it will be presented for you to review. If not, perform your
own inspection and create a new DVIR listing any defects you find.
If a pre vious report is presented for you to review, use the arrow
buttons to scrol l through the report and review all the information
provided. See View DVIR.
If any defects are listed, verify that a
statement is pre sent certifying that the
defects were repaired or that repair is not
needed. Be sure to review all defects for
each resource in the current veh icle
combination. When you are done with the
review, tap Next to show the acknowledgement screen.