Room Alert
Temperature & Environment Monitoring... Made Easy!
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401.628.1601 AVTECH.com
User’s Guide &
Reference Manual
Protect Your IT Facility...
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!
Monitor, Alert...
Log, Graph...
View, Respond...
Report, Plan!
Install Room Alert & TemPageR...
The Most Popular Physical Environment Monitors In The World!
Digital Temperature
Digital Outdoor Temperature
Digital Fluid Temperature
Digital Humidity
Main / UPS Power
Flood / Water
Heat Index (Feels Like)
Smoke / Fire
Sound, Light
Air Flow
Motion, Room Entry
Panic Buttons, Security
The Most Advanced, Easy-To-Use, Reliable & Affordable Monitors Available.
Wireless Sensor Hubs
Light Towers, Relay Switches
Network Cameras
Switch Sensors
Dry Contacts
Low Voltage Sensors
Environment Monitor.com
On behalf of the entire team at AVTECH,
we say, “Thank You!” It is our privilege to
serve you, our valued customer.
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Copyright 1988-2013 AVTECH Software Inc.
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This publication is shipped as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information or instructions contained herein. It is further stated that the
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AVTECH, the AVTECH Logo, AVTECH Software, the AVTECH Manager Character, AVTECH.com, AVTECHSoftware.com, Device Discovery, Device ManageR, Environment Alarm, “Environment Monitoring Made Easy!”, EnvironmentMonitor.com, “IT Environment Monitoring Made Easy!”, Mini UPS, MUPS, “Network-Wide Monitoring Made Easy!”, “Protect Your IT Environment... Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!”, Room Alert, Room Alert PLUS, Room Alert Relay, Room Alert RPC, Room Alert Signal Tower, RoomAlert.com, “System Monitoring Made Easy!”, TemPageR, TemPageR.com, “Temperature & Environment Monitoring... Made Easy!”, “Temperature Monitoring Made Easy!”, Wireless Sensor Hub, Wireless Sensor Hub & Powered Relay, WiSH and WiSPR are trademarks or registered trademarks of AVTECH Software Inc. Any other trademarks, product or company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners and used strictly for the purpose of identifying compatibility. AVTECH Software Inc. cannot attest to the accuracy of any other organization’s ownership claim to a trademark and use of any
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We would like to recognize our customers, eld test participants, reseller partners, inhouse sales & support staff, as well as the entire software & hardware development teams for their contributions and assistance in the completion of this manual.
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Room Alert 3E
Table of Contents
Introduction To Room Alert 3E .......................................................................................................3
Room Alert 3E Package Contents ....................................................................................................4
The Room Alert 3E ID Box .......................................................................................................4
Front .....................................................................................................................................4
Back .....................................................................................................................................5
How To Install Your Room Alert 3E ...............................................................................................6
Step 1: Connect your Room Alert 3E hardware. ......................................................................6
If your network is Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled . . . .................................................6
If your network is not Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled . . . ...........................................6
Step 2: Open your Room Alert 3E in your web browser . . . ....................................................7
With the built-in interface. ...................................................................................................7
With Device ManageR for advanced functionality. ............................................................7
Step 3: Connect Additional Components ..................................................................................7
How To Use Room Alert 3E’s Web Interface .................................................................................8
Status ..........................................................................................................................................8
Current Sensor Status Bar ....................................................................................................9
Sensor Display Area ..........................................................................................................10
Settings .....................................................................................................................................11
Ethernet Configuration.......................................................................................................14
SMTP Email.......................................................................................................................15
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ..............................................................17
Sensors ...............................................................................................................................19
Alarm Options ....................................................................................................................24
Security ..............................................................................................................................27
Advanced ...........................................................................................................................28
AVTECH Software, Inc. 1
Room Alert 3E
Help ..........................................................................................................................................32
Updating & Troubleshooting Your Room Alert 3E ......................................................................34
How To Download Firmware & Software Updates From AVTECH.com ..............................34
How To Update Room Alert 3E’s Firmware ...........................................................................34
How To Discover Room Alert 3E When Your Network Blocks UDP Broadcasts .................35
How To Reset Room Alert 3E To Factory Defaults ................................................................35
Introduction To AVTECH’s Device ManageR .............................................................................37
Appendix: Sensors & Product Options
2 AVTECH Software, Inc.
Room Alert 3E
Introduction To Room Alert 3E
The Room Alert 3E monitor is AVTECH’s most compact and economical hardware solution for Temperature & Facilities Environment Monitoring . . . Made Easy.
At 3 5/8" L x 1 3/4" W x 7/8" H and a mere 2 ounces, the Room Alert 3E is small and light enough to mount nearly anywhere; its PoE-enabled network port makes installation a snap, even where no electrical outlets are handy; and it’s jam-packed with AVTECH’s latest technology, so it’s smart and powerful enough to monitor up to three (3) sensors: one (1) internal, one (1) external digital and one (1) external switch.
Install your unit with minimal planning and less hassle.
9 Get up and running in minutes with easy “Plug and Play” setup.
9 Use Power over Ethernet to install even where no DC power is available.
9 Easily mount Room Alert 3E—hang it from a nail and you’re good to go!
Get access from anywhere over the web.
9 Configure, monitor and operate Room Alert 3E with its easy-to-use built-in web interface.
9 Significantly expand its functionality with AVTECH’s Device ManageR, the powerful
software bundled FREE with all Room Alert monitors.
9 Have the flexibility to monitor with any SNMP-enabled 3rd-party monitoring application.
Know immediately when physical conditions change.
9 Set alert thresholds for the built-in temperature sensor from -40° to 185° F (-40° to 85° C).
9 Alert multiple contacts on your team when thresholds are exceeded.
9 Receive alert notifications by email, email-to-SMS and more on your computer or mobile
Expand your options as your needs evolve.
9 Extend your reach by adding an external digital sensor up to 100 feet away and an external
switch sensor up to 900!
9 Generate clear visible and audible signals by adding a Light Tower (with adapter).
9 Automatically turn on/off up to 4 electrical devices, such as air conditioners or generators, by
adding a Relay Switch Sensor via a Light Tower & Relay Adapter.
9 Explore your options further with your AVTECH Product Specialist.
AVTECH Software, Inc. 3
Room Alert 3E
Room Alert 3E Package Contents
The standard Room Alert 3E package includes:
One (1) Room Alert 3E ID Box
One (1) Room Alert 3E User’s Guide & Reference Manual (You’re reading it now.)
One (1) Package Of Literature & Additional Information
The Room Alert 3E ID Box
ower Port
Front Back
A standard power port connects Room Alert 3E to an electrical outlet with AVTECH’s International Power Adapter.
Switch Senso
Digital Senso
Look for the AVTECH logo. Using another power adapter could damage the Room Alert 3E’s circuit board. If you need one, purchase it online at AVTECH.com. AVTECH has an international power adapter with a compatible plug style for each and every country.
4 AVTECH Software, Inc.
Room Alert 3E
thernet Port
An RJ-45 PoE-enabled port connects Room Alert 3E to your network via an RJ-45 network cable.
eset Button
A small push button resets Room Alert 3E to factory default settings.
witch Sensor Channel
A pair of dry contacts connects Room Alert 3E to any AVTECH switch sensor or dry contact on a device (e.g., HVAC, generator, pump, fan, etc.) via standard speaker wire or low-voltage 2-wire cable.
igital Sensor Port
A standard RJ-11 jack connects any AVTECH digital sensor or Light Tower & Relay Adapter to your Room Alert 3E via a standard RJ-11 (straight through) telephone cord.
For more information about AVTECH sensors and accessories, please refer to the Appendix at the back of this manual or visit the Sensors and Accessories sections of AVTECH.com.
AVTECH Software, Inc. 5
Room Alert 3E
How To Install Your Room Alert 3E
Step 1: Connect your Room Alert 3E hardware.
If your network is Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled . . .
Connect one end of a standard Ethernet cable to the
Room Alert 3E’s Ethernet port.
Connect the other end to a PoE-enabled network jack.
That’s it! Your Room Alert 3E is now powered and discoverable on your network.
If your network is not Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled . . .
A. Connect to your network first.
Connect one end of a standard Ethernet cable to the
Room Alert 3E’s Ethernet port.
Connect the other end to a network jack.
B. Then connect to a power source.
Plug one end of AVTECH’s International Power
Adapter into the Room Alert 3E’s power port.
Plug the other end into a surge-protected power source.
Your Room Alert 3E is now powered and discoverable on your network!
Use only AVTECH’s International Power Adapter. Others could damage the Room Alert 3E and void your warranty. If you don’t have one, please visit our online store at AVTECH.com.
6 AVTECH Software, Inc.
Step 2: Open your Room Alert 3E in your web browser . . .
With the built-in interface.
Enter your Room Alert 3E’s IP address in your web browser’s address bar to access
the interface.
Room Alert 3E
With Device ManageR for advanced functionality.
Download and install AVTECH’s Device ManageR via your customer account at
Launch it in your web browser at http://localhost:8080
Step 3: Connect Additional Components
If you purchased additional components that are compatible, connect them according to the instructional material included with them.
AVTECH Software, Inc. 7
Room Alert 3E
How To Use Room Alert 3E’s Web Interface
You may configure your Room Alert 3E through its built-in web interface. To access the interface, you may either:
Select your Room Alert 3E in Device ManageR and click the “Open Web” button.
Type the IP address of your Room Alert 3E monitor directly into the address bar of
your web browser.
Your Room Alert 3E’s web interface has 4 tabs:
To view your Room Alert 3E’s current sensor status, click Status in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.
8 AVTECH Software, Inc.
Room Alert 3E
Current Sensor Status Bar
Below the “Status” tab is the “Current Sensor Status Bar,” where you may view basic information about your Room Alert 3E and make temporary adjustments to the sensor display.
You may find your Room Alert 3E’s name, current date & time, and MAC address here.
To determine if your Room Alert 3E’s firmware is current, you may click Room
Alert 3E vX.X.X at the right.
Your Room Alert 3E must be connected to the internet to check firmware versions.
To temporarily modify the refresh interval of the “Status” screen while viewing,
which is 60 seconds (i.e., every 1 minute) by default, you may enter a value in seconds in the “Update Every” field. Click outside the field to temporarily commit the change.
To temporarily toggle the temperature scale between Fahrenheit (F) and Celsius (C),
click Fahrenheit or Celcius.
Refer to the Advanced section in this manual for instructions on setting the default status page refresh rate and temperature scale for Room Alert 3E.
AVTECH Software, Inc. 9
Room Alert 3E
Sensor Display Area
In the main viewing pane of the “Status” tab is the “Sensor Display Area.” Here you may view the current readings for your sensors, which are displayed left to right as follows:
Channel 1:
Internal Temperature Sensor
External Digital Sensor
Channel 2:
Channel 3:
External Switch Sensor
Below the channels, you see the status icons and the labels for your sensors, which you may configure in Settings Æ Sensors.
Status Icons
Green circle with “9” mark…....... Sensor is in a clear state.
Grey circle……………………...... Sensor has no alarm threshold set.
Red circle with “X” mark…........... Sensor is in an alarm state.
Display All Sensors / Connected Sensors
If you have no external digital sensor connected, you may temporarily hide Channel 2.
1. To hide the disconnected digital sensor, click Connected Sensors in the “Current
Sensors Status Bar” as shown here.
2. To toggle the view back to all 3 sensor channels, click All Sensors.
The “Sensor Display Area” collapses and expands as shown below:
10 AVTECH Software, Inc.
Room Alert 3E
To access your Room Alert 3E’s settings, click Settings in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.
You’ll see a prompt for your username and password whenever you click Settings. If you have not set up a password for your Room Alert 3E, simply click OK without entering anything.
AVTECH Software, Inc. 11
+ 33 hidden pages