C.C. C. V.
7 6
14 13 1 21
Model nos. 650.676 and 650.679
These regulated DC power supply are designed to provide the
required voltage and current source in laboratory, university and
production lines.
The output voltage is continuously adjustable between 0 to rating
voltage. The load current may have any value from 0 to rating
current. Voltage and Current are adjusted by means of a coarse
and ne potentiometer.Both outputs can accurately read on
voltmeter and ammeter LED displays.
Both stability and ripple are extremely good to meet the
requirements of modern circuit design. The unit can be used
as either constant voltage or current source. They have output
standby function, a four digit LED display and overload protection
Front Panel
1. Power switch: ON/OFF the power
2. Output standby: After power on, there are no voltage cross the terminals. Press this button, output LED on, unit has power out.
3. Output standby indicator: See above.
4. C.C. indicator Lights when the supply is in the constant current operation.
5. C.V. indicator: Lights when the supply is in the constant voltage operation.
6. Voltmeter: lndicates the output voltage.
7. Ammeter: lndicates the output current.
8. Voltage Coarse: For coarse adjustment of the output voltage.
9. Voltage Fine: For ne adjustment of the output voltage.
10. Current Coarse: For coarse adjustment of the output current.
11. Current Fine: For ne adjustment of the output current.
12. “+” Output terminal: positive polarity (red)
13. “GND” terminal: Earth and chassis ground (green)
14. “–” Output terminal: Negative polarity (black)
Rear panel
17. Power Socket: IEC mains inlet.
18. Fuse holder:
19. Fan
Repress this button, output LED o, output voltage cross the terminals is zero, unit is on standby mode.

w w w . s k y t r o n i c . c o . u k
1. AC input should be within the range of line voltage 220 ± 10% 50Hz.
2. To avoid electrical shock this product must be earthed.
3. Do not use the unit in a place where ambient temperature exceeds 40°C. The heat sink located at rear of 40°C the supply must have
sucient air space for radiation.
4. T his unit is a oating DC power supply. lf the output has to be connected to ground, please short the “+” or ”–” terminal to GND.
Setting Current Limit
1. Determine the maximum safe current for the device to be powered
2. Temporily short the “+” and “–” terminals of the power supply together witha test lead.
3. Rotate the COARSE VOLTAGE control away from zero suciently for the CC indicator to light.
4. Read the current value on the Ammeter, adjust the CURRENT control for the desired current limit.
5. The current limit (overload protection) now has been preset. Do not change the CURRENT control setting after this step.
6. Remove the short lead between the “+” and “–” terminals.
Setting Constant Voltage
1. Turn the power switch on, the C V indicator light.
2. R otati ng the Coarse and Fine voltage control to the desired voltage.
3. Press Output standby button, the output standby indicator light, then the terminals have voltage output.
WARNING: The following instructions are for use by qualied personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not
1. lf the fuse blows, the CV or CC indicators will not light and the power supply will not operate. The fuse should not normally open unless a
problem has developed in the unit. Try to determine and correct the cause of the blown fuse, then replace only with a fuse of the correct
rating and type. The fuse is located on the rear panel.
2. ln constant voltage mode, if the output voltage is less than presetted value and CC indicator light, it is over current protection. Unit
automatically changed to constant current mode. Should check the load or increase current set value.
3. ln constant current mode, if the output current is less than presetted value and CV indicator light, the unit automatically changed into
constant voltage mode. Should check the load or increase the preset voltage value.
Model 650.676 650.679
Series 0-30V/3A Series 0-60V/5A
perform any servicing other than contained in the operating instruction unless you are qualied to do so.
Constant Voltage Operation
Line regulation CV<0.01% + 3mV CV<0.01% + 5mV
Load regulation CV<0.01% + 5mV CV<0.02% + 5mV
Riple & Noise CV<1mV (rms) CV<2mV (rms)
Constant Current Operation
Line regulation CC<0.2% + 3mA CC<0.2% + 3mA
Load regulation CC<0.2% + 3mA CC<0.2% + 5mA
Ripple & Noise CC<3mA
Display accuracy Three LED <1% + 2d Three LED <1% + 2d
Recover time <100S <100S
Dims 270 x 158 x 130mm 270 x 158 x 130mm
Weight 3.8kg 5.4kg