Avr-Asm-Tutorial ATMEL­AVR­Microprocessors Service Manual

Beginners Introduction to the
Assembly Language of
Gerhard Schmidt
October 2004
Avr-Asm-Tutorial 1 http://www.avr-asm-tutorial.net
Why learning Assembler?..........................................................................................................................1
Short and easy.......................................................................................................................................1
Fast and quick........................................................................................................................................1
Assembler is easy to learn.....................................................................................................................1
AT90Sxxxx are ideal for learning assembler........................................................................................1
Test it!....................................................................................................................................................1
Hardware for AVR-Assembler-Programming...........................................................................................2
The ISP-Interface of the AVR-processor family...................................................................................2
Programmer for the PC-Parallel-Port....................................................................................................2
Experimental board with a AT90S2313................................................................................................3
Ready-to-use commercial programming boards for the AVR-family...................................................4
Tools for AVR assembly programing........................................................................................................5
The editor..............................................................................................................................................5
The assembler........................................................................................................................................6
Programming the chips..........................................................................................................................7
Simulation in the studio.........................................................................................................................7
What is a register?.................................................................................................................................9
Different registers................................................................................................................................10
Recommendation for the use of registers............................................................................................11
What is a Port?....................................................................................................................................12
Details of relevant ports in the AVR...................................................................................................13
The status register as the most used port.............................................................................................13
Port details...........................................................................................................................................14
Using SRAM in AVR assembler language.........................................................................................15
What is SRAM?...................................................................................................................................15
For what purposes can I use SRAM?..................................................................................................15
How to use SRAM?.............................................................................................................................15
Use of SRAM as stack.........................................................................................................................16
Defining SRAM as stack................................................................................................................16
Use of the stack...............................................................................................................................17
Bugs with the stack operation.........................................................................................................17
Jumping and Branching............................................................................................................................19
Controlling sequential execution of the program................................................................................19
What happens during a reset?.........................................................................................................19
Linear program execution and branches..............................................................................................20
Timing during program execution.......................................................................................................20
Macros and program execution...........................................................................................................21
Interrupts and program execution........................................................................................................23
Number systems in assembler.............................................................................................................25
Positive whole numbers (bytes, words, etc.)..................................................................................25
Signed numbers (integers)..............................................................................................................25
Binary Coded Digits, BCD.............................................................................................................25
Packed BCDs..................................................................................................................................26
Numbers in ASCII-format..............................................................................................................26
Bit manipulations................................................................................................................................26
Shift and rotate....................................................................................................................................27
Adding, subtracting and comparing....................................................................................................28
Format conversion for numbers...........................................................................................................29
Decimal multiplication...................................................................................................................30
Binary multiplication......................................................................................................................30
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AVR-Assembler program...............................................................................................................31
Binary rotation................................................................................................................................32
Multiplication in the studio.............................................................................................................32
Decimal division.............................................................................................................................34
Binary division...............................................................................................................................34
Program steps during division........................................................................................................35
Division in the simulator................................................................................................................35
Number conversion.............................................................................................................................37
Decimal Fractions................................................................................................................................37
Linear conversions..........................................................................................................................37
Example 1: 8-bit-AD-converter with fixed decimal output............................................................38
Example 2: 10-bit-AD-converter with fixed decimal output..........................................................40
Commands sorted by function.............................................................................................................41
Command list in alphabetic order.......................................................................................................43
Assembler directives.......................................................................................................................43
Port details...........................................................................................................................................45
Status-Register, Accumulator flags................................................................................................45
SRAM and External Interrupt control............................................................................................45
External Interrupt Control...............................................................................................................46
Timer Interrupt Control..................................................................................................................46
Timer/Counter 0..............................................................................................................................47
Timer/Counter 1..............................................................................................................................48
Serial Peripheral Interface SPI........................................................................................................50
Analog Comparator........................................................................................................................51
I/O Ports..........................................................................................................................................52
Ports, alphabetic order.........................................................................................................................52
List of abbreviations............................................................................................................................53
Errors in previous versions..................................................................................................................54
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Why learning Assembler?
Assembler or other languages, that is the question. Why should I learn another language, if I already learned other programming languages? The best argument: while you live in France you are able to get through by speaking english, but you will never feel at home then, and life remains complicated. You can get through with this, but it is rather inappropriate. If things need a hurry, you should use the country's language.
Short and easy
Assembler commands translate one by one to executed machine commands. The processor needs only to execute what you want it to do and what is necessary to perform the task. No extra loops and unnecessary features blow up the generated code. If your program storage is short and limited and you have to optimize your program to fit into memory, assembler is choice 1. Shorter programs are easier to debug, every step makes sense.
Fast and quick
Because only necessary code steps are executed, assembly programs are as fast as possible. The duration of every step is known. Time critical applications, like time measurements without a hardware timer, that should perform excellent, must be written in assembler. If you have more time and don't mind if your chip remains 99% in a wait state type of operation, you can choose any language you want.
Assembler is easy to learn
It is not true that assmbly language is more complicated or not as easy to understand than other languages. Learning assembly language for whatever hardware type brings you to understand the basic concepts of any other assembly language dialect. Adding other dialects later is easy. The first assembly code does not look very attractive, with every 100 additional lines programmed it looks better. Perfect programs require some thousand lines of code of exercise, and optimization requires lots of work. As some features are hardware-dependant optimal code requires some familiarity with the hardware concept and the dialect. The first steps are hard in any language. After some weeks of programming you will laugh if you go through your first code. Some assembler commands need some monthes of experience.
AT90Sxxxx are ideal for learning assembler
Assembler programs are a little bit silly: the chip executes anything you tell it to do, and does not ask you if you are sure overwriting this and that. All protections must be programmed by you, the chip does anything like it is told. No window warns you, unless you programmed it before.
Basic design errors are as complicated to debug like in any other computer language. But: testing programs on ATMEL chips is very easy. If it does not do what you expect it to do, you can easily add some diagnostic lines to the code, reprogram the chip and test it. Bye, bye to you EPROM programmers, to the UV lamps used to erase your test program, to you pins that don't fit into the socket after having them removed some douzend times.
Changes are now programmed fast, compiled in no time, and either simulated in the studio or checked in­circuit. No pin is removed, and no UV lamp gives up just in the moment when you had your excellent idea about that bug.
Test it!
Be patient doing your first steps! If you are familiar with another (high-level) language: forget it for the first time. Behind every assembler language there is a certain hardware concept. Most of the special features of other computer languages don't make any sense in assembler.
The first five commands are not easy to learn, then your learning speed rises fast. After you had your first lines: grab the instruction set list and lay back in the bathtub, wondering what all the other commands are like.
Don't try to program a mega-machine to start with. This does not make sense in any computer language, and just produces frustration.
Comment your subroutines and store them in a special directory, if debugged: you will need them again in a short time.
Have success!
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Hardware for AVR-Assembler-Programming
Learning assembler requires some simple hardware equipment to test your programs, and see if it works in practice.
This section shows two easy schematics that enable you to homebrew the required hardware and gives you the necessary hints on the required background. This hardware really is easy to build. I know nothing easier than that to test your first software steps. If you like to make more experiments, leave some more space for future extensions on your experimental board.
If you don't like the smell of soldering, you can buy a ready-to-use board, too. The available boards are characterised in this section below.
The ISP-Interface of the AVR-processor family
Before going into practice, we have to learn a few essentials on the serial programming mode of the AVR family. No, you don't need three different voltages to program and read an AVR flash memory. No, you don't need another microprocessor to program the AVRs. No, you don't need 10 I/O lines to tell the chip what you like it to do. And you don't even have to remove the AVR from your experimental board, before programming it. It's even easier than that.
All this is done by a build-in interface in the AVR chip, that enables you to write and read the content of the program flash and the built-in-EEPROM. This interface works serially and needs three signal lines:
SCK: A clock signal that shifts the bits to be written to the memory into an internal shift register, and
that shifts out the bits to be read from another internal shift register,
MOSI: The data signal that sends the bits to be written to the AVR,
MISO: The data signal that receives the bits read from the AVR.
These three signal pins are internally connected to the programming machine only if you change the RESET (sometimes also called RST or restart) pin to zero. Otherwise, during normal operation of the AVR, these pins are programmable I/O lines like all the others.
If you like to use these pins for other purposes during normal operation, and for in­system-programming, you'll have to take care, that these two purposes do not conflict. Usually you then decouple these by resistors or by use of a multiplexer. What is necessary in your case, depends from your use of the pins in the normal operation mode. You're lucky, if you can use them for in- system-programming exclusively.
Not necessary, but recommendable for in-system-programming is, that you supply
the programming hardware out of the supply voltage of your system. That makes it easy, and requires two additional lines between the programmer and the AVR board. GND is the common ground, VTG (target voltage) the supply voltage (usually 5.0 volts). This adds up to 6 lines between the programmer and the AVR board. The resulting ISP6 connection is, as defined by AMEL, is shown on the left.
Standards always have alternative standards, that were used earlier. This is the technical basis that constitutes the adaptor industry. In our case the alternative standard was designed as ISP10 and was used on the STK200 board. It's still a very widespread standard, and even the STK500 is still equipped with it. ISP10 has an additional signal to drive a red LED. This LED signals that the programmer is doing his job. A good idea. Just connect the LED to a resistor and clamp it the positive supply voltage.
Programmer for the PC-Parallel-Port
Now, heat up your soldering iron and build up your programmer. It is a quite easy schematic and works with standard parts from your well-sorted experiments box.
Yes, that's all you need to program an AVR. The 25-pin plug goes into the parallel port of your PC, the 10­pin-ISP goes to your AVR experimental board. If your box doesn't have a 74LS245, you can also use a 74HC245 or a 74LS244/74HC244 (by changing some pins and signals). If you use HC, don't forget to tie unused inputs either to GND or the supply voltage, otherwise the buffers might produce extra noise by capacitive switching.
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The necessary program algorithm is done by the ISP software, that is available from ATMEL's software download page.
Experimental board with a AT90S2313
For test purposes we use a AT90S2313 on an experimental board. The schematic shows
a small voltage supply for connection to an AC transformer and a voltage regulator 5V/1A,
a XTAL clock generator (here with a 10 Mcs/s, all other frequencies below the maximum for the 2313
will also work),
the necessary parts for a safe reset during supply voltage switching,
the ISP-Programming-Interface (here with a ISP10PIN-connector).
So that's what you need to start with. Connect other peripheral add-ons to the numerous free I/O pins of the 2313.
The easiest output device can be a LED, connected via a resistor to the positive supply voltage. With that, you can start writing your first assembler program switching the LED on and off.
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Ready-to-use commercial programming boards for the AVR-family
If you do not like homebrewed hardware, and if have some extra money left that you don't know what to do with, you can buy a commercial programming board. Easy to get is the STK500 (e.g. from ATMEL. It has the following hardware:
Sockets for programming most of the AVR types,
serial und parallel programming,
ISP6PIN- and ISP10PIN-connector for external In-System-Programming,
programmable oscillator frequency and suplly voltages,
plug-in switches and LEDs,
a plugged RS232C-connector (UART),
a serial Flash-EEPROM,
access to all ports via a 10-pin connector.
Experiments can start with the also supplied AT90S8515. The board is connected to the PC using a serial port (COMx) and is controlled by later versions of AVR studio, available from ATMEL's webpage. This covers all hardware requirements that the beginner might have.
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Tools for AVR assembly programing
This section provides informations about the necessary tools that are used to program AVRs with the STK200 board. Programming with the STK500 is very different and shown in more detail in the Studio section. Note that the older software for the STK200 is not supported any more.
Four basic programs are necessary for assembly programming. These tools are:
the editor,
the assembler program,
the chip programing interface, and
the simulator.
The necessary software tools are ©ATMEL and available on the webpage of ATMEL for download. The screenshots here are ©ATMEL. It should be mentioned that there are different versions of the software and some of the screenshots are subject to change with the used version. Some windows or menues look different in different versions. The basic functions are mainly unchanged. Refer to the programer's handbook, this page just provides an overview for the beginner's first steps and is not written for the assembly programing expert.
The editor
Assembler programs are written with a editor. The editor just has to be able to create and edit ASCII text files. So, basically, any simple editor does it. I recommend the use of a more advanced editor, either WAVRASM©ATMEL or the editor written by Tan Silliksaar (screenshot see below).
An assembly program written with WAVRASM© goes like this. Just install WAVRASM© and start the program:
Now we type in our directives and assembly commands in the WAVRASM editor window, together with some comments (starting with ;). That should look like this:
Now store the program text, named to something.asm into a dedicated directory, using the file menue. The assembly program is complete now.
If you like editing a little more in a sophisticated manner you can use the excellent editor written by Tan Silliksaar. This editor tools is designed for AVRs and available for free from Tan's webpage. In this editor our program looks like this:
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The editor recognizes com­mands automatically and uses different colors (syntax high­lighting) to signal user constants and typing errors in those commands (in black). Storing the code in an .asm file provides nearly the same text file.
The assembler
Now we have to translate this code to a machine-oriented form well understood by the AVR chip. Doing this is called assembling, which means collecting the right command words. If you use WAVRASM© just click assemble on the menue. The result is shown here:
The assembler reports the complete translation with no errors. If errors occur these are notified. Assembling resulted in one word of code which resulted from the command we used. Assembling our single asm-text file now has produced four other files (not all apply here).
The first of these four new files, TEST.EEP, holds the content that should be written to the EEPROM of the AVR. This is not very interesting in our case, because we didn't program any content for the EEPROM. The assembler has therefore deleted this file when he completed the assembly run.
The second file, TEST.HEX, is more relevant because this file holds the commands later programmed into the AVR chip. This file looks like this.
The hex numbers are written in a special ASCII form, together with adress informations and a checksum for each line. This form is called Intel-hex-format, and it is very old. The form is well understood by the programing
The third file, TEST.OBJ, will be introduced later, this file is needed to simulate an AVR. Its format is hexadecimal and defined by ATMEL. Using a hex-editor its content looks
like this. Attention: This file format is not compatible with the programer software, don't use this file to program the AVR (a very common error when starting).
The fourth file, TEST.LST, is a text file. Display its content with a simple editor. The following results.
The program with all its adresses, comands and error messages are displayed in a readable form. You will need that file in some cases to debug errors.
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Programming the chips
To program our hex code to the AVR ATMEL has written the ISP software package. (Not that this software is not supported and distributed any more.) We start the ISP software and load the hex file that we just generated (applying menue item LOAD PROGRAM). That looks like this:
Applying menue item PROGRAM will burn our code in the chip's program store. There are a number of preconditions necessary for this step (the correct parallel port has to be selected, the programming adapter must be connected, the chip must be on board the adapter, the power supply must be on, etc.).
Besides the ATMEL-ISP and the programming boards other programming boards or adapters could be used, together with the
appropriate programming software. Some of these alternatives are available on the internet.
Simulation in the studio
In some cases self-written assembly code, even assembled without errors, does not exactly do what it should do when burned into the chip. Testing the software on the chip could be complicated, esp. if you have a minimum hardware and no opportunity to display interim results or debugging signals. In these cases the studio from ATMEL provides ideal opportunities for debugging. Testing the software or parts of it is possible, the program could be tested step-by-step displaying results.
The studio is started and looks like this.
First we open a file (menue item FILE OPEN). We demonstrate this using the tutorial file test1.asm, because there are some more commands and action that in our single-command program above.
Open the file TEST1.OBJ that results by assembling TEST1.asm. You are asked which options you like to use (if not, you can change these using the menue item SIMULATOR OPTIONS). The following options will be selected:
In the device selection section we select the desired chip type. The correct frequency should be selected if you like to simulate correct timings.
In order to view the content of some registers and what the processor's status is we select VIEW PROCESSOR and REGISTERS. The display should now look like this.
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The processor window displays all values like the command counter, the flags and the timing information (here: 1 MHz clock). The stop watch can be used to measure the necessary time for going through routines etc.
Now we start the program execution. We use the single step opportunity (TRACE INTO or F11). Using GO would result in continous exection and not much would be seen due to the high speed of simulation. After the first executed step the processor window should look like this.
The program counter is at step 1, the cycle counter at 2 (RJMP needed two cycles). At 1 MHz clock two microseconds have been wasted, the flags and pointer registers are not changed. The source text window displays a pointer on the next command that will be executed.
Pressing F11 again executes the next command, register mp (=R16) will be set to 0xFF. Now the register window should highlite this change.
Register R16's new value is displayed in red letters. We can change the value of a register at any time to test what happens then.
Now step 3 is executed, output to the direction register of Port B. To display this we open a new I/O view window and select Port B. The display should look like this.
The Data Direction Register in the I/O-view window of Port B now shows the new value. The values could be changed manually, if desired, pin by pin.
The next two steps are simulated using F11. They are not displayed here. Setting the output ports to one with
the command LDI mp,0xFF and OUT PORTB,mp results in the following picture in the I/O view. Now the output port bits are all one, the I/O view shows this.
That is our short trip through the simulator software world. The simulator is capable to much more, so it should be applied extensively in cases of design errors. Visit the different menue items, there is much more than showed here.
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What is a register?
Registers are special storages with 8 bits capacity and they look like this:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Note the numeration of these bits: the least significant bit starts with zero (20 = 1).
A register can either store numbers from 0 to 255 (positive number, no negative values), or numbers from
-128 to +127 (whole number with a sign bit in bit 7), or a value representing an ASCII-coded character (e.g. 'A'), or just eight single bits that do not have something to do with each other (e.g. for eight single flags used to signal eight different yes/no decisions).
The special character of registers, compared to other storage sites, is that
they can be used directly in assembler commands,
operations with their content require only a single command word,
they are connected directly to the central processing unit called the accumulator,
they are source and target for calculations.
There are 32 registers in an AVR. They are originally named R0 to R31, but you can choose to name them to more meaningful names using an assembler directive. An example:
.DEF MyPreferredRegister = R16
Assembler directives always start with a dot in column 1 of the text. Instructions do NEVER start in column 1, they are always preceeded by a Tab- or blank character!
Note that assembler directives like this are only meaningful for the assembler but do not produce any code that is executable in the AVR target chip. Instead of using the register name R16 we can now use our own name MyPreferredRegister, if we want to use R16 within a command. So we write a little bit more text each time we use this register, but we have an association what might be the content of this register.
Using the command line
LDI MyPreferredRegister, 150
which means: load the number 150 immediately to the register R16, LoaD Immediate. This loads a fixed value or a constant to that register. Following the assembly or translation of this code the program storage written to the AVR chip looks like this:
000000 E906
The load command code as well as the target register (R16) as well as the value of the constant (150) is part of the hex value E906, even if you don't see this directly. Don't be afraid: you don't have to remember this coding because the assembler knows how to translate all this to yield E906.
Within one command two different registers can play a role. The easiest command of this type is the copy command MOV. It copies the content of one register to another register. Like this:
.DEF MyPreferredRegister = R16 .DEF AnotherRegister = R15
LDI MyPreferredRegister, 150 MOV AnotherRegister, MyPreferredRegister
The first two lines of this monster program are directives that define the new names of the registers R16 and R15 for the assembler. Again, these lines do not produce any code for the AVR. The command lines with LDI and MOV produce code:
000000 E906 000001 2F01
The commands write 150 into register R16 and copy its content to the target register R15. IMPORTANT NOTE:
The first register is always the target register where the result is written to!
(This is unfortunately different from what one expects or from how we speak. It is a simple convention that was once defined that way to confuse the beginners learning assembler. That is why assembler is that complicated.)
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Different registers
The beginner might want to write the above commands like this:
.DEF AnotherRegister = R15
LDI AnotherRegister, 150
And: you lost. Only the registers from R16 to R31 load a constant immediately with the LDI command, R0 to R15 don't do that. This restriction is not very fine, but could not be avoided during construction of the command set for the AVRs.
There is one exception from that rule: setting a register to Zero. This command
CLR MyPreferredRegister
is valid for all registers.
Besides the LDI command you will find this register class restriction with the following additional commands:
ANDI Rx,K ; Bit-And of register Rx with a constant value K,
CBR Rx,M ; Clear all bits in register Rx that are set to one within the constant mask value M,
CPI Rx,K ; Compare the content of the register Rx with a constant value K,
SBCI Rx,K ; Subtract the constant K and the current value of the carry flag from the content of
register Rx and store the result in register Rx,
SBR Rx,M ; Set all bits in register Rx to one, that are one in the constant mask M,
SER Rx ; Set all bits in register Rx to one (equal to LDI Rx,255),
SUBI Rx,K ; Subtract the constant K from the content of register Rx and store the result in register
In all these commands the register must be between R16 and R31! If you plan to use these commands you should select one of these registers for that operation. It is easier to program. This is an additional reason why you should use the directive to define a register's name, because you can easier change the registers location afterwards.
A very special extra role is defined for the register pairs R26:R27, R28:R29 and R30:R31. The role is so important that these pairs have extra names in AVR assembler: X, Y and Z. These pairs are 16-bit pointer registers, able to point to adresses with max. 16-bit into SRAM locations (X, Y or Z) or into locations in program memory (Z).
The lower byte of the 16-bit-adress is located in the lower register, the higher byte in the upper register. Both parts have their own names, e.g. the higher byte of Z is named ZH (=R31), the lower Byte is ZL (=R30). These names are defined in the standard header file for the chips. Dividing these 16-bit-pointer­names into two different bytes is done like follows:
.EQU Adress = RAMEND ; RAMEND is the highest 16-bit adress in SRAM
LDI YH,HIGH(Adress) ; Set the MSB LDI YL,LOW(Adress) ; Set the LSB
Accesses via pointers are programmed with specially designed commands. Read access is named LD (LoaD), write access named ST (STore), e.g. with the X-pointer:
Pointer Sequence Examples
X Read/Write from adress X, don't change the pointer LD R1,X or ST X,R1
X+ Read/Write from/to adress X and increment the pointer afterwards by
LD R1,X+ or ST X+,R1
-X Decrement the pointer by one and read/write from/to the new adress
LD R1,-X or ST -X,R1
Similiarly you can use Y and Z for that purpose.
There is only one command for the read access to the program storage. It is defined for the pointer pair Z and it is named LPM (Load from Program Memory). The command copies the byte at adress Z in the program memory to the register R0. As the program memory is organised word-wise (one command on one adress consists of 16 bits or two bytes or one word) the least significant bit selects the lower or higher byte (0=lower byte, 1= higher byte). Because of this the original adress must be multiplied by 2 and access is limited to 15-bit or 32 kB program memory. Like this:
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LDI ZH,HIGH(2*Adress) LDI ZL,LOW(2*Adress) LPM
Following this command the adress must be incremented to point to the next byte in program memory. As this is used very often a special pointer incrementation command has been defined to do this:
ADIW means ADd Immediate Word and a maximum of 63 can be added this way. Note that the assembler expects the lower of the pointer register pair ZL as first parameter. This is somewhat confusing as addition is done as 16-bit- operation.
The complement command, subtracting a constant value of between 0 and 63 from a 16-bit pointer register is named SBIW, Subtract Immediate Word. (SuBtract Immediate Word). ADIW and SBIW are possible for the pointer register pairs X, Y and Z and for the register pair R25:R24, that does not have an extra name and does not allow access to SRAM or program memory locations. R25:R24 is ideal for handling 16-bit values.
How to insert that table of values in the program memory? This is done with the assembler directives .DB and .DW. With that you can insert bytewise or wordwise lists of values. Bytewise organised lists look like this:
.DB 123,45,67,89 ; a list of four bytes .DB "This is a text. " ; a list of byte characters
You should always place an even number of bytes on each single line. Otherwise the assembler will add a zero byte at the end, which might be unwanted.
The similiar list of words looks like this:
.DW 12345,6789 ; a list of two words
Instead of constants you can also place labels (jump targets) on that list, like that:
Label1: [ ... here are some commands ... ] Label2: [ ... here are some more commands ... ] Table: .DW Label1,Label2 ; a wordwise list of labels
Labels ALWAYS start in column 1!. Note that reading the labels with LPM first yields the lower byte of the word.
A very special application for the pointer registers is the access to the registers themselves. The registers are located in the first 32 bytes of the chip's adress space (at adress 0x0000 to 0x001F). This access is only meaningful if you have to copy the register's content to SRAM or EEPROM or read these values from there back into the registers. More common for the use of pointers is the access to tables with fixed values in the program memory space. Here is, as an example, a table with 10 different 16-bit values, where the fifth table value is read to R25:R24:
MyTable: .DW 0x1234,0x2345,0x3456,0x4568,0x5678 ; The table values, wordwise .DW 0x6789,0x789A,0x89AB,0x9ABC,0xABCD ; organised Read5: LDI ZH,HIGH(MyTable*2) ; Adress of table to pointer Z
LDI ZL,LOW(MyTable*2) ; multiplied by 2 for bytewise access ADIW ZL,10 ; Point to fifth value in table LPM ; Read least significant byte from program memory MOV R24,R0 ; Copy LSB to 16-bit register ADIW ZL,1 ; Point to MSB in program memory LPM ; Read MSB of table value MOV R25,R0 ; Copy MSB to 16-bit register
This is only an example. You can calculate the table adress in Z from some input value, leading to the respective table values. Tables can be organised byte- or character-wise, too.
Recommendation for the use of registers
Define names for registers with the .DEF directive, never use them with their direct name Rx.
If you need pointer access reserve R26 to R31 for that purpose.
16-bit-counter are best located R25:R24.
If you need to read from the program memory, e.g. fixed tables, reserve Z (R31:R30) and R0 for that
If you plan to have access to single bits within certain registers (e.g. for testing flags), use R16 to
R23 for that purpose.
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What is a Port?
Ports in the AVR are gates from the central processing unit to internal and external hard- and software components. The CPU communicates with these components, reads from them or writes to them, e.g. to the timers or the parallel ports. The most used port is the flag register, where results of previous operations are written to and branch conditions are read from.
There are 64 different ports, which are not physically available in all different AVR types. Depending on the storage space and other internal hardware the different ports are either available and accessable or not. Which of these ports can be used is listed in the data sheets for the processor type.
Ports have a fixed address, over which the CPU communicates. The address is independent from the type of AVR. So e.g. the port adress of port B is always 0x18 (0x stands for hexadecimal notation). You don't have to remember these port adresses, they have convenient aliases. These names are defined in the include files (header files) for the different AVR types, that are provided from the producer. The include files have a line defining port B's address as follows:
.EQU PORTB, 0x18
So we just have to remember the name of port B, not its location in the I/O space of the chip. The include file 8515def.inc is involved by the assembler directive
.INCLUDE "C:\Somewhere\8515def.inc"
and the registers of the 8515 are all defined then and easily accessable.
Ports usually are organised as 8-bit numbers, but can also hold up to 8 single bits that don't have much to do with each other. If these single bits have a meaning they have their own name associated in the include file, e.g. to enable manipulation of a single bit. Due to that name convention you don't have to remember these bit positions. These names are defined in the data sheets and are given in the include file, too. They are provided here in the port tables.
As an example the MCU General Control Register, called MCUCR, consists of a number of single control bits that control the general property of the chip (see the description in MCUCR in detail). It is a port, fully packed with 8 control bits with their own names (ISC00, ISC01, ...). Those who want to send their AVR to a deep sleep need to know from the data sheet how to set the respective bits. Like this:
.DEF MyPreferredRegister = R16
LDI MyPreferredRegister, 0b00100000 OUT MCUCR, MyPreferredRegister SLEEP
The Out command brings the content of my preferred register, a Sleep-Enable-Bit called SE, to the port MCUCR and sets the AVR immediately to sleep, if there is a SLEEP instruction executed. As all the other bits of MCUCR are also set by the above instructions and the Sleep Mode bit SM was set to zero, a mode called half-sleep will result: no further command execution will be performed but the chip still reacts to timer and other hardware interrupts. These external events interrupt the big sleep of the CPU if they feel they should notify the CPU.
Reading a port's content is in most cases possible using the IN command. The following sequence
.DEF MyPreferredRegister = R16
IN MyPreferredRegister, MCUCR
reads the bits in port MCUCR to the register. As many ports have undefined and unused bits in certain ports, these bits always read back as zeros.
More often than reading all 8 bits of a port one must react to a certain status of a port. In that case we don't need to read the whole port and isolate the relevant bit. Certain commands provide an opportunity to execute commands depending on the level of a certain bit (see the JUMP section). Setting or clearing certain bits of a port is also possible without reading and writing the other bits in the port. The two commands are SBI (Set Bit I/o) and CBI (Clear Bit I/o). Execution is like this:
.EQU ActiveBit=0 ; The bit that is to be changed
SBI PortB, ActiveBit ; The bit will be set to one CBI PortB, Activebit ; The bit will be cleared to zero
These two instructions have a limitation: only ports with an adress smaller than 0x20 can be handled, ports above cannot be accessed that way.
For the more exotic programmer: the ports can be accessed using SRAM access commands, e.g. ST and LD. Just add 0x20 to the port's adress (the first 32 addresses are the registers!) and access the port that way. Like demonstrated here:
.DEF MyPreferredRegister = R16
Avr-Asm-Tutorial 13 http://www.avr-asm-tutorial.net
LDI ZL,LOW(PORTB+32) LD MyPreferredRegister,Z
That only makes sense in certain cases, but it is possible. It is the reason why the first address location of the SRAM is always 0x60.
Details of relevant ports in the AVR
The following table holds the most used ports. Not all ports are listed here, some of the MEGA and AT90S4434/8535 types are skipped. If in doubt see the original reference.
Component Portname Port-Register
Accumulator SREG Status Register
Stack SPL/SPH Stackpointer
External SRAM/External Interrupt MCUCR MCU General Control Register
External Interrupt GIMSK Interrupt Mask Register
GIFR Interrupt Flag Register
Timer Interrupt TIMSK Timer Interrupt Mask Register
TIFR Timer Interrupt Flag Register
Timer 0 TCCR0 Timer/Counter 0 Control Register
TCNT0 Timer/Counter 0
Timer 1 TCCR1A Timer/Counter Control Register 1 A
TCCR1B Timer/Counter Control Register 1 B
TCNT1 Timer/Counter 1
OCR1A Output Compare Register 1 A
OCR1B Output Compare Register 1 B
ICR1L/H Input Capture Register
Watchdog Timer WDTCR Watchdog Timer Control Register
EEDR EEPROM Data Register
EECR EEPROM Control Register
SPI SPCR Serial Peripheral Control Register
SPSR Serial Peripheral Status Register
SPDR Serial Peripheral Data Register
UART UDR UART Data Register
USR UART Status Register
UCR UART Control Register
UBRR UART Baud Rate Register
Analog Comparator ACSR Analog Comparator Control and Status Register
I/O-Ports PORTx Port Output Register
DDRx Port Direction Register
PINx Port Input Register
The status register as the most used port
By far the most often used port is the status register with its 8 bits. Usually access to this port is only by automatic setting and clearing bits by the CPU or accumulator, some access is by reading or branching on certain bits in that port, in a few cases it is possible to manipulate these bits directly (using the assembler command SEx or CLx, where x is the bit abbreviation). Most of these bits are set or cleared by the accumulator through bit-test, compare- or calculation-operations. The following list has all assembler commands that set or clear status bits depending on the result of the execution.
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Bit Calculation Logic Compare Bits Shift Other
T - - - BCLR T,
- -
- -
- -
I - - - BCLR I, BSET
Port details
Port details of the most common ports are shown in an extra table (see annex).
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