Avocent LONG VIEW COMPANION, LongView Features And Benefits

LongView and LongView Companion
Mechanical Height: 1.9 in. (4.8 cm) Width: 8.1in . (20.6 cm)
Depth: 4.8 in. (12.2 cm) Weight: 1 lb. (0.45 kg)
Operating Temperature 32F (0C) to 104F(+40C) Storage Temperature -4° (-20°C) to 122°(50°C) Power Requirements 24 VDC @ 500mA from 115 VAC or 230 VAC adapter Supported Hardware Computer
IBM PC/AT, PS/2 and 100% compatibles
Video Modes
Non-interlaced VGA, SVGA, XGA, 15-pin high density "D" connector
PS/2 or serial mouse, PS/2 keyboard (150mA max)
Serial Port
EIA-232 async up to 19.2 Kbps, TD, RD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR for serial mouse, 9-pin "D" connector (female on transmitter, male on receiver)
Audio To Speakers - 3.5 mm stereo jack, 3Vpp max to powered speakers, 200 ohms output
impedance, <0.01% THD at 1 KHz
From Microphone - 3.5 mm stereo/mono jack, 5.6K ohm pullup for one powered
electret mic, dynamic mic supported with reduced volume and quality
Ordering Information
Unit LongView:
LV210 – Transmitter/receiver LV410 – Transmitter/receiver (speakers and microphone extension, PS/2 keyboard, mouse, and serial device)
LongView Companion:
LV610 - Local/extension transmitterreceiver LV810 - Local/extension transmitterreceiver (speakers and microphone extension, PS/2 keyboard, mouse, and serial device)
Cable Assemblies C5T Expansion (Category 5 UTP) - 10, 15, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450,
500, 550 feet P5T Expansion (Plenum) - 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 feet
Accessories LongView:
VAK-1adapter kit for LV210 and LV410 with Sun computers
This diagram illustrates how the LongView is used to connect a remote server to a local AutoView“ unit up to 150 metres away. A LongView Companion attached to the AutoView 424 allows an additional access point up to 150 metres away.
Uses Cat 5 technology to extend keyboard, monitor, mouse, stereo speakers, microphone and COM serial port up to 150 metres away from the server
Allows a second local user to be located at the server. Features high quality video expansion technology
LongView Companion
LongView Companion Receiver
LongView Companion Transmitter
Extended Local User
Extended User
Local User
Extended CPU
LongView Transmitter
LongView Receiver
AutoView 424
LongView Receiver
150 metres
150 metres
The diagram to the left illustrates the LongView extension technology. The LongView transmitter is located at the server in a secure area. The receiver is located at the users work area.
Features and Benefits
LongView Product Series
The LongView® series extends a keyboard, monitor, mouse, speakers, microphone, and serial port up to 150 metres away from the computer or KVM switch with one Category 5 UTP cable. These extenders provide high quality audio, up to 1600x1200 non-inter­laced resolution video, and support for a high speed COM serial port. LongView extends the connection to high speed COM serial devices suc h as touc h sc reens, digitizing tablets and serial printers. With LongView, you can place the system unit, software and sensitive data in a secure area to minimize tampering, system damage and unauthorized software installation.
Extension Technology
LongViews extension technology can control and operate a data centres servers either locally or remotely from the computer lab down the hall. The LongView Companion allows for a second workstation to be located near the PC for convenient system mainte­nance. For access to multiple computers, use the LongView in conjunction with Avocent switching solutions.
Video Expansion Technology
The LongView Companion also features video expansion technology. The video expan­sion technology extends a keyboard, mouse, speakers, microphone, serial port, and 4 high quality resolution video monitors up to 150 metres away from computer or KVM switch with one Category 5 UTP cable.
Exclusive Autotuning Configures without jumpers or switches Multimedia Support High quality audio, video, and COM serial port Cat 5 Extender Add a second user from up to 150 metres away Extensive Mouse Support Supports wide variety of PS/2 style mice Secure Area Houses unit, software and sensitive data in a secure
LongView Receiver
150 metres
LongView Transmitter
Secure Area
LongView: Extension Technology
LongView LongView Companion
The Power of Being There™
Users Platforms Key Features
Single PC CAT5 Extension
Extends keyboard, monitor, mouse, stereo speakers, microphone and COM serial port up to 150 metres away using a single CAT5 UTP cable
Dual PC Add a second user
Allows for a second workstation to be located near the PC forconvenient system maintenance Extends keyboard, monitor, mouse, stereo speakers, microphone and COM serial port up to 150 metres away using a single CAT5 UTP cable
Dual PC Video expander
Extends 4 high resolution monitors along with a keyboard, mouse, microphone, stereo, speakers and COM serial port
LongView Companion
Products At A Glance
LongView Companion (with video expander)
Avocent International Ltd. Avocent House, Shannon Free Zone, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel: + 353 (0)61 471877 Fax: + 353 (0) 61471871 www.avocent-europe.com
Box 10026, SE 121 26, Stockholm - Globen, Stockholm, Sweden Tel: + 46 (0)855 672672 Fax: + 46 (0) 855 672671
Albany House, Market Street, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 8BE, UK. Tel: + 44 (0) 1628 421529 Fax: + 44 (0)1628 421530
Regus Roissy, Bâtiment Le Dôme. 1, Rue de la Haye - BP 10910, 95731Roissy CDG Cedex, France. Tel: + 33 (0)14919 2644 Fax: + 33 (0) 1 4919 2100
Brainpark II, Lichtenauerlaan 102 - 120, 3062 MERotterdam, The Netherlands Tel: + 3110 2045700 Fax: + 3110 2045867
Avocent, the Avocentlogo, The ‘Powerof Being There’, DS1800 and CPSare trademarks or registered trademarks of Avocent Corporation. AutoView,LongView, SwitchView and XPare registered trademarks of Cybex Computer Products Corporation. OutLook is a registered trademark of ApexInc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2001. Avocent Corporation. 0202-LV-V2
KVM stands for Keyboard, Video, and Mouse. The main purpose of a KVM switch is to control multiple CPUs from a single console. A console consists of three main components: Keyboard, Video, Mouse. A KVM solution allows multiple sets of keyboards, monitors and mice to be replaced with a single set of control peripherals. KVM technology provides easy access and control to any connected CPU.
KVM switches are suitable for any applica­tion where a user needs to operate several computers at the same time. Accessory KVM products are available to provide extended cabling distances and console signal conversion. Besides the principle cost and power savings of multiple sets of redundant peripherals, the end user also benefits from increased desktop space, and saves time and the physical effort of moving between several computers at multiple locations.
Avocents technology provides individuals with powerful KVM connections to their servers, data centres and information infra­structure through progressive solutions for network monitoring, maintenance and man­agement. Our proven KVM switching solu­tions are designed for the desktop to the data centre. They are easy to implement, integrate, operate, and expand – saving time and money.
The technology of KVM provides added flex­ibility and increased control in today’s expanding IT infrastructure.
If you would like to know more about Avocent and how we can help you connect to your information infrastructure, visit us at www.avocent-europe.com
Avocent is the leading supplier of KVM switching and connectivity solutions that enable IT managers in any industry to access and control multiple servers and net­work data centre devices. Avocent provides innovative ways to connect people to their information infrastructure. Proven solutions for managing enterprise data centres include: DS1800, CPS800/1600, SwitchView, AutoView, LongView, OutLook and XP4000. Branded products include switching, exten­sion and remote access solutions.
Avocent was formed in the year 2000 by the merger of leading industry innovators Apex, Inc. and Cybex Computer Products Corporation. Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, Avocent has locations in Redmond, Washington; Chelmsford, Massachusetts; Sunrise, Florida; London, England; Shannon, Ireland; Steinhagen and Munich, Germany; Singapore and Tokyo, Japan.
Avocents KVM Technology
About KVM
About Avocent
Product Portfolio
Avocent’s broad product portfolio includes data centersolutions such as: AutoView®, LongView®, OutLook®, SwitchView®, DS1800™, CPS™810/1610, XP 4000 Series. Learn more about Avocent’s full range of switching, extension, and remote access solutions at www.avocent-europe.com.