Avnet zedboard Configuration And Booting Manual

(Zynq™ Evaluation and Development)
Configuration and Booting Guide
Version 1.1
August 2012
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2
Reference Design Requirements ......................................................................................... 2
Software .......................................................................................................................... 2
Hardware ......................................................................................................................... 2
Hardware Design Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 3
Supplied Files...................................................................................................................... 4
First Things First ................................................................................................................. 5
Setting Up the ZedBoard Development Board ............................................................... 5
Extract the Zip File ......................................................................................................... 6
PC Setup.......................................................................................................................... 6
Installing the UART Driver and Virtual COM Port ................................................... 6
Installing a Serial Console on a Windows 7 Host ....................................................... 6
JTAG Configuration Mode ................................................................................................. 7
Application Download .................................................................................................... 7
GPIO Test Demo............................................................................................................. 9
SDK Software Tasks ......................................................................................................... 10
Create the SDK Workspace .......................................................................................... 10
Create the Board Support Package ............................................................................... 14
Import the GPIO Test Software Application ................................................................ 16
Running the GPIO Test Software Application ............................................................. 18
Create the First Stage Boot Loader ............................................................................... 23
Create the Boot Image .................................................................................................. 24
Booting From the SD Card ............................................................................................... 26
Prepare the SD Card ...................................................................................................... 26
GPIO Test Demo........................................................................................................... 27
Booting From QSPI Flash ................................................................................................. 28
Program the QSPI Flash................................................................................................ 28
GPIO Test Demo........................................................................................................... 36
Where to Get More Information ....................................................................................... 37
ZedBoard Website ........................................................................................................ 37
Xilinx Website .............................................................................................................. 37
Revision History ............................................................................................................... 37
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
This document provides an introduction to the available configuration and processor boot modes of the Avnet ZedBoard development board. The example design used in this guide is a basic ZynqTM -7000 All Programmable SoC design implemented and tested on the Avnet ZedBoard development board. For more information about this provided design or to build it for yourself please consult the ZedBoard: Zynq-7000 EPP Concepts, Tools, and Techniques hands-on guide found at www.zedboard.org/design. Using this example design this guide will show you how to use the JTAG configuration mode of the ZedBoard as well as how to boot the processor and configure the programmable logic of the Zynq-7000 device using the SD card and QSPI boot modes. The tasks performed in this guide follow a logical progression such that it is expected that users will start at the beginning and work their way toward the end.
Reference Design Requirements
The software requirements for this reference design are: Linux, Windows XP, Windows 7
Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.1, with PlanAhead and SDK
The hardware setup for this reference design is: Computer with 1.1 GB RAM and 1.1 GB virtual memory (recommended)
Avnet ZedBoard development board USB-A to micro-B cables
Power supply (12V)
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
Hardware Design Block Diagram
The hardware platform for this guide is based on the Processor System (PS) configuration and Programmable Logic (PL) bitstream described in the ZedBoard: Zynq-7000 EPP Concepts, Tools, and Techniques hands-on guide found at www.zedboard.org/design. The following figure shows a high-level block diagram of the hardware design. The design requires:
Z7020 Zynq-7000 AP SoC 512MB DDR3 SDRAM 256Mbit QSPI Flash USB UART Bridge Serial Port LEDs and push button switches Timer
Figure 1 – Reference Design Block Diagram
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
Supplied Files
The following directory structure is included with this reference design:
boot_image: Empty folder to use to create new BOOT.BIN boot image.
demo: Contains the script files, boot image, and application executables:
BOOT.BIN: Boot image of First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL), PL bistream, and
GPIO test application.
bootimage.bif: Boot image information text file. cp_from_sdk.bat: Batch file to copy hardware bitstream and software
executables from the SDK workspace.
gpio_test_0.elf: The golden ARM executable for the GPIO test application. load_bits.tcl: TCL script to load the PL bitstream via XMD. make_bootbin.bat: Batch file to run the command to create the boot image file. ps7_init.tcl: TCL script to initialize the ARM processor. run_gpio_test.bat: Batch file to run the commands to load the PL bitstream of
the hardware design, initialize the processor, and download the GPIO test application. run_uboot.bat: Batch file to run the commands to initialize the processor and download the u-boot application. system.bit: The golden FPGA bitstream of the hardware design required to run the GPIO test application. u-boot_autoboot_disabled.elf: The golden ARM executable for the u-boot application used to program the QSPI Flash. xmd.ini: Command file used by XMD to configure the PL with the hardware bitstream, initialize the processor, and download the software applications.
zynq_fsbl_0.elf: The golden ARM executable for the Zynq FSBL.
doc: Contains documentation for this design:
ZedBoard_boot_guide_IDS14_1_v1_1.pdf: This document.
pa: Contains the PlanAhead hardware project and SDK workspace files and folders.
SDK_sw: Contains the GPIO test software application source files.
boot_image_golden.zip: Contains pre-built BOOT.BIN boot image for this design.
demo_golden.zip: Contains the golden copies of the files in the demo folder.
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
First Things First
Setting Up the ZedBoard Development Board
Refer to the following figure and perform the following steps to set up the board for running the applications.
Figure 2 - ZedBoard Development Board
1. Verify a jumper is installed on JP6 to enable the processor to boot from the SD card.
2. Plug a USB cable into the PC and the JTAG micro-B USB connector (J17).
3. Plug a USB cable into the PC and the UART micro-B USB connector (J14).
4. Plug the 12V power supply into the barrel jack (J20). Do not turn the board on.
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
Extract the Zip File
Since you are reading this guide you have probably already extracted the zip file associated with this tutorial guide. Using Windows™ Explorer navigate to the folder where the zip file was extracted (<installation> folder). Make sure there are NO SPACES in this path. The Xilinx SDK, which is used later in this guide, does not tolerate spaces in this file path.
PC Setup
Follow the figure below to connect the ZedBoard to the development host PC to establish the USB connections for the UART and JTAG programming.
USB Cable (JTAG)
USB Cable (UART)
Zedboard Development Board
Figure 3 – Board Connection Setup
Installing the UART Driver and Virtual COM Port
If the ZedBoard development board has not been connected to the host PC before, it may be necessary to install the software driver for the virtual COM port. The driver installation for the Cypress CY7C64225 USB-UART bridge is described in detail in the
CY7C64225 Setup Guide available at http://www.zedboard.org/sites/default/files/CY7C64225_Setup_Guide_1_1.pdf.
Installing a Serial Console on a Windows 7 Host
Starting with Windows 7, Microsoft no longer includes the HyperTerminal terminal emulator software. However, this example design requires use of terminal emulation software for a serial console connection to the ZedBoard Development Board. A suitable free and open-source replacement for HyperTerminal is TeraTerm. Download and install instructions for TeraTerm can be found at http://en.sourceforge.jp/projects/ttssh2. As an alternative the Terminal applet in the Xilinx SDK may also be used.
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
JTAG Configuration Mode
You can load the FPGA and run the example software application without building the design by using the demo scripts and the pre-built hardware bitstream and software application elf files. You must have the Xilinx tools installed on your host, and have the hardware set up and connected as per the previous steps.
Application Download
1. Verify the ZedBoard is powered off and that the configuration Mode jumpers are set
for JTAG mode (all pins shunted to GND) as in the figure below:
2. Slide the power switch (SW8) to the ON position. You will see the green ‘power
good’ LED (LD13) illuminate.
3. Navigate to Control Panel Device Manager Ports (COM & LPT) and identify
the COM port connected to the ZedBoard. Start a serial terminal session for the identified COM port and set the serial port parameters to 115200 baud rate, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control.
4. Open a command window in the <installation>\demo folder and enter:
This batch file sets the proper environment variables and creates the xmd.ini script of commands to be used by the Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) tool to program the PL bitstream, initialize the processor, download the application code, and begin execution on the system by performing the following commands automatically:
source load_bits.tcl connect arm hw source ps7_init.tcl ps7_init dow gpio_test_0.elf run exit
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
5. The FPGA bitstream will be downloaded, followed by the executable file for the
software application. Do not close the command window.
6. When the executable has finished loading and is ready to run you should see the
following in your serial terminal window:
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
GPIO Test Demo
The GPIO Test application running on the ZedBoard takes user input to select which push-button switch is used to trigger the timer to turn the LED on and off.
1. Follow the screen prompts to select the push button input. One push button is routed
to the AXI GPIO peripheral (BTNU) and the other is routed to the CPU GPIO (BTNR) through the EMIO interface between the PS and PL sections. Run the application as many times as you wish and alternate which push button is selected. Leave the terminal window open when you are done. We will reuse this terminal session again later.
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
SDK Software Tasks
This aspect of the design is performed inside a SDK workspace. As you may know, the Xilinx SDK is the Integrated Design Environment (IDE) where all software related tasks are performed for both Linux and standalone (bare metal) software application development. Here we will import the pre-built GPIO test software application that is described in the ZedBoard CTT guide and create the Zynq First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL) that we will copy to the SD card and boot on the ZedBoard.
Create the SDK Workspace
1. Start in PlanAhead to generate an empty SDK workspace based on the pre-built
hardware platform described in the ZedBoard CTT guide. Navigate the Windows™
Start Menu or double click on the icon on your desktop to open PlanAhead and select Open Project.
ZedBoard Booting and Configuration Gui de ISE Design Suite 14.1
2. Navigate to the <installation>\pa\project_1 folder and select the project_1.ppr
project file. Click OK to continue.
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