Active Noise Cancelling
About BNC40
8– Volume + / – Knob (For Bl uetooth, No ise Cancelling or Wired)
9– Noise cancell ing O N/O FF Bu tton
10– Noise Can celling LED I ndi cator
Bluetooth Headphone
Model No:BNC40
Instruction Manual
The us er ma nua l exp lai ns th e features and functions of your BNC40 to help
ensure an optimal user experi ence.
Product Specifications:
Blueto oth c hip set : CSR 864 5 w/a pt-X
Noise cance llation rate: 85%
Speakers: 40mm Neodymium
Audio impedance: 32Ohm
Charging time: about 3.0 hours
Charging: M icro USB
BT operating range: ≥10 m
Connec tion: 3.5mm jack
Bat ter y time (Bluetooth only): 15 hours
Bat ter y time (Noise cancelling only): 30 hours
Bat ter y time (Bluetooth + noise cancelling): 12 hours
Bat ter y Type: Li-
Package Contents:
1. Headphone
2. Detachable Au x Cable
3. 1/4 inch Ste reo -pl ug Adapter
4. Dual-plug Adapter (For A irl ine )
5. USB Charging Cable
6. Small Mesh Bag
7. Hard Shell Case
8. Us er Manual
9. Gift box
Hea dphon e Overvi ew:
Lef t Side
1 – USB Socket (For Charging)
2– Volume – / Previous S ong (Only for Bluetooth)
3– Multifunction Button (MFB) / Sw itc h ON/ OFF, Pai ring ,
Make/Answer/End/Reject Call
4– Volume + / Next song (Only for Bluetoot h)
5– Microphone
6– 3.5mm Audio Jack
7– Bluetoot h LED I ndicator
Right Si de
Adjusting the Headba nd:
• In order to ach ieve maximum comfort and noise cancellation, the headband
should be adjusted to properly fit your head with the ear cups sitting
com for tably over your ears.
Cha rging the Headphones:
Prior to use, charge you r BNC 40 he adp hon e uni t by connecti ng th e inc lud ed
charging cable into a USB power outlet (such as USB charg ers o r computer
USB ports) and plug the other end into the headphone’s micro USB charging
port. The LED indicator will li
charge d. When charging is complete, the red LED indicator will turn off.
Act ive Noise Cancelling Mode:
• Adjust the volume on the headphones.
• To power O N the n ois e can celling function, set the ON/OFF
switch to ON. The Noise Cancelling LED indicator will light u p in bl ue.
Note: Af ter you turn ON the power, you might hear a slight hissing noise. This
is a normal function and will cease after a few secon ds.
• When the batterie s are running low, the Noise Cancelling LED indicator will
become d im.
• Once the b attery is fully drained, t he ac tive no ise c anc
off but the audio signa l from the music player will conti nue t o transmit.
• In quiet envi ronments where noise cancellation is not re qui red, the BNC40
can also be used like conventional headphones, w ith out t he us e of ba tterie s.
• When not in use, switch OFF the POWER to extend batter y life.
Blu etooth Func tion
Mai n Functions
Turning ON/OFF:
1. Power ON your headphones:
Press and hold the Multifunction Button (MFB) for about 4 seconds until the
Blueto oth L ED in dic ator light starts flashing green/red rapidly with an
ascend ing s oun d.
ght u p red showing that the unit is being
elling feature will turn
2. Power OFF your headphones: Press and hold the MFB for about 5 - 6
second s until the Bluetooth LED indicator light turns solid red with a
descen din g sou nd.
Gettin g Started wi th your BNC40:
To use your Ste reo Bluetooth Headphone, please foll ow th e steps below :
a) Ensure your Bluetooth Headphone is fully charged.
b) Pair your charge d Blu eto oth H ead pho ne wi th a Bl uetooth-enabled mobile
phone prior to fir st us e. Please fully charge your new headphone before first
Pairing y
The he adp hon e works with Bluetooth-enabled phones. Prior to using and
pairing you r hea dph one for the first time, please check to make sure your
mobile phone is Bluetoot h-enabled.
The pa iri ng in str uctions for t ypical Blueto oth -enabled mobile phones are
explained in “Pairing Your Headphone.” The headphone pairing pro ced ure
may vary depending on the settings of your mobile phone. Please contact
the ma nuf acture r of your mobile phone or its agent for furth er in formation.
1. Press and hold the MFB for about 4 secon ds un til t he Bl uetooth L
indicator flashes and alternates between green and red. The BNC40 will now
enter into pairing mode.
2. Enable searching of nearby Bluetooth devices using the Bluetooth menu
on your device.
3. Once th e “BNC40” is found, you can now connect and pair. If your device
prompts you for a passwo rd, please use “0000” - For more de tai ls, please refer
to your device’s owner manual.
4. When pairing is succe ssf ul, the Bluetooth LED indicator will flash green
every 4 seconds. I f pairing is unsucce ssf ul, please turn of f the B NC4 0
headphones and repeat the pairing steps.
After in it
reconnect to the last paired device upon turning ON.
our H eadph one:
ial pairing is established, t he he adp hon es wi ll au tomatically
Call-related Functions:
Answer a call Press MFB once to answer
End a call
Ign ore a call
Last number re -dia lin g from
Swap calls
Mus ic-re lated Fu nctions:
Play/Pause Music
Play/Pause Music
* May n ot be available for some devices. See your u ser m anu al for specific
functionality/feature s available.
Press MFB once to end
Hold MFB for 3 seconds
Press MFB twice in standby status
Press MFB for 3 secon ds
Press down the MFB Butto
once to start playing music and
press it again to pause your music
Press down the Music/Volume
Control button towards the
For ward icon to play the next
song. To play the previous song,
Press down the Music/Volume
Control button towards the
backward ic on
Voice Dialing from your Headphone:
If your mobile phone is equipped with a voice dialing funct ion , press and
hold the MFB butto n and s ay the voice tag according to the phone’s command
functions. You must record the voice tag (the person’s name) into your mobile
phone prior to usi ng th e voice dialing funct ion o n the h ead pho ne. Please
refer to your mobile phone’s user guide.
3.5mm audio socket:
You can even use the headphone when it is out of power.
Equipped with a 3.5mm audio socket, the headphone can also be used as a
common wired headphone. Just connect your mobile phone with the headphone
through the 3.5mm audio socket via the included aux cable.
• You are ab le to use both Noise Ca
• You may no tice 2 typ es of volume controls on the BNC40 headphones. The
BNC40 headphone is a multifunction headphone unit. It can be used as a
regular wired, active noise cancelling, o r BT headphone. The right side
volume wheel (Volume A) works for all functi ons - t he le ft side vo lum e
button s (Volume B) only work fo r BT headphone functi ona lit y. (See
Headphone Overview)
• Adjusting the Volume B
When you are on the phone or listen to the mus ic, push the volume button
(8)or long press the button (2) (4) r
volume level.
Troubleshooting :
If you are unable to connect your headphone and your mobile phone, please
try the following:
• Ensure your headphone is turned OFF and properly charged.
• Ensure the headphone is properly paired with your mobile phone.
• Ensure the headphone is within a 10 meter range of your paired Bluetoo th
device a nd th at there are no obstructions, such as walls or other electronic
device s in be twe en.
• Ensure your mobile phone’s Bluetooth feature is activated. Please refer to
your mobile phone user guide fo
nce lli ng & Bl uetooth Func tion
epeatedly unt il you reach the desired
r specific instructions.
• If your mobile phone is experiencing te chn ica l dif fic ult ies, you may tr y
resetting it by removing the batter y for about 20 seconds and then putting it
back securely.
• To reset certain functi ons o f the B NC4 0 hea dph one s you can simply plug in to recharge then disconnect.
Safety instruc tions :
• Always turn down the volume control before plugging the headphones into
a sound source.
• Do not use these headphones where vehicular traffic is present, or in any
other activity where a failure to he ar su rrounding sounds could be dangerous.
• Maint
dealers. Damage caused by manual modifications of the product is not
subject to warranty.
• If this product is used for other purposes than originally int end ed, the
produc t may suf fer damage and will void the warranty.
• Long-term exposure to loud music may cause hearing damage. It is best to
avoid ex treme volume when using these headphones, especially for
extended periods.
• Keep bat ter ies o ut of reach of children.
enance a nd se rvice operations are onl y to be carr ied o ut by authori zed

FCC Statement:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: Modifications to this product will void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.