AVL DiGas 4000, AVL DiCom 4000, AVL DiSmoke 4000 Service Manual

Hans-List-Platz 1
A-8020 Graz / Austria Phone: +43 316 787-0 Fax: +43 316 787-550
Ident. number: AT0391E Revision no.: 04
Edition: January 1999
Subject to alteration Printed in Austria by AVL LIST GMBH Graz
Service Manual
A VL DiGas 4000
AVL DiCom 4000
AVL DiSmoke 4000
Copyright 1999 AVL List GmbH, all rights reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced in any form or communicated to
any third party without the prior written consent of AVL. While every effort is made to ensure correctness, AVL assumes no liability for errors and omissions.
Important Notice! – Important Notice!
This manual contains important warnings and safety instructions to be observed by the user.
The product described is intended for only one certain area of application which is prescribed in the instructions. Furthermore, the manual explains the critical prerequisites for application and operation as well as the safety measures to ensure smooth operation. No warranty is granted or liability accepted if the prerequisites and safety measures are not met.
The product is to be operated and used only by qualified personnel capable of observing the required safety precautions. Only accessories and expendables either supplied or approved by AVL are to be used with the product.
Due to the operating principle of this product, the accuracy of the measurement results it produces not only depends on its correct operation and function but also upon a variety of peripheral conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer. The results obtained from this product must therefore be subjected to careful examination by an expert (e.g. for plausibility) before any action is taken that is based on the results.
Adjustments to and maintenance of devices when open and under voltage are only to be carried out by a professional technician who is aware of the dangers involved.
Repairs to the product are to be carried out by the manufacturer or qualified service personnel only.
When the product is used, a technical expert must ensure that neither the test object nor the testing equipment is operated under conditions that may lead to damage or injury.
Important Notice! – Important Notice!
Safety Instructions for Handling O2 and NO Sensors
The O2 and NO sensors are supplied fully sealed and under norma l circumstances do not represent any hazard to health.
The following instructions apply in the event of a sensor developing a leak.
Before you remove a sensor from the gas-tight original packaging, check it for leaks.
If you detect damage caused by a leak, always av oid contact with the skin.
In this event, use rubber gloves and goggles.
The O are hazardous to health (e.g. caustic potash solution and lead).
When replacing sensors, check both the old and the new one for leaks.
and NO sensors contain caustic and other substances that
First Aid
Contact with the eyes
Rinse eyes with water for at least 15 minutes - consult a doctor immediately.
Contact with the skin
Remove contaminated clothing immediately.
Wash the affected pa rt of the body thoroughly with water.
If a burning sensation is felt on the skin, consult a doctor immediately.
Drink a lot of cold water.
Consult a doctor immediately.
4000 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Periodic Maintenance
1.1 General......................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Maintenance Plan.................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Minor Maintenance.................................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.1 AVL DiGas 4000.............................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.2 AVL DiSmoke 4000........................................................................................................................1-5
1.3.3 AVL DiCom 4000...........................................................................................................................1-6
1.4 Major Maintenance.................................................................................................................................1-8
1.4.1 AVL DiGas 4000.............................................................................................................................1-8
1.4.2 AVL DiSmoke 4000........................................................................................................................1-9
1.4.3 AVL DiCom 4000...........................................................................................................................1-10
2. Error Messages and Troubleshooting
2.1 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit.................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Gas Flow Insufficient....................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 System Needs Restarting.............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.3 Measuring Chamber Temperature Too High.............................................................................2-2
2.1.4 Measuring Chamber Pressure Wrong.........................................................................................2-3
2.1.5 Leak Test Failed .............................................................................................................................2-3
2.1.6 Replace O
2.1.7 Replacing the NO Sensor..............................................................................................................2-4
2.2 Opacity Measuring Chamber................................................................................................................2-5
2.2.1 Measuring Chamber Too Hot/Too Cold....................................................................................2-5
2.2.2 Changeover Valve Error...............................................................................................................2-5
2.3 Linearity / Opacity Error,......................................................................................................................2-6
2.3.1 Opacity Measuring Chamber, Type A........................................................................................2-6
2.3.2 Opacity Measuring Chamber, Type 4000...................................................................................2-6
3. Software
3.1 General......................................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Installation of Operating Software (Software update)....................................................................... 3-4
4. Evaluation Unit
4.1 General Description................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Basic Design...................................................................................................................................4-2
4.1.2 Evaluation Unit..............................................................................................................................4-3
4.1.3 Pneumatics Rear Panel / 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit (5-Gas Option)................4-4
4.2 Hardware Setup......................................................................................................................................4-5
4.2.1 Main Board.....................................................................................................................................4-5 Digital System............................................................................................................................4-5 Analogue Data Acquisition......................................................................................................4-5 Remote Control Receiver..........................................................................................................4-5 Interfaces.....................................................................................................................................4-6 Display Control and Softkey Connection...............................................................................4-7 Generation of Auxiliary Voltage..............................................................................................4-7 Board Control.............................................................................................................................4-7
Service Manual I
Table of Contents AVL 4000 Printer Board (Option)..............................................................................................................4-8 Speed / Angle Board with Diagnostics Cable Concept (Option/Installation) .................4-8 Memory Adapter.......................................................................................................................4-11 Chamber Adapter (AVL DiCom 4000)....................................................................................4-11 Extension Slot.............................................................................................................................4-11 Mains Switch Assembly............................................................................................................4-11 Converting 230 V to 115 V Device...........................................................................................4-11 Power Supply Unit....................................................................................................................4-11 Fan...............................................................................................................................................4-12
4.3 Dismantling the 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit....................................................................4-12
4.4 Housing....................................................................................................................................................4-12
4.5 Printer.......................................................................................................................................................4-13
4.5.1 Internal Printer Unit (Option/Installation)................................................................................4-13
4.5.2 External A4 Printer (Option)........................................................................................................4-14
4.6 LCD...........................................................................................................................................................4-14
4.7 Membrane Keypad.................................................................................................................................4-14
4.8 Fan............................................................................................................................................................. 4-14
4.9 Main Board...............................................................................................................................................4-15
4.9.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-15
4.9.2 Circuit Diagrams...........................................................................................................................4-16
4.10 Speed Angle Board .................................................................................................................................4-21
4.10.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-21
4.10.2 Circuit Diagrams ...........................................................................................................................4-22
4.11 Pneumatics Board....................................................................................................................................4-26
4.11.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-26
4.11.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-27
4.12 Printer Adapter........................................................................................................................................4-28
4.12.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-28
4.12.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-29
4.13 Memory Adapter.....................................................................................................................................4-30
4.13.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-30
4.13.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-31
4.14 Connector Adapter.................................................................................................................................4-32
4.14.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-32
4.14.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-33
4.15 Chamber Adapter (opacity measuring chamber type A)..................................................................4-34
4.15.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-34
4.15.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-35
4.16 Receiver Board (opacity measuring chamber type A)........................................................................4-36
4.16.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-36
4.16.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-37
4.17 Selenium Board (opacity measuring chamber type A)......................................................................4-38
4.17.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-38
4.17.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-39
II Service Manual
4000 Table of Contents
4.18 Chamber Adapter (opacity measuring chamber 4000)......................................................................4-40
4.18.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-40
4.18.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-41
4.19 Transmitter Board (opacity measuring chamber 4000)......................................................................4-42
4.19.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-42
4.19.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-43
4.20 Receiver Board (opacity measuring chamber 4000) ...........................................................................4-44
4.20.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-44
4.20.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-45
4.21 Fan Board (opacity measuring chamber 4000).................................................................................... 4-46
4.21.1 Components Location Diagram...................................................................................................4-46
4.21.2 Circuit Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-47
4.22 Wiring Diagrams.....................................................................................................................................4-48
4.23 Internal Cabling.......................................................................................................................................4-51
4.24 4-/5-Gas Section......................................................................................................................................4-52
4.24.1 Pneumatics Board..........................................................................................................................4-52
4.24.2 Multi-gas Measuring System - General Requirements.............................................................4-52
4.25 Service Mode...........................................................................................................................................4-54
4.25.1 Changing O
and NO Sensor.......................................................................................................4-54
4.25.2 Gas Calibration..............................................................................................................................4-54
4.25.3 4-/5-Gas..........................................................................................................................................4-54
4.25.4 Diesel - Opacity Measuring Chamber Type A ...........................................................................4-60
4.25.5 Diesel - Opacity Measuring Chamber 4000...............................................................................4-62
5. 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit
5.1 General......................................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Gas Analyzer...........................................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Light Source...................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.2 Motor Unit......................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.3 Measuring Cell...............................................................................................................................5-4
5.2.4 Filter/Receiver...............................................................................................................................5-4
5.2.5 Pressure Sensor..............................................................................................................................5-4
5.2.6 Main Board and Lambda Piggyback ..........................................................................................5-5
5.2.7 Causes of Error..............................................................................................................................5-5
5.3 Layout of Pneumatics.............................................................................................................................5-5
5.3.1 Solenoid.......................................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.2 Valve Unit.......................................................................................................................................5-7
5.3.3 Particulate Filter ............................................................................................................................5-7
5.3.4 Pump...............................................................................................................................................5-8
5.3.5 Pressure Sensor..............................................................................................................................5-9
5.3.6 Pneumatics Board..........................................................................................................................5-9
5.4 Power Supply Unit for 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit........................................................5-10
5.5 Power Supply Board...............................................................................................................................5-10
Service Manual III
Table of Contents AVL 4000
5.6 O2 Sensor and NO Sensor.......................................................................................................................5-10
5.6.1 Replacing the O
5.6.2 Replacing the NO Sensor..............................................................................................................5-11
5.7 Cleaning the Condensate Part of the 4/5-Gas Bench.........................................................................5-12
5.8 Error Symptom List - Remedies............................................................................................................5-14
6. Opacity Measuring Chamber Type A
6.1 System Check with Filter........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Upgrading an AVL DiGas 4000 to an AVL DiCom 4000....................................................................6-3
6.3 General Configuration............................................................................................................................6-4
6.4 Dismantling the Opacity Measuring Chamber...................................................................................6-6
6.4.1 Housing Cover 1 (on Exhaust Gas Outlet Side)........................................................................6-6
6.4.2 Housing Cover 2 (on Exhaust Gas Inlet Side) ...........................................................................6-7
6.4.3 Half-shells 1 and 2.........................................................................................................................6-9
6.5 Fans...........................................................................................................................................................6-12
6.6 Heating Blocks and Orifice Plates.........................................................................................................6-13
6.7 Changeover Valve with Geared Motor.................................................................................................6-15
6.8 Temperature Sensor................................................................................................................................6-17
6.9 Lamp Module (BO1135) .........................................................................................................................6-19
6.10 Detector (BO1134)...................................................................................................................................6-21
6.11 Purging Air Panels (YM2691)................................................................................................................6-23
6.12 Electrical Wiring......................................................................................................................................6-24
6.13 Reassembly of the Opacity Measuring Chamber................................................................................6-32
7. Opacity Measuring Chamber 4000
7.1 System Check with Filter........................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Upgrading an AVL 4000 DiGas to an AVL 4000 DiCom..................................................................7-2
7.3 Assembling and Disassembling the Opacity Measuring Chamber..................................................7-4
7.4 Design and Details of Assemblies.........................................................................................................7-5
7.4.1 Fan Unit (BO2189)......................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.4.2 Measurement Cell (BO2138)........................................................................................................7-6 Replacing the Temperature Sensor in the Heating System..................................................7-6
7.4.3 Valve Unit (BO2139)......................................................................................................................7-7 Replacing the Temperature Sensor..........................................................................................7-7
7.4.4 Transmitter and Detector Unit.....................................................................................................7-8 Checking the Light Sources (green LEDs) and the Receiver ...............................................7-8 Checking the Reference Receiver............................................................................................7-8
7.5 Assembling the Opacity Measuring Chamber....................................................................................7-10
8. Spare Parts Lists
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Standard List............................................................................................................................................8-2
8.3 AVL 4000 with Opacity Measuring Chamber Type A........................................................................8-6
8.4 AVL 4000 with Opacity Measuring Chamber Model A France.........................................................8-10
9. Tools for the Service Technician
IV Service Manual

4000 Periodic Maintenance

1. Periodic Maintenance
1.1 General
This Service Manual describes the following instruments:
AVL DiGas 4000 (= AVL DiTest 5400)
AVL DiSmoke 4000 (= AVL DiTest 5430)
AVL DiCom 4000 (= AVL DiTest 5460)
Some areas are described in detail in the respective Operating Manual and therefore not dealt with in this Service Manual.
We therefore advise always using the Service Manual together with the respective Operating Manual.
Service Manual 1-1
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000
1.2 Maintenance Plan
To ensure that the te ster always functions properly, maintenance must be carried out at regular intervals.
Maintenance work
Leak test
Filter replacement
Pre-filter on probe Particulate filter Condensate filter Activated carbon filter
One a year
(minor maintenance)
(major maintenance)
Automatically required
by tester every day
Replace in good time when soiled by HC vapour (e.g. petrol vapour).
Entry in main-
tenance log book
Probe and hose Condensate pump
(cleaning kit)
Calibration with calibrating gas
Replacing O2 sensor
Replacing NO sensor Replacement is
Visual check of outside Check using software Software update (as required) Open tester, visual inspection
of PCBs, clean, close housing, seal with service seal
as per statutory requirements
see Operating Manual see Operating Manual
Replacement is
requested by tester
requested by tester
Service engineer Service engineer Service engineer
1-2 Service Manual
4000 Periodic Maintenance
Maintenance work
Opacity measuring chamber type A
Visual check (silicon seal, leaks in housing, housing components, closure fittings, snap mechanism of the optical elements, electrical connections, probe connection plate O-ring, electrical cables, soiling of measuring chamber and purging air channel)
One a year
(major maintenance)
(minor maintenance)
Entry in main-
tenance log book
Function check (fans, heating, changeover valve)
Cleaning of optical elements
Linear check Change lamps
Opacity measuring chamber type 4000
Visual check (silicon seal, leaks in housing, housing components, closure fittings, snap mechanism of the optical elements, electrical connections, electrical cables)
Function check (fan, heating, changeover valve)
Cleaning of optical elements
Linear check
Service Manual 1-3
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000
1.3 Minor Maintenance

1.3.1 AVL DiGas 4000

Evaluation unit
Check using software
Raw data from 4-/5-gas measuring instruments unit OK?
sensor is OK?
NO se nsor is OK?
Visual check of outside
Entry in maintenance log book
Replace particulate filter
(see section 5.3.3 Particulate Filter)
Check O-ring paper filter
Visual inspection of probe and hose
Function check
Leak test (see Operating Manual)
Gas calibration (see Operating Manual)
1-4 Service Manual
4000 Periodic Maintenance

1.3.2 AVL DiSmoke 4000

Evaluation unit
Visual inspection
Enter in maintenance log book
Opacity measuring chamber, type 4000
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe hose, probe clamp
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fan
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Linear check
Service Manual 1-5
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000

1.3.3 AVL DiCom 4000

Evaluation unit
Check using software
Raw data from 4-gas measuring instruments unit OK?
sensor is OK?
NO se nsor is OK?
Visual inspection
Enter in maintenance log book
Replace particulate filter
(see section 5.3.3 Particulate Filter)
Check O-ring paper filter
Visual inspection of probe and hose
Opacity measuring chamber type A
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe connection plate O-ring
Probe hose, probe clamp
S oiling of measuring chamber, purging air channel
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fans
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
("Calibration", "Test", "Deactivate" settings - visual check or diesel service mode)
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Linear check
1-6 Service Manual
4000 Periodic Maintenance
Opacity measuring chamber type 4000
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe hose, probe clamp
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fan
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Linear check
Function test
Leak test (see Operating Manual)
Gas calibration (see Operating Manual)
Service Manual 1-7
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000
1.4 Major Maintenance

1.4.1 AVL DiGas 4000

Evaluation Unit
Check using software
Raw data from 4-gas measuring instruments unit OK?
sensor is OK?
NO sensor is OK?
Open evaluation unit (remove cover)
Visual inspection, clean pcb
If necessary update setpoint data and software
Close housing, seal with service seal
Enter in maintenance log book
Replace particulate filter
(see section 5.3.3 Particulate Filter)
Check O-ring paper filter
Visual inspection probe and hose
Clean condensate pump
(using cleaning kit)
Function test
Leak test
Gas calibration
1-8 Service Manual
4000 Periodic Maintenance

1.4.2 AVL DiSmoke 4000

Evaluation unit
Open evaluation unit (remove cover)
Visual inspection, clean pcb
If necessary update setpoint data and software
Close housing, seal with service seal
Enter in maintenance log book
Opacity measuring chamber
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe hose, probe clamp
S oiling of measuring chamber, purging air channel
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fan
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Linear check
Visual inspection probe and hose
Service Manual 1-9
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000

1.4.3 AVL DiCom 4000

Evaluation unit
Check using software
Raw data from 4-gas measuring instruments unit OK?
sensor is OK?
NO sensor is OK?
Open evaluation unit (remove cover)
Visual inspection, clean pcb
If necessary update setpoint data and software
Close housing, seal with service seal
Enter in maintenance log book
Opacity measuring chamber type A
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe connection plate O-ring
Probe hose, probe clamp
S oiling of measuring chamber, purging air channel
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fans
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
("Calibration", "Test", "Deactivate" settings - visual check or diesel service mode)
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Cha nge la mps
Linear check
1-10 Service Manual
4000 Periodic Maintenance
Opacity measuring chamber type 4000
Visual check
Silicon seal
L eaks in housing
Housing c ompone nts (cracks, faults)
C losure f ittings, snap mechanism of optical elements
E lectrical plug connections and cables
Probe hose, probe clamp
S oiling of measuring chamber, purging air channel
Function check
(each test is described in the Operating Manual)
Test function of fans
Test function of heating
Check cha ngeover va lve
Clean the optical elements (by wiping)
Linear check
Replace particulate filter
(see section 5.3.3 Particulate Filter)
Check O-ring paper filter
Visual inspection probe and hose
Clean condensate pump
(using cleaning kit)
Function test
Leak test
Gas calibration
Service Manual 1-11
Periodic Maintenance AVL 4000
1-12 Service Manual

4000 Error Messages and Troubleshooting

2. Error Messages and Troubleshooting

2.1 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit

2.1.1 Gas Flow Insufficient

Check the following:
Is the exhaust gas probe nozzle blocked?
Clean the probe out with compressed air.
CAUTION - before doing so, always disconnect the probe from the tester!
Is the measurement gas outlet blocked?
Is the flexible probe hose kinked or is there a heavy object on the hose that is stopping
the gas flow?
Check the paper filter in the filter housing
If the filter is black, replace it.
Always carry out a leak test after replacing a filter.
A soiled filter can cause soiling or even damage to the measurement cell.
If the above measures do not solve the problem, the hose system must be blocked (in the measuring instruments unit) or the pump is defective.
Remove the measuring instruments unit (see Dismantling the 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit) and check the hose system and pump (see 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit).
Service Manual 2-1
Error Messages and Troubleshooting AVL 4000

2.1.2 System Needs Restarting

If two consecutive attempts at restarting do not return the tester to normal operating mode, the measuring instruments unit must be defective.
Remove the unit (see Dismantling the 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit) and
check the
measuring cell
light source
Check the cable between the main board and the measuring instruments unit

2.1.3 Measuring Chamber Temperature Too High

Remove the probe from the exhaust pipe (because when this error occurs, the tester switches to zero calibration mode and needs to draw in fresh air).
Do not switch the tester off!
Wait at least 10 min
• Acknowledge the error by pressing >>,
Select “Measurement” again.
If the same error message appears again, there is a fault in the measuring instruments
Remove the unit (see Dismantling the 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit).
Check the cable to the receiver / replace the unit if necessary (i.e. filter/receiver).
2-2 Service Manual
4000 Error Messages and Troubleshooting

2.1.4 Measuring Chamber Pressure Wrong

Check whether the measurement gas outlet is blocked.
• If it is, remove blockage and acknowledge by pressing >>.
If you are unable to remedy the error, the measuring instruments unit must be
Remove the unit (see Dismantling the 4-/5-Gas Measuring Instruments Unit).
Check whether the hose system is blocked (with deposits or conde nsate; see Layout of
Check or replace the pressure sensor (see Pressure Sensor).

2.1.5 Leak Test Failed

If the tester fails its own leak test, check the entire sampling line for lea ks from the tip of the probe to the inlet on the rear panel of the tester.
If you find no leaks, disconnect the probe hose from the tester.
Connect a 2 m hose that is guaranteed leakproof to the inlet port of the teste r, close it
off and carry out another le ak test.
If the system passes the test, the leak must be in the probe/hose assembly.
If the system fails the leak test, check the O-rings in the filter housing and
condensate trap and check whether the connections for the probe hose and condensate drainage hose are leaking. Replace the tester’s filter, including the probe pre-filter.
If the system still fails the leak test, there must be a lea k inside the system or the
pump is too weak.
Also check whether the tester has been stored with condensate in it at temperatures below 0° C (leaks may be caused by ice).
Service Manual 2-3
Error Messages and Troubleshooting AVL 4000
2.1.6 Replace O2 Sensor
When the O2 sensor needs replacing, the appropriate message is output on the display.
Switch the tester off and disconnect it from the mains.
Remove the O
sensor (see section 5.6.1 Replacing the O2 Sensor).
Observe the safety instructions for handling O2 sensors at the front of this manual.
Old sensors must be properly disposed of (they are highly toxic special waste).
Every time the O (i.e. entered in the maintenance book).
sensor is replaced, this must be recorded
Whenever the O2 sensor is replaced it must be reparametrised - see Operating Manual.

2.1.7 Replacing the NO Sensor

A message appears on the display when the NO sensor needs replacing.
Switch the instrument off and disconnect the mains cable.
Remove the NO sensor (see section 5.6.2 Replacing the NO Sensor).
Observe the safety instructions for ha ndling O2 sensors at the front of this manual.
Old sensors must be properly disposed of (they are highly toxic special waste).
Every time the O (i.e. entered in the maintenance book).
sensor is replaced, this must be recorded
2-4 Service Manual
4000 Error Messages and Troubleshooting

2.2 Opacity Measuring Chamber

2.2.1 Measuring Chamber Too Hot/Too Cold

If the error message "Measuring chambe r too hot" occurs during operation, remove the probe from the exhaust pipe and wait until the temperature returns to the permitted range. Acknowledge the message by pressing >>.
If the error message "Measuring chamber too cold" is displayed, the chamber has been cooled by cold exhaust gas. Wait until the measuring chamber has heated up again to at least 80° C and acknowledge the message by pressing >>.
If the measuring chamber temperature does not return to the permitted range after several attempts (2 to 3 times), there must be a fault.
If the temperature is still too low, one of the heating blocks has probably fa iled (see
Operating Manual - Heating Function Test or section 6.6 Heating Blocks and Orifice Plates) or a temperature sensor has failed (see section 6.8 Temperature Sensor).
If the temperature is still too high, the feedback control system is malfunctioning (see
section. 4.2.1 Main Board). But check the temperature sensor as well, just in case.

2.2.2 Changeover Valve Error

This message suggests failure of the changeover valve in the opacity measuring chamber.
Replace changeover valve.
Do not lubricate the changeover valve.
Service Manual 2-5
Error Messages and Troubleshooting AVL 4000

2.3 Linearity / Opacity Error,

2.3.1 Opacity Measuring Chamber, Type A

If either of these messages occur, proceed as follows.
Fold the optical elements of the opacity measuring chamber to the side, out of the
Check that both lamps are working - they must both be on.
Replace lamps, if necessary (see section 6.9 Lamp Module).
Clean the glass disc in front of the optical elements.(see Operating Manual, Cleaning
the Optical Elements of the Opacity Measuring Chamber).
Fold the optical elements back into place and acknowledge the message by pressing
>> - you will then see the main opacimeter menu.

2.3.2 Opacity Measuring Chamber, Type 4000

Remove the lens protector from the opacity measuring chamber and check the windows – clean if necessary.
Press << to start an automatic calibration.
If the instrument calibrates itself successfully, you will find yourself in the main
If the calibra tion f ails, the error message is displayed again. Press >> to call up the diesel service screen for further error diagnosis.
2-6 Service Manual

4000 Software

3. Software
3.1 General
The instrument carries out an automatic self-test when it is powe red up at the ON/OFF switch.
The following data is displayed during the self-test:
Fig. 3-1
1. Installed software version
2. Checksums (depending on the country-specific software, allows the calibrating authorities to monitor)
The following checksums are displayed
me mory (checksums for petrol and diesel)
Customer memory Checksum Not available 0002
500 KB 0036 1 MB 00F6
Service Manual 3-1
Software AVL 4000
Software options The first two hexadecimal digits of the four-digit checksum indicate the software
options installed (i.e. available for use).
hex. digit 2nd hex. digit 3rd hex digit 4th hex digit
no significance
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Speed Angle Board
Diagnostics Plus
Diagnostics Plus
Emission Expert Petrol
Emission Expert
BMW option
*)Bit = 0: Option not available
Bit = 1: Option available Exception: BMW option
(bit = 0: option available, bit = 1 : option not available)
The Speed Angle Board is absolutely necessary for the software options!
e.g. all options installed
01xx ....... no options installed
The f ollowing checksums a re also displayed checksum for sections of the petrol program that are relevant to the
measurement technology checksum for sections of the diesel program that are relevant to the
measurement technology
checksum for official measurement supplementary checksum
3. Printer (internal dot matrix or external A4 printer)
4. Keyboard
5. 4 or 5-gas measuring chamber
6. Measuring head for diesel (opacity measuring chamber)
7. Hardware self-test result
3-2 Service Manual
+ 152 hidden pages