The product and the information contained herein is subject to change without prior notification.
This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced or transmitted in any form either
electronically or mechanically, including photocopying and recording, without the express written
consent of Aviton Care Limited.
Thank you for choosing the PND as your in-car navigator. Read the Quick Start Guide first and start
using the PND right away. This document is the detailed description of the navigation software. You
can easily discover the PND while you are using it; however, we still recommend that you read this
manual to understand the screens and the features of AZ291MA.
Table of contents
1 Warnings and Safety information ..................................................................................7
2 Getting started with AZ291MA......................................................................................8
2.2 Buttons and other controls on the screen................................. .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... 11
2.2.1 Using keyboards................................................................................................................................12
2.3 Using the map......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Checking the details of a map location.............................................................................................13
2.3.2 Manipulating the map........................... ................................................................................ ............13
2.3.3 Lane information and Signposts.............................................. .........................................................16
2.3.4 Status information and hidden controls on the map.........................................................................16
2.3.5 Using the Cursor (the selected map location) ..................................................................................19
2.4.2 Position markers................................................................... .............................................................21 Current GPS position and Lock-on-Road..................................................................................................21 Returning to normal navigation........................................................................... ........... ...........................21 Original position in the Cursor menu........................................................................................................22
2.4.3 Daytime and night color profiles......................................................................................................22
2.4.4 Color scheme in tunnels....................................................................................................................23
2.4.5 Route calculation and rec a lculation..................................................................................................23 Camera types............................................................................................ ................................................27 Camera directions.......................................... ..........................................................................................28
3 Navigating with AZ291MA ...........................................................................................30
3.1 Selecting the destination of a route ........................................................................................30
3.1.1 Selecting the Cursor as the de stination.............................................................................................30
3.1.2 Entering an address or part of an address....................... ..................................................................31 Entering an address ...................................................................................................................................31 Entering an address if house numbering is restarted................................................................................32 Entering an address without knowing the district/suburb.........................................................................34 Selecting an intersection as the destination...............................................................................................35 Selecting a city center as the destination...................................................................................................36
4 Entering an address with a ZIP code.........................................................................................................37 Tips on entering addresses quickly............................................................................................................38
3.1.3 Selecting the destination from your Favorites..................................................................................38
3.1.4 Selecting the destination from the POIs............................................ ...............................................38
3.1.5 Selecting the destination with saved POI search criteria.................................................................40
3.1.6 Selecting the destinatio n from the History................................................. ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .... . . ......40
3.1.7 Selecting the destinatio n by entering its coordinates.......................................................................40
3.2 Creating a multi-point route (inserting a via point)...... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... ....... ... .... ... .... .... ... ... 41
3.3 Creating a multi-point route (appending a new destination)................................................. 42
3.4 Editing the route..................................................................................................................... 42
3.5 Viewing the entire route on the map (Fit-to-Screen)............. ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... 43
3.6 Watching the simulation of the route......................................................................................43
4.1.1 Icons on the map............................ ...................................................... ............................... ..............50 Battery, GPS position quality and Vehicle type indicator.........................................................................50 Status indicator strip ..................................................................................................................................51 Next two route events (Turn Preview fields)..............................................................................................52
4.1.2 Objects on the map................................ ............................................................................................52 Streets and roads........................................................................................................................................52 3D object types .......................................................................................................................... .................53 Elements of the active route.......................................................................................................................53
4.1.5 Position menu................................................................................................ ....................................57
4.1.6 Route Information screen........................... .......................................................................................57
4.1.7 Trip Information screen ................................. ...................................................................................58
4.5.9 Menu settings..................................................................................................... ...............................78
6 End User License Agreement........................................................................................82
1 Warnings and Safety information
AZ291MA is a navigation system that helps you find your way to your destination with its GPS
receiver. AZ291MA does not transmit your GPS position; others cannot track you.
It is important that you look at the display only when it is safe to do so. If you are the driver of the
vehicle, we recommend that you operate AZ291MA before you start your journey. Plan the route
before your departure and stop if you need to change something in the route.
AZ291MA has a Safety Mode: if you turn on Safety Mode, you cannot change anything in AZ291MA
while the vehicle is moving at a speed of 10 km/h (6 mph) or higher. Unless only passengers operate
AZ291MA, we strongly encourage you to turn on Safety Mode.
You must obey the traffic signs and follow the road geometry. If you deviate from the route that
AZ291MA recommended, AZ291MA changes the instructions accordingly.
Never place PND where it obstructs the driver's view, where it is in the deployment zone of an airbag
or where it might cause injuries in an accident.
For more information, consult the End User License Agreement (page 82).
2 Getting started with AZ291MA
AZ291MA is optimized for in-car use. You can use it easily by tapping the screen buttons and the map
with your fingertips.
AZ291MA can plan routes throughout the whole installed map set; you do not need to change maps
or switch to a poorly detailed general map to navigate between map segments or countries.
Tasks Instructions
Using a stylus You do not need a stylus to use AZ291MA. Tap the buttons and the map
with your fingertips.
Double tapping the
Tapping and holding
the screen
You do not need to tap the screen twice for any action. With buttons and
controls, a single tap is enough.
You do not need this to access the basic navigation functions. Tap and keep
pressing the following buttons to reach extra functions:
•Tap and hold
maximum zoom level of Smart Zoom.
•Tap and hold any of the
Map screen: you can set or reset the zoom value of the button (2D
•Tap and hold any of the
Map screen: you can set or reset the tilt and zoom values of the
button (3D map).
•Tap and hold
menu appears.
•Tap and hold any of the
buttons on the Map screen: you can rotate, tilt or scale the map
•Tap and hold
several characters quickly.
on the Map screen: you can set the minimum and
buttons on the
buttons on the
on list and menu screens: the Navigation
, , , , , and
on keyboard screens: you can delete
•Tap and hold
•Tap and hold the buttons in the Quick menu to open screens related
with the function of the button from the Manage menu or the Settings
Gestures (drag&drop)
You do not need gestures to access the basic navigation features. You
need to drag and drop the screen only in cases like:
• Moving the handle on a slider.
• Moving the map: grab the map, and move it in the desired direction.
• Shortcut to open the Map screen: slide your finger from the bottom
or in long lists: you can scroll pages
Tasks Instructions
right corner to the bottom left corner on any screen.
•Shortcut to open the Navigation menu: slide your finger from the top
left corner to the bottom left corner on any screen.
Start using AZ291MA
When AZ291MA is started the first time, you need to do the following:
1. Select the written language of the application interface. Later you can change it in Settings
(page 74).
2. Select the language and speaker used for voice guidance messages. Later you can change it
in Settings (page 74).
3. Read and accept the End User License Agreement (page 82).
4. Select whether to start the program in Simple mode or in Advanced mode. Later you can
switch between the two operating modes in Settings.
After this, the Navigation menu appears and you can start using AZ291MA.
The Navigation menu in Simple mode:
The Navigation menu in Advanced mode:
The typical way of using AZ291MA is to select a destination, and start navigating. You can select your
destination in the following ways (not all of them are available in Simple mode):
• Use the selected location on the map (the Cursor) (page 30).
• Enter a full address or a part of an address, for example a street name without a house number
or the names of two intersecting streets (page 31).
•Enter an address with ZIP code (page 37). This way you do not need to select the name of the
city and the search for street names might be faster as well.
• Use a coordinate (page 40)
• Use a saved location:
• a Favorite (page 38)
• a POI (page 38)
• the History of previously set destinations and waypoints (page 40)
2.1 Simple and Advanced modes
The two operating modes of AZ291MA mainly differ in the menu structure and the number of available
features. The controls and screen layouts are the same.
•Simple mode: you have easy access to the most important navigation functions and the basic
settings only. The rest of the settings are set to values that are optimal for typical use.
•Advanced mode: you have access to the full functionality of AZ291MA.
To switch from Simple mode to Advanced mode: on the startup screen (Navigation Menu), tap
, .
To switch from Advanced mode to Simple mode: on the startup screen (Navigation Menu), tap
The features and settings available in each mode are as follows:
Type of action Available in
Simple mode
Navigating to a selected map point Yes Yes See page 30
Navigating to a street address Yes Yes See page 31
Navigating to an incomplete address Yes Yes See page 31
Navigating to an intersection Yes Yes See page 35
Navigating to recent destinations (History) Yes Yes See page 40
Navigating to Favorites Yes Yes See page 38
Navigating to a POI Yes Yes See page 38
Navigating to coordinates No Yes See page 40
Creating a multi-point route No Yes See page 41
Saving a map point as a Favorite
Saving a map point as a POI No Yes See page 55
Saving a map point as a location of a
Road Safety Camera
Mark a map point with a Pin No Yes See page 55
Saving the active route No Yes See page 46
Saving Track Logs No Yes See page 25
Map Screen settings Only color profiles
Menu settings Only background
Sound settings Yes (from Quick
Route Planning options Yes Yes See page 72
Regional settings Only language
Warnings No Yes See page 76
Yes Yes See page 55
No Yes See page 55
(from Quick Menu)
Available in
Advanced mode
Yes See page 71
Yes See page 78
Yes See page 72
Yes See page 74
2.2 Buttons and other controls on the screen
When you are using AZ291MA, you usually tap buttons on the touch screen.
You only need to confirm selections or changes in AZ291MA if the application needs to restart, it
needs to perform a major reconfiguration, or you are about to lose some of your data or settings.
Otherwise, AZ291MA saves your selections and applies the new settings without confirmation as
soon as you use the controls.
Type Example Description How to use it
Tap it to initiate a function, to open a
new screen, or to set a parameter.
Shows status information.
When you need to select from several
options, they appear in a list.
When a feature has several different
unnamed values, AZ291MA shows an
indicator on a gauge that displays and
sets a value from a range.
When there are only two choices, a
checkmark shows whether the feature
is enabled.
Tap it once.
Some icons also function
as a button. Tap them
Move between pages with
buttons and tap the value
that you want.
• Drag the handle to
• Tap the slider
Tap it to turn the switch on
or off.
move the slider to
its new position.
where you want the
handle to appear;
the thumb jumps
Alphabetic and alphanumeric
keyboards to enter text and numbers.
Each key is a touch
screen button.
2.2.1 Using keyboards
You only need to enter letters or numbers in AZ291MA when you cannot avoid it. You can type with
your fingertips on the full-screen keyboards and you can switch between various keyboard layouts, for
example ABC, QWERTY, or numerical.
Task Details
Switching to another keyboard
layout, for example from an English
QWERTY keyboard to a Greek
Correcting your entry on the
Entering a space, for example
between a first name and a family
name or in multi-word street names
Entering lowercase or capital letters
Tap , and select from the list of available
keyboard types.
AZ291MA remembers your last keyboard choice and offers it
the next time you need to enter data.
Tap and hold the button to delete the entire input string.
to remove the unneeded character(s).
capitals or all capitals.
Entering symbols
Finalising the keyboard entry
to cycle through entering lowercase letters, initial
to switch to a keyboard offering symbol characters.
2.3 Using the map
The map screen is the most frequently used screen of AZ291MA. It can be accessed from the
Navigation menu by tapping
For further information about the map screen, see page 47.
2.3.1 Checking the details of a map location
•If you are interested in the details of your current position during navigation:
1. Check the bottom line of the map. It shows the current street and house number
2. For further details, tap
3. Tap
•You can check the details of any other location by selecting it on the map:
1. Tap the map anywhere to open the map control buttons.
2. Tap the desired location on the map. The Cursor (
the location is displayed at the bottom of the map.
3. For further details, tap
4. Tap
•It is even easier if you select the desired point in the Find menu. Then the Cursor menu opens
automatically. You only need to tap the
. The address, the coordinate and the list of nearby POIs will be
. The address, the coordinate and the list of nearby POIs will be
to open the Position menu.
) appears there. The address of
to open the Cursor menu.
2.3.2 Manipulating the map
Position markers on the map:
• Current GPS position:
• Selected location (Cursor):
The following controls help you modify the map view to suit your actual needs the best. Most of these
controls appear only if you tap the map once, and disappear after a few seconds of inactivity.
(page 21)
(page 22)
Action Button(s) Description
Moving the map with
Opening/closing map
control buttons
No buttons
You can move the map into any direction: tap and
hold the map, and move your finger to the direction
in which you want to move the map.
If GPS position is available and you have moved
the map, the
to return to the GPS position.
Tap this button to show or hide the following map
control buttons:
button appears. Tap this button
Action Button(s) Description
• Zoom in/out
• Rotate left/right (3D map only)
• Tilt up/down (3D map only)
• Zoom preset buttons (2D map only)
• Tilt and zoom preset buttons (3D map only)
• Return to GPS position button
• Smart Zoom button
Zooming in and out
Tilting up and down
Rotating left and right
Changes how much of the map is displayed on the
AZ291MA uses high-quality vector maps that let
you see the map at various zoom levels, always
with optimized content. It always displays street
names and other text with the same font size, never
upside-down, and you only see the streets and
objects that you need.
Map scaling has different limits in 2D and in 3D
map view modes.
Changes the vertical view angle of the map in 3D
Changes the horizontal view angle of the map in 3D
When GPS position is available, AZ291MA always
rotates the map so its top faces your direction of
travel (Track-Up orientation). You can turn away
from Track-Up with these buttons.
If GPS position is available and you have rotated
the map, the
to re-enable the automatic map rotation.
button appears. Tap this button
Viewing modes
, ,
Smart Zoom
Gives you the following map perspectives in
•classic top-down view (2D), the top of the
map always faces North
•top-down view (2D), the top of the map
always points in the current driving direction
•perspective view (3D) the top of the map
always points in the current driving direction
The icon always shows the mode the button
switches to: If you are in 3D mode, you can see the
button and you need to tap it to switch to 2D
AZ291MA can automatically rotate, scale and tilt
the map and give you the optimal view:
Action Button(s) Description
•When you are approaching a turn, AZ291MA
zooms in and raises the view angle to let you
easily recognize your maneuver at the next
•If the next turn is at a distance, AZ291MA
zooms out and lowers the view angle to
show you the road in front of you.
Tap this button once
Tap&hold the button
to enable Smart Zoom.
to set the zoom limits of Smart
Returning to normal
navigation (back to the
GPS position with
automatic map
Zoom preset buttons
(available in Advanced
mode only)
Tilt and zoom preset
buttons (available in
Advanced mode only)
Map scale
Tap this button to move the map back to the current
GPS position. If the map has been rotated,
automatic map rotation is also re-enabled.
Tap one of the preset buttons to set the zoom level
to a fix, predefined value. Smart Zoom is disabled.
These buttons are available in 2D mode.
Tap&hold any of the buttons
current zoom level, or to reset it to its original value.
Tap one of the preset buttons to set the tilt and
zoom levels to fix, predefined values. Smart Zoom
is disabled. These buttons are available in 3D
Tap&hold any of the buttons
current tilt and zoom levels, or to reset it to its
original value.
AZ291MA shows the scale of the map in 2D mode.
This button does not appear on the Map screen. It
is available on the following screens:
•Plan on Map screen: When you have an
active route, you can display it in its full
length on the map.
to set its value to the
to set its value to the
•Track Information screen: A track log can be
displayed in its full length on the map.
2.3.3 Lane information and Signposts
When navigating on multilane roads, it is important to take the appropriate lane in order to follow the
recommended route. If lane information is available in the map data, AZ291MA displays the lanes and
their directions using small arrows either at the bottom or at the top of the map (the position of these
arrows can be modified in Map Screen settings). Arrows in yellow represent the lanes you need to
Where there is additional information available, signposts substitute arrows. Signposts are always
displayed at the top of the map. The color and style of the signposts are similar to the real ones you
can see above road or by the roadside. They show the available destinations and the number of the
road the lane leads to.
All signposts look similar when cruising (when there is no recommended route). When navigating a
route, only that signpost is displayed in vivid colors that points to the lane(s) to be taken; all others are
darkened out.
2.3.4 Status information and hidden controls on the map
The following information appears in the rounded field in the top left corner, the Turn Preview field.
When tapping this area, the result depends on the information currently shown.
Icon Information Details Action
There is no active
route in Simple mode
There is no active
route in Advanced
There is no valid GPS
If the icon is a static
picture, route
calculation is needed
If there is no route to be
navigated in Simple mode,
this icon appears in the
Turn Preview field.
If there is no route to be
navigated in Advanced
mode, this icon appears in
the Turn Preview field.
If an active route exists,
and there is no valid GPS
position, the view of the
sky above you is shown
with colored dots for each
satellite. Some dots need
to turn green to be able to
GPS position and an active
route are available, but
automatic off-route
recalculation is switched
off, and you deviated from
the route.
Tap this area to open Find
Tap this area to open Find.
Tap this area to open the Route
Information screen.
Tap this area to make AZ291MA
recalculate the recommended
Icon Information Details Action
If the icon is animated,
The following area appears next to the above described rounded area. When tapping this area, the
result depends on the information currently shown.
route calculation is in
Next route event (next
AZ291MA is calculating or
recalculating the route.
GPS position and an active
route are available, and
you navigate the
recommended route. This
area gives you information
about the type and
distance of the next route
Nothing happens if you tap this
area of the screen.
Tap this area to open the Route
Information screen.
Icon Information Details Action
There is no valid GPS
If there is no valid GPS
position, this symbol
appears here.
Tap this area to open the GPS
Data screen to check the signal
status or the connection settings.
Traffic restriction When GPS position is
available but there is no
route to be navigated, the
traffic restriction of the
upcoming intersection is
shown here if there is any.
Second route event
(maneuver after the
next maneuver)
Approaching a Road
Safety Camera
Stops the running
Route recalculation
When GPS position and an
active route are both
available, this field shows
the route event that follows
the next route event shown
in the above described
This icon appears when
you are approaching a
Road Safety Camera, and
the warning for cameras is
enabled in Settings.
This icon appears during
Route Fly Over, Route
Simulation, and Track Log
During route recalculation,
this field shows the
recalculation progress
between 0% and 100%.
Nothing happens if you tap this
area of the screen.
Tap this area to open the Itinerary
screen with the turn by turn
guidance instructions.
Tap this area to suppress the
audible camera warning.
Tap again to display the second
route event with the possibility to
open the Itinerary.
Tap this area to stop the
Nothing happens if you tap this
area of the screen.
Icon Information Details Action
Indicator strip
- sounds muted/enabled
- Track Log recording
Tap this area to open the Itinerary
screen with the turn by turn
guidance instructions.
The following symbols appear in the Indicator strip:
- TMC status
Icon Description
The sound output of AZ291MA is muted.
The sound output of AZ291MA is enabled.
AZ291MA records a Track log when GPS position is available.
Track log recording is disabled.
No TMC receiver is connected or TMC is turned off.
A TMC receiver is connected and a radio station with TMC broadcast is received.
There are new, unread Traffic events.
A part of the route is bypassed based on Traffic events.
A part of the route is mentioned in Traffic events but it has not been bypassed (for
example, even the best detour would be too long) or it could not be bypassed (for
example, the destination is on a congested street).
The following information can be seen in the three data fields shown on the map screen. Tap this area
to open the Trip Information screen where you can select which values to be shown in these three
When there is no active route, these fields show the following information: current speed, compass
and the current time of day.
Icon Type More information
Speed information
Time information
Shows the direction of your heading both when the map is
automatically rotated (3D) and when the map is always
facing North (2D).
There are speed values that can be shown:
• Current speed
• Speed limit on the current road
There are time values that can be shown:
• Current GPS time
• Time remaining to reach the destination
Icon Type More information
• Time remaining to reach the next via point
• Estimated arrival time at the destination
• Estimated arrival time at the next via point
The next area is a combined status indicator field. Tap this area to open the Quick menu (page 61).
There are distance type values that can be shown:
• Distance remaining to reach the destination
• Distance remaining to reach the next via point
• Current altitude
Icon Status for More information
GPS position
Battery status
The battery is
being charged
Vehicle type
A higher number of lit bars indicates better GPS position
The device is running on battery power. The number of lit
bars represent the remaining capacity.
The device is running on external power. The battery is being
The symbol displays the vehicle type used for route
2.3.5 Using the Cursor (the selected map location)
First, place the Cursor at the desired map location with one of the following options:
•Use the Find menu to select a location. The map returns with the selected point (the Cursor) in
the middle, and the Cursor menu appears with the available options.
•Tap the screen and tap again to place the Cursor at the desired location. Now tap
open the Cursor menu.
You can perform the following actions in Simple mode:
Button Action
Creates a new route with the Cursor as the destination. The previous route (if
exists) is deleted.
Saves the Cursor as a Favorite destination
Opens a screen with the name, address and coordinate information of the
Cursor, and the list of POIs near it
The following options are available in Advanced mode only:
Button Action
In the active route, uses the Cursor as the start point by replacing the current
GPS position (available in Advanced mode only)
Creates a new route with the Cursor as the destination. The previous route (if
exists) is deleted.
In the active route, uses the Cursor as a via point (an intermediate destination)
preceding the destination (available in Advanced mode only)
In the active route, uses the Cursor as the destination while keeping the
previous destination as a via point (available in Advanced mode only)
Shows the different routes calculated by the available routing methods.
Choose the one that suits your needs the best (available in Advanced mode
Marks the map with a Pin at the Cursor (available in Advanced mode only)
Saves the Cursor as a POI (available in Advanced mode only)
Saves the Cursor as a Road Safety Camera location (available in Advanced
mode only)
This button is not displayed when GPS position is not available or if you are in
certain countries where Road Safety Camera warning is prohibited. Even if the
button is available, you are responsible for checking whether it is legal to use
this feature at your location.
2.4 AZ291MA concepts
2.4.1 Smart Zoom
Smart Zoom provides much more than just a usual automatic zoom feature:
•While following a route calculated by AZ291MA: when approaching a turn, it will zoom in
and raise the view angle to let you easily recognize your maneuver at the next junction. If the
next turn is at a distance, it will zoom out and lower the view angle to be flat so you can see the
road in front of you.
•While driving without an active route in AZ291MA: Smart Zoom will zoom in if you drive
slowly and zoom out when you drive at high speed.
Enabling Smart Zoom
Tap the map to let the map control buttons appear, and then tap to enable Smart Zoom.
Fine-tuning Smart Zoom
Tap the map to let the map control buttons appear, and then tap and hold to open the Smart
Zoom Settings window. Modify the zoom limits of Smart Zoom if necessary.
2.4.2 Position markers Current GPS position and Lock-on-Road
When your GPS position is available, AZ291MA marks your current position with the icon on
the map.
The exact location of the position marker depends on the vehicle type used for route calculation. The
vehicle type can be selected in Route settings (page 72) or in the Quick Menu (page 61).
•If you choose pedestrian: The
icon shows your actual heading.
•If you choose any of the vehicles: The
heading. If roads are near, it is aligned to the nearest road to suppress GPS position errors,
and the direction of the icon is aligned to the direction of the road.
To use the current GPS position, tap
position as one of the following:
• a Favorite
• a Road Safety Camera
• a POI
• a map marker Pin
icon is at your exact GPS position. The direction of the
icon may not show your exact GPS position and
. The Position menu appears and you can save the GPS Returning to normal navigation
When GPS position is available, and you have moved the map (the icon is moving or is not
even visible), or you have rotated the map in 3D mode, the
map back to the GPS position and re-enable Track-up map orientation (automatic map rotation).
Even if you move the map while you are driving, AZ291MA continues navigating i
there is an active route: it plays the voice instructions and displays the turn preview
icons according to your current GPS position.
button appears. Tap it to move the
21 Selected location (Cursor)
If you select a location in the Find menu, or you tap the map when the map control buttons are visible,
the Cursor appears at the selected point on the map. AZ291MA displays the Cursor with a radiating
red dot (
When the Cursor is set, tap
the following:
• the start point of a route
• a via point in a route
• the destination of a route
You can also search for POIs around the Cursor.
Or you can save the location of the Cursor as:
• a Favorite
• a Road Safety Camera
• a POI
• a map marker Pin
) to make it visible at all zoom levels, even when it is in the background of a 3D map
. The Cursor menu appears and you can use the Cursor as one of Original position in the Cursor menu
When the Cursor menu is open, a special icon () shows the Cursor position the menu was
opened with.
You can move and zoom the map, and you can set the Cursor to a different place. The usual Cursor
) appears, and the buttons of the Cursor menu initiate actions for this new location.
To return to the original Cursor position, tap
Cursor menu was opened, and the
icon appears again.
. The map jumps back to the position with which the
2.4.3 Daytime and night color profiles
AZ291MA uses different color profiles during the day and during the night.
• Daytime colors are similar to paper road maps.
• The night color profiles use dark colors for large objects to keep the average brightness of the
screen low.
AZ291MA offers different daytime and night color profiles. It can also switch automatically between
the daytime and the night schemes based on the current time and GPS position a few minutes before
sunrise, when the sky has already turned bright, and a few minutes after sunset, before it becomes
2.4.4 Color scheme in tunnels
When entering a tunnel, the colors of the map change. All buildings disappear, large objects (such as
surface waters or forests) and empty areas between roads become black.
However, roads and streets keep their original colors from the daytime or night color scheme currently
After leaving the tunnel, the original colors return.
2.4.5 Route calculation and recalculation
AZ291MA calculates the route based on your preferences:
• Route calculation method:
• Fast
• Short
• Economical
• Easy
• Vehicle types :
• Car
• Taxi
• Bus
• Emergency vehicles
• Bicycle
• Pedestrian
• Road types
• Unpaved Roads
• Permit Needed
• Freeways
• Toll Roads
• Charge Roads
• Ferries
• Cross-border Planning
• Carpool (appears only when used in the USA)
AZ291MA automatically recalculates the route if you deviate from the proposed itinerary.
Depending on the type of the TMC event, AZ291MA also recalculates the route if a TMC event
concerns a part of the recommended route.
For further information about Route Planning options, see page 72.
2.4.6 Itinerary
The Itinerary is the list of the route events, that is, the driving instructions.
When you are on the Map screen, you can display the Itinerary in one of the following ways:
•Tap the area between the Turn preview and the Travel data fields where the symbol of the
second next maneuver is displayed (for example
•In Advanced mode, tap the following buttons:
You have the following options on the Itinerary screen:
, , .
Button Description
Any of the list items Opens the map with the selected maneuver in the middle.
Changes the detail level of the Itinerary. The levels are as follows:
When the map is open with a maneuver in the middle:
• Detailed Instructions: all intersections are listed
• Itinerary: only significant intersections (the ones announced in
voice guidance) are listed
•Road list: the list of the roads used while navigating the route
Moves between pages for additional list items.
Button Description
Zooms in the map.
Zooms out the map.
Moves the map to show the previous or next maneuver.
Opens a screen where you can avoid a part of the route starting from
the selected maneuver.
2.4.7 Track Logs
AZ291MA can log the track that you drive (page 44).
A Track Log is a recording of how your GPS position changed and it is independent of the route
AZ291MA calculated.
Track Logs can be recorded, renamed, replayed, shown on the map, exported to a memory card in
GPX format, and deleted. See page 67.
Independently of the normal track log, you can instruct AZ291MA to record the native GPS data
received from the GPS device. These logs are saved as separate text files on an inserted memory
card, and they cannot be shown or replayed in AZ291MA.
To turn on NMEA/SIRF log saving, tap the following buttons:
, , ,
2.4.8 Route demonstration
A simulation drives you through the route, following the driving instructions (page 43). You can
choose from a simulation at high speed or at normal driving speed.
You can use it, for example, to see which bridge AZ291MA planned for the route; if you do not want to
take that bridge, you can avoid it.
Route demonstrations can be started from the Route menu by tapping the
speed simulation) or the
(simulation at normal speed) button.
2.4.9 POI (Points of Interest)
A point of interest (POI) is a location that someone might find useful or interesting. AZ291MA is
delivered with thousands of POIs and you can also create your own POIs in the application.
POI locations are marked on the map with special icons. POI icons are quite large so you can easily
recognize the symbol. The icons are semi-transparent: they do not cover the streets and intersections
behind them.
POIs are grouped into several levels of categories and subcategories. The icon of a POI that comes
with the map shows the symbol of the POI category. If you save your own POI, you can select an icon
for it independently of the POI category you have put it in.
Saving POIs
To save a POI, place the Cursor () at the desired location, then tap the following buttons: ,
, .
Managing POIs
You can select which POI groups to show and which ones to hide on the map, and from which zoom
levels POI icons are visible. At the same place you can manage your saved POIs. A saved POI can
be renamed, moved to a different POI group, its icon can be changed, or a phone number and
additional information can be added to it. Tap the following buttons:
, , .
2.4.10 Road Safety Cameras
The location of a Road Safety Camera is a special POI. These cannot be searched like other POIs,
and there is a special proximity warning only for cameras.
Is PND shipped with a built-in database of Road Safety Cameras?
Can Road Safety Camera locations be uploaded in a text file?
Can you save the Cursor as the location of a Road Safety Camera? Yes
Saving Road Safety Cameras
To save the location of a Road Safety Camera, place the Cursor () at the desired location, then
tap the following buttons:
This button is not displayed when GPS position is not available or if you are in certain
countries where Road Safety Camera warning is prohibited. Even if the button is
available, you are responsible for checking whether it is legal to use this feature at you
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