Avitec CSFT1922 Users Manual

GSM-EDGE Repeaters
4.2 Install the Repeater
Instructions in the left column are fast track instructions and can be used by experienced users. Other users are recommended to read the complete text in this installation guide
4.2.1 Unpack the Repeater
Inspect the shipped material before unpacking the equipment, document any visual damage and report according to routines.
A delivery of a repeater from Avitec contains:
! Checklist with delivered items ! Repeater ! Wall mounting kit or rack mounting kit (defined in order) ! 4 bolts for attaching repeater to mounting kit ! Cable cover ! Keys to repeater and cable cover ! CD containing Product Description and User’s Manual ! Any other specifically ordered item
4.2.2 Mount the Repeater
Mount the repeater on a wall, on a pole or in a rack
Ensure proper ventilation
Mount the repeater in an accessible location and in a location that fulfils the environmental requirements.
The repeater can be mounted on the wall, on a pole or in a 19 inch rack. The Repeater is delivered with a wall mounting kit or a rack mounting kit.
The repeater needs to be mounted tightly to eliminate vibrations
Wall mounting kit Rack mounting kit
Mount the repeater so that heat can be dispersed from it. The repeater wall mounting
kit ensures an optimum airflow between the wall and the repeater itself. Do not block this air channel as it will cause the MTBF of the repeater to drop dramatically, or even in the worst case cause the repeater to fail completely.
If possible use a wall in the shadow to minimize the overall sun loading. If sufficient shielding cannot be obtained, an additional sun shield should be mounted.
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Example of a sun shield
4.2.3 Ensure Proper Grounding
Connect the grounding protection
Ensure that good grounding protection measures are taken to create a reliable repeater site. Make sure to use adequately dimensioned grounding cables. The minimum recommended conductive area for a grounding cable is 16mm
The antenna cabling should be connected to ground every 10m by a reliable grounding kit.
Make sure the grounding product used is suitable for the kind and size of cable being used.
Connect the repeater box bolt to the same ground.
Ground connector on repeater
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4.2.4 Ensure Good EMV Protection (Lightning)
If insufficient Electro magnetic Protection is provided,
or if EMV measures are not taken, warranties issued by Avitec are not valid.
Connect the lightning protection
The lightning hazard to electric and electronic equipment consists in the interferences of direct lightning current infections and high surge voltages induced by the electromagnetic field of nearby lightning channels or down conductors. Amplitudes from cloud-to-earth lightning amounts to several 10kA and may last longer than 2 ms. The damage caused depends on the energy involved and on the sensitivity of the electronics systems.
Ensure that lightning protection measures are taken to create a reliable repeater site. Protect all coaxial cables and power cables from the transients caused by lightning. Fit all cables with suitable lightning protection devices.
For detailed information please refer to IEC 61024-1 and 61312-1 for international standards for protection of information systems against LEMP, Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse, including radio transmitters. They define proper planning, installation and inspection of effective lightni ng protection systems.
The top of the mast must be higher than the antennas and be properly grounded
The grounding path must have reliable continuity and be correctly dimensioned
Primary Protective Devices
Equipotential Grounding Bars
Secondary Protective Devices
Protective Device
The Avitec repeaters comply with the EN standard ETS 301 498-8 which stipulates demands on lightning/surge protection for typical infrastructure telecom equipment installations.
Several lightning protection devices should be used in series with declining threshold voltages to help attenuate the pulse component which makes it through the first layer of protection.
The primary protective device is part of the site installation and is not supplied by Avitec. Coaxial lightning protection is normally one of these three types: Gas
230V AC/48V DC
capsule, High-pass and Bandpass.
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There also need to be a protective device installed on the power supply cord.
Protective device installed in connection with the power supply
4.2.5 Attach Antenna Cables
Note! Note!
Attach the antenna cables to the repeater antenna connections
For Frequency Translating Repeaters see also 4.2.8 Mount the Coupler For site installation advice and descriptions of antenna installation see 4.1 Prepare
the Site.
The connector to the directional coupler (frequency translating repeaters donor unit) is N-type female. Antenna connections are DIN 7/16” connectors, female.
Make sure that cables and connectors are compatible. Using cables and connectors from the same manufacturer is helpful.
Waterproof all outdoor connections
All connectors must be clean and dry Waterproof all outdoor connections using silicone, vulcanizable tape or other
suitable substance as moisture and dust can impair RF characteristics. Make sure enough room has been allocated for the bending radius of the cable. RF
cables must not be kinked, cut or damaged in any way Connect the RF cables to the antennas tightly but without damaging threads Fasten cables tight to cable ladder or aluminum sheet
Cable Dimensions
For short length of feeder cables use ½ “, for longer feeder cables use 7/8”. Chose thicker coax cables for lower attenuation. Minimize the length of the coax cables to reduce the attenuation
Jumper Cables
Use jumper cables for easy installation. The RF Coaxial cable can be substituted at each end with a jumper cable.
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4.2.6 Attach Fiber Cable
Un-terminated optical receptacles may emit laser radiation.
Do not stare into beam or view with optical instruments. Fiber Connector in the Repeater Casing
Select fibre Connect the fiber
cable Fiber Connector in the Opto Module
Select fibre Insert the fiber
into the repeater via the fitting
Attach the fiber to the connector in the Opto Module
Recommended fiber cable is single mode 9/125.
Connect the fibre directly to the FC/APC connector in the casing.
Note! Clean the fiber connector before it is connected to the Opto module, see
instruction below.
Note! This installation is only suitable for indoor use. The IP 65 classification of the
repeater casing is no longer valid.
Recommended fiber cable is single mode 9/125.
The casing of the repeater is equipped with a Pg connector for attachment of a
corrugated hose (NW 17 mm, outer diameter 21.2 mm). The hose, together with the Pg connector, meet the protection standard IP50.
Supplemented by O-rings, the protection standard IP67 is met.
Make sure the fiber is not too sharply bent. Put the excess fiber cable in soft bends
in the repeater. See illustration. Fasten the cable to make sure it is not damaged when the repeater lid is closed.
Note! Clean the fiber connector before it is connected to the Opto module, see
instruction below.
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Make necessary measurements
Mount the hose to the connector
Seal the hose Seal the hose according to the demands at hand. If the IP classification of the casing
Make necessary measurements to ensure a correct installation.
When the cable has been installed, the quality of the optical path should be checked for optical path loss and magnitude and location of any reflections. This can be done with an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). The total return loss should be > 45 dB.
Optical reflections can degrade the noise and linearity of a fiber optic link. In particular, reflections that reach the laser can be a problem. Keep all discrete reflections to > 60 dB. The FC/APC connectors are polished to a return loss >60 dB.
The casing of the repeater is equipped with a Pg connector for attachment of a
corrugated hose (NW 17 mm, outer diameter 21.2 mm). The hose, together with the Pg connector, meet the protection standard IP50. Supplemented by O-rings, the protection standard IP67 is met.
should be maintained O-rings should be used and both ends of the hose should be sealed with for instance silicon (free of acetic acid).
If necessary to access the repeater end of the hose, the power plinth can be loosened (two screws) and moved forward.
The repeater seen from the inside with the conduit marked by an arrow.
(No fiber is present in this illustration)
Cleaning Optical Connectors
Optical reflections from a discontinuity such as a poor connector interface appear on an RF spectrum analyzer trace as stable variations in the noise floor amplitude that are periodic with RF frequency. If the reflection is bad enough, it could impact the system performance. By far, the most common cause for a large discrete reflection is a dirty optical connector. A bit of dust or oil from a finger can easily interfere with, or block this light. Fortunately, it is very easy to clean the connector.
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Be sure to use the correct procedure for the given connector. When disconnected, cap the FC/APC connector to keep it clean and prevent scratching the tip of the ferrule.
Alternative 1 Swipe the tip of the ferule 2-3 times with a cotton
swab soaked in alcohol. Let it air dry.
Alternative 2 Use a product specially designed for the purpose.
4.2.7 Supply Power to the Repeater
The antenna cables must be connected to the repeater before mains power is switched on. Alternatively the
antenna connections on the repeater can be terminated with 50ohm termination plugs.
Connect the repeater to the power supply
Avitec repeaters can be fed by 110/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 48 VDC. Ensure that the
right voltage is used.
Mains power is connected to the repeater via a plinth inside the repeater.
The strain relief fitting is a Pg 13.5 suitable for a 6-12 mm cable diameter.
230VAC or 110 VAC
Connect the power cable to the plinth with the phase linked to the brown cable, neutral linked to the blue and ground to the yellow/green. See illustration below.
Strain Relief Fitting
Connection Plinth
48 VDC
Connect the power cable to the plinth with negative (-48V) to the uppermost connection and positive (0V) to the middle connection. Leave the lower connection
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empty. See illustration below.
-48V 0V
Strain Relief Fitting
Connection Plinth
Recommended cable areas for 48VDC
0 - 10 meters between repeater and power supply
10 – 50 meters between repeater and power supply
Over 50 meters between repeater and power supply
2,5 mm²
4 mm²
Recommendation is to reconfigure the installation, or to make special arrangements to increase cable area
Back-up battery
Requirements on 48 V power supply
The 48V power supply must comply with SELV requirements, as defined in EN60950, which implies double isolation. The output power needs to be 48VDC +25%/-15%.
For a 2 channel repeater the maximum input current is 8A, for a 4-channel repeater 16A.
In 4-channel repeaters there are two power supplies – one in each part of the box. Each power supply has its own power switch. Both need to be switched on.
Backup Battery
There is a back-up battery installed in connection with the power supply. If there is a power failure the battery will supply enough power for the Control Module in the repeater to send information about the power failure.
The backup battery can be switched on an off separately. The switch is placed adjacent to the mains power switch on the power supply.
In 4-channel repeaters there is a backup battery only in connection to the main power supply unit.
At delivery the back-up battery is connected. It can be replaced by lifting the battery pack out of the crate and disconnecting the cable.
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4.2.8 Mount the Coupler
When the coupler is connected the affected base station sector needs to be taken out of service. Turn the base
station off before detaching the cable to the base station cell antenna. It might shut down the whole network –
chose an off-peak time for this installation.
Mount the coupler
The Coupler is used only in connection with Frequency Translating Repeaters
The connection between the donor unit and the BTS is made using an Avi tec Coupler. The attenuation from the BTS to the repeater is -30 dB. The attenuation through the coupler from the BTS to the antenna is minimal.
Avitec Coupler
The coupler is connected in series with the BTS antenna. J1 and J2 are used for the connection of the coupler in-between the BTS and the cable to the BTS antenna.
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To Antenna
Link Ante nna
RF Coaxial cable
7/16 type connector, female
-30dB Coupler
7/16 type connector
N-type connector, female
7/16 type connector
N-type connector, female
Coupler connections
J3 or J4 is connected to the repeater donor unit depending on the orientation of the coupler. If J1 is connected to the BTS; J3 is used for connection with the repeater, if J2 is connected to the BTS; J4 is used for connection with the repeater. The connector not used (J3 or J4) must be sealed with a cap to prevent the ingression of dust and water.
! J1 and J2 are DIN 7/16 connectors, one male and one female ! J3 and J4 are N-type connectors, female
1. Disconnect the antenna from the base station
2. Decide whether to connect a filter in series with the antenna cable (between the
coupler and the antenna) to prevent any disturbances from the repeater to reach the antenna
3. Attach the coupler in-between the base station and the antenna cable. (J1 and
4. Attach the coupler connector closest to the base station to the repeater donor
antenna connector
5. Attach a cap to the connector closest to the antenna connection
6. Turn the base station back on and verify that it is operational.
7. Seal the coupler with rubber tape. Start on the base station antenna cable and
wrap to the base station port cable. Wrap in a circular motion downwards. Cover the coupler and its connecting parts completely. This will provide a weather resistant seal. Complete by adding three layers of PVC tape for UV protection.
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4.2.9 Connect External Alarms
Connect external alarms
If the repeater is equipped with an external alarm interface card the connector plinth for the external alarms is located at the bottom of the repeater.
The strain relief fitting in is a Pg 13.5 suitable for a 6-12 mm cable diameter. Connect the alarm cords to the plinth according to the pin layout below (in the
standard version pins 14 – 18 are not used).
Pin # Signal
1 External alarm 1A 2 External alarm 1B 3 External alarm 2A 4 External alarm 2B 5 External alarm 3A 6 External alarm 3B 7 External alarm 4A 8 External alarm 4B 9 Alarm +15V 10 Alarm 0V 11 Relay A 12 Relay B 13 GND 14 NC 15 NC 16 NC 17 NC 18 NC
External Alarm
Four external alarm sources can be connected to the repeater. These alarms operate on a voltage between 12 and 24VDC. The presence or absence of this voltage will trigger the alarm depending on how the alarm polarity has been configured via software.
The alarms can be configured active-low or active-high, so that the alarm is given either in the presence or absence of applied power. Active high means that an applied voltage of between 12 and 24 V will cause the external alarm indicator to turn red. Active low means that when there is no voltage the alarm indicator will turn red.
The repeater can supply +15 VDC to an external alarm source through pin 9 and 10. The maximum allowed load is 50mA.
The repeater contains a relay (pin 11 and 12) that can be connected to an external device to indicate an alarm. The relay can be configured to trigger on any number of internal and external alarms. The maximum current that can be supplied is 50mA.
For configuration of external alarms see section 4.4.4 Alarm Configuration.
4.2.10 Close Repeater
Close repeater Close lid and lock repeater, or continue with the next section: Start-up the Repeater
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4.3 Start-up the Repeater
Make sure the antenna cables or 50 ohm terminations are connected to the repeater’s antenna connectors
before the repeater is turned on.
Install the RMC Install the RMC software on a computer from a CD or a diskette. Connect to the LMT
Switch the repeater on
Open the repeater and connect the computer to the LMT port via a DB9 male connector with serial RS232 interface.
LMT port
The communication parameters are set automatically by the RMC. Switch the repeater on by using the power switches on the power supply.
Note! See caution above!
Power switches
There are two switches. One is for the battery and one is for the mains.
Note! Always switch on both switches when the repeater should be switched on.
Check power supply LEDs
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The power switch has two positions; “on” and “stand by”. In the stand by position the repeater is still connected to the mains power but not operational.
On 4-channel models both mains power supplies need to be switched on.
Power Supply LED
Check the LEDs on the Power unit and Control Module to ensure that normal operation conditions have been attained.
The power supply has 4 LEDs to indicate the status.
Mains Power
+6V +15V +28V
GSM-EDGE Repeaters
LED 1: Mains Power, green
Slow flash Power supply unit operating on AC or DC OFF Power supply unit not oper ating
LED 2: +6V, red
Slow flash (every 10 seconds) +6V power supply operating Quick flash +6V power supply not operating or
operating with malfunction
LED 3: +15V, red
Slow flash (every 10 seconds) +15V power supply operating Quick flash +15V power supply not operating or
operating with malfunction
LED 4: +28V, red Slow flash (every 10 seconds) +28V power supply operating Quick flash +28V power supply not operating or
operating with malfunction
Mains Power
Mains Power
Mains Power
+6V +15V +28V
+6V +15V +28V
+6V +15V +28V
LED 1 is flashing slowly, LED 2 – 4 are flashing slowly (once every 10 seconds)
=> power supply unit is operating without problem
LED 1 is flashing slowly, one or two of the red LEDs are flashing quickly
=> Mains power is operating but there is a problem with some of the other voltages
LED 1 is flashing slowly, all of the red LEDs are flashing quic kly
=> Mains power is out and unit is operating on backup battery
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Check Control Module LEDs
Control Module LED
The Control Module has 3 LEDs to indicate the status.
LED 1: green
OFF GSM Module switched OFF Permanent ON GSM Module Switched on, not registered on network Slow Flash GSM Module switched on, registered on network
(approximately 1 flash per second)
Quick flash Module switched on, registered on network, call
active (approximately 3 flashes per second)
LED 2: red
OFF Control Module switched OFF Slow Flash Control Module switched on, status OK (once every
10 seconds)
Quick flash Control Module switched on, one or more errors /
alarms detected (except door status)
Check optic module LEDs.
LED 3: blue
OFF Control Module switched OFF, or no one logged in Slow Flash Control Module switched on, nobody logged in
locally OK (once every 10 seconds)
Quick flas h Control Module switche d on, someone logged in
remotely or locally
Opto Module LED
On the optic module there are 4 green LEDs.
TEMP Local temperature in opto
module POWER Power to unit green light = power on OPTO TX Transmitted signal on fiber green light = OK OPTO RX Received signal on fiber green light = OK
green light = OK
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Start the RMC The RMC can be started from the Start menu (or by clicking on the RMC icon, if
made available).
Select “Cable” connection
Select communication port
Enter user name and password
These are the default settings:
User Name Password Authority
USERNAM1 PASSWRD1 read/write USERNAM2 PASSWRD2 read/write USERNAM3 PASSWRD3 read only USERNAM4 PASSWRD4 read only
The system does not differentiate between upper and lower case letters.
Do not use the number pad when entering numbers.
Failed login attempts are logged. Default maximum number is 8. It is
decremented by one every hour, which means that it takes one hour after the last failed attempt before a new try can be made.
4.3.1 Choose Work View
Choose “Console” mode, “Terminal” mode or “Firmware” mode
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Console mode
The console mode displays a large number of repeater parameters and contains a number of console pages. It adjusts its user interface to adapt to the features of the connected repeater.
Terminal mode
Firmware mode
The terminal mode is used for communication with the repeater using its native command line interface. This interface follows the VT100 standard. For some special actions and error tracing, this mode gives an enhanced availability of the repeater.
The firmware mode is used for monitoring the currently installed software and for uploading new software to the repeater.
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4.4 Configure the Repeater
The following pages will guide you through the configuration of Channel Selective repeaters as well as Frequency Translating repeaters utilizing the Repeater Maintenance Console (RMC) so ft ware.
Configuration of a repeater is made partially on site and partially remotely through the AEM. At site the RF parameters are set and verified, the repeater is given a name (a tag) and the remote communication is set and verified. All other configuration can, and should be made from the AEM.
4.4.1 Set up RF Configuration Channel Selective Re peaters
Ensure online communication with the repeater
This image will appear
Chain 1 Channel number
Attenuation Power level
Attenuation Power level
Select “Console” mode
Select “RF/Status” window
30 30
Saturation level
Set all power levels
Set “Power Level” in uplink and downlink to “OFF” in all chains
to “OFF”
In the “Power Level” menu the output power can be limited to a specific value or the output power can be switched off completely by choosing “OFF”.
Set all attenuation levels to a maximum
Set “Attenuation” to the maximum value in both chains uplink and downlink
(In a 4 channel repeater there are 4 chains).
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Choose the maximum attenuation value from the drop down menu, in this case 30dB.
Set channel numbers
Monitor the input power
Configure the downlink of Chain1
Set the channel numbers for all chains that are to be used in the installation. In this example the channel in Chain 1 is set to 23 and the channel in Chai n 2 is set to
Note! Chain 1 must a lways contain the BCCH.
Click on the RF Levels icon to monitor the RF levels.
RF Levels icon
Input powe r level in do wnlink chain 1 is -53 dBm
Input power in the downlink of Chain 1 is dependant on the signal from the serving Base Station, in this example it is -53 dBm
Set “Power Level” in Chain 1 downlink to the desired value, in this example
+37 dBm. This value can be based on a link budget, or be the maximum output the repeater can generate.
Adjust attenuation in the downlink
View the power meter in the top right corner of the screen. In this example the output power is +22 dBm.
Output power levelin downlink
+ 22
chain 1 is +22 dBm
Lower the attenuation level step by step until the desired output power level is
reached. In this example +37 dBm. Zero attenuation is the same as maximum gain.
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The attenuation is adjusted in this box
The desired power level is set in this box
Saturation leve l indicator
+ 37
The current output power level is displayed in this box
Note! The accuracy
of this measure is ±2dBm
Also use the saturation level indicator. The saturation level is indicated with plain text as well as with LEDs. The saturation level can be: Low (green), Ok (green), High (yellow) or Critical (red).
The optimal level is Ok, on the verge of High. To reach this value lower the attenuation step by step until the saturation reaches High. Then raise the attenuation one step. The saturation should now be back on Ok.
Note! Since the repeater has an ALC function (Automatic Level Control), the repeater
will not transmit more power even if the attenuation is lowered even more.
Configure the downlink of Chain 2
Configure the uplink of Chain 1 and 2
Apply the same Power Level and Attenuation in downlink Chain 2 as in downlink Chain 1.
The presence of the BCCH in Chain 1 will ensure stable power levels whereas downlink and uplink power levels in Chain 2 will be dependant on the amount of traffic. This will make Chain 2 appear unstable.
In a 4-channel repeater also configure the downlink of Chain 3 and Chain 4.
Note! All channels that are not to be used should always be switched off (set Power
Level to “OFF”.)
Set the Power Level for the uplink in Chain 1 and Chain 2 to the same value as for the
downlink, in this example +37dBm, or any other level decided in the link budget. Set the Attenuation 2dB higher than in the downlink. In this example 16dB (14dB +
2dB) In a 4-channel repeater also set the uplink for Chain 3 and Chain 4 Since the BTS is more sensitive than a mobile unit there may be less signal gain from
the mobile unit in to the BTS (UL) than in the opposite direction. The uplink attenuation can be adjusted more accurately later on, once the drive test signal measurements have been completed.
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Make an antenna
See 4.1.3 Antenna Isolation
isolation test Frequency Translating Repeaters
Start with the donor unit
The Single Donor (SD) and Double Donor (DD) units are configured in the same way.
Ensure online communication with
Select “Console” mode
the repeater
This image will
Select “RF/Status” window
Chain 1
Channel number Link channe l
23 4512
30 30
Link Ch
Link Ch
Uplink Attenuation Power Level
Attenuation Power Level
Saturation Status
Set all power levels to “OFF”
Set all attenuation levels to a maximum
Set “Power Level” in uplink and downlink to “OFF” in all chains
In the “Power Level” menu the output power can be limited to a specific value or the output power can be switched off completely by choosing “OFF”.
Set “Attenuation” to the maximum value in both chains uplink and downlink.
Choose the maximum attenuation value from the drop down menu, in this case 30dB.
Set channel numbers
Set the channel numbers for all chains that are to be used in the installation. In this example the channel in Chain 1 is set to 23 and the channel in Chai n 2 is set
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to 45.
Note! Chain 1 must a lways contain t he BCCH.
Set Link channel numbers
View the input power
Configure the downlink of Chain1
Set the Link channels to the desired values. In this example channel 12 in Chain 1
and channel 39 in Chain 2.
Click on the RF Levels icon to monitor the RF levels.
RF Levels icon
Input power level in downlink chain 1 is +13 dBm
+ 13
The input power in the downlink of Chain 1 is in this example approximately +13dBm (output power of the BTS -30dB from the coupler)
Set “Power Level” in Chain 1 downlink (the link) to the desired value, in this
example +37 dBm. This value can be based on a link budget and depends for instance on the distance to the remote unit.
View the power meter in the top right corner of the screen. In this example the output power is +22 dBm.
Output power lev elin downlink
+ 13
+ 22
chain 1 is +22 dBm
Adjust attenuation in the downlink
Lower the attenuation level step by step until the desired output power is reached. In
this example +37 dBm. Zero attenuation is the same as maximum gain
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Link Ch
+ 13
+ 37
The attenuation is adjusted in this box
The desired power level is set in this box
Saturation level indicator
The current output power level is displayed in th is b o x
Note! The accuracy
of this measure is ±2dBm
Also use the saturation level indicator. The saturation level is indicated with plain text as well as with LEDs. The saturation level can be: Low (green), Ok (green), High (yellow) or Critical (red).
The optimal level is Ok, on the verge of High. To reach this value lower the attenuation step by step until the saturation reaches High. Then raise the attenuation one step. The saturation should now be back on Ok.
Note! Since the repeater has an A LC function ( Automatic Leve l Control), the
repeater will not transmit more power even if you continue to lower the attenuation.
Configure the downlink of Chain2
Configure the uplink in Chain 1 and 2
Continue wit h the remote unit
Apply the same Power Level and Attenuation in downlink Chain 2 as in downlink Chain 1.
The presence of the BCCH in Chain 1 will ensure stable power levels whereas downlink and uplink power levels in Chain 2 will be dependant on the amount of traffic. This will make Chain 2 appear unstable.
Note! All channels that are not to be used should always be switched off. (Set Power
Level to “OFF”.)
Set the Power Level for the uplink to -10/-13/-15 dBm depending on the site design,
for instance the number of sectors in the BTS and the level of noise allowed. Set the Attenuation 2dB higher than in the downlink. In this example the attenuation
in the uplink is set to 16dB (14dB + 2dB= 16dB) Since the BTS is more sensitive than a mobile unit there may be less signal gain
from the mobile unit in to the BTS (UL) than in the opposite direction. The uplink attenuation can be adjusted more accurately later on once the drive test signal measurements have been completed.
The configuration of the Remote Unit is almost identical to the configuration of the Donor Unit apart from the gain and output power settings.
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Set all power levels to “OFF”
Set all Attenuation levels to a maximum
Set channel numbers Set link channel
numbers View the input
power in the downlink
See instruction for donor unit above
See instruction for donor unit above
Set the same channel numbers as for the donor unit. Set the same link channel numbers as for the donor unit.
Click on the RF Levels icon to monitor the RF levels.
RF Levels icon
Input power level in downlink Chain 1 is -65 dBm
The input power in the downlink of Chain 1 is in this example approximately
Note! The input signal level will vary between different repeater installations
depending on the distance between the Donor Unit and the Remote Unit and other parameters affecting the signal’s propagation.
Configure the downlink of Chain1
Adjust attenuation in the downlink
Configure the downlink of Chain2
Configure the uplink in Chain 1 and Chain 2
Set “Power Level” in Chain 1 downlink to the desired value, in this example
+43 dBm. This value can be based on a link budget, or be the maximum output the repeater can generate.
Lower the attenuation level step by step until the desired output power is reached. In
this example +43 dBm. See instruction for donor unit above
Apply the same Power Level and Attenuation in downlink Chain 2 as in downlink Chain 1.
The presence of the BCCH in Chain 1 will ensure stable power levels whereas downlink and uplink power levels in Chain 2 will be dependant on the amount of traffic. This will make Chain 2 appear unstable.
Note! All channels that are not to be used should always be switched off. (Set Power
Level to “off”.)
Set the Power Level in the uplink of both Chain 1 and 2 (the link) to +37 dBm (the
same as for downlink in the donor unit). Set the Attenuation 2dB higher than in the downlink.
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